This week’s video is something I think about a lot when it comes to spiritual work. In the olden days, we were taught to look to the leaders of our churches and temples to guide us. They were the ultimate authority (below God). That’s not necessarily the case any longer.

If you are on the psychic and/or spiritual path, it’s more important than ever to be careful about choosing people to be authority figures. We live in a world that values power and loves power struggles. Sadly, the spiritual world is not always a place of refuge for all who seek it.

When you are feeling a need for hope and reassurance, psychic readings and spiritual quests with gurus, shamans, and spiritual teachers can feel like the soothing miracle balm you need. But when you begin to blindly follow someone, it can get dangerous. Although spiritual, some gurus have huge egos and do not have your concerns at heart. I am not talking about a particular person or people here. I’m just speaking to the importance of not making anyone an idol.

Same goes for psychic and energy healing work! Don’t put your readers and healers on a pedestal. They are only human! If you hear a negative prediction or don’t like what you’re being told by a reader or healer, remember to trust your own judgement and inner guidance.

The most valuable spiritual experiences are those in which your very SOUL resonates with what is happening and you know you are clicked in to your own inner truth. This is so important that I made an entire video program about it. It’s called “Psychic Development: How to Read People.” When you develop the skill of reading people’s motives, drives, and intentions, you can operate from a grounded sense of peace and calm. You trust your impressions. Having this skill is priceless.

Have you ever had a reading that was so not in resonance with who you are? And have you, or do you know anyone, who has been involved with a spiritual guru and later discovered there was a dark side that nobody saw? Let’s not name names – that’s not what this is about – but it would be interesting to hear.

Thanks so much for reaching and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

I ponder the concept of fate and destiny quite a bit. When it comes to manifesting, we are always told that we as humans are SO powerful. That our minds create our realities. So why are we not always living the lives of our dreams?

The short answer? Fate and destiny! We all have karma. We are not necessarily here to be our best, happiest Instagram-worthy selves. We are here to learn and grow.

While contemplating this the other day, I was shown the image of life as a river. There are some big huge rocks in that river, representing fate and destiny. These are things you can’t change that will happen in your life no matter what.

As you go down that river heading towards fate, you can take a couple of different streams. Let’s say one stream is calm and happy. You relax, have a good time, and then get pushed out into that fate. It makes an epic big splash, but because you were pretty relaxed up to that point, it’s a shock, and it takes you some time to heal, but that’s a part of your path. There is a reason for this.

Let’s say you go down a different stream, one that’s exciting and stressful and hectic and sometimes fun. You head smack into that boulder of fate and WHAM! It throws you for a loop. It takes you a much longer time to heal, but that’s a part of your path, too.

Fate is always going to be there. It’s the choices you make along the path that give you some semblance of control.

One of the most important things we can control, the only thing we can control, when it comes to the things we can’t change, is our reaction to them.

Truly, one of the most profound and simple things to do when confronted by fate is to relax and allow grace to guide you.

We all have to deal with fate and destiny! It’s a part of life. But by monitoring how we feel, by being flexible, and shifting our mindset, we can thrive in the aftermath of these big things outside of our control.

Have you had things in your life that you KNEW were fate and destiny? How did you cope? How did it change you? Put it in the comments below if you are watching on YouTube.

Thank you so much for reading and watching. See you next time

I’ve made a few videos about when people visit you in your dreams. People love them, and have so many experiences to share. I’ve heard countless stories about departed loved ones visiting in the dream state, for example. These incidences are very, very real for the dreamer and provide much-needed comfort and closure.

Today I want to share something really interesting that happened to me in the dream state recently. I don’t remember the dream, but when I woke up, my friend Dominic’s name was on my mind. We’d planned to meet up, but then the winter lockdown in LA happened. Dominic is a shaman, energy healer, and massage therapist. He is wonderful.

I checked my email that morning, and get this – Dominic wrote to me! Not only that, but he said I visited him in his dream that night. I told him about all of this shoulder pain I have, and described a radiating pain all down my neck and spine.

What is nuts (and amazing) about this is that I’d tripped while running the other day and actually got whiplash. I am also re-habbing an injured shoulder with physical therapy.

So that dream WAS a dream visitation – and we made plans to meet and do a trade.

Isn’t all of this so interesting? I love it!

Have you had dreams like that? If so, please share in the comments below on YouTube. It’s so cool to hear about what you guys experiencing in the dream state, too.

Thanks for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time!

All the Best,


I have to be honest with you. I LOVE the tarot as a source of divination!

The images on the cards are so mysterious and beautiful. And you can get really accurate insight using them.

You have to be very careful when doing tarot card readings for yourself, though. Why is that?

Because the cards are actually quite influenceable! You use your hands to shuffle and draw the cards. When you’re in a tizzy or a very “needy” state, your powerful consciousness can inadvertently select cards that will tell you what you want to hear, and not the truth.

When I did tarot readings for clients ages ago, this phenomenon would reflect itself very clearly with people. If they were upset, they would pull cards that reflected their state of mind. I would always advise them to calm down, quiet their entire being, and then re-shuffle and pull the cards.

They would almost always reflect something very different — and more in line with the truth.

So next time you do a tarot reading for yourself, try the tips in the video above and let me know how it goes in the comments on YouTube!

Thank you so much for reading and watching. See you next time!

I have to confess, I LOVE watching fantastical and magical shows and movies. Series like Manifest, The OA, Ragnarok, and Shadow and Bone are my most recent Covid-era favorites.

A part of why I like this genre so much is that what the characters can actually do is not very far removed from what we humans are able to do. And what we WILL be able to do in a hundred years or more.

Some may scoff at this idea, but hear me out. In Marvel Comic’s Dr. Strange, the monks build up and move energy, open portals to other worlds, and fight evil. People now can build up and move energy, travel with their consciousness through unseen portals, and fight evil. So we’re already doing that!

In this series I’ve been watching called Ragnarok, one of the characters shape-shifts into a bird. Some actually can do that. It’s not as obvious as it is when it’s shown on film, but if you devote  enough time to shamanic journeying, you will likely develop the ability to shape-shift, if you wish to do so.

What is depicted in film, TV, and the cartoons my son watches is just a more visual version of what those of us into energy work are already doing. And if we keep at it, we will get to the level where we might actually visibly see portals to other worlds, or see energy with our regular eyes as it flows out of hands and hearts. Better yet, we might all accept that we are made of energy and that being psychic is very natural.

I believe writers and artists are definitely tapping into something much greater than ourselves, and that’s how these wonderful and exciting feats are woven into stories. It’s not all imagination; human consciousness is heading into a more expansive direction. And that’s exciting!

What is your favorite show or movie? Can you do things you’ve seen in movies? I want to know! Please put it in the comments on YouTube.

Thanks so much for reaching and watching, and I’ll see you next time!

This week’s video came as a recent request from Ebonee. It’s such an important topic, one we all likely wonder about at some point in another during our lives. In Western culture, a sort of apprehension surrounds death. However, it’s such a natural process that if we removed the fear element, we might see that it is in fact a very beautiful process.

In some cases, the soul goes straight into the epic light we have all heard about time and time again. In other cases, though, the spirit/soul stays on the earth plane a while. This is either because the spirit doesn’t know that the body is over, (confusion) or because it wants to hang around for a little bit.

It’s important to know that time is irrelevant in other realms outside of this dimension. A soul that doesn’t go straight into the light isn’t aware of the passage of time. At some point or another, a transition will take place, and the soul will move upwards and onwards.

I don’t have a map of the afterlife like a map of Disneyland, but it would be interesting to know all of what exists over there. I believe it could be so vast as to be incomprehensible to us in our human state of mind.

For the time being, we can put bits and pieces together, do our own astral traveling and cartography, and trust that no matter what happens, we will always be OK.

Have you or someone you love had a near-death experience? If so, please share them in the comments on YouTube!

Thanks so much for reaching and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

Have you met your power animal (or animals) yet?

When I sat down to make this video, the first thing that came to mind was all the power animal jokes that have been circulating in the past few years. You know, like “Sasquatch is my power animal” or “Baby Yoda is my spirit animal” or whatever.

The thing is, power animal medicine really is no joke.

There is a very deep and ancient primal life force that activates within us when we surrender to our power animals. The guidance they can provide is nothing short of miraculous. We connect with them best by meditating or lucid dreaming. They then start showing up in our everyday lives when we are not meditating, dreaming, or journeying.

If you are looking for a deeper way to connect spiritually, try finding and working with your power animal(s). Try the techniques I mention in the video above, and let me know how it goes in the comments on YouTube!

There are SO many different energy healing modalities out there right now. We all know Reiki. Then there’s Healing Touch, Therapeutic Touch, Pranic Healing, Reconnective Healing, Metatronia Healing, Vortex Healing, Emotion Code and Body Code, and so much more.

I have experienced and looked into all of these methods of healing, and I am telling you from firsthand experience that my favorite is Bengston. Why? Because it works. Not just in relaxing people and making them feel better for the moment. It produces measurable results that baffle Western doctors. No joke.

Of all the methods I listed above, Bengston is the ONLY one that has been studied. And proven. As a natural skeptic navigating these waters of energy healing for physical ailments (hello Covid), I am naturally more drawn to modalities that are proven.

And to make it even better, Bengston is a method of manifesting that is more powerful than anything I have ever experienced. I mean what could be better than that – living the life of your dreams while also helping to heal other people! OMG – AMAZING!

I’m back talking about my favorite energy healing method, which involves the most powerful technique for manifesting that I’ve yet experienced: Image Cycling.

William F. Bengston created the image cycling process, which is the engine that generates Bengston energy. The Bengston energy healing method has been proven to cure cancer in multiple controlled laboratory studies. It’s also effective on a whole host of other physical ailments. In short, it works.

Image cycling involves making a list of at least 20 things or experiences you want, and then getting really clear on what those 20 things look and feel like. Once that’s complete, you flow the images in your brain, and that generates the energy.

What makes Bengston so cool is a twofold process. Image cycling alone is an incredible tool for self-growth and self-knowledge. It’s not like a vision board, where you cut out pictures and stick them up there to look at indefinitely. Those of us who cycle are constantly changing, updating, and modifying our lists. Several times a year, we throw out our old lists and make new ones. We are constantly getting the things we put on our list.

One of the most wonderful thing about Bengston is that there’s a global community of practitioners. We cheer each other on and share stories of our successes and frustrations. Sometimes we don’t get things on our list. When that happens, we either take them off briefly, tweak what it is we are asking for, or just take a deep breath and surrender to divine timing. It’s a wonderful way to take stock and direct our lives in a flexible, flowing way.

For more info on Bengston, visit

This week I’ve got a secret ingredient for you that will amp up your manifestation process. Want to know what it is?


When you charge up your dreams and goals with the feeling that your manifestations will bring you, it makes the process so much more powerful. Emotions are really strong vibrations! They can magnetize things in, and push them away. The excitement behind your expectation of getting something or doing something you want is the key that brings it all in.

Whether you have a vision board, a manifestation journal, or several goals you are working towards, try experiencing what it will feel like to have that. And then every time you think of it, bring up the emotion. It works!

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