This week’s video is about an interesting concept that is a little bit sad: can we ever really, truly, and completely heal from childhood wounds and trauma?

Doing intuitive work puts me in the trenches with people, which helps me to understand more about the human condition and what we all struggle and suffer with. And I’m here to tell you…

Emotional Wounds can be Healed – to an Extent

To an extent, you absolutely can heal a great deal of childhood wounds. You can do trauma work, energy healing, traditional therapy, hypnotherapy, and all kinds of other things to heal that wounded inner child. However, no matter how much work you do, those wounds are always going to be there. They set up this foundation for your life. To erase or dramatically heal to the extent where it doesn’t impact you at all would be akin to changing your entire personality.

My Traumatic Childhood

I came into this world as a miracle baby. My mother had cancer when she was pregnant with me. The doctors wanted her to abort, but she refused. After I was born, her cancer went into remission for 10 years, and came back when I was 10. Between the ages of 10 and 15, I watched her slowly die. I accompanied her to chemo treatments, combed her hair as it fell out of her head, and emptied her bag when she could no longer go to the bathroom. While I did have good memories, these childhood memories were extremely traumatic and deeply painful. When my mom died, it was not all roses after that, either. Life was hard, filled to the brim with the standard trials and tribulations that we all go through. 

My childhood created in me this fear that is always there, sort of like static in the background. I meditate and channel every day, and every day the guides tell me to let go of fear, release fear, there is nothing to be afraid of. I am working on it, and am making progress, but am I going to be this person who never went through this? No!Your Wounds Make You the Wonderful Person You Are

Those of us who were abused as kids, grew up with money issues, witnessed parents struggling and fighting, or whatever the case may be – nobody gets off scot free – have a unique advantage, though. Because sometimes undergoing difficult circumstances as a child makes us more compassionate caring adults. We are different from other people. This is not a bad thing.

Are We Really Here to be Happy?!?

In the spiritual world, there is such an emphasis on being happy. Many teach that the whole point of being here is to be happy. They say that you don’t have to struggle, and all you need to do is embrace love and release fear. However, if you are afraid to love because of past trauma that you experienced, it’s going to be difficult to burst your heart open and start loving and just being happy happy happy all the time.

If you are working to heal past trauma, know that it may take your entire lifetime. You may make certain strides and get to a certain level, then have setbacks. Your trauma is a part of who you are and makes you who you are. It’s great to work with it and heal it, but it will never completely go away. It’s a part of you.

Maybe We are Here to Heal Instead.

The reason you’re here might not be to be happy. Maybe you’re here to heal yourself, to evolve past your traumas and to be gentle with yourself. Then, perhaps, you can take what you have learned and share it with others. By being kind and present, you can hold the space for others in the struggle. 

There is no panacea for childhood trauma. While you can lesson it and work with it, you are not going to automatically erase it. It will always be there. 

Whatever you are going through or have gone through, remember to be gentle and patient with yourself and treat yourself like you are your own beautiful child who you are helping to live in this world. That way, you will be an enlightened person on the path of evolution.

I know that was a very heavy topic, so thank you for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

I recorded the entire video above without realizing I’d forgotten to plug the mic in, so I apologize for the sound! Making videos when you are technically challenged can be a comedy of errors at times. It’s about all I can do to fix my hair and makeup, put on a decent top, accessorize, and get my message/point across coherently!

In this week’s video, I address a really great question from a viewer, who asked, “How do I beam energy at people and make them feel comfortable in my aura?”

I love this question, because it reminds us that it IS possible to use our energy in different ways, and also because it brings up a vitally important concept regarding knowing how to use our energy, that not everyone is aware of.

Morally and ethically speaking, you don’t want to beam at anyone unless you really know them, and have permission to play with energy with them. You see, if someone is unaware and you beam at them and even send them light and good energy, they might get uncomfortable and their aura might feel like it’s being attacked – I wouldn’t do it unless they know.

Here’s an example: even with spiritual awakening, when you’re meditating and trying to reach up high and open your crown chakra, and you feel that hard pressure on your crown, and you WANT to feel something, that can feel uncomfortable. So imagine if you are just minding your own business, not thinking about anything but whatever it is you’re doing, and someone beams light at you…it might surprise you, shock you, and/or make you feel really off.

The only exception to this rule that I can think of is if you’re meditating and working with your energy and you send unconditional love and light to your loved ones. I just did this earlier today with my 7 year-old son, who is at school, and just for a moment I sent him an energetic “hug” of unconditional love. I felt like that was very safe and OK to do.

Just steer clear from doing that with others you don’t know well or who don’t know about energy work, and only do it with friends/family who are excited about it and game to do it. You will absolutely find people who want to play and love this stuff!

As for making people more comfortable in your aura and in general, just fill your energy field with unconditional love. We all want that. It’s a wonderful feeling, and if you can cultivate that in yourself, that’s wonderful. Just fill your aura up with a love of your own being and essence, and accept yourself for who you are. Then, look at things in in your world with love and find anything you can love. Your aura will start to palpably change and people will feel that. Look at everyone you encounter through eyes of love. It’s not that common (but it will be, once we all start to do it!), and they will notice and it will make them feel good. Genuinely admire something about them. This is a very fun practice because, simply put, it will make you feel good.

In addition to this, make sure you are very grounded. Envision a grounding cord plugged into your root chakra that travels down to the core of the earth, or put your energy in your womb space. If you are a woman, it will probably make more sense, although if you are a man and you want to try this, by all means do it! Otherwise, you can just ground into your root chakra. Grounding into your womb space, from my experience, creates a light that shoots out around all you and your aura. That light then moves up into your heart chakra which opens up and starts to radiate a very powerful vibration.

The idea around this is about generating the energy of unconditional love, comfortability, and acceptance. We live in a world that is so keen to judge everyone and everything. People are more used to being unhappy than happy. When you are in a place where you feel good and you genuinely adore something about them, they will love that.

That whole practice in and of itself can be and is a spiritual experience, in and of itself. So try it out!

Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

I recently sent out a video about the dangers of working psychic fairs when you’re starting out doing readings and/or energy healings. This week’s video is a follow-up to that one, and it’s all about the vital importance of self-care for intuitive and energy practitioners.

Aside from the ongoing work of cultivating your skills and learning new techniques, once you are doing readings and healings for others, you must double down and take really good care of yourself, regardless of whether you’re doing this for fun, or professionally. I mean it’s a given that you should take care of yourself no matter what you do for work, but in the energy realms, the vitality of this can get very real, very fast!

The basics, of course, are that you want to eat well, hydrate, get lots of rest, exercise and get grounded into your body. So many intuitive and healers spend time in other realms that we are not  really “in” our bodies, and this can cause all kinds of problems, from an inability to focus, to (yikes!) an inability to manifest and make things happen in our lives.

Another big part of self-care is to cultivate a network, like a psychic friends network, that you can partner with, trade with or just straight up pay to help you clear your energy and get balanced.

You are a power center of energy, and you’re a conduit of energy that is flowing through you, for yourself and the people you are working with. That energy can get mucked up, drained, and triggered by all sorts of things, even if you are channeling pure light and have the highest intentions. Therefore, there are times when you will need to go to other people to get replenished and revived. It is a normal part of the practice, and going it alone without any support is just too hard and not necessary!

Just have a few different people on your team (people that you really really trust) to call on when you need it. Certain people have strengths, and are good at certain things. For example, I know a healer who is good with the physical body, another healer who is good at energy work, and a lightworker who clears negative entities. I also have family members who do healing work, as well as friends and friends of friends to go to when needed.

Another thing to note is that everybody is different, but there will be times when you will need to have a bodyworker instead of an energy worker – or someone who does both. Things change, so at different phases or stages you might need different things – energetic, emotional, or physical healing. You may need feminine energy at one time, and masculine at another. It’s all fluid and flexible and that’s part of the beauty of your path – whether you do this work or not, to be honest!

No matter how ethereal the work is, there is no substitute for the human connection and for allowing someone else to help you get back to center and to stay strong.

If you are doing readings or healings, be sure to tune in to yourself and whatever it is that you feel you need…do it, and get it! Don’t put self-care off! And remember to spend time in nature. Go outside and be near whatever habitat speaks to your body.

And one final word of advice…


As healers, we can, at times, take on too much, doing more than we can physically handle. This can cause you to get drained, sick, and feel off kilter. Case in point, I recently scraped up the side of my car after some intense readings/healings because I was drained and ungrounded. It happens to the best of us, even when we are working in the light and channeling light – we are still human.

So, to sum it all up, don’t underestimate the importance of your self-care, and don’t do readings and healings if you are not up for it!

And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

Hello and Happy New Year!

If you didn’t rush into 2019 with open arms and a great big list of empowering resolutions, no matter. You’ve still got Chinese New Year next month (February 5, 2019, to be exact). For the past couple of years, it’s taken me a while to adjust to a new year, namely because my son’s winter break is thrrrrreeeeeeeee weeks long. So my new year begins with the Lunar calendar, which also feels a bit more magical and spiritual. Bring on the Year of the Pig. Baa Ram Ewe!

Wherever you are in your New Year beginnings, there’s one thing we all could use a little help with: healing karmic contracts and agreements with other people. And so in the video above, I cover a couple of very simple and powerful techniques to help you do just that. The concepts – breaking agreement sticks and burning up karmic contracts – were handed down to me by a powerful clairvoyant energy healer I worked with a while ago, and they are quite refreshing and effective. So here’s the way it works:

Technique #1:
Breaking Agreement Sticks

Meditate and get yourself into a very quiet, calm place. This free meditation I made will help you transition into a great mental and energetic state for deeper healing work.

Next, imagine you are going up into a higher plane of consciousness, and with that person in mind, create a bunch of agreement sticks that represent what you have agreed to go through with this person, and break them. Then imagine you have a huge flaming bonfire and throw the broken sticks into the flames and see them burn up. Try using the violet flame, which breaks up energy at a very fundamental, core level. Let it all go, be done, and say “I release you with unconditional love and forgiveness.”

Technique #2:
Breaking Karmic or Soul Contracts

While in a deep meditative/intuitive state, you can also imagine there is a contract – a scroll, a paper, or let your imagination lead you to whatever you’d like to see with this. And then just burn it up with a violet flame, and say “Our karma is done, I release it, I release myself, and I am letting this go.”

Yes, these are blissfully simple techniques. But one of the tricks to making them more effective is to be in a deeply relaxed state first, so you can bypass your analytical mind and let your spirit run the show. The methods seem like imagination, but they do have an effect and it does work. I’ve seen it happen first hand!

Everything in the physical first exists on an energetic plane, so if you go into meditation with something that is bothering you, you can shift and move the energy around and release it in the energetic realms, so that it can be released down in the emotional/physical realms as well.

There are many ways to heal and work on releasing uncomfortable scenarios and situations. Having an arsenal of different techniques that help, especially when you are up against something that is extremely difficult, will only behoove you.

I hope this helps! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

I am always interested in learning various healing techniques, and when I heard Bill Bengston speak about his work at a conference a few years ago, I got REALLY excited.

The energy healing technique he developed cures cancer, among many other things. And it’s not just heresay (meaning, this or that person said the energy helped them). You see, Bill is a researcher, and he performed hundreds of controlled laboratory experiments on mice with cancer. The statistics prove that the energy works.

So why am I talking about this?

First of all, I just want to share cool things with you when I’m into them, in case you might find them exciting and helpful too! Personally, I’m not going to become a cancer healer, because I don’t feel that that is my path. But I’m practicing using this energy every day, and I have to tell you, it works!

I broke my baby toe, wrapped it in cotton I charged with the energy, and it healed in THREE WEEKS! That’s fast for me – I’ve had bruises that have taken longer to heal. And note – I’m still learning this – I’m a novice! I’ve been practicing on my cat and he swoons when the energy is running. I’m also trying some other things (charging vitamin C for cold season, charging up oil for beauty purposes, and other little experiments).

Secondly, one of my favorite clients bought Bill’s book and is practicing it, but the technique is a little tricky to master. She asked me to explain the nuts and bolts of the “image cycling” process, which is what generates the actual energy, and that’s what I chat about in the video above. It takes a lot of practice to master, but I can’t think of a better way to use my time.

There is so much more to the world than what we are aware of, and so many ways in which we can heal ourselves and just get through this life. This energy healing method is one way that’s helping me a lot, and by the way, it helps with manifesting, too. There really is something incredible going on here, and I’m pretty excited about it!

So if you’re interested, check it out, and let me know how it goes. If anything, it’s just one additional tool to put in your tool kit – just remember, it takes practice. I did his workshop in January and am still learning and working with it, but hey – like I said, what else are you going to do? The cool and fun thing about this energy too is you’re meant to multi-task and do other things while it’s running, so you don’t get in your own way and stop the flow. I love that – don’t you?!

I made this video while at the tail end of a case of the sniffles – the first I’d had in months, thanks to my healer aunty AND some powerful energy healing techniques I’ve incorporated.

When you have a little kid, the viruses that you are exposed to are through the roof. We’re talking “next level” germs. I lost my voice for days two years in a row, which a) has never happened before and b) is quite an experience. Also when you have a little kid, you are pretty busy. In fact, that’s an understatement.

But now that my son is six, I’ve had time to focus, and this past year got serious about a few things, some of which are as follows:

1. Practicing this energy healing technique called Emotion Code on myself and my family
2. Healing with the guides I channel
3. Learning the Bengston method of energy healing, which is not super popular so you have likely not heard of it, but IT WORKS.

The combination of these methods, along with assistance from my favorite aunty when I was too overwhelmed/busy to sit down and do the work, kept me safe from all these kiddy viruses this past year.

So when I wanted to tell you was this. Energy healing really does work, and can heal your physical body, but there is a secret formula you have to use in order for it to be effective. It is not hard, but it is important to know. And here it is:

In order to heal, you must:

  • Remain stress-free. COMPLETELY STRESS-FREE!!!
  • Think positive thoughts
  • Think and feel happy
  • Believe you are getting better or are all better

It sounds simple, but oh my goodness have I learned first hand how important it is to do this and how challenging it can be. And believe you me, I meditate daily and work hard to practice what I preach.

I feel it’s important to be honest and transparent, which is why in the video above I told it like it was. Yes, I have been healed by energy (thanks aunty!). Yes, I have healed myself. Do I believe it works? Yes. Do I do it all the time? No. Why? Because I, like you, am mortal. We make mistakes. We go through stuff and must work to consistently practice, improve, and strengthen ourselves.

When doing healing and energy work we need to remember to be kind to ourselves, and to flow love to ourselves, the people around us, and our environment. It’s OK to not be perfect all the time. You just keep working at it, and with consistent effort, you’ll notice a change.

In fact, I’m going to practice some EC (emotion code) on myself right now…just to balance everything out. It goes really well with Bengston, which, when you get the hang of it, is sort of always running in the back of your mind. More on that if you want me to make a video on it (let me know if you do).

And, as always, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out! 🙂

A client came to see me last week, and asked about her ears; she’s been losing her hearing, and doesn’t know what to do about it. I tuned in to her physical body and noticed that there appeared to be a swelling and buildup in both ears, and one ear had a fluttering sense to it in the eardrum. I asked her if she’d been to a doctor, as obviously I’m not a medical professional (I majored in Art History!) and I always recommend a client sees someone trained in medicine for an official diagnosis. And get this.

She had BEEN to a doctor. An ear, nose and throat specialist. And you know what he said? 
He checked her ears, shrugged his shoulders, and dismissed her. 
What a joke, right? It’s a crying shame. But what’s even more of a shame is that this happens all the time. MOST doctors are like this. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gone to doctors with problems, only to be offered a prescription to mask the symptom rather than an in-depth understanding of the real root of the issue.
If all doctors were trained to use their own intuition and tune in to their patient’s bodies, the world would be a different place. We’d have a whole new understanding of what causes illness in different people, and health would be much less elusive. The CIA trained soldiers  in the art of remote viewing; surely, doctors can be trained to remote view their clients bodies and pick up things that MRIs, X-Rays, and CT scans can’t register. 
It’s not difficult to use your own intuition to find out what’s going on with your body. The first thing you need to do is learn how to be in sync with your physicality. A lot of people think of their bodies as separate from themselves, and then when the body malfunctions, they get fearful and don’t know how to get the answers they need. 
If you’re tired of getting no answers from your doctors, or if you want to learn how to use your own intuition to maintain and promote good health, here are three ways you can tune in:
1. Think of your body as an ally. Appreciate it, and ask it what it needs. 
Before you take a bite of a Big Mac, for instance, ask your body if this food will truly nourish and support it. If you’ve already ordered the Big Mac, of course you’re going to eat it, but in the future, just try and sense what your body – and not your taste buds – craves. Same goes for exercise. As you’re toiling away on the elliptical or the treadmill, ask your body if it likes and is getting the most out of that exercise. You may hear a “Yes!” or you may get a sort of “I’m bored” feeling. If your body seems bored, let your imagination show you what it needs. You might get a vision of yourself skiing, or swimming, or doing something different. Just go with what you get, and then try and implement that new element into your routine. Same goes for herbs, supplements, and medications.
2. If you’re ill, don’t be content to mask your symptoms – dig deeper, and get to the root of the problem, then work on solving that. 
Most doctors encourage people to take their pharmaceuticals and shut up. They solve the problems after all, right? But if you want true healing, you have to find the root of the issue. In order to do that, you must quiet your mind and tune in to your physical body. This classic grounding meditation will help you get into the zone. Next, just visualize your body on a screen in front of you, and ask it to show you the problem area(s) and the solution. You may hear answers, get ideas, or see images of things that will help. The key here is to let your imagination take the reigns. Don’t dismiss anything you pick up as silly or “out there.” That’s how intuition works. Release yourself from your analytical mind and trust what you get.
3. As for higher guidance, and be open to different answers.
Every human body is different. Some people need meat, and some don’t. Some are allergic to things that others are not. In order to find out what is best for your body, ask for higher guidance to support you and give you the answers. Perhaps your body is too sensitive to live in the city, and a life in the country would revive you and give you the energy you need. Maybe you need acupuncture, or a holistic health practitioner. Maybe Western medicine is just the thing for you. You never know until you ask for higher guidance. It’s like putting a request out to the universe, and then just waiting for the answers to come in. Know that you don’t have to struggle, and it doesn’t have to be this great big difficult challenge. 
The more you work with and trust your intuition, the more it grows. There are no wrong answers, either. Just have fun with it, and explore, giving yourself validation, as well as credit, for seeking information and knowledge. 
What do you think about medicine today? Do you think things would be different if all medical doctors were trained in medical intuition?
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