Don’t Give Your Power Away in Psychic Readings and Energy Healings!

When it comes to readings and energy healings, it’s imperative that you choose the right practitioner, and that you approach your work together with the best frame of mind in order to achieve the ideal outcome.

A very important thing to keep in mind about readings and especially predictions is this: sometimes you might hear things that are upsetting or that might cause you to have a “doom and gloom” outlook…like predictions that you’re never going to get married, you’ll never be successful, or that this or that negative thing is going to happen. If this occurs, the first thing you need to be aware of is that readers don’t know everything. And sometimes a reader will inadvertently be a catalyst, giving you info that wakes you up and causes you to pivot and change your direction towards something that is for your highest good.

The thing about predictions is that there is so much going on with your free will and the universe at large that to have 100% accuracy and say that this or that is going to happen within this timeframe is pretty difficult to get a grasp on, even for those who are known for being good at predicting things. Case in point: once I had a session with someone who is renowned for her ability to predict. However, during our session, it flipped, and all of the perceived predictions were actually things that had ALREADY happened.

So even with the best of the best…to predict and get a handle on the direction and flow of your life path according to a timeframe, especially when it comes to your free will and the free will of the people you are asking about, isn’t the best use of your time.

Better questions to ask are the empowering ones: how can i heal, how can I grow, what is the best direction for me to take and how can I course-correct?

Another thing to keep in mind is that intuitives, energy workers, spiritual teachers and gurus, astrologers, tarot readers, what have you – they all have good days and bad days. They might be very empathic and therefore a tad moody, and can inadvertently hurt you or insult you, not intending to make you feel bad. Don’t give them that power – maybe they have their own issues and need to work on interpersonal skills. Maybe it’s not about you, but them.

Once a spiritual teacher who I really admired was clearly annoyed by my energy – I was so excited to see her and filled with joy and exuberance that she actually winced/recoiled when I said hello to her. She literally shrank back and kind of gave me stink eye. It made me feel so badly and I wondered if she, as an intuitive, picked up something within me that was negative that I didn’t see? In retrospect, I realized that she is indeed hyper sensitive, and on that day, in a setting with a lot of people, she might not have been at her best. It wasn’t about me.

Spiritual practitioners are regular people, with good days and bad days, and we all have to take that into account. Just because they are on a spiritual path…doesn’t mean they are better than or higher than you. I am on this path and am in no way going to make any pretenses that I am further along than anyone else. If anything, those of us on this path are having harder tests and more challenges!

So, to sum this all up, be selective in who you are going to work with. Tune in to your gut first and foremost before you agree to work with someone. You are letting them into a very vulnerable area; you are giving them permission to work with your energy, to help you heal, shift, and grow. It’s like working with a therapist. You absolutely must be selective, and choose someone who is authentic, compassionate, and resonates with your energy. The good news is, there are tons of wonderful people to choose from. You just have to do your due diligence and, above all else, trust your inner guidance and intuition.

Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

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