The heart chakra is one of the most powerful energy centers in your entire being. If you are being challenged by difficult people in your life, drop into your heart space and notice how everything shifts.

Being centered and focused in your heart chakra is different than operating from the head space or solar plexus chakra, the center of your will. When you’re in the heart chakra, you’re empowered to love and accept even the most challenging people. You can love them without needing them to change or love you back. This doesn’t mean you have to tolerate being mistreated by them. But it does mean you’re not as impacted as you would be otherwise.

I can tell you from firsthand experience that being centered in your heart space shifts everything. I was recently channeling and was given the most beautiful energy healing from beings in the higher realms. It was so special I made it into a guided meditation for you. It’s called the Heart Healing Meditation with the Flower of Light. It activates your heart space!

Once your heart space is activated, if you just think about your heart being open, the heart starts to open on its own. You heart takes over and love flows. It’s incredible. And it’s limitless.

If you are looking for more ways to heal and open your heart, check out Orin and Daben. They are my favorite channeled teachers, and their book and guided meditations called Soul Love are what initially got me to be able to work with the heart center in the first place!

What are your experiences with an open heart? Please share in the comments on YouTube! Thank you so much for reading and watching. See you next time.

The chakras are power points within your body that lock in and circulate energies. When they’re healthy and strong, these energies can empower you. When they are off balance or blocked, these energies can create major problems in your life.

While you can work with a professional to get your chakras cleared, something truly magical and empowering happens when you do it on your own. And you can! It’s not that difficult – you just need to focus and apply the techniques I introduce in this video.

The crown chakra can be envisioned as an actual crown, or a thousand-petaled lotus. I’ve worked with many crown chakras over the years and have never had a case where the crown chakra is actually completely blocked. What usually needs to happen is it can be opened a little, perhaps energized, so the channel of light that runs from the crown to the higher realms is just more bright.

When the crown chakra is not functioning optimally, you won’t feel a strong connection to source. Nor will you feel confident in your own vibration/body/energy field.

When the crown chakra is clear and healthy, you will have faith in source. You will trust that you are being guided at all times. And you will feel confident and at home in your body.

Whenever you feel off, dejected, or depleted, do a little work with your crown chakra. It will energize you and hook you up with the divine source of all.

Thank you so much for reading and watching. See you next time!

The chakras are power points within your body that lock in and circulate energies. When they’re healthy and strong, these energies can empower you. When they are off balance or blocked, these energies can create major problems in your life.

While you can work with a professional to get your chakras cleared, something truly magical and empowering happens when you do it on your own. And you can! It’s not that difficult – you just need to focus and apply the techniques I introduce in this video.

The sixth chakra, or third eye center, is the home of your intuition. I haven’t often found bona fide blocks in the third eye chakra, to be honest. The most common issue I see is it being sleepy or dusty, not “lived in” enough. When the third eye center is off, that’s what will happen – you’ll need to dust of your intuitive faculties. You might find yourself too reliant on what your brain thinks. Or you will listen to the advice of other people instead of your own inner guidance.

When the third eye center is clear and balanced, you will trust your intuition implicitly. You won’t even have to make a forced or concerted effort – you will just be in the flow.

The 3 main techniques I cover in the video are as follows:

1. The “draining” technique to open the valves of your chakras and release negative energy out
2. The clairvoyant technique for clearing and balancing your chakras
3. The angelic/spirit guided technique, in which your angels and guides clear and balance out your chakras for you

Try the techniques I mention in the video above, and let me know how it goes in the comments on YouTube!

The chakras are power points within your body that lock in and circulate energies. When they’re healthy and strong, these energies can empower you. When they are off balance or blocked, these energies can create major problems in your life.

While you can work with a professional to get your chakras cleared, something truly magical and empowering happens when you do it on your own. And you can! It’s not that difficult – you just need to focus and apply the techniques I introduce in this video.

The fifth chakra is all about your voice and how you express yourself to the world. It’s not just verbal expression – this is physical expression too. How you relate your truth to everyone. When this chakra is not in balance, you will find people having a hard time understanding you, or what you are trying to get across. You might be blocked in your creative expression in some way or another. And you will have a hard time hearing internal intuitive guidance, because the heart chakra syncs up with your clairaudient channels.

When your fifth chakra is balanced, you will feel a flow and harmony in your communications. Your words will get across clearly, and you will find self-expression to be a breeze. You will easily hear your guides and trust your own inner voice.

The 3 main techniques I cover in the video are as follows:

1. The “draining” technique to open the valves of your chakras and release negative energy out
2. The clairvoyant technique for clearing and balancing your chakras
3. The angelic/spirit guided technique, in which your angels and guides clear and balance out your chakras for you

Try the techniques I mention in the video above, and let me know how it goes in the comments on YouTube!

The most powerful and magical healings can take place when you focus in and concentrate on the chakras.

The chakras are power points within your body that lock in and circulate energies. When they’re healthy and strong, these energies can empower you. When they are off balance or blocked, these energies can create major problems in your life.

While you can work with a professional to get your chakras cleared, something truly empowering happens when you do it on your own. And you can! It’s not that difficult – you just need to focus and apply the techniques I introduce in this video.

This week’s chakra is the heart chakra. In my personal experience, it is one of the most powerful chakras of all. The heart center actually generates healing energy on its own. As you know, the heart center is all about your ability to give and receive love. When I do chakra readings, I often see the heart chakra as a big huge playground where everyone the client loves is frolicking around. And sometimes people from old relationships lurk in the background, showing up as painful blocks to the flow of love. Clearing the heart chakra is so much fun because you can really feel it in an instant. A palpable and tangible heat gets generated here. Pretty amazing!

The 3 main techniques I cover in the video are as follows:

1. The “draining” technique to open the valves of your chakras and release negative energy out
2. The clairvoyant technique for clearing and balancing your chakras
3. The angelic/spirit guided technique, in which your angels and guides clear and balance out your chakras for you

Try the techniques I mention in the video above, and let me know how it goes in the comments on YouTube!

The chakras are power points within your body that lock in and circulate energies. When they’re healthy and strong, these energies can empower you. When they are off balance or blocked, these energies can create major problems in your life.

One of my signature readings over the years is one in which I clear and balance your chakras. But you don’t need me to help you do that! In fact, the more you work with your own energy centers, the more empowered you will be. You can do this!

This week’s chakra is the third chakra. This chakra is super important! It’s the center in which other people’s energies come into you, and where your energies go out into other people. You know how we are all born with umbilical cords? The energy of that umbilical cord is still “corded in” to your solar plexus chakra! When this power center is functioning poorly, you will have issues with boundaries and feeling other people’s stuff. You might have a hard time asserting your authority. When this chakra is balanced and clear, you know where you stand. You are confident, secure, and self-assured. Your energy stays with you, and the energy of other people stays with them.

The 3 main techniques I cover in the video are as follows:

1. The “draining” technique to open the valves of your chakras and release negative energy out
2. The clairvoyant technique for clearing and balancing your chakras
3. The angelic/spirit guided technique, in which your angels and guides clear and balance out your chakras for you

Try the techniques I mention in the video above, and let me know how it goes in the comments on YouTube!

The chakras are power points within your body that lock in and circulate energies. When they’re healthy and strong, these energies can empower you. When they are off balance or blocked, these energies can create major problems in your life.

One of my signature readings over the years is one in which I clear and balance your chakras. But you don’t need me to help you do that! In fact, the more you work with your own energy centers, the more empowered you will be. You can do this!

This week’s chakra is the second chakra. The second chakra, also known as the sacral chakra, is all about your creativity, sexuality, and creative life force energy. The second chakra is such a good one. It’s your passion and your joy.

The 3 main techniques I cover in the video are as follows:

1. The “draining” technique to open the valves of your chakras and release negative energy out
2. The clairvoyant technique for clearing and balancing your chakras
3. The angelic/spirit guided technique, in which your angels and guides clear and balance out your chakras for you

Try the techniques I mention in the video above, and let me know how it goes in the comments on YouTube!

The chakras are power points within your body that lock in and circulate energies. When they’re healthy and strong, these energies can empower you. When they are off balance or blocked, these energies can create major problems in your life.

One of my signature readings over the years is one in which I clear and balance your chakras. But you don’t need me to help you do that! In fact, the more you work with your own energy centers, the more empowered you will be. You can do this!

This week’s chakra is the root chakra. This is about your survival, your ability to be grounded and centered, and to care for your own wellbeing. Issues around money, security, health, and support are all affected by the root chakra.

The 3 main techniques I cover in the video are as follows:

1. The “draining” technique to open the valves of your chakras and release negative energy out
2. The clairvoyant technique for clearing and balancing your chakras
3. The angelic/spirit guided technique, in which your angels and guides clear and balance out your chakras for you

Try the techniques I mention in the video above, and let me know how it goes in the comments on YouTube!

All the Best,


The Root and 3rd Eye Chakras

When I was learning how to be psychic many moons ago, I was taught to get grounded in my root chakra and activate my 6th chakra, or 3rd eye center. That is where I would sit and do all my work: clairaudience, clairvoyance, and instant knowing.

But Something Was Off.

What I noted over the years was that my solar plexus chakra would get seriously impacted in readings. When clients were at their wit’s end and radiating a lot of that energy, it would throw me off. I would feel weak for hours and sometimes entire days: it was not good. I learned every psychic protection technique known to mankind, or to me at least, in an effort to heal myself. I even created a course called Psychic Protection for Empaths and Sensitive People based on all the research I did! 

Now, I am a very kind, loving, and compassionate person by nature, all heart chakra qualities. But in all of my psychic studies, I never came across anything that talked about activating the heart chakra. I was never taught to center myself in the heart space while doing readings. I certainly didn’t think the heart center was so powerful that it could transmute energy in the solar plexus…but more on that later.

The Closed Heart Chakra

I came to realize in all of my spiritual quests that my heart chakra was sort of closed. The reason for this was that, when I was a child, my mom struggled with cancer. I have vivid memories of going with her to her chemotherapy appointments. I combed her hair as it was falling out, and I watched her slowly die. I turned my back on God for a decade after that.

When my baby Ivan was born, I remember feeling like I was so afraid to love this person because I wouldn’t be able to take it if he suffered and died, too. Of course I am very loving and am trying to be a great mom. But as a highly sensitive person, I realized I had a fear of having my heart crack open and then being devastated all over again. 

A few years ago, a very dear psychic friend said it was time for me to center myself in my heart chakra and to activate it. We both had an idea or sense of what it would be like – do the things you love, work some esoteric techniques, appreciate nature, etc. But with no literature or a guidebook of sorts, I was kind of lost. 

Soul Love by Sanaya Roman

I have talked about this before recently, but the book Soul Love by Sanaya Roman and Orin changed EVERYTHING for me. I got it this year, and took a meticulously long time to get through it. And for good reason. It literally teaches you how to activate your heart center the way I teach people to activate their third eye.

To say it’s very powerful is an understatement! This heart center is unbelievable! It’s magnetic, bright, warm, and there is a heat that it generates. It’s like there’s a brilliant sun right in the center of your chest.

If you are interested, I highly recommended the book and the accompanying meditations. 


Clairvoyant Techniques with a Twist

In my clairvoyant studies, I was trained to bring my energy in and call my spirit into my body. I then center myself in my 3rd eye and open my throat and crown chakras. What Sanaya and Orin teach is how to center your spirit into your heart space, and have it literally activate the center of your heart chakra.

Basically, you imagine your soul coming in and centering in your heart. It then connects and clicks with your heart chakra, becoming like a brilliant golden sun radiating energy out into your aura.

After you get used to that, you eventually move into lifting what Orin calls “unevolved solar plexus energy” into your heart and letting the heart transmute that energy. Many empaths and highly sensitive people like me have a lot of unbalanced solar plexus energy. When it’s lifted into the heart, it’s game-changing.

The Heart Chakra in Action

I’ve been doing these heart chakra meditations every day for a while now. And I recently noticed that the heart center will start activating on it’s own!

Here’s a great example. I had see a doctor regarding my shoulder, which dislocates all the time. 🙁  It was a different guy than I normally see, and he was in a pissy mood. I’d been waiting in the exam room for 45 minutes and when he came in he was incredibly sassy!  Now, I can give sass right back (that’s my ego) and I was upset at his attitude. But instantly my heart center started getting really hot! And all of a sudden, the energy shifted and he got really nice! He actually did me a solid, and we both left smiling and feeling good. It was awesome!

Having an open heart chakra helps you naturally not be afraid of other people’s bad vibes. It radiates this vibration that’s unlike anything I’ve ever felt. It’s powerful, but not like you have power over anyone. It’s a power of oneness. It’s the sense that we are all from the same source, and we are essentially all one.

Deliberate Activation of the Heart Chakra

The deliberate activation of the heart chakra takes time and effort. But eventually, the heart chakra will be the place where you naturally center and ground yourself. Coming from here will help heal low self-esteem as well as issues with all kinds of relationships. It’s magical. 

As someone who is very sensitive to energy, I feel a very big difference coming from here. I was trained to get grounded in my root chakra, and this is so different!

So many of us humans see love as something that is conditional, because it can be given and taken away. And humans do that all the time. In fact, many clients say the most unconditional love they have ever felt from another sentient being is from a pet, because they know how to be pure love.

Operating from your activated heart chakra changes this. I’ve only been doing it this year, but I look forward to a lifetime of exploring this in greater depth and detail. Come and join me on this path! Let me know if you decide to read the book and how it’s working out for you. 

That’s all for now. I am sending you all of my love this holiday season. Thanks so much for being a part of this group of enlightened seekers. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

I started studying clairvoyance over a decade ago, and since then I’ve learned a great deal about the world of energy and ESP. I’ve come to the conclusion that clairvoyance is one of the most powerful ways to access your own intuition and psychic abilities. Why? Because it’s an active practice that goes hand-in hand with energy work.

Clairvoyance is not just being psychic; it’s all about seeing and shifting energy. What exists on a physical level also exists on an energetic and vibrational level. So, when you’re looking to heal, transform, and evolve, practicing clairvoyant meditation is very effective, as you go in and shift energy first, then let it work down into the physical, mental, and emotional levels.

Clairvoyance and the Crown Chakra

One of the EASIEST, and yet most powerful, clairvoyant techniques to help you clear blocks and move forward when you’re feeling stuck, blocked, or lost is to change the color of your crown chakra. Your crown sets the tone for so much of who you are, and if you work to adjust and shift the energy of it by setting it to a new color and vibration, you will take on the qualities of that color/vibration.

Although it may seem like this work is purely imaginative, what I’ve noticed (and it delights me to no end) is that, in a clairvoyant group, when one person starts projecting out a color, other people in the group will notice and can “see” what color it is. So it’s not so made-up after all.

When I’m in sessions with people who feel stuck, they intuitively know exactly what I mean when I ask them what color they’d like their crown chakra to be. On some level, there is an intuitive awareness that this is serious and powerful work. And here’s an example of how it worked for me: once, a long time ago, I was in an unpleasant work environment. I changed the color of my crown chakra, and then intensified it, and visualized this every day when I went into meditation. In a short amount of time, I felt stronger and more self-sufficient, and this motivated me to get out of there, stat! It worked!

So, if you’d like to play with this, try this free meditation I created that gets you into a prime mode for energy work, and then set your crown chakra to a color you love with all of your heart and soul…or just let the right color for right now appear to you. And let me know how it goes!

Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program.

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