Energy Healing with Bengston Image Cycling

I am always interested in learning various healing techniques, and when I heard Bill Bengston speak about his work at a conference a few years ago, I got REALLY excited.

The energy healing technique he developed cures cancer, among many other things. And it’s not just heresay (meaning, this or that person said the energy helped them). You see, Bill is a researcher, and he performed hundreds of controlled laboratory experiments on mice with cancer. The statistics prove that the energy works.

So why am I talking about this?

First of all, I just want to share cool things with you when I’m into them, in case you might find them exciting and helpful too! Personally, I’m not going to become a cancer healer, because I don’t feel that that is my path. But I’m practicing using this energy every day, and I have to tell you, it works!

I broke my baby toe, wrapped it in cotton I charged with the energy, and it healed in THREE WEEKS! That’s fast for me – I’ve had bruises that have taken longer to heal. And note – I’m still learning this – I’m a novice! I’ve been practicing on my cat and he swoons when the energy is running. I’m also trying some other things (charging vitamin C for cold season, charging up oil for beauty purposes, and other little experiments).

Secondly, one of my favorite clients bought Bill’s book and is practicing it, but the technique is a little tricky to master. She asked me to explain the nuts and bolts of the “image cycling” process, which is what generates the actual energy, and that’s what I chat about in the video above. It takes a lot of practice to master, but I can’t think of a better way to use my time.

There is so much more to the world than what we are aware of, and so many ways in which we can heal ourselves and just get through this life. This energy healing method is one way that’s helping me a lot, and by the way, it helps with manifesting, too. There really is something incredible going on here, and I’m pretty excited about it!

So if you’re interested, check it out, and let me know how it goes. If anything, it’s just one additional tool to put in your tool kit – just remember, it takes practice. I did his workshop in January and am still learning and working with it, but hey – like I said, what else are you going to do? The cool and fun thing about this energy too is you’re meant to multi-task and do other things while it’s running, so you don’t get in your own way and stop the flow. I love that – don’t you?!

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