My friend @clarecelesteart asked me to create a guided visualisation and meditation to accompany her work “Holding Light.” This meditation helps to open up your heart space so you can embrace our imperfect world with love, light, strength and compassion.

The meditation is 23 minutes long and takes you through a journey, slowly building and radiating out light and love to all beings on our planet.

Clare asked me if I would do a global healing meditation after she did some personal energy work and realized that the whole world needs healing and light right now. It was the week before the inauguration and things felt uncertain and dark. She wanted to pray for healing, but didn’t know how.

This meditation is our form of a prayer, sent out into the world. It accompanies her beautiful and transformative work “Holding Light” so that the energy is even more magnified.

I offer this meditation here for anyone who needs it, any time they might need it, with open hands and arms and heart. . That we may love ourselves and one another and all beings. That we may see our own light, our shared humanity and our oneness with both humans and all life on our planet. May our actions towards one another and to all forms of life come from this space of love and kindness.

I was honored to be featured in a recent Redfin post on 15 simple ways to create a positive and peaceful home in 2021. To read the article on the Redfin site, click here:

I’ve included the tips you can read it here, too:

15 Simple Ways to Create a Positive and Peaceful Home in 2021

After experiencing a year full of so much change, challenge, and uncertainty, many are looking to manifest positivity as we enter a new year. And one of the best ways to do this is by creating a peaceful home environment.

So to help you bring more positivity, peace, and zen to your home, we reached out to experts across the country – from Portland, OR to Salem, MA – for their best advice. From being more mindful of the energy in our homes to incorporating crystals and calming scents, here are 15 simple ways you can create a more peaceful home this year.


1. Begin the day by focusing on your heart until it feels relaxed and open. Then visualize light emanating from your heart with the intention of connecting every being, every inanimate object, the rooms, corners, floors, ceiling, and yard with this energy. You can play around with color in your home, such as blue light to calm anger, pink light to attract positivity, or green light for health and prosperity. – Sacred Transformations

2. Use crystals to harmonize your home. Place Black Tourmaline by your front door to protect and repel all negative energy. For your bedrooms you can use Red Jasper and Green Calcite to help your energy relax and feel grounded. At your work table place Citrine, Pyrite, or Green Aventurine to bring vibrations of prosperity, growth, abundance, and success in your career. Lastly, add Shungite near your laptop to protect and shield you from EMF. – Sugar, Be Crystal Clear

3. Minimize energetic clutter in your home by limiting items to only things that you love and bring you joy. Take a look around your home. If there are things that trigger negative feelings as you look around, extend gratitude to that item, and then release it – no matter how much it cost, who gave it to you, or the sense of obligation you attach. You’ll feel a significant increase in your sense of personal peace when you release the things that are no longer serving you or bringing your joy. – Brenda Winkle

4. It’s all about the energy and intent you set for your space. Simply setting the intention for a more peaceful home, the energy will shift naturally. It doesn’t have to require buying or rearranging furniture if you don’t want it to be. I love lighting candles, a fire, or some incense and setting the intention for the space to become more peaceful, the highest frequency possible and zen, and even more loving if you’d like. You’ll be amazed at how powerful this simple practice can be. – Crystal Heinemann

5. Diffusers can help create a more peaceful home. Set up a diffuser in your bedroom and in other areas where you spend most of your time. Great scents for relaxation include lavender, bergamot, vetiver, and chamomile. The sense of smell is one of the key ways to quickly calm your nervous system. – Heart Fire Healing


6. Self-care is key to creating a more peaceful home. Start by creating a space in your home that is just for you. A space where you can meditate, breathe, practice yoga, qi gong, state affirmations, or whatever you feel will bring you peace. Make it easy for yourself to take a minimum of 10-20 minutes out of your day to focus on self-care. Be sure to pick a place that can be dark when you need grounding and relaxation or bright when you need to feel uplifted. – Chi For Healing

7. Leave technology at the door. Encourage yourself and those who live with you to detach from their cell phones and social media in certain rooms of the house. Technology has become another layer of stressful distraction, and we need to take periods of digital detachment to properly observe ourselves and our experiences. Perhaps you can make the kitchen a phone-free space to ensure organic and distraction less connect. – Erin Doppelt

8. Find a quiet spot to surrender. Create a space with a comfy chair you can sink into to clear your mind and let go of your worries. This spot can include a pillow and blanket, a favorite crystal to hold, and be sure the space is free of clutter. Then settle into that comfy chair, hold your crystal while closing your eyes, reconnect your breath with your body to notice any tension, and then release stress with each exhale. – Jessica Roth, Jess Kay Crystals

9. Open up your living space and let the positive energy flow. A tight, crowded living space not only encroaches upon you physically, but also mentally and spiritually. So cast out the clutter, embrace wide-open spaces, keep flat surfaces clean and clear, and place objects that delight in your line of sight. These shifts help promote peace of mind, engage your focus in the moment, and create beauty and harmony. – Krishanti

10. Clear the energy in your home and fill it with love. Energy clearing is one of the most powerful ways to make your home feel more comfortable, bright, and beautiful. The simplest method is to use your voice to speak your intention and request. For example, saying phrases such as, “Please help make this home a sacred space for rest and nourishment, where I naturally let go and relax. – Isa Dona, Spiritual Healer & Transformation Coach

11. Learn Reiki. Reiki is an easy method of energy healing that you can use to calm your mind, heal injuries, and make yourself feel better whenever you want. Anyone can learn Reiki in just 2 days and then you can send yourself pure positive energy just by placing your hands on your body. You can also help heal your family and friends, your pets, and even your plants. – Healer Source


12. Be the sage and smudge. This is an ancient technique of clearing and lightening up not only one’s energy, but the energy of your environment. Simply light sage and wave the flame out gently, allowing the smoke from the burning of the sage plant to softly billow into the room. Stand at the center of the room and waft the smoke around yourself and the room with your hand; clearing your energy and the energy in the room. – Gwendolyn C. Natusch, M.Ed., MSW, The Center for Personal Evolution

13. To feel more supported in your space, try grounding it. Grounding is a common exercise for bringing your energy back into your body but you can do it for an energetically scattered home as well. Sprinkle some salt on your floors to connect to the element of Earth, and soak up any negative energy at the same time. Then just sweep or vacuum it up. For hard surfaces, you can follow up with a magical mopping by adding a few drops of an essential oil that brings you back to your body when you smell it. – HausWitch

14. Scent is a powerful way to calm and soothe. During these challenging times where many people are working and learning remotely, your home can retain odors you’d prefer not to have linger. Lighting a soy candle in your favorite scent or diffusing lavender essential oil or a refreshing citrus blend can make your home more relaxing and peaceful. – Jenn Aubert

15. Increase your home’s positive vibes by adding green plants or fresh flowers. Then pull open the blinds and let the light of the moon and the rays of the sun clear negativity and energize your home. Healing stones can also make any room vibrant and feel more zen. – Gabrielsen Healing Center

Originally published by Redfin

An idea came to me not too long ago, and I wanted to share it with you.

In a nutshell, it’s this: if you do energy work, whatever type of energy you practice, at some point, you will want to flow that energy to the people you love so that their conditions improve.

When you do that, it helps to hold a state of mind of pure love and altruism. Not expecting thanks, not expecting acknowledgement. Just sending the energy so that they get better. Once you establish that state of mind, you are more free to just let the energy flow.

This notion came up because I’ve been deeply involved in Bengston energy this year. It’s a great energy, easy to do, and super fun. The best thing is, it works wonders on the physical body. There are groups of us who work together to heal one another, and our loved ones.

You always have to get permission from someone to work on them, so the person knows you’re doing it. It’s amazing how many people need healing, and how quickly a list of people who need help can grow. I started out with one loved one in mind, and suddenly I had a pack of 20-30 people I’m doing remote healing on. The energy gets stronger if you do a bunch of people at once. I as thinking about it, and realized I may not know if some of the people I’m working on improve. And that’s OK. It’s not about my knowing or hearing; it’s about something much bigger than me.

The expectation of receiving some sort of acknowledgement is a strong one. It’s only natural! But if it comes from a void or a need for the ego to be stroked, it’s not positive and can in fact be detrimental to the work.

Keeping the ego in check is critical in most endeavors in life. And being in a state of pure love for the people you’re flowing energy to, thinking only of their improved health, is key. Otherwise, you can start to feel resentful, which is not pleasant at all.

It’s wonderful to hear when someone is better, and to feel that gratitude and extreme joy. In our healing groups, we cheer for one another and are so happy when we hear good news. It’s a collective effort, all of us as one group field helping to create change. That vibe is amazing, because whenever someone tells a story of a miraculous recovery, an incredible cure, a life expectancy extended, we thank the group and float in this incredible happy space.

Not having expectations makes all of us a lot happier, more free, able to continue to do the work.

I would love to hear your thoughts on this. Are you doing energy healing on people? What is your experience like regarding acknowledgement, etc? Please put them in the comments below if you are watching this on YouTube. Let’s support one another and share our stories!

That’s all for now. Thanks so much for reading and watching.

This week I have a fun experiment you can try at home with water…and that’s charging it up with energy!

Water is very influenceable and very reactive, so you can easily charge it. It will change according to the energy you’re giving it – both positively and negatively.

Masaru Emoto

I first learned about charging water from Masaru Emoto, a Japanese author who wrote a book called Messages from Water. In the book, he discusses how water crystals change under different circumstances. Polluted water crystals create unattractive crystal formations, while fresh, clear water from mountain streams create beautifully formed crystal structures.

It’s very easy to study water as it pertains to energy work. You can just look at the molecular structure under a microscope. Next, you charge that water with energy, and then look at the structure under a microscope again to see how it changes.

Try this at Home!

All you have to do to try this at home is to get some water in a container. Hold it, and then imagine you are infusing it with light. Give it positive messages. Tell it it’s beautiful, and wonderful, and that you love it. Give it gratitude for being here for you. Then drink it, and see how you feel! You can also give some to your plants, and see how they grow and how things change.

Just experiment, take note of what you see, and be open!

Super Charged Water

If you’re really into energy work, you can also charge the water with your preferred treatment. You can charge it with Reiki, or Theta energy, or with Bengston, which is one of my favorite energy healing modalities. I love the Bengston method because Bill Bengston studied it in rigorously controlled scientific experiments, and it’s been scientifically proven to work! And while it’s not easy to learn, the results are beyond worth it. He advocates charging water, as well as cotton. Both can take a charge and hold it. When I really pause and take a minute to think about this…it’s just incredible.

There so much we can do with energy…and charging water is a great place to start!

Thanks so much for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

Today I’m sharing a fun little exercise you can do with energy. I’ve made other videos in the past about using your hands to practice psychometry, and this is along those lines.

We all have little chakras in the palms of our hands that generate energy. To really feel that energy, all you have to do is rub your hands together really quickly for 30 seconds to a minute.

Next, pull the palms of your hands apart, and then very slowwwwly bring them closer together. You should feel a cushion of energy that makes it hard to just clap your hands together. Kids love this part!

To make an energy ball, pat that cushion together and shape it into an imaginary ball. You can infuse it with a color, an intention, or anything positive that you would like to fill it with.

Then bring it into your own body — your solar plexus or heart centers would be a nice place to put it. Or you can press the energy into another person, plant, or pet.

This is a really fun and easy way to sense energy, and it works. Play around with it and see how you feel!

Thanks so much for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

This week’s video is about psychic development. It was prompted by a question that came from Chris:

I was wondering if you could speak a bit about the difference between the left and right sides of the body and any spiritual or energetic implications. It seems to me that energy comes in from the left side, and leaves from the right side, but that’s just my speculating. I sometimes feel/hear things in my left or right ear that feels supernatural. Do you have any insight on this? I love that question! It’s such a good one, and I absolutely do have insight on this. I feel energy differently from the left and right sides of my body. For a while, I felt like I was too centered over to the right side of my body, and the left side felt weaker. I am working to heal that imbalance.

Spirit Guides = Right Side

My guides and higher level beings I talk to in my channeling work, my main guide, saints, angels, high-level beings, deities, and others from the higher realms come through and talk to me on the right side of my head/ear. I will often feel a tickle on my ear when I’m channeling, too. All of the info from that team comes through the right side.

Spirits = Left Side

What I don’t love is what comes through the left side: pushy spirits! I don’t like mediumship for that reason. They come through whenever they want, whether you are prepared to do mediumship work or not!  These beings have a more dense vibration and they’re on the astral plane. When I am in a session with someone, my earpiece is in my left ear, and so I then view that person’s energy on the left side of my screen, too. My guides and I sit over on the right. That’s just how I set it all up based on my guides coming through the right.

Energy Flowing through the Body

As far as energy coming in through the left side and leaving through the right, as Chris observed, I don’t feel that as much. It could be because when I was taught to do readings, I was trained to have a grounding cord plugged in to my root chakra going down into the earth. I then release energy that way. Or, I erase it, blow it up, or fill it with light. That’s how it leaves my body/reading screen in a session.

And that about sums it up!

Today I’ve got a great technique you can do to energize yourself. It also helps you to become more mindful and “here” in the present moment. It’s a classic mediation taught in clairvoyant schools, and it’s a part of the one I do before every reading. If you’d like the whole meditation, I have it free on my website. Just click here and it’s yours!

Calling Your Energy Back to Yourself

An important part of that meditation involves you calling all of your energy back to yourself. What happens when you go about your day is that you’re usually involved with other people, creative projects, or things that take a lot of your energy. Even when you’re done engaging, your energy can sometimes be out with those people or wrapped up in that project. It’s like when you come home from work, and you are still thinking about it. Well, guess what? Your life force energy is there, too! 

That means that all of your energy isn’t here in your body. And this can make you weak because you’re not all here – you’re scattered. But don’t worry – this technique will fix that!

The Golden Sun Technique

Just sit quietly for a moment. Imagine there is a beautiful golden sun over your head. Write your name in that sun, and place a huge magnet in it. Then command all of your energy to return into that sun. Just postulate that your energy is coming back – that’s all you need to do. Imagine the sun getting bigger and brighter. The golden sun’s energy naturally purifiers your vibration, making it cleaner and more vibrant than you can even imagine.

Now imagine you’re poking a hole in that sun, and a hole in top the of your head. Visualize your own vital life force energy pouring into your body, down to your feet, filling up your entire body all the way up to your head, and fountaining out of your head and into your aura. This is your own essence and vibration. It re-engergizes and centers you.

Do this anytime you feel you need a boost or recharge. You can also try it when you need to focus on a project and you want all of you here right now. It helps you to be more centered, grounded and fully present. It also makes you more powerful, because you’re less powerful when you are scattered, but more powerful when you are all here. 

Try it out and let me know what you think! The more often you do it, the easier it will be, until you find yourself naturally calling your energy back whenever you need to. 

This week’s video is about the art of psychic surgery and what I know about it. I didn’t realize the video was so very long and rambling until I was done – so I’ll try and make this descriptive post about it a bit shorter!

Debra Lynne Katz and the Filipino Faith Healers

My friend Debra Lynne Katz first introduced me to the concept of psychic surgery over 10 years ago. She actually studied with a group of faith healers in the Philippines and watched them perform the most incredible feats. In page 222 of her book, Extraordinary Psychic,she says “Some of these healers, known as psychic surgeons, had the extraordinary ability to make an actual incision in a patient’s body with their bare hands, reach into the incision, and pull out the foreign energy, which would then manifest into physical matter such as tissue, blood clots, tumors, stones, fluids, and the like.”

Now, I don’t know about you, but I do NOT like gross physical matter. Even my son’s little scrapes and owies make me a tad squeamish. The good news is, psychic surgery doesn’t have to be like that. Everything is energy, and you can definitely transform it without seeing actual matter. Phew!

Connecting with a Higher Power is Imperative

At the beginning of the video, I said I wasn’t going to teach you how to do this…but I ended up giving tips on it regardless! If you are into energy work and would like to figure out how to do psychic surgery, the very best and most important thing you can do is to connect with an extremely high-level healing guide. The faith healers in the Philippines work with the Holy Spirit and channel that energy through their bodies and hands to do the work that they do. That’s why it’s miraculous.

Practice Makes Perfect.

A few years ago, I had a terrible energy attachment that got into my central nervous system and started wreaking havoc. Psychic work is not for the faint of heart, and this literally could have killed me. I don’t like to talk about it because it was so bad. I worked with a lot of people who helped immensely. And the great news is, my clairvoyant student Rachel performed a psychic surgery on me that got rid of it for good. In combination with a Kabbalistic energy healing technique that came to me, Rachel used her hands to make incisions into my auric field and pulled the energy out. This was her first time doing this and neither of us were 100% certain it would work, but it did. That is why I am certain that it can be learned and that even novices can do it.

Is it Really all that Strange?

Everything is made of energy, so when you think about it, why can’t we heal our bodies using psychic surgery and/or energy healing techniques? It just seems strange because it’s not common practice, nor is it widely spoken about or accepted in the Western world. And yet, modern healthcare, although somewhat advanced, fails people time and time again. Why not explore all of the limitless possibilities available in the world of energy?

I hope that one day psychic surgery and other clinically tested energy healing techniques like the Bengston Method are as commonplace as Reiki. Until then, you and I can keep on practicing, exploring, sharing our stories and experiences, and living in our own strange and magical realities. 

Thank you so much for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

This week I’m here with a fun, simple, and easy technique to stop negative thoughts. We all have them! And we can all work to eradicate them, if we so choose.

It Works!

This is based on a clairvoyant technique that moves energy. Basically, when you are in a clairvoyant reading, and you see a negative picture representing an unwanted or low-vibrational cycle or pattern, you explode it. That means you clairvoyantly (in your mind’s eye) blow it up. Then you clear it out, and that creates space for fresh positive energy to flow!

Yes, You CAN Try this at Home.

When you’re going about your day, washing dishes, working, or doing whatever, and a negative thought comes up, just explode it! You can get a grasp on it by associating it with a tangible feeling, a color, or sense, like brown sticky energy, for example. And then, explode it, blow it up, throw into a violet flame, pop it up like popcorn, shoot it up into outer space or down into the core of the earth. Let your creativity and imagination guide you on this!

Once you eradicate it, immediately think of something different. And that’s that!

The more you dissolve this negative energy, the softer it will be, and it will lessen in its intensity. Eventually, you won’t have it come up at all anymore.

The reason why negative thoughts tend to go on and on like a runaway train is that we chew on them like gum and dwell on them, letting them stew and grow. By actively eradicating them, you can transform and heal them, and free up space to think of more positive and creative things!

I hope this helps! Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

Over the years, I’ve stumbled upon a HUGE issue that’s come up for women on the path of spiritual evolution and healing: the “missing father” issue. And ladies, it’s a big one, deep and filled with tons of pain. I don’t want to leave you men out on this, too, so if you feel this pertains to you, come on in and join the conversation!

What is this “Missing Father” Issue?

What I mean by the “missing father” issue is that many of us who are working on healing ourselves have discovered that our dads weren’t really around, or if they were, they were totally distant.

This first came onto my radar when I was chatting with a group of fellow readers many years ago. I mentioned not having my father around, and they ALL chimed in and said it had been the same with them.

More recently, an intuitive friend was in a healing circle and one of the participants said she was trying to heal the part of her that was in pain because her father had been emotionally distant. The other participants realized that their fathers had been the same way! This friend told me she can’t even remember having had a conversation with her father. In my case, my mom divorced my dad and sent him away. Still, I grew up without him, and growing up without a father can really influence how you feel about and interact with men, as well as how you run your own idea of what masculine energy is.

Some people are lucky and have wonderful, attentive, nurturing fathers, but for those of us who didn’t, here are a few tips for healing the trauma this can cause.

Tip #1: Practice Forgiveness

The age-old practice of forgiveness is very helpful in this case. Many of our fathers are or were distant simply because they were not raised to bond with their kids and were not shown that behavior from their own dads. Some guys don’t even know how to talk or communicate! They just don’t know how to connect with their emotions. So how could they be present when the idea of it is completely foreign to them?

Whether your father is still alive or not, you can write a letter of forgiveness and then tear it up or burn it to release that energy. You can also meditate on the energy of forgiveness and soften your heart. In forgiving him, try to extend that compassion out and forgive the whole male archetype. It’s painful to be neglected, but if we don’t work on healing that pain, we can take it and project it onto the guys we are trying to date or marry or live with. So just meditate, think about what his life might have been like, and work on understanding why he is the way he is, releasing judgment and embracing acceptance.

Tip #2: Rewrite Your Past

This technique involves deep inner work, but it’s very therapeutic and it does have a lasting healing effect. One of my favorite guided meditations on rewriting your past is by Orin and Sanaya Roman. Click here for the linkand scroll down for the Age Regression, Rewriting your Past meditation. It works!

Tip #3:  Work to Balance your Masculine and Feminine Energy

By creating a nice balance between your masculine and feminine energies, you can repair the part of you that is missing or hurt because your father neglected you. As women, we tend to rely on and run our feminine energy and then run what we THINK is masculine energy. But that can be way off, because without a male role model to show us how a healthy and whole man is, we just don’t really know what we’re doing! On top of that,  we might be upset or wary or not trusting of men. There is a lot of hate out there directed at men, all those white men making all these terrible rules that are hurting people! However, the only way to heal is to transform that hatred and mistrust that we feel, and to create a healthy balance between our male and female energies.

At the time I made this video, I couldn’t think of the healing I was trying to reference that would help you do this. But I found it! There is a whole chapter on this in Debra Lynne Katz’s book Freeing the Genie Within. It’s in Chapter 12 of this book, starting on page 163, and reading it and following the exercises she introduces will help!  

You can also go to an energy healer or traditional chinese medicine practitioner and ask them to help you balance your masculine and feminine energies. We are these two halves! We all have the yin and yang within us, and when that energy is running optimally, we can reach a wonderful state of equilibrium.


We CAN Heal from This!

Thinking about it, talking about it, and addressing it will all help. And then we can train future generations, babies, boys, and young men, how to be present and nurturing. All we have to do is treat them warmly, encourage them to talk, and not make them be this typical closed off strong non-emotional warrior man society thinks they are supposed to be. We can encourage them to embrace their feminine sides so they can be fully present emotionally for everyone in their lives. 

Thanks for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

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