Spiritual Implications of Energy on the Left/Right Side of the Body

This week’s video is about psychic development. It was prompted by a question that came from Chris:

I was wondering if you could speak a bit about the difference between the left and right sides of the body and any spiritual or energetic implications. It seems to me that energy comes in from the left side, and leaves from the right side, but that’s just my speculating. I sometimes feel/hear things in my left or right ear that feels supernatural. Do you have any insight on this? I love that question! It’s such a good one, and I absolutely do have insight on this. I feel energy differently from the left and right sides of my body. For a while, I felt like I was too centered over to the right side of my body, and the left side felt weaker. I am working to heal that imbalance.

Spirit Guides = Right Side

My guides and higher level beings I talk to in my channeling work, my main guide, saints, angels, high-level beings, deities, and others from the higher realms come through and talk to me on the right side of my head/ear. I will often feel a tickle on my ear when I’m channeling, too. All of the info from that team comes through the right side.

Spirits = Left Side

What I don’t love is what comes through the left side: pushy spirits! I don’t like mediumship for that reason. They come through whenever they want, whether you are prepared to do mediumship work or not!  These beings have a more dense vibration and they’re on the astral plane. When I am in a session with someone, my earpiece is in my left ear, and so I then view that person’s energy on the left side of my screen, too. My guides and I sit over on the right. That’s just how I set it all up based on my guides coming through the right.

Energy Flowing through the Body

As far as energy coming in through the left side and leaving through the right, as Chris observed, I don’t feel that as much. It could be because when I was taught to do readings, I was trained to have a grounding cord plugged in to my root chakra going down into the earth. I then release energy that way. Or, I erase it, blow it up, or fill it with light. That’s how it leaves my body/reading screen in a session.

And that about sums it up!

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