Aura Series: Contracting Your Aura

If you are super sensitive, you’re going to love the technique I present in this video! This is the second of a 4-part series on how to work with your aura.

Your entire being is comprised of energy, and that energy radiates out around your body. This is your aura. Some people have a really strong aura, and their emotions and vibrations radiate out quite powerfully. Some have a softer energy, and are more easily affected by the energy of others.

If you’re sensitive, and you’re in a place with intense energy (like a theme park or Costco or any super crowded loud and noisy place), or around someone whose energy is impacting you, try CONTRACTING your aura.

The aura is very responsive to the cues we give it. So just imagining you are pulling your aura tight around your body actually prompts it to do so. When you pull your aura in, you’ll feel less affected by strong energy.

The technique is as simple as that, but I explain it more in the video above, so check it out!

If you try this and it works, let us know in the comments on YouTube!

Thanks so much for reaching and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

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