Are you Manifesting the RIGHT Things?

Happy New Year! If you are ready for new skills in 2024, have I got the workshop for you next month!

It’s energy healing and manifesting all wrapped up into one – the Bengston method.

When you really tap into the power of manifesting, a whole new world opens up. By intentionally bringing new things and experiences into your life, you really get to know who you are and what you want on a deep, fundamental level.

For example, you may want a lifetime of McDonalds for breakfast, lunch, and dinner (I know YOU won’t want this, but it’s such an easy example!).

While that may sound good and be fun, is it really good for your body? Once you start eating that McDonalds 24/7, will you continue to desire it? Or will you realize that what you really want is a private chef who can whip up the most delicious healthy foods you can eat at any time?

See the difference?

I am continuously learning more about myself and what I want by working with the Bengston method, which is a powerful form of manifesting that also happens to generate healing energy. Bengston is so amazing you’ll find that you start manifesting things you didn’t even know were TO BE HAD! It’s really incredible.

Fun Fact: I recently added “I’m good at technology” to my Bengston image cycling/manifesting list. If you watch the video above, you will see that I finally figured out how to actually add in clips to the raw video file in iMovie, an application that I have not been able to understand how to use for the past 10 years.

Have you intentionally manifested something you realized you didn’t really want or need after all? How about just some of your favorite manifestations? Please share!

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

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