When we are consulting intuitively, or with cards or another divination tool, the question plays a huge part in determining the info that comes through. Whether we’re getting a reading from someone else, or we’re learning to do readings for others, the questions we ask are critical!

Here are the types of questions that don’t help:

  • Vague
  • Too open-ended
  • Q’s that are like “should I do this” or “should I do that”

And here are the types of questions that are better:

  • Laser-specific
  • Clear and concise
  • Q’s that are like “Will I be happy, safe, etc. if I do XYZ” or “Is it in my best interest to…”

Questions that are vague get results and answers that are vague.

The Caveat

Of course, there’s a flip side to all of this. With the questions that are so laser-specific, we’re taking a risk and assuming the conditions we are asking about are going to remain the same. We are only able to see things from a limited perspective, the scope of life as we know it here and now.

The thing is, things can change. The seemingly impossible can become possible – and quickly, at that. By only asking within the framework of what we know, we are also limiting our understanding of the possibilities as far as answers/outcomes are concerned.

From No Job to the Perfect Job 

Here’s a classic example of that. A long time ago, while I was learning to do readings, I was unemployed. I didn’t want another marketing job, and I simply didn’t know how to get work doing readings. I asked an intuitive about it, and she told me to try and find legit work doing readings. She said doors would open, and something good was going to happen. At the time I had NO IDEA what she was talking about. There wasn’t a single place around where I could work doing readings. But sure enough, a place actually just opened up a month or so later, and they hired me to do professional readings and teach classes there!

It was amazing how that happened. At the time I was asking, I simply could not see it. Now I understand.

Just hold that concept in your mind while you are getting a reading, while you’re doing one for someone else, or asking for yourself. Be clear, but be open to the unexpected, and do not be afraid of it! The universe, and God, truly does work in mysterious ways.

I know from experience the more you ask and work with your intuition, the more the aperture opens and you understand about the ebbs and flows and cycles of your own path in life. It’s pretty incredible. And it helps to guide you in so many ways.

Thanks so much for reading and watching!


Have you ever had a friend get a reading from someone and call you, all excited, to talk about it? This happens to me a lot! A couple of times, though, the excitement gave me pause. The first was a male friend who was told by an intuitive that he’d meet the love of his life and get married the next year. The second was a friend who was told by an astrologer that her business would blow up that September and she’d finally have the success she’s been striving for.

Beware of Predictions! 

Sadly, neither of those two predicted events happened. And they have yet to occur. When my friends told me to get a reading ASAP, I hesitated, remembering that a prediction is never proven until it actually happens. I decided to wait and see in both cases. And I’m glad I did.

False Hope

False hope is terrible. And that is exactly what can happen with time frame-based predictions. We get all excited, certain that this wonderful thing is going to happen at just the right time. And then it doesn’t.


Many of the most famous, world-renowned predictive astrologers did not see the Coronavirus in advance. And an esteemed Remote Viewer didn’t even see it in a book of predictions she made for the year 2020!

At times, we get blindsided, and things we think are going to happen don’t. And things we don’t expect to happen, do.

Beware of predictive work!

If you are looking for predictive astrology, or predictive intuitive work, be careful, and fully vet the person who is doing it. Even if they are known for making predictions, they can be off about the timing, or even the definitiveness of something happening.

Divination is better as a guidance tool

I wish I knew why predictions don’t happen. However, the uncertainty of predictions makes me all the more certain that divination is better used as a guidance tool. The iChing, which is a guidebook for life, gives you a sense of right action and improper action, good and bad omens, etc. I love using it that way, because it’s like a co-creative partner in life.

The book The Secret, and many people who teach manifesting, condition us to believe that we have complete control over our lives and that we have every right to get what we want, when we want it. Life does not always work out that way, though, and over a decade of doing readings has made that all the more obvious to me. I am certain that fate and destiny play a hand in our lives, plain and simple.

On that note, be careful who and what you believe when getting predictions. Sometimes they come true, and sometimes they don’t.

Thanks so much for reading and watching!

This week I have a fun experiment you can try at home with water…and that’s charging it up with energy!

Water is very influenceable and very reactive, so you can easily charge it. It will change according to the energy you’re giving it – both positively and negatively.

Masaru Emoto

I first learned about charging water from Masaru Emoto, a Japanese author who wrote a book called Messages from Water. In the book, he discusses how water crystals change under different circumstances. Polluted water crystals create unattractive crystal formations, while fresh, clear water from mountain streams create beautifully formed crystal structures.

It’s very easy to study water as it pertains to energy work. You can just look at the molecular structure under a microscope. Next, you charge that water with energy, and then look at the structure under a microscope again to see how it changes.

Try this at Home!

All you have to do to try this at home is to get some water in a container. Hold it, and then imagine you are infusing it with light. Give it positive messages. Tell it it’s beautiful, and wonderful, and that you love it. Give it gratitude for being here for you. Then drink it, and see how you feel! You can also give some to your plants, and see how they grow and how things change.

Just experiment, take note of what you see, and be open!

Super Charged Water

If you’re really into energy work, you can also charge the water with your preferred treatment. You can charge it with Reiki, or Theta energy, or with Bengston, which is one of my favorite energy healing modalities. I love the Bengston method because Bill Bengston studied it in rigorously controlled scientific experiments, and it’s been scientifically proven to work! And while it’s not easy to learn, the results are beyond worth it. He advocates charging water, as well as cotton. Both can take a charge and hold it. When I really pause and take a minute to think about this…it’s just incredible.

There so much we can do with energy…and charging water is a great place to start!

Thanks so much for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

This week’s topic is about romantic relationships, and how certain relationships bring our shadow side to the forefront so that we can heal that part of ourselves. A friend asked me to talk about it, after having an experience that was exactly like this.

Earth School

One of the most important reasons we are here on this planet is to learn and grow. To make mistakes and learn from them, and to forgive ourselves and others. Ultimately, from a karmic standpoint, we are here to evolve into a state of pure, calm, unconditional love and freedom from the wheel of life.

Romance = Earth School 101

An ideal playing field for this is our romantic relationships. In many cases, another person will reflect back to us the parts that need healing, like an unsettling funhouse mirror. Contrary to the name, this kind of mirror is not fun at all. However, it’s a really helpful way to bring things that are holding us back, into the light.

If we can look at the issues the other person triggers with a healthy dose of curiosity, we can make a lot of progress. The question-asking process is so helpful in this. Questions like “What am I meant to learn from this?” and “Why did that happen?” and, most importantly, “Why does this KEEP happening?” are the best ones to ask.

Patterns are NOT Doomed to Repeat

The moment you see there is a pattern repeating itself, you’re halfway there to breaking it. You’re not doomed to keep continuing the same thing over and over again for the rest of your life. How boring would that be?

A lot of the healing process is about introspection, either on your own, or with a therapist or energy healer or intuitive. The ultimate concept to work in is to see yourself as a mirrored magnet, and realize that you’re magnetizing in certain people and situations that reflect to you how you feel about yourself. If you come to a place of loving yourself thoroughly and completely, you’ll likely bring in people who reflect that to you.

The beautiful thing about this is that it’s a fluid process. There will always be new changes and new situations to focus on, which provide new opportunities for greater growth and deeper understandings of our meaning and purpose in the world.

Phew! A somewhat heavy topic…but I hope this makes sense and helps.

Thanks so much for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

This week I’m answering a request that came from someone who asked if I think we are more psychic during times when we are really depressed, vs. times when we’re not. She had gone through a horrible bout of depression. And she noticed her psychic abilities were really amplified during that time. She reflected on other times in her life when her depression was bad, and realized she had been more psychic then, too. She is much better now, and still working on her psychic skill set, which is great.

I thought that was an amazing question. We are all familiar with stories of extreme stress and peril activating amazing abilities. And we’ve all heard stories about those people who have near death experiences coming back with stronger psychic powers. But does being depressed make psychic abilities stronger?

Reflecting back on my own psychic development journey, I actively trained and meditated every single day. I really made it a priority above other activities, no matter where I was emotionally. So there weren’t a lot of days when I wasn’t trying to be in psychic mode at some point. Some days I was more psychic than others, which I have attributed more to universal energies than anything else.

However, in the times when I’ve struggled deeply, I’ve spent much more time in prayer. I’m talking about the times when you are in such a challenging place that all you can do is pray and beg for help and ask for signs and miracles. During those times, I absolutely did feel more of a connection to my guides and angels. I asked, and they answered. They gave me hope and the strength to keep on going.

When your life is great and everything is fine, you are typically very busy running around doing this or that, socializing with people, and having fun. It doesn’t give you much time or space for that quiet intuitive voice to speak up. When you are down, however, you tend to be more withdrawn, and searching for answers. You’re not so actively involved in the world. And that, for what it’s worth, will absolutely amplify your psychic abilities.

I hope that makes sense!

Thanks so much for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

I watched a video recently that got me thinking. In the video, a woman gave a review of a reading she had received. She was adamant that the reader was tuning in to a dark entity for guidance instead of a high-level guide, because of the dubious (and somewhat dangerous) advice she was given.

It made me genuinely wonder…how do you know, without a doubt, that you are connecting to and working with a legitimate guide who is in the light, and not a trickster spirit or a demon?

This is challenging territory to get into, because so many non-believers are all too eager to say that psychic work is the work of the devil and leads one to dabble in the darkness.

Psychic Work can be Dangerous!

And to a degree, it’s true. There are some inherent problems with doing psychic work. You can run into very scary issues! There is a definite potential of working with someone who might present as a “love and light” guide, but in reality is a disembodied spirit or trickster in disguise. However, if you keep your integrity strong and maintain a high level of purity, and are 100 million percent committed to working in the light, you will be protected.

Two Types of Psychic Work: Spiritual and Non-Spiritual 

I’ve said this before, but it bears repeating. There are two types of psychic work: the spiritual and the non-spiritual. Remote viewing is a non-spiritual type of psychic work. In remote viewing, you are following a strict set of protocols that help you access a deeper level of your mental capabilities. You then use your consciousness to probe targets at different locations. You’re like a human satellite. There are no guides, no talk of past lives or karma or soulmates: just pure remote viewing.

You can also be psychic and be spiritual, traveling to higher realms, visiting with ascended masters, angels, and other light beings. You can learn things of an energetic and spiritual nature, like how the multiverse functions and how to heal, grow, and evolve.

To Connect with a High-Level Guide, do this:

In order to connect with a high-level guide, start every session with a heartfelt prayer to your spiritual deity of choice. I believe that all religions should be respected. They all have a beauty to them. If Christ comforts you, say a prayer to Christ, and intend to get on that wavelength of Christ consciousness. If you’re Buddhist, connect to Buddha. If you’re Muslim, connect to Mohammad. You’ll be safe and protected in their light. There are so many beautiful deities that are able to assist.  If you align with that high-level consciousness and ask that light and love to come into your life, you will be guided and protected.

If you don’t follow those measures, and you’re flying around the astral plane just exploring, you could very well get influenced by an earthbound spirit or dark entity that will advise you to do things that may not be in your best interest. The equivalent to this is playing with a Ouija Board to see who comes through. If you’re curious, great – but beware! I’ve been doing this work for over 10 years now and I can adamantly state that I don’t want to see who comes though!! No thanks!

A Pro Tip

In all of my years doing clairvoyant readings, I discovered something pretty interesting. If you can see clairvoyantly, know that a high level guide will never show you eyes. If you see eyes looking at you, that is not a high level being. It’s a spirit or beastie. High-level beings appear as light and color.

If you are interested in learning more, and connecting to your own spirit guides, I created a Meet and Work with Spirit Guides Mp3 Audio workshop and a guided meditation to help you do just that. These methods are the same ones I used to connect with my guides, and they’re very effective.

Thanks so much for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!


Of all the concepts and ideas in the intuitive realm, I love the subject of past lives and reincarnation the MOST. The idea that we’ve lived before and will live again is just so intriguing! There are so many variations to explore. The possibilities are endless.

Past Life Trauma

One of the not-so-fun facts about reincarnation is that you can bring the reverberations of extreme trauma from a past life into your present incarnation. Brian Weiss discussed this in his famous book, Many Lives, Many Masters. One of his patients, who had a debilitating phobia of drowning, discovered a past life where she had drowned. After she re-lived the experience under hypnotic regression, the phobia went away, and she was cured.

I’ve read about this in other books as well, the notion that trauma can imprint on the soul. Many past life researchers attest to the fact that birthmarks on the physical body are actually physical wounds from past lives. Do you have any interesting birthmarks that could be past life scars?

A past life story I’ll never forget belongs to a client who grew up in a wonderful home with loving, kind parents. She had a great childhood, but she’d felt this intense sense of sorrow ever since she could remember. While other kids were drawing pictures of the sun and trees, she drew an image of a man in a prison cell over and over again. It came up in a past life session we did together that she had, in fact, been a man imprisoned in a past life, and had lost her entire life and family. Having this information gave her a lot of insight and helped her to heal on a very deep level.

There’s Hope!

While the idea that the soul can be traumatized is not a great one, the fact that past life trauma can be healed is very encouraging. If you feel like something is off in your life, and you can’t quite put your finger on it, the solution could very well lie in your past lives. Pulling the experience out of the deep waters of the subconscious and into the light of day can help purge it for good.

That’s all for this video!

Thanks so much for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

Today I’m sharing a fun little exercise you can do with energy. I’ve made other videos in the past about using your hands to practice psychometry, and this is along those lines.

We all have little chakras in the palms of our hands that generate energy. To really feel that energy, all you have to do is rub your hands together really quickly for 30 seconds to a minute.

Next, pull the palms of your hands apart, and then very slowwwwly bring them closer together. You should feel a cushion of energy that makes it hard to just clap your hands together. Kids love this part!

To make an energy ball, pat that cushion together and shape it into an imaginary ball. You can infuse it with a color, an intention, or anything positive that you would like to fill it with.

Then bring it into your own body — your solar plexus or heart centers would be a nice place to put it. Or you can press the energy into another person, plant, or pet.

This is a really fun and easy way to sense energy, and it works. Play around with it and see how you feel!

Thanks so much for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

A viewer requested that I talk about Source and the higher self, so here goes.

The Source

I believe that God, or Source, is not a gendered being, but more of a source of light that is encrypted with data and information. Like an energy that knows things.

We humans made God into a man in the sky because that is what we relate to as human beings. Seeing God as a person makes God more understandable. But really, from what I’ve seen, I think Source is palpable, tangible, intelligent light and energy.

The Spirit

I believe that the spirit is a part of that source energy. It’s a spark of light that can individuate and live in a human body, and then become one with the greater Source after the body is no longer.

The Higher Self

The higher self is like a higher part of our mind that channels our spirit. Recently I had an idea that the higher self/spirit/soul are encoded with information, just as Source is. Like a credit card chip that has data that tallies what you spend. From what I have read and seen firsthand in readings, the spirit has a memory. It records things, so it’s like light with data encrypted in it.

They’re all Interchangeable

Some call use words like higher mind, higher self, spirit and soul interchangeably. As if they are all one and the same. I’ve also heard spiritual teachers say that the soul is not the same thing as the spirit. Some say the soul is the vehicle for the spirit, so it’s just another vessel, like our body, that houses the spirit. That very well could be!

I haven’t seen it first hand, though, so to me that, and all of this, really just is conjecture. What I see is that the soul, spirit, and higher self work very closely together and it’s OK to refer to them interchangeably.

Don’t you wish people in the world were more flexible with beliefs and religions? Rather than fight over which religion has it “right,” we’d be so much better off investigating our own beliefs and not discounting anyone else’s experiences. Alas, that’s for another lifetime…looks like the human race has a ways to go on that front.

In any event, thanks so much for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

I’ve been thinking lately about how some creative people are natural channels. Many great musicians and artists produce work that is so beyond the realm of human possibility that it seems otherworldly. Because it is!

However, there’s a danger to channeling for those enthusiasts seeking inspiration from famous artists who have crossed over.

The Danger of Channeling People who Died

Let’s say you’re a musician who starts channeling someone who recently died, like David Bowie, Tupac, Tom Petty or Biggie Smalls. And you actually do connect with them and get inspiration. Sounds awesome! But it’s not so awesome, really. First of all, who knows WHO you are channeling, after all?

It could be a trickster spirit who is saying they’re the person who died, and you’re channeling somebody else but you don’t know it. OR, let’s say you are channeling that actual person who passed away. But maybe their spirit is not in a great place. They’re not in the light, or in a good place.

For instance, let’s say you’re an actress and you want to channel Marilyn Monroe. Well, she had a tragic life and if you’re channeling her spirit, I would hope it’s in a better place, but maybe it’s not. You’ll be picking up on the dark unfortunate stuff and bringing that into your life. Not a good idea! Soon you’ll be dealing with their addictions, imbalances, and more — and likely feeling it as if it’s your own.

The Solution

I think a great solution to this is to channel a higher source who isn’t connected to a human. A being or beings from higher realms of light.

Another solution for those seeking inspiration from famous artists who have died is to tune into a holographic image of the person. And from there, channel inspiration from the hologram of their life. All it takes is intention, and then it’s done. There’s no damage from tuning into the spirit of the actual person. The only thing to watch out for is allowing oneself to be overly influenced by the hologram of their personality.

It’s important to be exposed to inspiration in order to fuel creative genius. To be safe, though, it’s ideal to get that inspiration from a quality source. That way the danger of the spirit realm can be circumvented.

I know that’s kind of an out-there thing to discuss, but it was on my mind. 🤓

Thanks so much for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

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