This week’s video is a psychic one and is such an important topic! I’ve discussed it before, but it’s so vital to anyone who wants to learn to be psychic that it bears repeating.

The essential idea is that in order to succeed at being psychic, you must approach the psychic world with a completely open mind. A clean slate. No preconceived notions or ideas. The psychic information comes through in such a unique and different way that your entire mind must change in order to receive it clearly.

It doesn’t fit into a box!

We are taught to analyze and explain and find reason in order to be rational adults. But the mystical world is inexplicable sometimes. And therein lies the magic! You can’t always explain it, but it’s there for a reason.

In order to succeed at being psychic, it’s essential to let your freak flag fly. If whatever you see makes no sense, document it, keep moving forward, and it will be revealed.

The learning process is probably the most fun you will have on your psychic journey. You can explore and investigate all of the information and energies you interact with, without having it be logical in any way whatsoever. Yes, it may be “woo” and out there, but again, that’s what makes it magical and fun!

What’s your take on all of this? How do you capture your psychic moments? How easy is it for you to let go and lt the psychic information and energy flow? Share it in the comments!

Thanks so much for reaching and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

This week’s topic is a bit out there, but very fascinating!

A client I adore often asks larger scope questions about the nature of reality. It’s always wonderful working with her because we go beyond the mundane to access information outside the realm of the basic.

Recently, she asked me to look into where trees go when they die. We’d been discussing a horse she loved as a child, and it appeared that horse went to “Horse Heaven.” Believe it or not, another intuitive had seen the same thing when she asked years ago – and there’s a Columbia Crest vineyard called Horse Heaven Hills. So THAT’s a thing.

When I looked into the trees, it was revealed that tree spirits, dryads, actually go back into the earth when they die. They don’t go to “Tree Heaven.” They return to become a part of Gaia.

This realization was mind-boggling to us. Just the power and magnificence of the earth as a living breathing being, a goddess – she is alive and an entire force unto herself. We both thought it was so cool that the tree returned to the mother, to start another cycle of rebirth and regrowth.

What do you think about this? And what are your thoughts on where we go when we leave our earthly bodies? I think it’s important to honor and respect everyone’s viewpoints on these things. Leave a comment on YouTube!

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

Several years ago, I made a video with tips on how to remember who you were in a past life. Click here to view it.

I ADORE the topic of past lives and reincarnation! I recently had the most amazing experience regarding discovering who my son’s friend may have been in a past life and I wanted to share it with you. Click on the picture above to watch the new video – it’s a great story!

If you are interested in who you were in a past life, here are the (very basic) ways to find out:

  • What were you TOTALLY passionate about as a child?
  • What did you play with the most?
  • What did you draw?
  • If your parents are still here, ask them about peculiar, more pronounced things you may have said or done.

If you’d like to really dive deep, I highly recommend getting a past life regression with a certified hypnotherapist. It’s quite an experience!

If you’d like to try it on your own, I created a past life regression meditation for you – just click here to check it out!

Thanks so much for reading and watching. If you have an experience with discovering who you or a child you know was in a past life, please put it in the comments on YouTube!

Several friends have had their beloved pets (who are truly more like family members) cross over recently. It seems like these things happen in waves at times, doesn’t it?

I have worked with many clients over the years who have asked me to check in on their pets after they’ve crossed over. It’s always an honor and quite an experience to see where they are and what it’s like.

What I have noticed time and time again is that there is such a sense of complete joy, happiness, freedom and light where these animals go after their time here!!!  It’s unbelievable. Recently, one person’s dog was even cracking jokes and being funny and delightful. It’s totally different in “Pet Heaven.”

If only everyone who is mourning the loss of a dear family member pet could KNOW how joyful it is for them, they would feel such a sense of comfort and relief.

If you are grieving a beloved pet, ask for signs from them to reassure you and comfort you! It can be something special you shared with your pet, or just something meaningful to you.

When my beautiful chocolate cat Coco died at Christmas several years ago, I was stricken with grief. We were out of town, and I wandered into a shop. They were playing the song “Moon River” from “A Breakfast at Tiffany’s” and it was so special. That song has a deep significance to me.

Coco also left black feathers for us – right in front of our feet, at different times. And whenever I would think of her in those days after her passing, I would hear the prettiest little birds chirping outside. I knew these were all signs from her, and that she was more than OK.

In fact, she was so good, she was sending signs to comfort US! That’s how it works, and that is what your beloved pet can do for you to help ease your pain.

Thanks so much for reading and watching. If you have an experience with a pet who crossed over and sent you signs, please put it in the comments on YouTube!

This week’s topic is about intuition. We all have it, and it’s so natural! I marvel at how open we are as a society to the notion of intuition, yet not so much to the idea of being psychic. Because….

Intuition is the gateway to all things psychic!

Intuition can sometimes – most times – be very subtle. Other times, it can be loud and pronounced. I am fairly certain that everyone can say they remember a time when they had a sense, a feeling, a KNOWING about something or someone. That was their intuition.

Everyone’s intuition presents in a different way. Some of the most common are:

  • That small still voice giving you a warning in your head
  • A gut feeling
  • The hairs on the back of your neck standing up
  • The hairs on your arms standing up
  • A knowing, or feeling in your bones

If you’d like to honor and hear your intuition more, just pay attention! Watch your body, your feelings, your thoughts. Notice how it presents to you. And then document it!! Keep an intuition journal. Write out when you had a sense. Document what happened when you listened to it – and when you did not. This will help you learn how your intuition presents, and it will signal to your subconscious that you are ready and willing to be more open to it.

How has your intuition presented to you in the past? Do you have stories you can share? Please come over and tell us in the comments on YouTube.

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time!

This is the last video in a four-part series on working with your aura.

You are an energetic being, and your electromagnetic field stretches out beyond your body. This is your aura. Your aura is very responsive to your physical health and how you feel emotionally. It shifts and changes as you do.

When you concentrate and focus on working with your aura, it responds quite quickly. It’s pretty amazing!

In this series, we discussed:

Grounding Your Aura
Contracting Your Aura
Expanding your Aura

And today, it’s all about filling your aura with color.

The idea might seem strange, but in the world of clairvoyance and energy work, color is extremely powerful and important. When you focus on your aura and imagine that you’re filling it with colored light, IT WILL CHANGE.

I illustrate how to do this in the video above. It’s pretty fun! If you enjoy doing it, working with your aura like this on a daily basis can have a profound positive impact on your physical body and emotional state. It affects your entire vibration!

Try it out, and let us know how it goes in the comments on YouTube!

Thanks so much for reaching and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

Today’s video is part three of a four-part series on working with your aura.

Your aura is so responsive to the cues you give it! It’s amazing how quickly it can change. Working with your aura can  absolutely impact how you feel, and how others relate to you.

In some cases, expanding your aura, fluffing it out, and making it big will be exactly what you need. This technique comes in handy when you’re giving a presentation, doing an audition, or just want to hold your space.

I explain how to do this (it’s really quite simple) in the video above. Try it out and let us know how it works in the comments on You Tube!

Thanks so much for reaching and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

If you are super sensitive, you’re going to love the technique I present in this video! This is the second of a 4-part series on how to work with your aura.

Your entire being is comprised of energy, and that energy radiates out around your body. This is your aura. Some people have a really strong aura, and their emotions and vibrations radiate out quite powerfully. Some have a softer energy, and are more easily affected by the energy of others.

If you’re sensitive, and you’re in a place with intense energy (like a theme park or Costco or any super crowded loud and noisy place), or around someone whose energy is impacting you, try CONTRACTING your aura.

The aura is very responsive to the cues we give it. So just imagining you are pulling your aura tight around your body actually prompts it to do so. When you pull your aura in, you’ll feel less affected by strong energy.

The technique is as simple as that, but I explain it more in the video above, so check it out!

If you try this and it works, let us know in the comments on YouTube!

Thanks so much for reaching and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

This week’s video is the first in a 4-part series on working with your aura. The aura is an important part of your energetic composition! Having a strong, clear aura can make a huge difference in your life. You’ll feel clear, centered, healthy, and present. A healthy aura indicates a healthy physical body and nice, strong boundaries.

However, if you’re around negative or vampiric people or in places with bad vibes, your aura can become compromised. Energy is fluid, and sometimes your aura can get entangled with the energy you’ve been around. You might feel cranky, drained, and just blah. Too much of this and your physical body starts to feel heavy and dull.

But this can be easily remedied!

The best way to work with your aura when you’ve taken on the energy of other people or places is to ground it out.

It’s pretty easy to do – and I walk you through it in the video above.

Thanks so much for reaching and watching, and I’ll see you next time!

All the Best,


The heart chakra is one of the most powerful energy centers in your entire being. If you are being challenged by difficult people in your life, drop into your heart space and notice how everything shifts.

Being centered and focused in your heart chakra is different than operating from the head space or solar plexus chakra, the center of your will. When you’re in the heart chakra, you’re empowered to love and accept even the most challenging people. You can love them without needing them to change or love you back. This doesn’t mean you have to tolerate being mistreated by them. But it does mean you’re not as impacted as you would be otherwise.

I can tell you from firsthand experience that being centered in your heart space shifts everything. I was recently channeling and was given the most beautiful energy healing from beings in the higher realms. It was so special I made it into a guided meditation for you. It’s called the Heart Healing Meditation with the Flower of Light. It activates your heart space!

Once your heart space is activated, if you just think about your heart being open, the heart starts to open on its own. You heart takes over and love flows. It’s incredible. And it’s limitless.

If you are looking for more ways to heal and open your heart, check out Orin and Daben. They are my favorite channeled teachers, and their book and guided meditations called Soul Love are what initially got me to be able to work with the heart center in the first place!

What are your experiences with an open heart? Please share in the comments on YouTube! Thank you so much for reading and watching. See you next time.

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