Energy Healing with Color & Light

Have you heard about Red Light therapy? Several people I work with in my healing group have tried them and are getting great results. I’m trying out this new red light therapy belt to see if it helps heal a back injury.

I was thinking about this light therapy, and realized that what we do in clairvoyant work is just like this, without the expensive device. When you imagine you are breathing in color and light, or light that appears as a certain color, and send it out to your body, it actually DOES something!

Working with light and color in the space of intuition and energy healing is about 90% of what is done in a clairvoyant energy healing type of session. But we can all harness the ability to do this and work on our own bodies! If you’d like to sample how this works, try one of my channeled energy healing meditations. They are like energy treatments and are so very relaxing.

Here’s a summary with chapters related to the video:

00:00 Intro
01:00 Clairvoyance teaches you to work with color and light
01:20 This color/light has a real physical effect
02:30 Have you tried Red Light therapy?
02:54 Pink light color breathing = youthfulness
03:23 Color energy heals both physical and emotional wounds
04:15 Example of different light dingy that can come through
04:28 Meditations I’ve created for YOU that are color energy healing treatments

Thanks so much for reading and watching! If this resonates, please leave a comment on YouTube.

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