It’s really fun to talk about the Law of Attraction and Manifesting, and to see it work in action. One thing I am noticing, though, is that a lot of people say that everyone can do it. I don’t know if I agree with that. (aside from the fact that we DO have control over our thoughts and can change the way we think about an awful situation and be positive and optimistic)

The ability to manifest things is very much a privilege! People living in war zones, places where there is famine, under the thumb of oppressive regimes…they cannot manifest the way we can.

My favorite form of manifesting is Bengston, because it works and it also generates a powerful healing energy that has been tested in clinical trials. When you really get into the energy and the community, it becomes quite evident that those who are doing Bengston have a very strong desire to help others.

And isn’t that more meaningful than manifesting yourself a parking space?

We are so much more powerful when we manifest not only for ourselves, but for the wellbeing of others as well. And by others I mean the planet, the ecosystem, the animals on the planet, and other humans.

If you’d like to learn this amazing energy system, here’s the link to the Zoom workshop this February 2024:

Bengston Workshop

What are your thoughts on manifesting? Please share in the comments!

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

Have you been a victim of trash talk? Not just simple gossip, but downright evil-ness? This is such a horrible topic, but it happens. And it’s important to heal from this if you have experienced it, because it can be devastating.

Understanding that those who perpetuate trash talk are embodying a low vibration and negative energy helps to lift you back up. I hope you have not gone through this, but if you have, please share in the comments what happened and how you are healing from it.

Do you think eating meat lowers your vibration? It’s a VERY charged topic! I made a video on this a few years ago that’s been getting more comments recently. One viewer’s deeply beautiful and insightful remarks really caught my attention and prompted a re-visit of the topic.

We are all physically different!  Whether or not eating meat is a crime and/or is not so bad to do, this subject gets people upset. Some have gotten sick on a vegan diet. Others get sick eating meat. Let’s just do what’s best for our own bodies and not judge…although does anyone think fast food is healthy for your vibes?

If you have thoughts on this you’d like to share, please join the comments on YouTube.

And if you’d like to to address any particular topics, please let me know!

Thanks so much for being here!

What happens when your gut feelings and intuition are so certain that something’s going to happen…and then it turns out you were flat out wrong? Todays’ video was inspired by a viewer who wrote in to ask about exactly this. I explain what may have happened in the video above.  If you’ve experienced a case like this you’d like to share, please join the comments on YouTube. And if you’d like to to address any particular topics, please let me know! Thanks so much for being here!

Last week I spoke about sensitive healers needing strong boundaries. This week, let’s continue the conversation, focusing on how some loved ones may react when you start enforcing your boundaries.

Many of us who are sensitive and on the path of personal development find we need to work on boundaries. The reasons for lack of boundaries are far and wide! But what sometimes happens when we finally start saying “No” and “This doesn’t work for me” is that people we have known for a really long time can get very angry with us.

People like you to be the way they have always expected you to be. You’ve settled into a familiar dynamic. When you change, it can be scary, even if they know this is something you are working on. They may do all kinds of things to get you to go back to the old way. They may even accuse you of being narcissistic or having other awful character traits you do not possess.

Your job is to stand firm in your self-respect and to know and trust that you are not what they say you are. And that you are putting yourself first.

A client I worked with recently had a serious health issue and set a boundary regarding a demanding project with an old friend. The friend got very angry with my client and didn’t consider health as a factor in her ability to function. She was aware my client had a health issue, but never did ask more about it. The client is now re-evaluating the friendship, seeing this other person in a different light.

Be firm. If they are not understanding of your needs, reconsider your commitment to the relationship. You are not the same person you were before.

Another client had a friend who constantly flaked. She told the person how deeply this hurt her and asked her not to do it. The friend then did it 3 times in a row. My client got angry, the friend flipped out and accused my client of being hurtful – she flipped the whole thing around. That’s when you know that person is toxic and has to go.

Have you had to work on boundaries with loved ones? How did it go? Please share in the comments!

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

Let’s talk about boundaries!

If you are interested in this topic and you are highly sensitive, you may actually be a healer. Now, healers are not all necessarily shamans or doctors. They are teachers, mothers, janitors, hairdressers, artists and architects. Healers come from all walks of life. And the way they heal is all different, too. People can heal through words of encouragement, by creating art that inspires, by providing beautiful haircuts, etc.

If you are sensitive and boundaries are an issue, here’s one viable reason why it’s hard to keep people in check. Because you have healing abilities and you genuinely want to help others, whether or not you advertise that, people sense it. And they become attracted to you because of what they feel you can give, what medicine you have for them.

If people are taking advantage and not listening to you when you are stating your boundaries, the universe may throw a lot of those cases at you. Consider them opportunities to get better. You’ll get to one level, get comfortable there, and then move up to the next level. Finally, once the work is solidified, you won’t have to think about boundaries, because they will feel so natural to you.

The solar plexus chakra is one of the biggest places where people come in and get your energy. I was known for doing great chakra clearings, but you can strengthen your solar plexus now with my channeled chakra cleansing meditation. It will help clear out all your chakras, including your solar plexus, and then energize it with brilliant light.

How are you doing with protecting your boundaries? Have people taken advantage? What did you do? Please share in the comments on YouTube!

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

Have you heard about Red Light therapy? Several people I work with in my healing group have tried them and are getting great results. I’m trying out this new red light therapy belt to see if it helps heal a back injury.

I was thinking about this light therapy, and realized that what we do in clairvoyant work is just like this, without the expensive device. When you imagine you are breathing in color and light, or light that appears as a certain color, and send it out to your body, it actually DOES something!

Working with light and color in the space of intuition and energy healing is about 90% of what is done in a clairvoyant energy healing type of session. But we can all harness the ability to do this and work on our own bodies! If you’d like to sample how this works, try one of my channeled energy healing meditations. They are like energy treatments and are so very relaxing.

Here’s a summary with chapters related to the video:

00:00 Intro
01:00 Clairvoyance teaches you to work with color and light
01:20 This color/light has a real physical effect
02:30 Have you tried Red Light therapy?
02:54 Pink light color breathing = youthfulness
03:23 Color energy heals both physical and emotional wounds
04:15 Example of different light dingy that can come through
04:28 Meditations I’ve created for YOU that are color energy healing treatments

Thanks so much for reading and watching! If this resonates, please leave a comment on YouTube.

Have you ever had a paranormal experience?

A lot of people drawn to psychic/intuitive work have had a paranormal experience that showed them life is really not what we think it is. That there is SO much more to the universe than we can possibly comprehend.

(If you have had one of these experiences, please do share in the comments on YouTube. I would LOVE to know all about it!!!!)

It’s so easy to go about life in a “regular” way, doing things the way society wants us to. So we can have, say, one paranormal experience, push the memory out of our minds, and move on. Or, we can become interested in the mystical world, read up on things, and learn as a hobby. The third option is my personal favorite, though. That’s having this experience lead us down a path that opens our eyes to the mysteries of the universe and changes our lives for the better.

The thing about the paranormal is this: the more we focus on it, the more it becomes normal. Not extraordinary, but ordinary. Our job is to notice. If we have our blinders on, are locked up in our phones, etc, it will just pass us by! And that can happen so easily!

I do this psychic work daily. I am also a wife and mother and I have a cat. Sometimes the magic isn’t as sparkling with all the things going on in life! I recently met with a psychic friend who inspired me. She invited her guides, and signs and snychronicities from them and elsewhere, into her life. She LIVES in the flow these days. Instead of Googling for an answer, she will just look around her, and it will appear. It’s amazing how she has managed to do this. And we all can. It just starts with the intention to do so.

And the best place to start…in the universe of courses and meditations at! Have you tried one yet? If so, please leave a kind review – this feature is relatively new and will help immensely. Thank you!

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

I messaged a psychic friend recently and she said she had a sense, or a “knowing,” that I’d message her that morning. For a moment, I felt like my privacy had been invaded. Like she read my mind! Then I remembered she is the type of person one can trust – the sort of person who is loving, thoughtful, and understanding. I felt at ease again.

A lot of the underlying fear in the world about psychic-ness is of just that – someone invading the privacy of your mind. Is it possible? Yes. Do people spend a lot of time trying to learn how to do that? Thankfully not.

And that’s because…

The real application of psychic work is not about that at all. What a waste of time that would be! And think of the bad karma. The real application of psychic work is all about understanding. That’s it. Just understanding what is going on in the world, understanding ourselves, and understanding others. Understanding, and accepting. And then doing some healing. And some more understanding. And some more healing. Ad infinitum, it would seem. 😆

Here’s the chapter breakdown of this week’s video:

00:00 Intro
00:20 Most people think psychic-ness is weird or invasive
00:44 The TRUE application of psychic-ness is to understand
1:51 Everybody is psychic
2:16 The greatest gift of the psychic realm
2:45 Guided meditations will activate your psychic abilities
3:24 You will learn the unique way your intuition speaks to you
3:38 Intuition helps us UNDERSTAND one another
4:12 Keep practicing and working at your skill set

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

Learning to be psychic and applying it in everyday life is FUN! What isn’t fun, though, is navigating other people and their reactions to us. Especially when they don’t understand that we are working on trusting our vibes and that we honor our gut feelings.

Try my new course, Psychic Development: How to Read People.

00:00 Intro

00:30 We are ALL intuitive

1:09 When you start to tap in you sense things more deeply

1:43 They will cause you to start to doubt yourself

2:01 Your feelings are there for a reason

2:37 The How to Read People Course I created for you

3:40 They will lie to you, so TRUST YOURSELF!

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