One of my favorite energy healing systems is the Bengston method. I love it because it works, and because Bill Bengston tests this method out in labs in ongoing controlled experiments – it’s scientifically documented!

When it comes to applying energy to the body, and how the body heals, I always wondered why there are not more cases of instant healing. I.E, a healer puts their hands on someone and they are immediately 100% cured like in the movies. I have figured out for the most part why that’s not an easy feat for the human body.

My work with Bengston has taught me that, in reality, if the body is healed too quickly, it can cause major problems. Now the Bengston method really works and is effective. But it’s not always instantaneous. It takes time. For some people, a few years, for others, a couple of months. Every body is different and every condition is different.

If it heals too quickly, in some cases, the body will go into a Herx reaction, which aggravates the condition and can create other illnesses. The body often just needs time to get on track and heal. Western medicine has given us the “pill pop” instant fix approach. But true healing is holistic, takes time, and can’t be rushed.

Everyone can learn this method and apply it to themselves, friends, and family.

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

How would you like to have a magical genie lantern that granted your wishes? It would be pretty amazing – and also a great responsibility!

I’ve been practicing the Bengston Energy Healing method (Image Cycling) for about 5 years now, and it is exactly like having that magical lantern. You make a list of at least 20 things you want, spin it, and it generates the energy. Then you actually get the things on your image cycling list. To keep the energy fresh, you need to keep adding things/experiences to that list once other ones manifest.

And knowing what it is you REALLY want takes time!

In this week’s video, I discuss making the list and what you can put on it. One of the things I forgot to add that is very important is health! If you want to improve your eyesight, heal from an ailment or condition, whatever it may be – add it to the list!!!

If you missed my previous email about why I love the Bengston method, I’ve copied the details below:

What makes this energy healing technique so great in my mind is that the practice – image cycling – is one of the most potent and powerful form of intentional creation I’ve ever experienced. It’s also pretty fun.

Here’s how it works in a nutshell:

Make a list of at least 20 things you want to have or experience in your life. Deep dive into what it would be like to have each list item in your life. Imagine it as if it’s already happened, and feel the energy of it, the emotions. Some people do this alone as a manifesting technique.

The list is never stagnant. It’s continuously updated and maintained. When you get something, take it off the list. When you want something else, add it to the list. It’s imperative that the list is up to date and current with your current desires.

Now we generate momentum: the cyling itself. Take these 20 things and encapsulate them with a picture for each item, and then put them onto something that spins, like a clock or rolodex. The cycling of these items generates the energy that heals the physical body. It’s also as if that spinning creates the energy that magnetizes what you want into your life.

These three elements make Bengston flow.

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time!

Today I’m back with a new video about my current favorite energy healing technique. It’s manifesting and energy healing all rolled into one! I’ve made videos about this before,  and have a whole playlist on YouTube. It’s that amazing.

What makes this energy healing technique so great in my mind is that the practice – image cycling – is one of the most potent and powerful form of intentional creation I’ve ever experienced. It’s also pretty fun.

Here’s how it works in a nutshell:

Make a list of at least 20 things you want to have or experience in your life. Deep dive into what it would be like to have each list item in your life. Imagine it as if it’s already happened, and feel the energy of it, the emotions. Some people do this alone as a manifesting technique.

The list is never stagnant. It’s continuously updated and maintained. When you get something, take it off the list. When you want something else, add it to the list. It’s imperative that the list is up to date and current with your current desires.

Now we generate momentum: the cyling itself. Take these 20 things and encapsulate them with a picture for each item, and then put them onto something that spins, like a clock or rolodex. The cycling of these items generates the energy that heals the physical body. It’s also as if that spinning creates the energy that magnetizes what you want into your life.

These three elements make Bengston flow.

If you want to learn this process in full, I co-host a Bengston workshop once a year or so. If you’d like to join us this July 2022, click here:

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time!

Can you imaging mastering an energy healing system that’s been clinically proven to cure cancer, and also helps you create what you want in your life?

Today I’m chatting about one of my favorite energy healing systems, Bengston Image Cycling. I love Bengston because it’s effective on the body, and it really helps you to manifest. I mean seriously.

In brief, to get Bengston running, you make a list of 20 things/experiences you want to have. You then create an image to represent each item, and then you spin/cycle the images in your mind. This in turn generates a powerful energy that heals the physical body. For more info, check out

I’ve learned a lot since working with Bengston energy. But one of the most fascinating things I realized as of late is that the body has its own infinite intelligence. And so does the energy.

We as humans want to control things. When it comes to healing the body, we want what we know is wrong to get fixed. But with Bengston energy, the energy will go to where the body has a priority first, regardless of what anyone thinks the body needs.

Here’s an example. A Bengston practitioner I know was working with a person with cancer who injured his ankle. When he came for a session, the energy went to the injury first that day, and NOT the cancer. The body prioritized the ankle first, and the energy flowed there.

The body has an intelligence, and it knows what it needs and will also take the energy or reject the energy as it sees fit.

Those of us who practice Bengston meet to cycle together. A friend in the group I host always asks the energy to flow where it needs to. Many of us just ask for something more specific – like I’ve asked for help with my up close vision, minor ailments, and other things. But I realized the wisdom of her intention, and started doing the same. Immediately I could feel the energy flowing to a space around my heart. I have no idea what’s going on there but I’ll take it! And I hope it will heal before I ever have to find out what it is! 😉

If you’re interested in learning more about Bengston energy healing, I’m co-hosting a Bengston Energy Healing workshop this July 15-17 & 23rd, 2022. It would be so much fun if you joined us!

Click here to register:

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time!

Have you ever really wanted something…and then once you got it, realized it wasn’t nearly as great as you thought it would be? That’s a classic example of manifesting from an ego space, which isn’t always in alignment with your higher self or divine will.

In this week’s video (above), I chat about manifesting from a place of alignment with your spirit, vs. manifesting based on what you THINK you want. While it’s fun to manifest in general, being on the same page as the divine can save you valuable time and energy.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this, so leave a comment on YouTube! Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

This is the last video in a four-part series on working with your aura.

You are an energetic being, and your electromagnetic field stretches out beyond your body. This is your aura. Your aura is very responsive to your physical health and how you feel emotionally. It shifts and changes as you do.

When you concentrate and focus on working with your aura, it responds quite quickly. It’s pretty amazing!

In this series, we discussed:

Grounding Your Aura
Contracting Your Aura
Expanding your Aura

And today, it’s all about filling your aura with color.

The idea might seem strange, but in the world of clairvoyance and energy work, color is extremely powerful and important. When you focus on your aura and imagine that you’re filling it with colored light, IT WILL CHANGE.

I illustrate how to do this in the video above. It’s pretty fun! If you enjoy doing it, working with your aura like this on a daily basis can have a profound positive impact on your physical body and emotional state. It affects your entire vibration!

Try it out, and let us know how it goes in the comments on YouTube!

Thanks so much for reaching and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

Today’s video is part three of a four-part series on working with your aura.

Your aura is so responsive to the cues you give it! It’s amazing how quickly it can change. Working with your aura can  absolutely impact how you feel, and how others relate to you.

In some cases, expanding your aura, fluffing it out, and making it big will be exactly what you need. This technique comes in handy when you’re giving a presentation, doing an audition, or just want to hold your space.

I explain how to do this (it’s really quite simple) in the video above. Try it out and let us know how it works in the comments on You Tube!

Thanks so much for reaching and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

If you are super sensitive, you’re going to love the technique I present in this video! This is the second of a 4-part series on how to work with your aura.

Your entire being is comprised of energy, and that energy radiates out around your body. This is your aura. Some people have a really strong aura, and their emotions and vibrations radiate out quite powerfully. Some have a softer energy, and are more easily affected by the energy of others.

If you’re sensitive, and you’re in a place with intense energy (like a theme park or Costco or any super crowded loud and noisy place), or around someone whose energy is impacting you, try CONTRACTING your aura.

The aura is very responsive to the cues we give it. So just imagining you are pulling your aura tight around your body actually prompts it to do so. When you pull your aura in, you’ll feel less affected by strong energy.

The technique is as simple as that, but I explain it more in the video above, so check it out!

If you try this and it works, let us know in the comments on YouTube!

Thanks so much for reaching and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

This week’s video is the first in a 4-part series on working with your aura. The aura is an important part of your energetic composition! Having a strong, clear aura can make a huge difference in your life. You’ll feel clear, centered, healthy, and present. A healthy aura indicates a healthy physical body and nice, strong boundaries.

However, if you’re around negative or vampiric people or in places with bad vibes, your aura can become compromised. Energy is fluid, and sometimes your aura can get entangled with the energy you’ve been around. You might feel cranky, drained, and just blah. Too much of this and your physical body starts to feel heavy and dull.

But this can be easily remedied!

The best way to work with your aura when you’ve taken on the energy of other people or places is to ground it out.

It’s pretty easy to do – and I walk you through it in the video above.

Thanks so much for reaching and watching, and I’ll see you next time!

All the Best,


The heart chakra is one of the most powerful energy centers in your entire being. If you are being challenged by difficult people in your life, drop into your heart space and notice how everything shifts.

Being centered and focused in your heart chakra is different than operating from the head space or solar plexus chakra, the center of your will. When you’re in the heart chakra, you’re empowered to love and accept even the most challenging people. You can love them without needing them to change or love you back. This doesn’t mean you have to tolerate being mistreated by them. But it does mean you’re not as impacted as you would be otherwise.

I can tell you from firsthand experience that being centered in your heart space shifts everything. I was recently channeling and was given the most beautiful energy healing from beings in the higher realms. It was so special I made it into a guided meditation for you. It’s called the Heart Healing Meditation with the Flower of Light. It activates your heart space!

Once your heart space is activated, if you just think about your heart being open, the heart starts to open on its own. You heart takes over and love flows. It’s incredible. And it’s limitless.

If you are looking for more ways to heal and open your heart, check out Orin and Daben. They are my favorite channeled teachers, and their book and guided meditations called Soul Love are what initially got me to be able to work with the heart center in the first place!

What are your experiences with an open heart? Please share in the comments on YouTube! Thank you so much for reading and watching. See you next time.

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