One of the biggest myths that confuses people about energy work and energy healing is its connection to spirituality. Many believe that anything having to do with psychic-ness and energy healing is also innately spiritual.

While one could argue that everything is spiritual, as we are spirits having an earthly experience, one doesn’t necessarily even have to believe in God for energy healing to work.

There are certain aspects of energy work that can be spiritual, absolutely! But just working with energy itself, whether it’s Reiki, Theta healing, Bengston, or any other energy modality, does not have to be spiritual in order for the healing to work.

I love the Bengston method and talk about it a lot in other videos. Bill Bengston, who created the modality, is adamant that belief has nothing to do with healing success. He says his energy technique is not holy, nor is it about “spirit.” It’s simply energy. It’s a resource, like gas, or wind, or solar power.

What confuses many, I think, is that the actual reason energy healing works seems unknown. So when it works, that seems miraculous. Humans have always attributed miracles to Higher Power until science proves otherwise.

And on the flip side, you really CAN connect to Source/Spirit/Higher Power with psychic and energy healing work. I do, and I love it, because it is something my spirit really longs for and loves. I can’t even put into words how incredible that connection is.

I have a library of guided meditations on my website. Some of them are channeled energy healings, where you can really feel the divine presence. Others, like my Psychic Setup Toolkit Meditation, are simply energy – you’re just running energy through your body. Both have their purposes, and both work.

What are your thoughts on this? Thanks for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

This week’s topic is an important one, especially as we are moving into an era where the fields of psychic work and energy healing are being discussed more openly and freely.

There are approaches that will make psychic and energy work flow more powerfully than you could ever believe. And there are also approaches that will SHUT IT DOWN.

Wonder what those are? Pretty simple:

Fear and embarrassment.

When you’re afraid to get a reading, or afraid to give a reading, that fear creates a huge block and interrupts the flow. As a reader/healer, you might not even get any intel because you’re afraid! As a recipient who fears getting a reading, you’ll likely doubt and mistrust the energy and information coming through and not be able to accept what is coming through. Same goes for embarrassment. If you’re embarrassed, you’re creating a situation that is not positive. And that, of course, blocks the flow.

Feeling open-minded, in a state of love, wonder, and appreciation — all of this will actually make readings and energy work 10 times more effective. We are energy beings, after all, so our attitudes have a very strong impact on our experience in this field of work.

Have you ever noticed that things don’t flow well (whether you are giving readings and energy healings, or receiving them) when the other person is afraid or embarrassed? Share with us in the comments on YouTube!

Thanks for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

There are SO many different energy healing modalities out there right now. We all know Reiki. Then there’s Healing Touch, Therapeutic Touch, Pranic Healing, Reconnective Healing, Metatronia Healing, Vortex Healing, Emotion Code and Body Code, and so much more.

I have experienced and looked into all of these methods of healing, and I am telling you from firsthand experience that my favorite is Bengston. Why? Because it works. Not just in relaxing people and making them feel better for the moment. It produces measurable results that baffle Western doctors. No joke.

Of all the methods I listed above, Bengston is the ONLY one that has been studied. And proven. As a natural skeptic navigating these waters of energy healing for physical ailments (hello Covid), I am naturally more drawn to modalities that are proven.

And to make it even better, Bengston is a method of manifesting that is more powerful than anything I have ever experienced. I mean what could be better than that – living the life of your dreams while also helping to heal other people! OMG – AMAZING!

I’m back talking about my favorite energy healing method, which involves the most powerful technique for manifesting that I’ve yet experienced: Image Cycling.

William F. Bengston created the image cycling process, which is the engine that generates Bengston energy. The Bengston energy healing method has been proven to cure cancer in multiple controlled laboratory studies. It’s also effective on a whole host of other physical ailments. In short, it works.

Image cycling involves making a list of at least 20 things or experiences you want, and then getting really clear on what those 20 things look and feel like. Once that’s complete, you flow the images in your brain, and that generates the energy.

What makes Bengston so cool is a twofold process. Image cycling alone is an incredible tool for self-growth and self-knowledge. It’s not like a vision board, where you cut out pictures and stick them up there to look at indefinitely. Those of us who cycle are constantly changing, updating, and modifying our lists. Several times a year, we throw out our old lists and make new ones. We are constantly getting the things we put on our list.

One of the most wonderful thing about Bengston is that there’s a global community of practitioners. We cheer each other on and share stories of our successes and frustrations. Sometimes we don’t get things on our list. When that happens, we either take them off briefly, tweak what it is we are asking for, or just take a deep breath and surrender to divine timing. It’s a wonderful way to take stock and direct our lives in a flexible, flowing way.

For more info on Bengston, visit

There is so much about the nature of energy that we are collectively learning right now. There are healing methodologies that can clear and release energy, store energy, and channel energy into living bio systems. And we are just at the tip of the iceberg as far as what the true implications of energy healing are.

You probably already know this, but energy can get locked in the physical body and create disease. For example, if you experienced heavy trauma that wasn’t processed, the tissue in your body can hold on to that energy. And if that energy doesn’t move or flow out, it can create blockages or inflammation.

Some negative energy can get locked into your body and create aches and pains and, in some cases, serious illness.

The good news is, there is so much we can do with energy as medicine to heal the body!

Recently I’ve been practicing tapping. I do both EFT and SFT to release trauma, and it is really helping. I can feel the emotions becoming less intense! It really does clear the trauma from the body. There are tons of amazing tapping videos on YouTube right now. I like Brad Yates and Jen Ward, among others.

Another energy healing method I love is Bengston Energy Healing. Bengston is a highly effective method of treating the body; it works on cancer, clears all sorts of other diseases in the body, and even clears trauma from the past when we we send it back in time.

For more info on Bengston, visit

Imagine if you could manifest so easily that the objects and circumstances you desire just magically appear in your life. Wouldn’t that be so much fun? It would be incredible! To have a focused intention and then allow that to flow…wow.

Well, guess what!?!? YOU CAN!!!


With Bengston Image Cycling!

The Bengston Energy Healing method is my favorite energy healing methodology to date. I have talked a lot about how powerful it is; it’s been clinically proven to cure cancer in many controlled laboratory experiments, and it works on a whole host of other ailments. Bengston runs on a process called Image Cycling.

Image Cycling generates the energy…and you do that by rapidly cycling through images of things and circumstances you want in your life. And the most incredible thing about cycling is that the things you want actually start to show up in your life.

If you are interested in learning more, check out the video above!

For more info on Bengston, visit

I am so excited to introduce you to my friend John Lavack, a gifted intuitive and powerful energy healing practitioner. John practices the Bengston method, which facilitates remarkable results. John has helped countless people on their journey to wellness.

In this interview, John and I discuss the intricacies of the Bengston method and his success in treating cancer in numerous clients. Bengston is different from other types of energy healing modalities in that it also happens to be a powerful form of manifesting in it’s own right.

Whether you are interested in energy healing or in manifesting, I encourage you to check out the video above. Just hearing John speak is a treat.

For more info on Bengston, visit

Mindfulness is not only an extremely therapeutic way of functioning in the world, but it can also turn into an actual way of life.

Recently, I treated myself to pomegranate seeds, blueberries, and raspberries. They are expensive! I now eat a ton more fresh fruits and vegetables in an effort to help my body stay healthy.

One afternoon I was eating my fruit snack so quickly that I realized I wasn’t savoring it. I wasn’t TASTING the food! I stopped, and make a concerted effort to fully appreciate the flavors and bounty of the berries. Suddenly I was flooded with gratitude!!! And they tasted SO GOOD!

Mindful eating not only heals your body (eating in a rush is never a good thing!). It also helps with appreciation, and with slowing down and savoring the goodness of life. It is wonderful!

In this video, I discuss the benefits of mindful eating, gratitude, and actually TASTING your food. It’s hard to do when we’re always in a hurry, but if you can, the practice of mindful eating will change your life. ✨🙏🏼✨

Thanks so much for watching! I’d love to hear your experiences with mindful eating, so if you are watching on YouTube, please share in the comments!

As you know, the main chakras in your body are comprised of 7 energy centers. They run from the base of your spine to the top of your head. There are more than just these, however. You have chakras above your heads and in your hands and feet!

The chakras hold powerful energies and vibrations that have an effect on you. Sometimes when you endure trauma, that energy gets locked into certain chakras. This affects you on many different levels.

Chakra balancing and clearing is a very healing therapeutic practice. It helps reset your vibration and get you back on track. You can actually feel the work as it’s being done. It’s amazing! You don’t have to go to someone to get your chakras sorted out. You can do this on your own, too. More info in the video above.

Thanks so much for watching!

There are so many tools to help you tap into your intuition and read energy. You can use your own innate psychic abilities, or work with cards, astrology, and other powerful oracular systems. One of the most common tools is a pendulum, which reads energy according to the way in which it swings.

Thanks so much for watching!

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