Dealing with Difficult People? Activate your Heart Chakra!

The heart chakra is one of the most powerful energy centers in your entire being. If you are being challenged by difficult people in your life, drop into your heart space and notice how everything shifts.

Being centered and focused in your heart chakra is different than operating from the head space or solar plexus chakra, the center of your will. When you’re in the heart chakra, you’re empowered to love and accept even the most challenging people. You can love them without needing them to change or love you back. This doesn’t mean you have to tolerate being mistreated by them. But it does mean you’re not as impacted as you would be otherwise.

I can tell you from firsthand experience that being centered in your heart space shifts everything. I was recently channeling and was given the most beautiful energy healing from beings in the higher realms. It was so special I made it into a guided meditation for you. It’s called the Heart Healing Meditation with the Flower of Light. It activates your heart space!

Once your heart space is activated, if you just think about your heart being open, the heart starts to open on its own. You heart takes over and love flows. It’s incredible. And it’s limitless.

If you are looking for more ways to heal and open your heart, check out Orin and Daben. They are my favorite channeled teachers, and their book and guided meditations called Soul Love are what initially got me to be able to work with the heart center in the first place!

What are your experiences with an open heart? Please share in the comments on YouTube! Thank you so much for reading and watching. See you next time.

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