3 Easy Ways to Clear Your Solar Plexus Chakra

The chakras are power points within your body that lock in and circulate energies. When they’re healthy and strong, these energies can empower you. When they are off balance or blocked, these energies can create major problems in your life.

One of my signature readings over the years is one in which I clear and balance your chakras. But you don’t need me to help you do that! In fact, the more you work with your own energy centers, the more empowered you will be. You can do this!

This week’s chakra is the third chakra. This chakra is super important! It’s the center in which other people’s energies come into you, and where your energies go out into other people. You know how we are all born with umbilical cords? The energy of that umbilical cord is still “corded in” to your solar plexus chakra! When this power center is functioning poorly, you will have issues with boundaries and feeling other people’s stuff. You might have a hard time asserting your authority. When this chakra is balanced and clear, you know where you stand. You are confident, secure, and self-assured. Your energy stays with you, and the energy of other people stays with them.

The 3 main techniques I cover in the video are as follows:

1. The “draining” technique to open the valves of your chakras and release negative energy out
2. The clairvoyant technique for clearing and balancing your chakras
3. The angelic/spirit guided technique, in which your angels and guides clear and balance out your chakras for you

Try the techniques I mention in the video above, and let me know how it goes in the comments on YouTube!

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