Bengston: My FAVORITE Energy Healing Method

There are SO many different energy healing modalities out there right now. We all know Reiki. Then there’s Healing Touch, Therapeutic Touch, Pranic Healing, Reconnective Healing, Metatronia Healing, Vortex Healing, Emotion Code and Body Code, and so much more.

I have experienced and looked into all of these methods of healing, and I am telling you from firsthand experience that my favorite is Bengston. Why? Because it works. Not just in relaxing people and making them feel better for the moment. It produces measurable results that baffle Western doctors. No joke.

Of all the methods I listed above, Bengston is the ONLY one that has been studied. And proven. As a natural skeptic navigating these waters of energy healing for physical ailments (hello Covid), I am naturally more drawn to modalities that are proven.

And to make it even better, Bengston is a method of manifesting that is more powerful than anything I have ever experienced. I mean what could be better than that – living the life of your dreams while also helping to heal other people! OMG – AMAZING!

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