Energy Medicine: Bengston

There are many different types of energy healing out there. I like Bengston because it has been rigorously tested in controlled laboratory experiments.

00:00 Intro

1:40 Bengston research experiments

3:38 How Bengston energy feels

8:02 Intuition: how long it will take to heal/what modality?

10:18 Healing animals with Bengston

12:42 How to send Bengston/storytime

17:58 The energy work cost factor

18:51 Krishanti’s decision-making meditation to make intuitive choices for yourself

22:01 When it’s too late for healing

25:24 Making energy healing accessible/affordable for everyone


More and more people are becoming distressed about the state of Western medicine and the “pill popping” band-aid approach to healing.

What I have learned in working with energy healing for the physical body is that healing is not linear. Many different factors often contribute to a state of dis-ease within the body. This is super important to be aware of! Knowing that there are often several factors contributing to illness is a major clue as to what could really be happening within the architecture of the body.

Western medicine tends to just fix whatever hurts the most, so doctors hand out pills or suggest surgery to just cut out the bad parts. More often than not, these solutions do not create complete healing. They just fix the one issue (hopefully).

Energy healing, and specifically Bengston, which is my favorite energy healing system, works differently. With Bengston, the energy seems to have its own intelligence. It automatically goes to the place within the body with the most need. That part heals, then the energy moves on to the next part. At times, it may treat several things at once. The most important part to know is that this is NOT a quick-fix approach. It takes time. Especially if the body has been living with the condition(s) for quite some time. However, the time it takes results in a more complete and holistic healing from the ground up.

If you are interested in learning about complete healing, come to the Bengston workshop I am co-hosting this April! It will be amazing. Here’s the link:

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

Happy New Year! If you are ready for new skills in 2024, have I got the workshop for you next month!

It’s energy healing and manifesting all wrapped up into one – the Bengston method.

When you really tap into the power of manifesting, a whole new world opens up. By intentionally bringing new things and experiences into your life, you really get to know who you are and what you want on a deep, fundamental level.

For example, you may want a lifetime of McDonalds for breakfast, lunch, and dinner (I know YOU won’t want this, but it’s such an easy example!).

While that may sound good and be fun, is it really good for your body? Once you start eating that McDonalds 24/7, will you continue to desire it? Or will you realize that what you really want is a private chef who can whip up the most delicious healthy foods you can eat at any time?

See the difference?

I am continuously learning more about myself and what I want by working with the Bengston method, which is a powerful form of manifesting that also happens to generate healing energy. Bengston is so amazing you’ll find that you start manifesting things you didn’t even know were TO BE HAD! It’s really incredible.

Fun Fact: I recently added “I’m good at technology” to my Bengston image cycling/manifesting list. If you watch the video above, you will see that I finally figured out how to actually add in clips to the raw video file in iMovie, an application that I have not been able to understand how to use for the past 10 years.

Have you intentionally manifested something you realized you didn’t really want or need after all? How about just some of your favorite manifestations? Please share!

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

Why do some people take longer to heal than others?

For many of us who are spiritually inclined, there are often very strong beliefs about this. The beliefs revolve around an idea that the person is not healing because of either karma, a block, or something else negative within them. I believe there is something to this, too.

However, this may actually not be the case. If you are interested in energy healing, you’re going to love the video above. And don’t forget to register for the Zoom Bengston workshop I’m co-hosing this April. It’s going to be amazing!

Have you or a loved one experienced the inability to heal, or taking longer than you’d like? How about a healing miracle?  Please share in the comments!

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

One of my favorite energy healing systems is the Bengston method. I love it because it works, and because Bill Bengston tests this method out in labs in ongoing controlled experiments – it’s scientifically documented!

When it comes to applying energy to the body, and how the body heals, I always wondered why there are not more cases of instant healing. I.E, a healer puts their hands on someone and they are immediately 100% cured like in the movies. I have figured out for the most part why that’s not an easy feat for the human body.

My work with Bengston has taught me that, in reality, if the body is healed too quickly, it can cause major problems. Now the Bengston method really works and is effective. But it’s not always instantaneous. It takes time. For some people, a few years, for others, a couple of months. Every body is different and every condition is different.

If it heals too quickly, in some cases, the body will go into a Herx reaction, which aggravates the condition and can create other illnesses. The body often just needs time to get on track and heal. Western medicine has given us the “pill pop” instant fix approach. But true healing is holistic, takes time, and can’t be rushed.

Everyone can learn this method and apply it to themselves, friends, and family.

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

How would you like to have a magical genie lantern that granted your wishes? It would be pretty amazing – and also a great responsibility!

I’ve been practicing the Bengston Energy Healing method (Image Cycling) for about 5 years now, and it is exactly like having that magical lantern. You make a list of at least 20 things you want, spin it, and it generates the energy. Then you actually get the things on your image cycling list. To keep the energy fresh, you need to keep adding things/experiences to that list once other ones manifest.

And knowing what it is you REALLY want takes time!

In this week’s video, I discuss making the list and what you can put on it. One of the things I forgot to add that is very important is health! If you want to improve your eyesight, heal from an ailment or condition, whatever it may be – add it to the list!!!

If you missed my previous email about why I love the Bengston method, I’ve copied the details below:

What makes this energy healing technique so great in my mind is that the practice – image cycling – is one of the most potent and powerful form of intentional creation I’ve ever experienced. It’s also pretty fun.

Here’s how it works in a nutshell:

Make a list of at least 20 things you want to have or experience in your life. Deep dive into what it would be like to have each list item in your life. Imagine it as if it’s already happened, and feel the energy of it, the emotions. Some people do this alone as a manifesting technique.

The list is never stagnant. It’s continuously updated and maintained. When you get something, take it off the list. When you want something else, add it to the list. It’s imperative that the list is up to date and current with your current desires.

Now we generate momentum: the cyling itself. Take these 20 things and encapsulate them with a picture for each item, and then put them onto something that spins, like a clock or rolodex. The cycling of these items generates the energy that heals the physical body. It’s also as if that spinning creates the energy that magnetizes what you want into your life.

These three elements make Bengston flow.

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time!

There are SO many different energy healing modalities out there right now. We all know Reiki. Then there’s Healing Touch, Therapeutic Touch, Pranic Healing, Reconnective Healing, Metatronia Healing, Vortex Healing, Emotion Code and Body Code, and so much more.

I have experienced and looked into all of these methods of healing, and I am telling you from firsthand experience that my favorite is Bengston. Why? Because it works. Not just in relaxing people and making them feel better for the moment. It produces measurable results that baffle Western doctors. No joke.

Of all the methods I listed above, Bengston is the ONLY one that has been studied. And proven. As a natural skeptic navigating these waters of energy healing for physical ailments (hello Covid), I am naturally more drawn to modalities that are proven.

And to make it even better, Bengston is a method of manifesting that is more powerful than anything I have ever experienced. I mean what could be better than that – living the life of your dreams while also helping to heal other people! OMG – AMAZING!

This week I’ve got a secret ingredient for you that will amp up your manifestation process. Want to know what it is?


When you charge up your dreams and goals with the feeling that your manifestations will bring you, it makes the process so much more powerful. Emotions are really strong vibrations! They can magnetize things in, and push them away. The excitement behind your expectation of getting something or doing something you want is the key that brings it all in.

Whether you have a vision board, a manifestation journal, or several goals you are working towards, try experiencing what it will feel like to have that. And then every time you think of it, bring up the emotion. It works!

There is so much about the nature of energy that we are collectively learning right now. There are healing methodologies that can clear and release energy, store energy, and channel energy into living bio systems. And we are just at the tip of the iceberg as far as what the true implications of energy healing are.

You probably already know this, but energy can get locked in the physical body and create disease. For example, if you experienced heavy trauma that wasn’t processed, the tissue in your body can hold on to that energy. And if that energy doesn’t move or flow out, it can create blockages or inflammation.

Some negative energy can get locked into your body and create aches and pains and, in some cases, serious illness.

The good news is, there is so much we can do with energy as medicine to heal the body!

Recently I’ve been practicing tapping. I do both EFT and SFT to release trauma, and it is really helping. I can feel the emotions becoming less intense! It really does clear the trauma from the body. There are tons of amazing tapping videos on YouTube right now. I like Brad Yates and Jen Ward, among others.

Another energy healing method I love is Bengston Energy Healing. Bengston is a highly effective method of treating the body; it works on cancer, clears all sorts of other diseases in the body, and even clears trauma from the past when we we send it back in time.

For more info on Bengston, visit

Imagine if you could manifest so easily that the objects and circumstances you desire just magically appear in your life. Wouldn’t that be so much fun? It would be incredible! To have a focused intention and then allow that to flow…wow.

Well, guess what!?!? YOU CAN!!!


With Bengston Image Cycling!

The Bengston Energy Healing method is my favorite energy healing methodology to date. I have talked a lot about how powerful it is; it’s been clinically proven to cure cancer in many controlled laboratory experiments, and it works on a whole host of other ailments. Bengston runs on a process called Image Cycling.

Image Cycling generates the energy…and you do that by rapidly cycling through images of things and circumstances you want in your life. And the most incredible thing about cycling is that the things you want actually start to show up in your life.

If you are interested in learning more, check out the video above!

For more info on Bengston, visit

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