Discipline, Focus, Dedication

We are all psychic and intuitive. Some people are born with their psychic abilities wide open, which causes general confusion and the false belief that not everyone is born with it. We all have it. But to really fully develop these abilities, there are 3 requirements: discipline, focus, and dedication.

Sounds pretty simple, right? You don’t have to go to some faraway mountaintop to get the sacred flower for the gifts. You just need those 3 things. But most people don’t, or won’t, do what it takes to get to that all-in level. It’s much easier to just be in the “normal” world and deal with things that way…which is fine! However, if you’d like to go the distance, see how far your psychic abilities can take you, and perhaps do this professionally, let’s break it down:


Professional athletes train every day. If they didn’t, they’d be off their game! They’re disciplined. This is what they do. The same applies to the development of your psychic, intuitive, and energy healing abilities. Discipline in this area involves daily meditation, study, practice, and recording of your observations and impressions.


We live in a world that makes it challenging to focus. But when it comes to intuition, psychic-ness and energy healing, focus is the place where the magic happens. I’m talking focus to the exclusion of everything else. The moment focus is lost, you drop out of that space and back into the regular world. To keep up with the sports metaphor, players who are not focused during a game will not make the goal. Focus is vital. It’s a muscle that gets stronger over time.


Many people have trouble with dedication to psychic and spiritual work. It takes an enormous amount of time and effort, without quick payoffs. In this on-demand world we live in, that is a major deterrent for many people! I have dear friends who love this world, but won’t take the time to do the work. It’s easier for them to just go through life the regular way. This is understandable! You can be interested in this and not go all in. But when you truly wish to immerse yourself in this world, it will be a part of your life until the end.

Without discipline, focus, and dedication, you will not fully be in that psychic/intuitive/energy healing zone. Sometimes we go through periods of pulling back, and that’s perfectly fine. And it must be said that this is clearly not for everyone – we are all here for different reasons and have different areas to focus on. If you are longing to make this your life and possibly career, these 3 things are all you need.

What are your thoughts on this? I mean, in reviewing it, I’m thinking most people don’t believe it’s possible to be psychic because they won’t do what it takes to get there! I’d love to know what you think; please share in the comments!

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

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