I have always loved the concept of time traveling. How about you?

While I don’t think anyone has yet created a little machine that humans can step into and then hurtle back in time (unless there’s a top secret government project they haven’t told us about), there are ways you can time travel with your consciousness. The easiest way to do it is via remote viewing, where you just shift your awareness with certain techniques and then direct your consciousness to go to a specific moment in the past or the future.

Of course, time traveling is one thing – another thing altogether is how to change what you see when you do it. All the movies say you can’t and mustn’t do anything to alter the whole space-time continuum. I’m not going to get into all of that here because it’s way super out there and theoretical and hypothetical and I don’t think my musings would be helpful.

What I have found interesting and helpful for clients, though, when it comes to personal healing, is the time traveling you can do to heal your own past and potentially shift your own future.

Time Traveling to Heal Your Past

Through deep meditative techniques, and through hypnosis as well, you can ABSOLUTELY travel back into your past and heal things. Now, I’m not sure about literally CHANGING events, because that is hardcore, but there is a technique where you can go back to really difficult times in your past and comfort yourself as you’re experiencing something depressing or traumatic, and that process is extremely healing and empowering.

Time Traveling to View and/or Create Your Future

Through the same deep meditative and hypnotic techniques, you can take a look at your future. Because what you do in the present affects your future, you can also create your future and/or work to affect a new outcome. This is sort of the same thing as visualization, only it’s a tad more powerful when your brain waves are in that mode they get into when you meditate or are under hypnosis.

There are some funny time traveling videos on YouTube that show “proof” that people have time-traveled via old photographs. I think the “Time-Traveling Hipster” one is kind of funny especially because he doesn’t really look like a hipster to me and, has anyone heard of Photoshop? The thing is, you can actually bring the holographic image of your body with you when you time travel, and some people can see that, but they typically perceive it as a ghost or apparition.

Bottom line to all of this is that there is so much more to the world as we see it than…the world as we see it. Layers and dimensions and possibilities are all around us, and the more we open up to them, the more they open up to us.

The only limits are the ones we create and believe in.

Don’t you love the dour expression on my face in the video still above?

It’s because this is a bummer topic. Why is it that you can have the deepest connection with someone, and just KNOW there’s something more…but you can’t be together either because they’re not ready, or they drive you crazy, or it just doesn’t work out for whatever reason?

When I learned how to be intuitive, I had no idea how many times this topic would come up in sessions. But it does come up – a LOT!
It’s a very painful thing that many people go through, and while each situation is different and unique, here’s some general information I’ve gleaned about why the timing isn’t right for two soul mates to be together in a romantic relationship in this lifetime.

I seem to have a bit of writer’s block today so I’ll just keep this summary short and let you watch the video if you’re so inclined!

This past weekend we went to an amazing birthday party for Ivan’s 4 year old friend and there was a big fat lizard who changed colors that they were teaching the kids about. He happened to have a little teeny tiny eye on top of his head so he could see birds above who might want to eat him and it made me think of our third eye.

I’ve always thought Clairvoyance was such a funny, old-timey word! I picture Victorian ladies doing séances in candle-lit parlors with lace doilies. But really it’s just a basic ability everyone can tap into (though those who are naturally more visual and imaginative will find it easier to work with). If you’re not so visual, fret now! Your skill will probably be in clairaudience, instant knowing, or just plain old intuition – more videos on that to come, or look for tips and articles on the blog.

I learned how to be psychic, and so for me Clairvoyance is two things. First, basically it’s a method of tapping into your intuition by using your imagination and visualizing pictures that deliver information. If you can read a book and imagine what’s going on in your mind’s eye, you’re using your clairvoyance. Secondly, Clairvoyance is a school of training, a method by which instructors teach students how to use their clairvoyance and do clairvoyant readings and healings. The school that started all of this was the Berkeley Psychic Institute. I learned through the International School of Clairvoyance, founded by my teacher and friend Debra Lynne Katz.

In this video, I talk about clairvoyance, your third eye, and how clairvoyant schools teach you to do readings and healings. If you like this kind of info, please subscribe as I’ll be prattling on about it with new videos every week!


Note: I recorded this video last December, so when I say I just started working with the 4 major archangels this year, I meant last year – 2015.

I don’t know why it didn’t occur to me to connect with angels earlier. Maybe I just didn’t think they’d have time for me. Or maybe it wasn’t the right time. Wait – I have a correction to make on that. I DID call them into the delivery room when my son was born, and I know they were there and overseeing things because a) you can tell and b) the birth was really easy and amazing. I guess I did have a feeling that angels were just for times like that. But now I don’t think that’s necessarily the case. They are here for us all the time, and the best part is, they LIKE to help us. They WANT to help us.

In any case, and I don’t think this comes through clearly enough in the video (I’m still learning how to do decent videos here!), but once I tuned into the archangels last year with major intention to connect, the love and guidance…and SIGNS! I received from them was nothing short of miraculous.

The 4 major archangels are Raphael, Michael, Gabriel, and Uriel. They represent the 4 earth elements and directions, among other things. Raphael (whose colors are yellow and violet) represents the air and the east. Michael (red and green) is fire and the south. Gabriel (blue and orange) is water and the west. And Uriel (black, brown, olive and lemon) is earth and north.

From my personal experience, Raphael is light and fast and fun. Michael is very serious and strong and he doesn’t mess around. Gabriel is, to me, the embodiment of protection, understanding, and flexibility, and Uriel is wild, sincere, fierce and wonderful, like the earth, and like the animals of the earth. I didn’t really talk about all that in the video, because I’m trying to keep them under 5 minutes. But I could talk about angels for ever and ever!

If you want or need hope, protection, love, strength, or inspiration, just ask the angels to help you. Meditate on them, and try and get a sense of what their energy is like. Notice what you feel. And then look for signs that they will give you – because they WILL!!! Once after praying to Gabriel, I saw his colors (blue and orange) everywhere – in fact a man with cobalt blue hair and an orange shirt was walking down the street the moment I left my house in my conservative neighborhood. Angels will give signs through the radio (a piece composed by Arcangelo Corelli, for instance, or Gabriel’s Trumpet). They’ll show you clouds that look like angels. Or birds that fly right in front of you. Or anything else that you will recognize and understand.

Yes, the 4 major archangels are intense energies, and larger and greater than I think we can even imagine. But they will answer when called upon, and it doesn’t have to be at a time of great crisis. Though it would be nice to start asking them to help and intervene on behalf of all of humanity, don’t you think? So we can avert wars and save the planet and just focus on bringing more love and light into the world.

What are your experiences working with angels? Have you seen one in real life? I’d love to hear from you!

Time suckers, attention stealers, and energy vampires are everywhere these days. It can be hard to keep your energy fresh and clean and vibrant when you’re surrounded by distractions like spam emails, in-your-face billboards, unsolicited phone calls, irritating people, etc. etc. etc.

If you live in a place like I do, this is pretty much on the uber high-end, so I’ve had to learn how to tune things out. Yet I still have a hard time, especially on trash days, when no less than 10 dump trucks careen up and down my street, rattling windows and setting off car alarms and causing major traffic jams in which cars honk and people not only shout obscenities, but literally scream with rage. For reals. When I’m feeling extra spiritual I am very, very grateful that we have services to remove our trash. But I am human and I do have hormones, and on some days that is not so easy.

Dump trucks aside, today when I opened my email and read yet another message from someone whose newsletter I subscribed to, but am seriously annoyed by because I get a total creepy vibe from him, a nice little two-word mantra popped into my head:


I have ZERO TOLERANCE for this creepy man and his creepy emails, and I unsubscribed from the list ASAP instead of just deleting the message whatever whatever because maybe one day there will be a good email and he is considered a leader in his field after all.

It’s OK to have ZERO TOLERANCE. In fact, it can be good for you. It can foster peace of mind and help you to be strong and to stay true to yourself.

Why tolerate yucky stuff in your life that makes you feel bad?

At work, you can have ZERO TOLERANCE for Negative Nelly and Bossy Brian. Tune them out, turn them off, avoid, avoid, avoid. If your workplace is teeming with people who annoy you, have ZERO TOLERANCE for that and get a new job! Toxic workplaces will kill you, no joke.

At home, you can have ZERO TOLERANCE for back talk from your kids, for example. At age 3, Ivan is learning how to be sassy and say naughty things. No, we do not call our parents Poopy Butts. That is rude and unacceptable. Time out! ZERO TOLERANCE.

In your life in general, you are allowed to have ZERO TOLERANCE for things that frustrate you.

It’s OK!

Stop letting things slide. If you’re tired of the way things look in your house, or of accepting a certain situation even though you know in your heart and soul it’s wrong for you and not serving your highest possible good, it’s GOOD FOR YOU to have ZERO TOLERANCE!

Listen to your intuition, and pay attention to the things that annoy you or cause your vibration to sink to a level you’re not comfortable with. Keep your energy clean and clear and high, and create good things for yourself. Adopting a ZERO TOLERANCE policy will help!

I cringe when people call me a Psychic, because I’m totally NOT. I’m someone who learned HOW TO BE PSYCHIC, and there’s a difference!

I learned how to do readings and healings by following a very specific method of training, involving meditation and working with visualizing and understanding mental pictures.

Clairvoyance is not some out-there concept, though I must admit it does sound pretty Victorian and old-timey. It’s basically allowing energy to appear as an image or images in your mind’s eye, and then taking those images and allowing them to show you an answer to whatever question you’re posing.

When you read a fictional book and imagine what the characters and scenes look like, you’re using the same mental faculties you’d use when you’re being clairvoyant.

In fact, it’s so ridiculously simple I can boil it down to three basic steps:

1. Quiet your mind to the point where you get into trance mode

2. Ask yourself a question, and then…

3. Allow images to come into your mind’s eye and just take note of what they look and feel like.

It is as basic as that. Now, because we’re not always used to using our brain this way, a lot of clairvoyant training programs teach you to first just see a color or colors, and then direct that into a viewing receptacle such as a rose or a bubble. Then, that rose or bubble takes on a life of it’s own, giving you clues that help to answer whatever question you’ve posed.

It just takes practice.

If you’re interested in learning how to use your own innate clairvoyance in your everyday life, or to do readings and healings on a professional level, I offer a one-on-one training program that can help you master your clairvoyance. I work with you for 8 weeks and guide you through doing readings on others and working with the information you receive.

My teacher, Debra Lynne Katz, has an International School of Clairvoyance that runs long distance group training programs year round. She’s an excellent teacher and I love her energy.

I also love the Psychic Horizons Center in Boulder, Colorado – they are amazing. And I’ve recently been reading about the Clairvoyant Center of Hawaii, which looks wonderful.

There are a lot of good resources out there, you just have to find the one that fits best for you!

A client came to see me last week, and asked about her ears; she’s been losing her hearing, and doesn’t know what to do about it. I tuned in to her physical body and noticed that there appeared to be a swelling and buildup in both ears, and one ear had a fluttering sense to it in the eardrum. I asked her if she’d been to a doctor, as obviously I’m not a medical professional (I majored in Art History!) and I always recommend a client sees someone trained in medicine for an official diagnosis. And get this.

She had BEEN to a doctor. An ear, nose and throat specialist. And you know what he said? 
He checked her ears, shrugged his shoulders, and dismissed her. 
What a joke, right? It’s a crying shame. But what’s even more of a shame is that this happens all the time. MOST doctors are like this. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gone to doctors with problems, only to be offered a prescription to mask the symptom rather than an in-depth understanding of the real root of the issue.
If all doctors were trained to use their own intuition and tune in to their patient’s bodies, the world would be a different place. We’d have a whole new understanding of what causes illness in different people, and health would be much less elusive. The CIA trained soldiers  in the art of remote viewing; surely, doctors can be trained to remote view their clients bodies and pick up things that MRIs, X-Rays, and CT scans can’t register. 
It’s not difficult to use your own intuition to find out what’s going on with your body. The first thing you need to do is learn how to be in sync with your physicality. A lot of people think of their bodies as separate from themselves, and then when the body malfunctions, they get fearful and don’t know how to get the answers they need. 
If you’re tired of getting no answers from your doctors, or if you want to learn how to use your own intuition to maintain and promote good health, here are three ways you can tune in:
1. Think of your body as an ally. Appreciate it, and ask it what it needs. 
Before you take a bite of a Big Mac, for instance, ask your body if this food will truly nourish and support it. If you’ve already ordered the Big Mac, of course you’re going to eat it, but in the future, just try and sense what your body – and not your taste buds – craves. Same goes for exercise. As you’re toiling away on the elliptical or the treadmill, ask your body if it likes and is getting the most out of that exercise. You may hear a “Yes!” or you may get a sort of “I’m bored” feeling. If your body seems bored, let your imagination show you what it needs. You might get a vision of yourself skiing, or swimming, or doing something different. Just go with what you get, and then try and implement that new element into your routine. Same goes for herbs, supplements, and medications.
2. If you’re ill, don’t be content to mask your symptoms – dig deeper, and get to the root of the problem, then work on solving that. 
Most doctors encourage people to take their pharmaceuticals and shut up. They solve the problems after all, right? But if you want true healing, you have to find the root of the issue. In order to do that, you must quiet your mind and tune in to your physical body. This classic grounding meditation will help you get into the zone. Next, just visualize your body on a screen in front of you, and ask it to show you the problem area(s) and the solution. You may hear answers, get ideas, or see images of things that will help. The key here is to let your imagination take the reigns. Don’t dismiss anything you pick up as silly or “out there.” That’s how intuition works. Release yourself from your analytical mind and trust what you get.
3. As for higher guidance, and be open to different answers.
Every human body is different. Some people need meat, and some don’t. Some are allergic to things that others are not. In order to find out what is best for your body, ask for higher guidance to support you and give you the answers. Perhaps your body is too sensitive to live in the city, and a life in the country would revive you and give you the energy you need. Maybe you need acupuncture, or a holistic health practitioner. Maybe Western medicine is just the thing for you. You never know until you ask for higher guidance. It’s like putting a request out to the universe, and then just waiting for the answers to come in. Know that you don’t have to struggle, and it doesn’t have to be this great big difficult challenge. 
The more you work with and trust your intuition, the more it grows. There are no wrong answers, either. Just have fun with it, and explore, giving yourself validation, as well as credit, for seeking information and knowledge. 
What do you think about medicine today? Do you think things would be different if all medical doctors were trained in medical intuition?
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