It Takes Time to Heal the Physical Body [Bengston Energy Healing]

One of my favorite energy healing systems is the Bengston method. I love it because it works, and because Bill Bengston tests this method out in labs in ongoing controlled experiments – it’s scientifically documented!

When it comes to applying energy to the body, and how the body heals, I always wondered why there are not more cases of instant healing. I.E, a healer puts their hands on someone and they are immediately 100% cured like in the movies. I have figured out for the most part why that’s not an easy feat for the human body.

My work with Bengston has taught me that, in reality, if the body is healed too quickly, it can cause major problems. Now the Bengston method really works and is effective. But it’s not always instantaneous. It takes time. For some people, a few years, for others, a couple of months. Every body is different and every condition is different.

If it heals too quickly, in some cases, the body will go into a Herx reaction, which aggravates the condition and can create other illnesses. The body often just needs time to get on track and heal. Western medicine has given us the “pill pop” instant fix approach. But true healing is holistic, takes time, and can’t be rushed.

Everyone can learn this method and apply it to themselves, friends, and family.

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

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