Healing Light Meditation

My friend @clarecelesteart asked me to create a guided visualisation and meditation to accompany her work “Holding Light.” This meditation helps to open up your heart space so you can embrace our imperfect world with love, light, strength and compassion.

The meditation is 23 minutes long and takes you through a journey, slowly building and radiating out light and love to all beings on our planet.

Clare asked me if I would do a global healing meditation after she did some personal energy work and realized that the whole world needs healing and light right now. It was the week before the inauguration and things felt uncertain and dark. She wanted to pray for healing, but didn’t know how.

This meditation is our form of a prayer, sent out into the world. It accompanies her beautiful and transformative work “Holding Light” so that the energy is even more magnified.

I offer this meditation here for anyone who needs it, any time they might need it, with open hands and arms and heart. . That we may love ourselves and one another and all beings. That we may see our own light, our shared humanity and our oneness with both humans and all life on our planet. May our actions towards one another and to all forms of life come from this space of love and kindness.

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