I recently made a video about fear as a block to understanding the psychic arts. I created this video/write up as a follow-up to that, because it is such an important topic that I felt it needed a bit more explanation!

What does Being Psychic Mean?

There are some major misconceptions out there about what it means to be psychic:

  • A lot of people think you have to be born with it
  • A lot of people think you can’t do it and it’s a bunch of baloney
  • Many people are flat out afraid of it

In my estimation, being psychic means you follow your inner guidance and intuition to get high-level intel that will help you make sound decisions and follow your highest path. It also means you can connect with angels and light beings who can provide incredibly wonderful assistance to you and others on the earth plane.

Why Are People Afraid of Psychic Stuff?

Now let’s address why people are afraid of the psychic stuff. In a nutshell, they don’t want to find out anything bad or scary. They are afraid that if you dabble in the psychic arts, or you pull cards and do a reading, or you are intuitive, you will stumble upon something that will happen to them (tied to a feeling of powerlessness) that will be bad and scary. So they just want to avoid it altogether.

Now that does make sense if you look at how “paranormal” phenomena is covered in the media and movies and whatnot. Even the word sounds really scary, like bad things are going to happen and evil spirits and ghosts are going to get you. There are so many movies and tv shows about the dark side! It seems that part of human nature is this fascination with the darkness.

The darkness does exis and it is scary. But if you walk in the light, connect with angels, and hold a firm unshaken intent to reach the highest source of goodness and light and healing, that scariness can be avoided.

Will a Reading Reveal Terrible, Awful, Really Bad News?

From my experience, readers are not in the business of delivering bad news. Although I have heard from clients who’ve received damning and condemning information. One girl said her astrologer friend said she would struggle with money her entire life. Bam! Talk about a doom sentence! I can see how damaging that would be.

If her friend had said “It looks like in your lifetime you will have struggles with money as you have already experienced, but you can find ways to shift that and heal that pattern” that would have acknowledged a challenge and provided a solution, turning it into an empowering message. Most of us in a reading don’t want to tell you bad things. Sometimes they do come up, though. 

That reminds me of a story that happened a while ago. A dear friend of mine and I were doing card readings for each other, and the Tower card in the tarot kept coming up for her over and over. This card represents a sudden and dramatic change that is unavoidable and can’t be predicted. You literally can’t say what that change is – that’s the good old Tower card! In a matter of weeks, her apartment building caught on fire. The building was damaged, but she was fine, her pets were fine, and her property was ok. She had to move out, and  it shifted everything. While it was definitely scary while it was happening, she ended up moving in with her boyfriend, and they got married! And she is in a gorgeous place now. So yes, a not-so-great thing came up, but the final outcome was wonderful. 

Let’s Banish Fear! 

Again, I’m talking about this whole subject to give a nod to the fear out there that blocks people from embracing the psychic world and the beauty, joy, and happiness that it can lead you to. Good things and bad things happen in life. A reading shows you options and helps you move in the direction that brings the most optimal results.

Back to the TV and movie thing, I wish there were more positive shows about all of this! Most of them are about using energy for manipulation and bloodshed and evil. There isn’t enough happy, positive media out there! If there were more shows with an emphasis on the fact that this is wonderful, light, and good, and that good things happen, it might start to help change public opinion.

Most terrible things can be transmuted. I mean, just look at the fairy tales!  These stories are comprised of archetypal energies we all tap into. In Sleeping Beauty, the fairies were giving gifts to the baby princess, and the angry fairy Maleficent cursed her. The good fairies transmuted the curse and softened it. The bad thing did happen, but it all turned out OK in the end.

Life is full of positive and not-so-positive experiences. It can be epic, mythological, and beautiful. Embracing our own psychic abilities and trusting that the intuitive realm is one of possibilities and hope really changes everything!

Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

Happy Thursday! This week’s chat is all about a core facet of the psychic arts that I think turns a lot of people off and creates a collective block to the whole thing. It’s the fact that psychic accuracy is never a sure thing. ESPECIALLY when it comes to predictions.

Yes, intuitive intel can be very insightful and intriguing and helpful and healing, but when you do a test of it, it’s rare that you’ll get 100% accuracy all the time.


This is mostly related to the prediction side of things. Just being psychic about something, getting intuitive information about why someone is feeling a certain way or how a pattern began and how that looks and feels etc. is another matter. That is neither accurate nor inaccurate. It’s about discovering truth, however that truth appears. Once you are in the flow, you go beyond right and wrong, which are human constructs, and into a realm of limitless possibilities, with no restrictions.

It’s human nature, though, to need things to be “right” or “wrong.” When it comes to predictions and solid, left-brain cognitive practical questions, we want accurate results.

However, predicting things is very tricky, because the entire act of predicting something takes into account another person’s free will. For example, you can say this person is your soulmate, I see him, he’s coming, and it will be in May in XYZ year. And then that guy meets somebody else and goes on that bandwagon, and it doesn’t happen because of his free will. Or the readee will meet another person first and go down that path instead.

A way around this is to look at and ask for potentials, like a “Choose Your Own Adventure” book.

When people ask me to predict potential outcomes, I tend to give percentages, because nothing is set in stone.

I have been searching for a way to predict timing with close to 100% accuracy, and had found a way to do it with my cards and a clairvoyant technique as well, but then time got slippery and it seemed it wasn’t quite working. Other readers reported the same thing.


Even with astrology, which I am not fond of for this reason, there are blind spots when it comes to timing and major life events. An astrologer can see where something traumatic is going to occur in someone’s life. But unless you are really tuned in and are prophetic almost it can be difficult to say with 100% accuracy what exactly is going to happen to someone, and when. For instance, you might be thinking, “Oh! This ending means it’s the end of that awful job because the astrologer saw a major ending and that must be it!” And you are all happy, then the time comes and your next door neighbor moves away. And it’s that ending instead.

Because there are so many factors at play, it’s very difficult to say, OK this is going to happen, and it’s going to happen at that juncture. You yourself, with your free will, can do something completely and totally different that would change the course completely. It is simply not a hard proven science.

It is exciting when you get a hit that does come about. But I can’t say what it is that makes that happen. Things can change on a dime at any given moment.


The beauty of intuitive intel and what makes it so powerful is that it can help you guide yourself and navigate through the changes of life on a day to day basis, following what is for your highest good. I love the I Ching, the book of changes, because of this. It is based on the fact that life is a series of changes. By following the I Ching, you will develop a stronger character and become a Jun Zi, more in alignment with your highest self.

How do we know when something is fate or destiny, or can be changed and altered? That is a real trip, when you think about it. Does fate exist? Yes. How would we have these astrological charts, which are essentially 3-D grids of light, vibrant energy fields? How is a chart created as a map of one’s life without speaking to destiny and fate? Certain things are going to happen. Accurately predicting them, though, is tricky. Perhaps we’re meant to discover it as we go along, and use our intuition to help us find the way.


Looking at it through another lens, however, it is said that the more energy comes together, or, rather, the larger the impact of a global event is, the easier it is for people to predict it and see it. There are teams of people trained in Remote Viewing who look for these things. This natural disaster or that, precognition and retrocognition, they are all over it! 

And yet, it’s never 100% all of the time.

In closing, if you are getting readings, be very nonchalant about predictions when it comes to timing or what is going to happen. Instead ask questions along the lines of…what can I do now to be happy now, or what is the best path to get to where I want to go??  Otherwise you will be like my friend, who was thrilled when a reader said he was going to be married by end of next year. Next year came and went and it didn’t happen. Maybe it will happen in 5 years. You don’t want to have false hope, you want grounded, real hope. Which is what you get when you ask for guidance that helps you to follow your highest path in the present moment. 

Well, that was a long one! Thank you so much for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

As someone who tends to think a lot, I’ve found mindfulness to be very helpful! But it’s not just a powerful and healing meditative practice. Mindfulness is also great as a grounding technique and coping mechanism.

As you know, I am very sensitive. That trait is great for an intuitive and healer, but not always so good in everyday life, as I can get easily affected by other people’s emotions and energy. Practicing mindfulness is very helpful with this.

In fact, I’ve come to realize that I go into mindfulness mode quite naturally as a way to cope with certain situations, like…

When something really upsetting happens, i.e. I find out someone has cancer, or there has been a shocking accident, or someone dies suddenly, I immediately start cleaning. I will get a cloth and start dusting, cleaning, and organizing while on the phone, or just after getting off the phone, or while being with the person I’m with at home.

Do you every find yourself doing things like this?

The act is, essentially, a practice in mindfulness. Maybe not in the typical Buddhist sense, but it is modern mindfulness: being involved and absorbed in doing something that fully captivates your attention and helps you release energy. 

As I have progressed with my practice and channeling work, I have noticed that I tend to become very ungrounded. As an intuitive who likes to play in the higher realms with angels, light beings, and ascended masters, I can get spacey and distracted. I can bi-locate, which in remote viewing terminology means being in two places at once. Essentially, with bilocation, your consciousness is here, but a part of you is somewhere else. So when I go into these higher realms, my consciousness really is there and I enjoy being there. It’s really nice!!! So coming back down to the earth plane and busy crowded LA can be difficult, to say the least. 

I recently took up Jiu Jitsu as a grounding technique. I have always been interested in martial arts, but I have a shoulder injury and didn’t think it would be a good idea. But my son Ivan started taking jiu jitsu and it looked like so much fun that I decided to try it. And it was terrifying! 

The thing is, if you are not completely grounded and fully in your body, you will get hurt and/or you won’t be able to do the techniques!

Here’s a snapshot of how it goes in class: the instructor will show a technique 3 times on his partner, and then the partner will do it on the instructor 3 times, so you are watching the technique 6 times at least. Everybody watches it. But then when I go to do it with my partner, I tend to blank out and completely forget what I’m supposed to do. For me, remembering the steps and saying them out loud is a practice in mindfulness. It gets me fully engaged in the present moment.

Martial arts is a wonderful training for the mind and body, marrying mindfulness with being in the face of danger. I mean it’s self defense; protection against danger. Circling back to the original idea I started out with, mindful action (even if it’s just cleaning) in the face of danger is extremely therapeutic! 

If you are doing this sort of work and/or are interested in the psychic and healing arts, I advise you to make sure you do something every day to connect to your body. I work out every day, weights, cardio, etc, but that alone isn’t quite enough. Nowadays, the martial arts practice is helping. 

For many people yoga is very grounding. I have a friend that finds it extremely healing and helpful. Different things work for different people. Once you find the thing that works for you, just make sure you do it consistently. 

If you are naturally ungrounded, no worries! If you find your mind wandering (as I often do), or you are feeling spacey and scattered, you can draw yourself back right away. It’s easy!

Let’s say, for example, that you’re driving and you go on auto pilot. Once you notice this, just put your hands on the steering wheel and start paying attention. In other situations, you can also practice being mindful and notice someone without any thoughts or judgments. Just observe, very practically. You’re not being intuitive here, so you don’t have to worry about getting impressions or anything. Just see what is before you and be really grounded in the reality around you!Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

P.S.I teamed up with an online learning organization called OfCourse, based in the UK, to create a couple of mindfulness courses. The first is an introduction to mindfulness. Click here to get it.

The second is an entire Mindfulness Diploma Course. Click here to check it out!

A fascinating topic that often comes up when people talk about the power of the mind is that of telekinesis, which means moving objects with your mind. While it really does sound like a power limited to superheroes, telekinesis CAN be learned: you just have to be patient and build up to it.

Some people are naturals when it comes to TK (not to be confused with Transitional Kindergarten). For others, it takes practice. It’s best to start out with lightweight objects before attempting bigger and heavier things, because, sensibly speaking, they weigh more and it takes more energy to move them!

If you’re interested in learning how to activate your own telekinetic abilities, here are a couple of things you can start out with:

  1. Use a Pendulum

A pendulum is, generally speaking, a crystal or stone that hangs from a chain. Using a pendulum can give you great yes/no answers. It will either swing back and forth, or kind of swing around in a circular direction. My pendulum swings clockwise for yes and counter clockwise for no.

Hold the pendulum and say “show me yes/no” or just say “move for me” and keep your hand still, or hang it from something and look at it as you mentally ask it to move. Even if your hand is completely still, it will move. That is TK – you are moving an object with your mind. When you are using a pendulum to get answers or guidance, you’re using your subconscious/higher self, but when you are just telling it to move, as in this exercise, you’re demonstrating TK.

  1. Practice with a Candle Flame

Light a candle in a room with no breeze or air flow. Just stare at the flame and become one with it, and feel like you are simpatico with that flame. Admire it, appreciate it, think about how much you like it. And then ask it to grow taller. And the flame will get taller! Then ask it if it can shrink low, and it will. Next, ask it to dance…and it will!

Give yourself half an hour to an hour to get going with this. Many of us can get easily bored and give up before we have a chance to make it work. Again, if you’re patient, you will see results!

Now, sometimes TK happens spontaneously. A classic example is when our energy is strong and we experience a negative emotion while working on the computer. I’ve fried a couple of computers this way and I now know to put my laptop down if I get emotional. Many students and fellow energy workers have had the same thing happen to them. It also manifests in the form of cars acting up and “wigging out” when you’re emotional too.

I haven’t focused on telekinesis much in my practice because I didn’t see how it could immediately and practically help clients heal and grow. For me, learning to be psychic so I could get answers for people, and running energy to help them heal, made more sense.

I’ve been to psychic/consciousness conferences with friends in this realm, and at some of these, they all get together to bend spoons as a fun practice. They will literally grab some spoons from catering, meet in one of the conference rooms, and then bend them, but I never went in to join them because I was like, what am I going do with a bent spoon? Whoop dee-doo! I would be more inclined to learn TK in order to mend a wound. Let’s say somebody’s hurt and you know how to move objects with your mind and you bring the skin back together, or you knock a weapon out of a bad guy’s hand. Now that would be epic and very superhero-like, don’t you think?

If you would like to just see if you’re able to move a candle flame, or a pendulum, by all means try it! If anything, it will help reinforce how powerful you really are. 🙂

Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

Today’s video and write-up came at the request of a light worker/healer who is having a hard time keeping her energy grounded and clear while working with special needs patients (dementia, extreme non-verbal autism, alzheimers, etc). She has noticed that she tends to match their brainwaves inadvertently, which is, understandably, very uncomfortable.

She is well-versed in psychic protection techniques, but they simply aren’t enough in this case. So she asked if there were any other methods that might help.

I am so glad she asked this, because, for many of us, no matter how many psychic and energy tools we have, and how aware we are of our own energy, keeping the energy of other people away from us and out of our fields can be EXTREMELY challenging. Some of us are such natural empaths that we don’t know how NOT to match other people’s waves. It’s just how we operate. Try stopping someone from being how they naturally are – that would be ridiculous!

Everyone is unique, and, therefore, everyone is affected by things in different ways.

It’s interesting, because I was having a conversation recently with a friend who is a nurse. And she told me that her shifts are 12 hours long, with one 30-minute, and two 15-minute breaks. That’s 12 hours of almost nonstop intensive care-taking for the people who are physically, mentally, and emotionally suffering. She’s also having to work with friends and family, as well as other staff members. I asked her if she ever gets burned out and she said yes, absolutely, but they designed the shifts like this so nurses can have more days off in order to recharge.

As the person who asked this question stated, it’s unhealthy for anyone with low energy and not in great health to work in certain types of environments. But if that’s what you’re trained in, and you’re at a certain age where you’d rather not start over and go into an entirely new field, what are you going to do? If it becomes apparent that you can’t continue doing that sort of work, you would probably still have to work until you can manifest a more ideal situation.

So here are some tips that might help…some of them might be considered a part of a natural psychic protection program, and others are just things that came to mind as I pondered this:

  1. Listen to binaural beats when you’re not at work – they produce a rhythm that helps your brainwaves match THAT, and then you can slip into that state when you are with patients
  2. Learn and practice Bengston Image cycling – this method can run in the background in your brain, and if you have that going on in the background it can deflect other energies
  3. Get as grounded as you can – be in your body and imagine roots growing down out of your feet into the earth. Place some protection in your aura. The person who asked me to cover this has these tools, but not everyone does, so I just added them here as they are “psychic protection 101” survival tools. 🙂
  4. Try not to be so close to your patients that you can’t take a breather…if you are allowed to, take little breaks and go stand in the sun. I used to do this and run the Middle Pillar meditation, while chanting, which really helps. Of course, if you only get a couple of breaks as my nurse friend does (you can’t even make it outside of the hospital in 15 minutes!), find a quiet corner to self-heal.
  5. When you get home, immediately take a shower, scrub with sea salt, or take sea salt bath, using cedar wood oil (which keeps your power centers strong and keeps other people’s energy at bay). Lemon juice, lemons, and lemon essential oil is also very good with helping you release and clear energies.
  6. Meditate to keep your aura strong and bright. It will build up over time and will eventually grow so bright that people won’t interfere with your light and you aura will attract more gentle, soft, angelic energies to help protect you.
  7. Crystals and stones – in my experience when I used to have to do too many readings at once, the crystals didn’t help at all!!!! They are beautiful and can help with other things, though. You might carry one and wear one to help you remember to call your energy back in.
  8. You could also imbue a talisman with protective energy. Pray with it and hold it in between your hands and charge it with your energy, calling all of your guides and angels to help you get through this and to be of ultimate service without draining your life force.

If there is a way to reduce the hours, or intersperse them, and plan recuperation days in between, that might help as well.

Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

With Love,


Oh, is this ever a fun topic to talk about! I can’t tell you how many times over the years that I’ve been asked the following questions:

What do I need to do to meet my soulmate?
How can I prepare myself energetically to meet someone?
What is blocking me from meeting a romantic partner?
What practical everyday things can I do to meet this person?

And there are a few big things I’ve noticed that tend to block a majority of people in the love department:

Scarcity mentality – there aren’t enough good men/women out there
Fear of meeting a horrible person
The desire to stay in a safe, happy comfort zone

This video and chat is all about the comfort zone.

Many times when people ask what they need to do to meet someone, I’ll get a laundry list of suggestions of hobbies they can take up, places they can go, and things they can do in real life in order to naturally bump into that much-desired significant other.

However, when these suggestions come up, I’m often surprised to hear the readee say “But I don’t like sporting events!” or “I don’t want to learn how to golf.” or “Martial arts? Are you kidding me?” It’s funny and I totally get it – it’s much easier and more relaxing to come home from work and curl up in your cozy pajamas with a glass of wine and watch Netflix than it is to do something totally out of character with the objective of meeting some stranger who will hopefully one day become Mr. or Mrs. Right.

So I’m just gently bringing this up, because it’s a core concept in manifesting, too! Sometimes we THINK we want certain things, because we are supposed to want them, but we’re much more at ease in our comfort zones than we are dramatically changing things up. And that’s OK! It’s just that, if you really do want something, it helps to take actionable steps towards getting there than just doing the same old thing and expecting different results.

Yes, people meet by happenstance. I have a family friend who met her husband in a traffic jam in San Francisco! People do bump into each other in elevators and at the grocery store.

But if you wish to really make it happen sooner, nothing shifts energy more than mixing things up and doing things differently. It doesn’t have to be scary or uncomfortable, either…if you shift your mindset and think of it as an exciting adventure, it might actually be fun. I know many people might be rolling their eyes right now going, great, now I have to do this activity and that activity and meet this stranger and that stranger and they STILL might not be the right person…but yet, it’s about energy, and ramping it up will probably increase the odds more so than just hoping it’ll happen while you’re at home binge-watching The OA.

That’s my two cents on the matter!

Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

This is such a huge topic that it’s hard to cover all the nuances in one video/post, but here it goes!

It’s about relationships, and I’d like to share a story with you about something that happened recently. One of my dear friends had a very emotionally charged and painful experience with a family friend she had known her whole life. Her mother, with whom he, too, had been close, had passed away, so she’d had a difficult year, but things were starting to look better.

One evening, this family friend came over with some wine. They ended up hooking up and had several subsequent romantic interludes that were filled with passion and his pronouncements of the deepest love he’d ever felt in his life. He planned to take her to Hawaii. They talked about meaningful things. But then it all went horribly wrong when she voiced the idea that they had a wonderful connection – which he agreed they did – and asked where they were taking it – what would be happening next or what his thoughts were.

He instantly got defensive and upset. It triggered him. He didn’t want to have that talk. So, rather than come over and sit down and discuss things, he decided to ice her out, and he cut her off completely. That withdrawal was so painful for her that it made her furious. They had one last heated argument when he finally did answer the phone, and when they hung up on each other, he told several family friends that she was…drumroll…CRAZY.

I feel kind of weird bringing this up, because it was so personal and difficult for my friend (who, by the way, approved this video), but it’s important that we voice these matters so that we can support one another when things like this happen. I have come to realize that there are a lot of situations where guys refer to women as “crazy.” In some cases, I am sure there are women who are dealing with disorders and issues that make them emotionally unstable. However, it seems to have become more acceptable to call women “crazy” (remember the “Crazy-Hot Matrix video?) than to call men crazy. And I would like to just point out that, in my friend’s situation, calling her crazy was unwarranted. 

The whole reference to calling women crazy triggers something with me because, spiritually speaking, there is a whole huge energy exchange going on between men and women when they are in a relationship. Often, men will not express their emotions (or are taught to repress them). During a sexual exchange, a woman will run his energy through her and often unknowingly take it on as her own. Running someone else’s energy through you can be overwhelming and cause you to become more attached to the other person than you mean to be (that’s also due to the hormones that are released during sex).

The energetic connection between two people can be almost overpoweringly strong. That’s a whole other video! However, when a man refuses to communicate, or drops you and doesn’t want to talk about the relationship after running his energy through you, it can be devastating. Here you had what you thought was love, and a real connection, and it’s just gone, with no explanation, because he refuses to talk.

In an effort to understand what happens with guys, I have been doing research about men and what they go through. They do feel emotions (very much so) but for some men, the idea of having this long talk about where things are going when they aren’t sure they want a committed relationship is like water torture, or ripping the fingernails off of each finger. It’s scary and painful and a lot of guys run from confrontation because they think you are going to be sitting there crying and raging and being upset – at them. So, rather than have that conversation, they just run away and disappear.

But to be honest with you, the main gist of what I wanted to say in all of this is that it seems unkind of my friend’s former friend, who is spiritual, to tell people they mutually know that she is crazy. Yes, she is eccentric, and hilarious. Like all of us, she has an angry side. She also has a huge heart and is very loving and understanding. People can be themselves around her with no apologies. Yes, she’s fun and wacky, but is she crazy? No. Not at all.

I have a lot of clients calling about issues like this, and you know, this happens to people – men (and women, too) running off with no explanation. They come to someone like me for closure, to tell them what the other person is thinking, because the other person won’t tell them!

It’s unfortunate, but if you are going through this or have gone through this, it helps to know what’s going on with the other person. Knowing about their family history can really make a difference, for example. In many cases, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree! During her processing of all that happened, my friend remembered her friend’s dad would go away and leave the mom for weeks at a time. In turn, said friend walked out on his ex-wife and never spoke to her again, and voila – he did the same thing with her.

Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to have conversations about things rather than practice avoidance and name-calling? Though, in all honestly, I understand that most guys really don’t WANT to have to tell you they don’t want to see you again, or to make you cry. That’s why they don’t want to talk!!! But wouldn’t it be better to be able to talk than to run away or call each other names that are unfair and untrue?

Such a charged subject today! But interesting nonetheless, and the more we understand people and situations, the better we will be able to navigate them, and then heal.

Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

I recorded the entire video above without realizing I’d forgotten to plug the mic in, so I apologize for the sound! Making videos when you are technically challenged can be a comedy of errors at times. It’s about all I can do to fix my hair and makeup, put on a decent top, accessorize, and get my message/point across coherently!

In this week’s video, I address a really great question from a viewer, who asked, “How do I beam energy at people and make them feel comfortable in my aura?”

I love this question, because it reminds us that it IS possible to use our energy in different ways, and also because it brings up a vitally important concept regarding knowing how to use our energy, that not everyone is aware of.

Morally and ethically speaking, you don’t want to beam at anyone unless you really know them, and have permission to play with energy with them. You see, if someone is unaware and you beam at them and even send them light and good energy, they might get uncomfortable and their aura might feel like it’s being attacked – I wouldn’t do it unless they know.

Here’s an example: even with spiritual awakening, when you’re meditating and trying to reach up high and open your crown chakra, and you feel that hard pressure on your crown, and you WANT to feel something, that can feel uncomfortable. So imagine if you are just minding your own business, not thinking about anything but whatever it is you’re doing, and someone beams light at you…it might surprise you, shock you, and/or make you feel really off.

The only exception to this rule that I can think of is if you’re meditating and working with your energy and you send unconditional love and light to your loved ones. I just did this earlier today with my 7 year-old son, who is at school, and just for a moment I sent him an energetic “hug” of unconditional love. I felt like that was very safe and OK to do.

Just steer clear from doing that with others you don’t know well or who don’t know about energy work, and only do it with friends/family who are excited about it and game to do it. You will absolutely find people who want to play and love this stuff!

As for making people more comfortable in your aura and in general, just fill your energy field with unconditional love. We all want that. It’s a wonderful feeling, and if you can cultivate that in yourself, that’s wonderful. Just fill your aura up with a love of your own being and essence, and accept yourself for who you are. Then, look at things in in your world with love and find anything you can love. Your aura will start to palpably change and people will feel that. Look at everyone you encounter through eyes of love. It’s not that common (but it will be, once we all start to do it!), and they will notice and it will make them feel good. Genuinely admire something about them. This is a very fun practice because, simply put, it will make you feel good.

In addition to this, make sure you are very grounded. Envision a grounding cord plugged into your root chakra that travels down to the core of the earth, or put your energy in your womb space. If you are a woman, it will probably make more sense, although if you are a man and you want to try this, by all means do it! Otherwise, you can just ground into your root chakra. Grounding into your womb space, from my experience, creates a light that shoots out around all you and your aura. That light then moves up into your heart chakra which opens up and starts to radiate a very powerful vibration.

The idea around this is about generating the energy of unconditional love, comfortability, and acceptance. We live in a world that is so keen to judge everyone and everything. People are more used to being unhappy than happy. When you are in a place where you feel good and you genuinely adore something about them, they will love that.

That whole practice in and of itself can be and is a spiritual experience, in and of itself. So try it out!

Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

If you’ve ever found yourself thinking about someone too much, or maybe even obsessing a little about them, you are not alone. It’s a common thing that a lot of people go through, and I’ve seen it happen time and time again in my practice as an intuitive.

While it’s perfectly normal to have these experiences every now and then, it can be really difficult to cope when you find your thoughts all-encompassing, or when the person you’re thinking about is not returning your affections. When that happens, it’s a cue for you to dig deeper, focus on yourself, and heal/resolve what comes up. Oftentimes, the best thing you can do to stop the cycle of thinking about someone is to repair your self-esteem.

In fact, when I first started doing readings professionally, I had so many people coming to me with this issue that I created a program called Get Him Off Your Mind, which is basically a bootcamp to wash someone out of your system. So, again, if you are experiencing this, you are NOT alone!

Ultimately, if you work on increasing your self-worth and pulling your energy back from the other person and the perceived rejection or non-return of your attention and affection, you will be able to break the cycle.

Obsessing about someone who doesn’t return the favor doesn’t feel good. It can leave you quite angsty, with feelings of longing and rejection: feeling like you don’t have value and you don’t have worth.

In order to turn that energy around, you have to be able to feed yourself. Think about how awesome you are, what a catch you are, how amazing you are. How not being with you or noticing you is ultimately their loss. While that is easier said than done, it helps to know that, for most people, the root of these issues stem from the past; childhood events and traumas, emotion-filled experiences that cause you to feel insecure.

If you feel these issues are too much to handle or too big for you to cope with and heal on your own, by all means, work with an intuitive, a hypnotherapist, an energy healer or a traditional therapist – anyone who you trust to help you with raising your self esteem and clearing past traumas. And for the record, traumas don’t have to be one big major event; a series of little events cause trauma as well. So if, for example, you were raised by a verbally abusive person who crushed your self-worth on a steady and regular basis, that absolutely counts as a trauma and is just as damaging as one major traumatic event would be, if not more.

Aside from working with a professional to help heal and repair your self-esteem, here are some other things you can do:

  • Practice affirmations: Look in the mirror and say “You’re gorgeous/handsome. A catch! What an amazing, wonderful, awesome person you are!”
  • Write out your positive traits and read them before bed  – re-program your self-esteem at bedtime
  • Clear your closet of old, shabby, outdated or dull items and start curating your wardrobe with items that make you look and feel your best
  • Do fun and entertaining physical exercise and bodywork
  • Eat to nourish your body
  • Treat yourself well and groom yourself. Your body is a temple, so treat it like one!
  • Learn how to do new things, get out of your comfort zone, go to new places, and treat yourself to new experiences.
  • Do the things that are on your bucket list. Make a bucket list if you don’t have one, and then get right to it!
  • Constantly re-affirm that you are amazing and awesome. Build yourself up!

Know that it is going to take time, especially if you have become so used to thinking about that person. Your thoughts are like cravings – if you can wait, they will pass, sort of like when you go on a diet. Eventually you will get better and better at conquering those cravings, and you will be OK.

And as a side note, it might help to know that you may not get the closure you’re seeking. The dignity of an explanation as to why someone stopped calling or texting or returning your affections is something not a lot of people get from the object of their desires. If this has happened to you, you can try to do some journaling and write it all out for yourself and release it, rip it up, burn it up throw it away to get all of that energy out of your system.

Then, put your attention back on yourself and raise yourself up!

If you’re looking for further resources, I created a program called Reinvent Your Self-Image to help with this too; it’s like a makeover from the inside out, with energy healings and practices and techniques to help you shift your energy and create a new outer image to match the truth of your spirit, your inner self.

Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

This week’s video is about a fascinating mediumship-related story that happened just a few weeks ago. You can watch the video above for the full details of it all; I’ll just sum it up here by saying that yes, without a doubt, consciousness lives on after death, and sadly, some spirits do NOT go into the light. They’re either in shock or they weren’t ready to let go, and they end up hanging around instead of heading up into the light.

I know I always say this, but it’s true: I don’t like mediumship AT ALL. No thanks! Nein Danke! The energy can be so sad and angry and heavy, and for an extra sensitive empath like me, those vibrations are just too much. But luckily, the people in this story – my wonderful former student Louise, who is a very highly gifted natural medium, and the person she read for, Jeannette, who is a fearless healer – don’t mind a bit, and the work they did together actually helped an earthbound spirit release up into the light, which was a blessing not only for that spirit, but for the people he left behind here on the earth plane.

There is so much to learn about the meaning of life, life after death, and life before life. To be honest with you, I wish people were as fascinated with where their fresh new babies had just come from as they were with where people went when they died!!! Baby energies are usually much lighter as their spirits are more excited to be here. But I digress.

In any event, I don’t have all the answers, but it is most certainly fascinating to glean bits of information about what happens when we’re not “here” anymore.

Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

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