The heart chakra is one of the most powerful energy centers in your entire being. If you are being challenged by difficult people in your life, drop into your heart space and notice how everything shifts.

Being centered and focused in your heart chakra is different than operating from the head space or solar plexus chakra, the center of your will. When you’re in the heart chakra, you’re empowered to love and accept even the most challenging people. You can love them without needing them to change or love you back. This doesn’t mean you have to tolerate being mistreated by them. But it does mean you’re not as impacted as you would be otherwise.

I can tell you from firsthand experience that being centered in your heart space shifts everything. I was recently channeling and was given the most beautiful energy healing from beings in the higher realms. It was so special I made it into a guided meditation for you. It’s called the Heart Healing Meditation with the Flower of Light. It activates your heart space!

Once your heart space is activated, if you just think about your heart being open, the heart starts to open on its own. You heart takes over and love flows. It’s incredible. And it’s limitless.

If you are looking for more ways to heal and open your heart, check out Orin and Daben. They are my favorite channeled teachers, and their book and guided meditations called Soul Love are what initially got me to be able to work with the heart center in the first place!

What are your experiences with an open heart? Please share in the comments on YouTube! Thank you so much for reading and watching. See you next time.

Psychic Development Training Program Availability! If you have a burning desire to take your psychic skills to the next level, I now have space for you to work privately with me in a 3 month one-on-one psychic development program via phone or Skype. This program is catered to your individual vision, talents, and strengths. For more info, click here and/or send me an email.

This week’s video is about perpetuating the victim mindset within ourselves, which is something I’ve been working on healing with clients and myself a lot lately.

This week’s video is about perpetuating the victim mindset within ourselves, which is something I’ve been working on healing with clients and myself a lot lately.

The Inner Victim Archetype

Victim is such a harsh word that I really don’t like saying it, especially when it pertains to those of us who have gone through terrible things. When we experience extreme difficulty, especially during our formative years, that’s what we start to think life is like. It’s very hard to get out of it and see that it doesn’t have to be like that. When we are perpetuating our own inner victim archetypes, it means we are continuing to live through the lens of being a victim, even when the major storms have already passed through the landscapes of our life.

The thing is, when we get beaten down, we can get used to life being crappy and things going the wrong way. And then what do we tend to do? We close ourselves off and shut ourselves down to new experiences that might show us that life isn’t necessarily always going to be the same as it has been.

Don’t Close Yourself Off!

A classic example of this that comes up a lot in readings is when clients have bad experiences with dating people, encountering players, cheaters, sociopaths, you name it. It can be so challenging that some just say they’re done and call it a day. This also comes up with jobs and making money. Many of us just don’t take chances or work on change because of the very strong and real fear that we will get ruined in the process. But when we close ourselves off, we don’t get to experience that pivotal turning point where things start to get better.

Working from the Heart Center

Recently I’ve been reading a book called Soul Loveby Sanaya Roman and Orin. It teaches you how to open up your heart center, and the process is incredible. I initially closed a good deal of my heart chakra when my mom died of cancer many years ago; watching her suffer was horrendous. This book is gently teaching me how to activate the heart and release the fear. I highly recommend it. And if you are an empath like I am, I would say it’s a must-read!

Life is Always Changing.

I do channeling work every day as a part of my spiritual practice, and the messages I am getting for myself are pretty much “Listen, stop with the suffering, stop feeling like you’re always going to suffer, life is changing!” You see, if suffering becomes a habit, we can lower our expectations to the point where we don’t expect to get anything good. I’m not saying I’m like that all the time, but I have my moments, as I am sure you do.

I’ve worked with people from all over the world, and all walks of life. I have been with them through their darkest hours, moments where they are sobbing, telling me they don’t want to live, that they are pushed to the limits of what they can handle. But then things change. Shifts take place. Patterns stop and cycles end. Lives turn around completely and get much, much better – sometimes within a very short period of time.

We never know from one day to the next when things are going to change for the better. Our entire lives can change, and it’s bound to happen if we keep anticipating it.

If You Need a Miracle: ANGELS.

One final note: if you are in a really bad place, there is nothing more powerful than calling on the angels. They DO come when you call on them. They hear you and they will help you. They’ll help you get out of bed, to not give up, they will comfort you and they will help bring in the light. They will help bring good things to heal your heart and lift your spirit. I’ve seen it happen time and time again with clients and students and from first hand experience. They are very powerful. You are not alone, and you don’t have to keep suffering.

Phew! Heavy topic this week. Well, that’s all for now! Thanks so much for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

Whether you are suffering through a breakup, the end of something that never really began, or a general parting of ways, the experience is rarely fun. So here are a few self-healing essential tips to help you recover with ease, so you can reclaim your energy and move forward.

When I first started doing professional readings, I was thrilled to be able to use my intuitive know-how and thought it fascinating that you could pretty much google the universe any conceivable question – and get an answer. However, I soon found out something very interesting about 95% of the people doing the asking: they MOSTLY just wanted to know about romantic relationships, and how to heal from them.

In fact, I had so many women coming to me asking how to stop obsessing over a guy that I created an entire month-long program to help. You may have taken it – it’s called Get Him Off Your Mind in 28 Days. Many women said the exercises and healing meditations in the program really helped them recover.

So in the video above, I go over some of the basics that have come up universally in the thousands of readings and healings I’ve done to help beautiful souls (like you!) to recover:

1. Remember to part ways energy-wise…that other person will have had an impact on you. This will be harder if the relationship was more in-depth or energetically charged, and may take a wee bit longer to heal from.

2. Allow yourself to go through a mourning process – there has to be time for you to heal and release!

3. Be aware that when you are sexually connected you create cords, cords into the root, second, and third chakras. Start with your solar plexus, the seat of your personal power. Imagine there is a cord running between you and that person, and cut it. Call in the archangels; typically Archangel Michael with his sword surrounded by the violet flame will help.

4. Reclaim your sex organs, ground into yourself, and into the earth. Create a grounding cord, plug it into earth, and release that person’s energy down through that grounding cord (free grounding meditation on my website HERE!)

5. If you feel too overwhelmed, do a cleanse and/or monitor or change your diet. Shift things up, purifying the body and reclaiming it as your own. (the other person may have claimed you as their own, so you need to make sure you are taking your body back).

6. Do a series of scrubs, cleanses, aura & chakra cleansing and purification rituals, focusing on the lower 3 chakras.

7. For your heart chakra, release the person with love and forgive them. Just imagine you are energetically taking them out of your heart and sending them back, release, you are done, cut cords, do not think about them too much, just let go. Manipulative and hurtful people can really hurt your heart if you hold them in there with the imprint of pain that was exchanged between the two of you. Send them away with love and then flood yourself with love, fill your aura with love, send bright pink and green energy to your heart, and focus on green and pink healing energy when you meditate.

Remember, above all else, to be gentle with yourself, and to give yourself time.


If you are fearing that having this kind of person in your life, or being in this sort of circumstance, is becoming a pattern, listen up!

Just by the virtue of you recognizing this means you are in a position to break it and end it. This is where you bring in your power to manifest things, to shift the karma, and to release it. If you are feeling the calling, it is the time. You will transform and evolve in the process and you will evolve out of that circumstance happening. You will not have to repeat it. You CAN do it.

Remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out! 🙂

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