Clairvoyant energy healing is not as widely popular as Reiki and other forms of energy work. But it is extremely powerful and highly effective when done correctly.

The big question here is, if you are seriously ill, would you spend the time getting Clairvoyant healing as a form of treatment? Or would you look for a more proven type of energy healing? Clairvoyant healing is incredible at healing emotional issues and clearing energies.

With more studies in the years to come, it could prove itself to be a top healing modality. But until that time comes, I’d recommend Clairvoyance for emotional/basic energy clearing and healing, and another healing method like Bengston for a complete healing of the physical body.

00:00 Intro

2:05 What energy treatment to do if you’re seriously ill?💰

3:58 How to use intuition to decide what is good for you

‘5:26 How Clairvoyant Healing works

7:32 Can Clairvoyant energy HEAL the physical body?

10:08 Clairvoyant healing really clears emotional energy

12:08 Clairvoyant healing work is easy because of THIS

16:49 My opinion on Clairvoyant energy healing when you are quite sick

18:41 Absolute beginners with Clairvoyant healing are very powerful

Energy Medicine: Bengston

There are many different types of energy healing out there. I like Bengston because it has been rigorously tested in controlled laboratory experiments.

00:00 Intro

1:40 Bengston research experiments

3:38 How Bengston energy feels

8:02 Intuition: how long it will take to heal/what modality?

10:18 Healing animals with Bengston

12:42 How to send Bengston/storytime

17:58 The energy work cost factor

18:51 Krishanti’s decision-making meditation to make intuitive choices for yourself

22:01 When it’s too late for healing

25:24 Making energy healing accessible/affordable for everyone


The energy on the planet is shifting dramatically. Those of us who are sensitive feel it the most, and it can be quite  uncomfortable.

One of the most effective ways to lean into this shift is to increase the amount of light you are holding. Activating your light body will help your spirit have more of an effect in this physical realm. Please note, you WILL see a difference when you start doing this.

In some cases, it will be uncomfortable; those who are not used to the light will not be able to hang out in your presence. But those who know will see you and embrace you with open arms. It might start with animals inextricably drawn to you, then babies and children. Soon enough, though, your light will be bright enough to lead the way not only for yourself, but for others who can resonate with you in this new frequency.

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

More and more people are becoming distressed about the state of Western medicine and the “pill popping” band-aid approach to healing.

What I have learned in working with energy healing for the physical body is that healing is not linear. Many different factors often contribute to a state of dis-ease within the body. This is super important to be aware of! Knowing that there are often several factors contributing to illness is a major clue as to what could really be happening within the architecture of the body.

Western medicine tends to just fix whatever hurts the most, so doctors hand out pills or suggest surgery to just cut out the bad parts. More often than not, these solutions do not create complete healing. They just fix the one issue (hopefully).

Energy healing, and specifically Bengston, which is my favorite energy healing system, works differently. With Bengston, the energy seems to have its own intelligence. It automatically goes to the place within the body with the most need. That part heals, then the energy moves on to the next part. At times, it may treat several things at once. The most important part to know is that this is NOT a quick-fix approach. It takes time. Especially if the body has been living with the condition(s) for quite some time. However, the time it takes results in a more complete and holistic healing from the ground up.

If you are interested in learning about complete healing, come to the Bengston workshop I am co-hosting this April! It will be amazing. Here’s the link:

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

Happy New Year! If you are ready for new skills in 2024, have I got the workshop for you next month!

It’s energy healing and manifesting all wrapped up into one – the Bengston method.

When you really tap into the power of manifesting, a whole new world opens up. By intentionally bringing new things and experiences into your life, you really get to know who you are and what you want on a deep, fundamental level.

For example, you may want a lifetime of McDonalds for breakfast, lunch, and dinner (I know YOU won’t want this, but it’s such an easy example!).

While that may sound good and be fun, is it really good for your body? Once you start eating that McDonalds 24/7, will you continue to desire it? Or will you realize that what you really want is a private chef who can whip up the most delicious healthy foods you can eat at any time?

See the difference?

I am continuously learning more about myself and what I want by working with the Bengston method, which is a powerful form of manifesting that also happens to generate healing energy. Bengston is so amazing you’ll find that you start manifesting things you didn’t even know were TO BE HAD! It’s really incredible.

Fun Fact: I recently added “I’m good at technology” to my Bengston image cycling/manifesting list. If you watch the video above, you will see that I finally figured out how to actually add in clips to the raw video file in iMovie, an application that I have not been able to understand how to use for the past 10 years.

Have you intentionally manifested something you realized you didn’t really want or need after all? How about just some of your favorite manifestations? Please share!

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

Have you heard about Red Light therapy? Several people I work with in my healing group have tried them and are getting great results. I’m trying out this new red light therapy belt to see if it helps heal a back injury.

I was thinking about this light therapy, and realized that what we do in clairvoyant work is just like this, without the expensive device. When you imagine you are breathing in color and light, or light that appears as a certain color, and send it out to your body, it actually DOES something!

Working with light and color in the space of intuition and energy healing is about 90% of what is done in a clairvoyant energy healing type of session. But we can all harness the ability to do this and work on our own bodies! If you’d like to sample how this works, try one of my channeled energy healing meditations. They are like energy treatments and are so very relaxing.

Here’s a summary with chapters related to the video:

00:00 Intro
01:00 Clairvoyance teaches you to work with color and light
01:20 This color/light has a real physical effect
02:30 Have you tried Red Light therapy?
02:54 Pink light color breathing = youthfulness
03:23 Color energy heals both physical and emotional wounds
04:15 Example of different light dingy that can come through
04:28 Meditations I’ve created for YOU that are color energy healing treatments

Thanks so much for reading and watching! If this resonates, please leave a comment on YouTube.

We are all psychic and intuitive. Some people are born with their psychic abilities wide open, which causes general confusion and the false belief that not everyone is born with it. We all have it. But to really fully develop these abilities, there are 3 requirements: discipline, focus, and dedication.

Sounds pretty simple, right? You don’t have to go to some faraway mountaintop to get the sacred flower for the gifts. You just need those 3 things. But most people don’t, or won’t, do what it takes to get to that all-in level. It’s much easier to just be in the “normal” world and deal with things that way…which is fine! However, if you’d like to go the distance, see how far your psychic abilities can take you, and perhaps do this professionally, let’s break it down:


Professional athletes train every day. If they didn’t, they’d be off their game! They’re disciplined. This is what they do. The same applies to the development of your psychic, intuitive, and energy healing abilities. Discipline in this area involves daily meditation, study, practice, and recording of your observations and impressions.


We live in a world that makes it challenging to focus. But when it comes to intuition, psychic-ness and energy healing, focus is the place where the magic happens. I’m talking focus to the exclusion of everything else. The moment focus is lost, you drop out of that space and back into the regular world. To keep up with the sports metaphor, players who are not focused during a game will not make the goal. Focus is vital. It’s a muscle that gets stronger over time.


Many people have trouble with dedication to psychic and spiritual work. It takes an enormous amount of time and effort, without quick payoffs. In this on-demand world we live in, that is a major deterrent for many people! I have dear friends who love this world, but won’t take the time to do the work. It’s easier for them to just go through life the regular way. This is understandable! You can be interested in this and not go all in. But when you truly wish to immerse yourself in this world, it will be a part of your life until the end.

Without discipline, focus, and dedication, you will not fully be in that psychic/intuitive/energy healing zone. Sometimes we go through periods of pulling back, and that’s perfectly fine. And it must be said that this is clearly not for everyone – we are all here for different reasons and have different areas to focus on. If you are longing to make this your life and possibly career, these 3 things are all you need.

What are your thoughts on this? I mean, in reviewing it, I’m thinking most people don’t believe it’s possible to be psychic because they won’t do what it takes to get there! I’d love to know what you think; please share in the comments!

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

Why do some people take longer to heal than others?

For many of us who are spiritually inclined, there are often very strong beliefs about this. The beliefs revolve around an idea that the person is not healing because of either karma, a block, or something else negative within them. I believe there is something to this, too.

However, this may actually not be the case. If you are interested in energy healing, you’re going to love the video above. And don’t forget to register for the Zoom Bengston workshop I’m co-hosing this April. It’s going to be amazing!

Have you or a loved one experienced the inability to heal, or taking longer than you’d like? How about a healing miracle?  Please share in the comments!

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

Energy healing is so exciting! There are tons of different modalities out there that really do have an effect on the body. My favorite method by far, however, is Bengston. Not only does it work, Bill Bengston has been doing research in labs on the method for years and his studies are all documented.

These days, if we want to be in a state of optimal health, we really need to create a holistic approach to the care of our bodies. I love the idea of combining intuition with doctors and energy healing because that’s my niche. But we can all do this. In fact, we have to take care of our own bodies because the doctors are just too busy. They can even make life-threatening mistakes (story time in the video above!).

Bengston is extra fun because the method itself is based of a form of manifesting. You create a list of at least 20 experiences or items you want, identify them with an image, and then spin the images in your mind. This is called Image Cycling, and this generates the healing energy. You also get the items on your list. So you can have “I am completely healed” on your list, and also run energy to your body. This creates a two-fold powerful effect that facilitates the healing.

This method is not only fun, but the Bengston community itself is wonderful too. I’ve been facilitating a Bengston practice group for a couple of years now, and it’s the best.

If you’d like to learn the method, I’m co-hosting a workshop this April & May 2023. Come join us! It will be so much fun.

Have you had a medical mystery that you fixed with your intuition and/or energy healing? Please share in the comments!

Just how we can all learn to be psychic, we can also learn to do energy healing work. And my favorite energy healing method is Bengston. Bill Bengston demonstrated the efficacy of this method in controlled laboratory experiments on cancerous mice. When the Benston method was applied, the mice recovered.

What I have learned in my work with Bengston and as a part of the wonderful Bengston community is life-changing. There are so many aspects to healing. One of my favorite takeaways, though, is that it takes a village to help someone come back from the brink and heal completely.

It’s so encouraging – the ultimate expression of what we can do when we all come together and support one another. This is the ultimate expression of divine love. The more of us who come together to help, the better. It WORKS.

More on this in the video above – please watch!

And if you’d like to learn this amazing method of energy healing, come join us this April & May 2023 via ZOOM! Click here for the info.

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

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