Manifesting with Bengston Image Cycling – Part Two

I’m back talking about my favorite energy healing method, which involves the most powerful technique for manifesting that I’ve yet experienced: Image Cycling.

William F. Bengston created the image cycling process, which is the engine that generates Bengston energy. The Bengston energy healing method has been proven to cure cancer in multiple controlled laboratory studies. It’s also effective on a whole host of other physical ailments. In short, it works.

Image cycling involves making a list of at least 20 things or experiences you want, and then getting really clear on what those 20 things look and feel like. Once that’s complete, you flow the images in your brain, and that generates the energy.

What makes Bengston so cool is a twofold process. Image cycling alone is an incredible tool for self-growth and self-knowledge. It’s not like a vision board, where you cut out pictures and stick them up there to look at indefinitely. Those of us who cycle are constantly changing, updating, and modifying our lists. Several times a year, we throw out our old lists and make new ones. We are constantly getting the things we put on our list.

One of the most wonderful thing about Bengston is that there’s a global community of practitioners. We cheer each other on and share stories of our successes and frustrations. Sometimes we don’t get things on our list. When that happens, we either take them off briefly, tweak what it is we are asking for, or just take a deep breath and surrender to divine timing. It’s a wonderful way to take stock and direct our lives in a flexible, flowing way.

For more info on Bengston, visit

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