One of the biggest myths that confuses people about energy work and energy healing is its connection to spirituality. Many believe that anything having to do with psychic-ness and energy healing is also innately spiritual.

While one could argue that everything is spiritual, as we are spirits having an earthly experience, one doesn’t necessarily even have to believe in God for energy healing to work.

There are certain aspects of energy work that can be spiritual, absolutely! But just working with energy itself, whether it’s Reiki, Theta healing, Bengston, or any other energy modality, does not have to be spiritual in order for the healing to work.

I love the Bengston method and talk about it a lot in other videos. Bill Bengston, who created the modality, is adamant that belief has nothing to do with healing success. He says his energy technique is not holy, nor is it about “spirit.” It’s simply energy. It’s a resource, like gas, or wind, or solar power.

What confuses many, I think, is that the actual reason energy healing works seems unknown. So when it works, that seems miraculous. Humans have always attributed miracles to Higher Power until science proves otherwise.

And on the flip side, you really CAN connect to Source/Spirit/Higher Power with psychic and energy healing work. I do, and I love it, because it is something my spirit really longs for and loves. I can’t even put into words how incredible that connection is.

I have a library of guided meditations on my website. Some of them are channeled energy healings, where you can really feel the divine presence. Others, like my Psychic Setup Toolkit Meditation, are simply energy – you’re just running energy through your body. Both have their purposes, and both work.

What are your thoughts on this? Thanks for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

This week’s video and message is short and sweet, but so important! It’s about following your dreams and living life doing the things you love to do.

I was in a group of healers the other day, and someone I admire and respect was talking about returning to flying helicopters again. He is an energy healing practitioner now (one of the best) but he used to be a commercial pilot.

He said he wanted to do the things he loves, to live with no regrets, so that when his time comes to leave this life on earth, he would have left knowing he had made the most of it.

That inspired me to make this video! If you have the choice to do something you think you’d love, just do it! That way you won’t regret not doing it at the end of your life. And you’ll (hopefully) have fun while you’re doing it.

This is easier said than done in many cases. A lot of us have blocks that hold us back from doing things we love. In some cases it’s just not a possibility. In other cases, we don’t even know what we would love to do. So we just keep doing the same old thing.

Many people grew up in families that didn’t support big dreams. Or dreaming at all. Some of us can only focus on survival for years and even decades. The good news is, with energy and healing work, these circumstances can be shifted/dissolved and new circumstances and opportunities can open up. It is possible to create positive change.

If there is something you want to learn, to do, to be, anything!, if you have the opportunity to do it, do it. Or make it a dream. No regrets.

What are your thoughts on this? Are there things you really want to do that you are working your way up to do it? Is there something you always wanted to do, that you did or are doing now? Put it in the comments on YouTube!

Thanks for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

Today’s video came in as a request from a viewer. She asked for more information on how to activate your clairaudience when you are more naturally clairvoyant.

I was thrilled to get this question! It took me a long time to activate my clairaudience. I’m really clairvoyant, but I had a hard time with opening that clairaudient door. Over time, I was finally able to do it. And here are some vital tips to help you get started.

3 Tips for Activating Your Clairaudience:

1. Get comfortable with the idea of hearing voices in your head!

This was a tough one for me! Hearing voices in your head is scary! It’s a telltale sign of mental instability. So I was really not OK with some unseen beings chattering inside my brain. If this is something that is holding you back, know that it can be overcome with patience and practice. Maintaining a pure and high vibration, and being adamant that you will only communicate with good, light-filled, high-level guides is KEY.

2. Meditate!

Mediation opens the door to all things psychic. It gives you a chance to quiet your mind and alter your brain waves. This creates space for clairaudient guidance to come through. Because the guides don’t want to freak you out, the guidance will be subtle at first. So if your mind is still, you’ll be able to hear it more clearly.

3. Ask, and then LISTEN.

This might sound like common sense, but I had to include it because it’s so important. If you are ADAMANT that you want to hear your guides, and you ask questions and listen, eventually you will have a breakthrough. If you’re anything like me, it will kind of go like this. At first you will hear nothing. Then you will hear yourself talking back to you. Then, finally, you will hear the guides talking to you. This could take days, weeks, months, or even years to unfold. But the effort does pay off.

Pro Tip:

When the guides start to talk to you, they won’t be loud. Their messages will also be short and succinct. They don’t want to scare you! It will likely sound like a voice in your head. Some people do hear external voices just outside their ear from time to time.

You might get a headache, pressure around the ears, a tickle, or the sense of a feather around your ear. These are all signs that you are experiencing a shift in your vibration and getting closer to hearing clairaudient messages!

Thanks so much for reading and watching. If you have an experience with how you activated your psychic abilities, please put it in the comments on YouTube!

Do you remember the last time you experienced precognition? It can be so subtle that it’s easy to ignore. Unless you keep a sharp eye out and pay close attention.

Recently 3 powerful examples of precognition came across my radar and I just had to share with you! It’s more fun if you watch me tell the stories in the video above. But here’s a brief summary:

1. How I had a powerful flash about losing my gym key card – and then lost (and found it again) that same morning
2. How my friend thought about sharks and then saw one while swimming in the ocean shortly thereafter
3. How that same friend warned her teenage son to buckle up – and then there was a car accident that evening

Precognition is a very natural protective sense that we all have. It’s like an animal instinct, and we are animals.

If you’d like to sharpen your precognitive skills, set an intention, and then PAY ATTENTION! Keep a journal and write down the insights you have. This will signal to your subconscious that you’re serious about developing this innate talent, and it will absolutely start working for you more often.

Have you had a precognitive flash that came to pass? Share it in the comments!

Thanks so much for reaching and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

This week’s video topic is short and sweet, but important. Especially in this era of social media, where most people are conditioned to share the highlights of their life. We see all the good and little (if any) of the negative, which can cause us to believe other people are not suffering and/or lead more charmed lives than we do.

The thing is, everyone has either suffered, is suffering, or will suffer at some point or another in their life. I’m not saying this to paint a dark picture!

It’s true.

We are ALL here to learn and grow. And no matter how good people make you think their life looks, there is always something they struggle with. Every. Single. Person.

It’s important to realize that people are adept at protecting their private lives. So when we see perfection from the outside, we have to remind ourselves not to get stuck in the “They have it all and I don’t” paradigm.

If those feelings arise, a good practice is to focus on what you do have. On your innate talents and traits and the things you have accomplished. If life has been hard, it’s only made you stronger. More adaptable. You’ve overcome hardships and learned valuable lessons. Sometimes the challenges we face are spiritual tests that enable us to grow in ways we can’t really understand here on the earth plane.

What are your thoughts on this? Have you thought someone had it all and later discovered they were going through challenges you were not aware of? Put it in the comments!

Thanks so much for reaching and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

As you know, I’ve been talking about psychic development & spiritual and personal growth for a while now. What I haven’t made a video on yet, though, is the iChing. The iChing is an ancient Chinese oracle that I have been using for my own personal guidance for the past few years.

The iChing is a guidebook for life. It helps you to get into the right frame of mind, and it educates participants on how to live in harmony with THE WAY. Every answer you receive from the iChing helps you understand what an enlightened and evolved person would do in any given situation.

When you work with the iChing, it’s as if you are working with an intelligent life form. You ask, and SOMEONE answers. Sometimes more than one!

I have a couple of psychic friends who read the iChing. One of these friends published a book about it that I’d love to make a video on to share with you guys! We joke about how we can get frustrated with the answers we receive, and sometimes get into arguments with it. Then we work through it til we finally understand. The iChing can have an attitude at times. And at other times, it’s as if a wise yoda is speaking to you.

To get an understanding of the oracle, you have to go with the way the energy flows through and around the answers you receive. Eventually, you develop a relationship with it.

There are many books that interpret the iChing. My friend’s is an exciting new one I really love and appreciate. Another one that I love (that she referred to me!) is Total iChing by Stephen Karcher. Other books can be a tad confusing in their translation of the original Chinese text. Or it could just be that interpretations of the original Chinese text can be hard to understand for those of us in this century. In any event, Karcher’s book is rich with beautiful magical imagery and references to ancient Chinese culture. Karcher is also very warm and reassuring.

For beginners, the iChing can be maddening! It’s not a magic 8 ball with a Yes, No, or Maybe. But if you get into studying it, it can really help you direct the course of your life.

Do you read the iChing? What are your favorite texts? Put it in the comments on YouTube!

Thank you so much for reading and watching. See you next time!

Today’s video is about relationships, and getting someone off your mind. The topic is so prevalent that I actually created a course for women to help heal the issue; it’s called Get Him Off Your Mind in 28 Days.

In order to heal this issue, you really want to get to the genesis of it. This means that at some point, you have to stop, step back, and ask yourself if this has happened before. If not, great! If it has happened before, though, it would be really helpful for you to investigate why it’s happening again. This is not fun to do, but it’s important if you want the pattern to stop.

The process of looking back can be painful and uncomfortable. But getting to the root cause of why you are attracting people or dynamics that bring you deep unhappiness and sorrow is a great way to stop it from happening again.

Everyone is different, but oftentimes you’ll find the root cause started in childhood. Perhaps your parents had a tumultuous or unhappy relationship. Or someone was cruel to you in your family or at school. It could have originated in a past life, or in your first marriage. The fact is, it happened somewhere. And the minute you figure out something’s off and it’s triggering a pattern, you’re well on your way to healing it.

Once you have an idea about the source of the problem, the healing work can begin. You can work with a therapist, do SFT, EFT, hypnosis, your own meditations, or work with an energy healer.

And you can absolutely clear this energy and heal that pattern so it no longer repeats. That will be fun! You can finally break free of painful repetitive cycles and allow yourself to attract the kind of people who resonate with you harmoniously. People with whom you can create a beautiful life.

For more info on the Get Him off Your Mind Program, click here. And remember, if you are in this, you are SO not alone!

The other day I revisited my Albano-Waite tarot deck after a loooong break. I used to use these cards often, but have been studying the iChing instead of cards more intensely for the past few years.

I got out my favorite deck, purchased in a beautiful little fairytale village in the Loire Valley in France, and did a reading. The read was off and the cards felt heavy. I didn’t resonate with what they were saying.

So I switched to my other version of the same deck – shiny and newer. Same cards. And the cards felt light and happy and the reading was accurate.

Have you ever noticed this happening with your tarot and oracle cards? After a lot of use, cards can get heavy with energy and become super flat and un-magical.

There’s an easy solution, though – cleansing them. It takes a while, but basically, you can envision each card surrounded by white light, and then purify each card with sage, palo santo, frankincense and copal, or any other purifying smoke you like.  You can even set the cards outside under clear quartz crystals in sunlight or moonlight! Just don’t let them sit in the sun too long or get wet at night.

Next time your cards feel off, try this – and let me know how it goes!

This week’s topic is an important one, especially as we are moving into an era where the fields of psychic work and energy healing are being discussed more openly and freely.

There are approaches that will make psychic and energy work flow more powerfully than you could ever believe. And there are also approaches that will SHUT IT DOWN.

Wonder what those are? Pretty simple:

Fear and embarrassment.

When you’re afraid to get a reading, or afraid to give a reading, that fear creates a huge block and interrupts the flow. As a reader/healer, you might not even get any intel because you’re afraid! As a recipient who fears getting a reading, you’ll likely doubt and mistrust the energy and information coming through and not be able to accept what is coming through. Same goes for embarrassment. If you’re embarrassed, you’re creating a situation that is not positive. And that, of course, blocks the flow.

Feeling open-minded, in a state of love, wonder, and appreciation — all of this will actually make readings and energy work 10 times more effective. We are energy beings, after all, so our attitudes have a very strong impact on our experience in this field of work.

Have you ever noticed that things don’t flow well (whether you are giving readings and energy healings, or receiving them) when the other person is afraid or embarrassed? Share with us in the comments on YouTube!

Thanks for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

Today’s video came as a request from a viewer who is looking for more information on channeling.

When I first started learning how to be psychic/clairvoyant and all of that, I had a sense of spirit guides being around. It was kind of fuzzy at the time but I felt their presence. Psychic friends would see the same energy. Eventually, these guides started to pitch in during readings and offer pretty amazing advice.

I never, however, expected to be channeling. Channeling made me think of Jane Roberts and Seth. Jane would let Seth take over her body and speak through her. Her whole face would actually change when he came through. No thanks!

Then one day during a trip to Mt. Shasta, everything changed. There must have been a major cosmic event, because my psychic senses blasted wide open and the channeling just started happening. I had a headache on the right side of my head, which is where higher guidance comes through for me.

I came home and just mediated and listened when the headaches began. They would subside when I started writing what I heard. I wrote down everything that came through. And then I told my aunt, who sent me the book Opening to Channel by Sanaya Roman. It’s actually a channeled book that teaches you how to channel, and it’s amazing.

There really is no limit to what you can channel. Right now I am channeling personal advice and spiritual guidance from the ascended masters, angels and saints. In fact, they gave me an entire set of channeled energy healings for you to enjoy – click here to see.

Other people are channeling beings from way way out there, we don’t even know where, and getting the most incredible insights. These beings are so beyond our limited human capacity that it’s a trip to hear what they have to say. You can do that too!

Have you begun channeling? Does someone you know channel? Let’s demystify this. Share it in the comments on YouTube. It’s so important that we talk about these things to de-mystify them!

Thanks for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

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