I’ve heard a lot of buzz about spiritual awakening over the years, and the reason I made the above video is that someone asked me how long it took for me to awaken. Just as we have the whole ascension process, which involves shifts and upgrades in energy, the spiritual awakening process is definitely a “THING” that happens…but it doesn’t necessarily coincide with a linear timeframe. In fact, if you look at life as a study in evolution, a spiritual awakening can take a lifetime to happen…in layers and layers…and that’s a good thing!

The spiritual awakening process starts with a change, or a feeling, or the sense of being drawn to a particular practice. For some people, a mastery over a practice, or an intentional shift to a higher vibration, is just the starting point to a path that leads to even deeper understandings and awakenings at different levels. It’s not a one-size-fits-all approach, nor does it mean that once you’ve started on the path of spiritual awakening that you have figured it all out. Even the most celebrated and worshipped spiritual teachers have not figured it all out…and I digress into a little speech about that in the video above.

Because we are all unique and different, awakenings happen in different ways for different people. Some find a surge of information and energy so powerful that they can’t ignore it….and it propels them into an entirely new direction in their life. It’s like – BAM! WAKE UP!!! For others, it’s a gentle, slow process that eventually heals limiting beliefs and/or painful emotional wounds, and changes the person on a very powerful and sometimes subtle level.

For some, a spiritual awakening encourages (or forces) dramatic changes that aren’t easy. For others, spiritual awakening is gentle, healing, and therapeutic. However, my whole point in talking about this is from the framework of timing, and the amount of time it takes to awaken. And to that end, I’ll reiterate – it can take a lifetime if you’re dedicated to going with the flow. There is so much to learn, know, and understand not only about ourselves and our relationships, but also about the worlds we live in – both seen and unseen. In fact, forget taking ONE lifetime…the true process can take many, many lifetimes, until we complete the cycle of samsara and go wherever we’re meant to go after that, or melt into the great one-ness. 🙂

It’s at times both simple and yet incredibly complex!!! The most important thing to remember, though, is that it’s doesn’t have to be serious or hard. Spiritual awakening essentially leads you into unconditional love and bliss, so why not set the intention to let the energy of that flow while you are unfolding and awakening? You can! And it will make the process…dare I say…FUN!!!

Thanks for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out! 🙂


While some people say that psychic protection isn’t necessary, for those of us who are highly sensitive and/or empathic, it is. If we’re not careful, the depression and dark/angry moods of people, as well as the intense vibrations of places, can get us down. Continued exposure to emotional vampires and negative energy can make us sick, both physically and energetically.

For the sensitive person, energy worker/healer, or anyone who needs to practice psychic protection, it’s important to be grounded, to surround yourself with light, and to intend to have that light constantly flowing in to you on a regular basis. That, combined with prayer, meditation, and a strong focus on being positive and flowing gratitude and appreciation, is fantastic and works very well. In fact, I made a recent video about this – click here to check it out.

However, that’s not all that’s needed. When in the face of really bad vibes, the best psychic tool you can employ is HUMOR. Joy, funniness, laughter, ridiculousness, silliness, bawdiness, you name it…humor is POWERFUL.

I started off doing professional readings in a healing center a while ago, and it was grueling at times. In that psychic/energy exchange space, without proper protection, the energy can be devastating – especially for an empathic person. Aside from sitting in the sun in between readings and doing the Middle Pillar Meditation, the only thing that really helped was laughing with my funny friend before and after sessions. Our shared humor – loud, wild, reckless and crazy – broke up the bad vibes like nothing else.

Humor heals – that’s why I am such a huge fan of funniness. It’s therapeutic.

So the next time you’re overwhelmed by negativity, give yourself permission to watch your favorite comedian, or funny movie/TV show, or just connect with a friend you can laugh with. It will heal you beyond anything. And try to keep that humor going, as it is more powerful than you can even imagine. NO JOKE! 🙂

If you are interested in learning more about psychic protection, I have a class here you can purchase and download. It’s chock full of powerful and effective techniques I have learned over the years working in the trenches.

Thanks for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!🙂

As we collectively grow and evolve, more and more of us are tuning in to our natural and innate psychic and intuitive abilities. Having a deeper perception of the seen and unseen world around us helps us navigate our way through the uncharted waters of our lives; to heal, transform, and evolve in different ways and on different levels.

It takes practice to be clear and intuitive – to separate out our powerful desires and thought processes from what is truly psychic information. That’s why clairvoyance is such a great entry point for learning to activate your intuition. When you’re using your clairvoyance, you are solely relying on images and pictures that provide information to inform you. And pure clairvoyance comes in the form of colors and imagery that oftentimes do not make logical sense.

If you are learning to be more psychic, it’s very important to be able to differentiate between pure and clear clairvoyant imagery and general advice-giving. In the video above, I chit chat a bit about this. The most effective case in point that I can illustrate is a student I once had who desperately wanted to be psychic in order to help people. He kept getting in his own way, though. He would start out seeing great clairvoyant imagery, but because he wasn’t willing to let go and let it flow, he would stop himself, start asking the readee questions, and then just start doling out regular old advice.

Anyone can give advice.

It takes courage to be purely clairvoyant and to allow that intuitive information, as out-there and wacky as it may seem, to provide otherworldly guidance. It’s not logical because it exists beyond the bounds of logic – which is what makes it so special.

Basically, being truly psychic is about NOT using your analytical mind. It’s about NOT being logical, as hard as that can be. The breakdown is very simple:

Analytical Mind/Advice-Giving Information:

Focuses on problem-solving
Appears as a thought or belief: “I think you should…” etc

Clairvoyant/Intuitive Information:

Appears in the form of colors and images
Doesn’t seem to make logical sense, but if you let the images flow, it creates a set of pictures that informs

We are trained to think clearly, to be logical, rational, sensible and practical. And that’s fine. It keeps us safe, for the most part. But adding clairvoyance into the mix can really inform in a very wonderful and magical way. Using a combination of the two in your everyday life can help. If you want to be purely psychic, however, the best way to let that information flow is to pause the analytical mind and let the intuitive process flow without constriction. It takes practice, but it can be done!

Thanks for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

Are you looking to create a relationship or just more spice in your love life?

If you are, but have been experiencing difficulties in the process, here’s something to be aware of:

You may be unknowingly cloaking yourself.

Just like Harry Potter has that awesome invisibility cloak, you, too, are capable of cloaking your aura so that you go unnoticed by others. It creates this sort of safe haven in your personal space. However, that safe haven can actually get in the way of drawing in love, and if you’re not aware that this is what you’re doing, you’ll find your efforts at finding and attracting love are not really working.

If you think you might be cloaking yourself, the first thing to work on is why. Over the years, I’ve noticed 2 very common and prevalent reasons.

They are:

1. Low self-esteem

2. The fear of attracting a not-so-great person

Once you figure out the core of your own personal “why,” the rest of the work is actually fun and easy! I’ve broken it down into 2 steps.

Step 1: Love Yourself (for reals)

The most effective way to begin to uncloak is to flow love to yourself wholeheartedly. Look at yourself in the mirror and say “I love you.” Notice your reflection in windows when you’re walking down the street and say “Hey Handsome!” or “Hi, Gorgeous!” Coax yourself to open up to do this until you are 100% OK with it.

For a lot of people, this is very difficult to do. So even if you can just get yourself to look into your eyes and say “I love my soul” until you genuinely feel it, that will help. Make this a ritual, and adhere to it. Have your spirit step forward so that you can release the ego aspects that are creating this pain that is cloaking you.

To further this practice, throughout the day, send love to your hands, feet, your whole body. Flow a pink and/or green vibration through your aura, which softens it up and breaks down that cloak.

Next, focus on the things you love about yourself; your positive aspects. Write them down. Think about them. Allow them to sink into your subconscious mind by doing this in the evening before bed and in the morning when you wake up. In this self-love practice, don’t adopt an attitude that’s not yours – there’s no need to project false confidence or be someone you aren’t. Try to genuinely lock in with the things you feel are positive aspects of your being.

Think about these aspects, and let them fuel your confidence so you stand with more genuine pride and self-appreciation. And then…

Step 2 (The Really Fun Part): 

Now, start to become excited about others. The energy of excitement is very alluring – it’s about hope. If you are hopeful and you expect to see and love and appreciate the souls of others, to be excited about meeting different people, to be excited about what fun things are going to happen, what new friends you’re going to meet, what wonderful partners you’re going to bring in, it will create an energy that is genuinely attractive.

Love your environment, love your life, love the people you meet, flow appreciation to all. Appreciate a smile, appreciate that someone let you pass them in traffic, appreciate the way someone is so good looking that you let yourself flirt a little bit!

This will start to transform how you feel about relationships and move from a place of fear to a place of joyful anticipation, positivity and hope.

Remember, it’s it’s more about vibes than looks. This world can trick you into thinking it’s all about appearance (just look at social media!) but that’s simply not true. Everyone – or at least the love you are seeking –  is looking for the joyful spirit of another person. Connect with yours and start bringing through that radiance and you will be magnetic to love. I guarantee it.

Thanks for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!🙂

Something I’ve taken note of over the years is how quickly angels are able to respond to requests and send signs in times of need. Recently, Archangel Michael came through in a reading for a client, and performed a healing. Not 30 minutes later, a dear client sent me an email about an Archangel Michael experience she had…and later that day, a repair man came with a HUGE Archangel Michael tattoo on his forearm. His name was Mike.

That’s just one example of many. Other angels have come through in a myriad of ways, and I’ve often wondered how and why it’s so easy for them to interact with us in this physical plane.

A few days ago, in a channeling session, my guide brought through Archangel Uriel, who delivered a beautiful message and then explained, in a nutshell, that our consciousness identifies angels as different beings with different names, but they are really one and the same; the same light consciousness.

The exact words I heard were “You seek to individuate that you may more easily understand. You create us as individual manifestations of energy. And yet we are one. Manifold.”

I explain the process in the video above – but basically I KNOW I am channeling and not just talking to myself when I get words I don’t really 100% understand the meaning of.

And in this case, it was the word Manifold. So I googled it.

The definition of the word was just as I’d thought I’d remembered: many, numerous, multiple, legion, diverse…you know the drill. And it would make sense  – Archangel Uriel said “We are one. Manifold” meaning that angels are one, and also many…perhaps because OUR consciousness perceives them as such, since we perceive ourselves the same way. We are one as humans, one as energy, and yet we see ourselves as different from each other, therefore we are many. So we made our angels the same way, because we understand that. Right?

But to the side of the page on google was a strange drawing and the following definition:

“In mathematics, a manifold is a topological space that locally resembles Euclidean space near each point. More precisely, each point of an n-dimensional manifold has a neighbourhood that is homeomorphic to the Euclidean space of dimension n.”

I went on to explore all of this (click here for the Wikipedia link) and my Art History brain figured out that this is all about math, physics and dimensions. Not my strong suit, my friends.

So what I am very informally postulating is that angelic energy interacts with ours so easily because the space or dimension that they are in easily interacts with ours. To be honest with you, I had never even heard of Euclidian space before this, and my little cursory Google searches seem to show that people don’t even know if our universe is Euclidian space…but at least in theory it appears that a manifold can intersect with Euclidian space and therefore…assuming that’s what we are in…angels, who are in another dimension, can inter dimensionally travel into the space we are in very easily. Their space intersects with ours.

I hope that makes sense to you – and thanks for being open-minded about all of this and patient with me for not quite being able to explain these scientific types of things.

There is so much we don’t know…but what I do know is angels are very real – and you can test it out by asking them to help you and give you signs, and then just noticing how they come through!!!

Thanks for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!🙂

No matter how much we KNOW that death is a part of life, it is still difficult to have to endure the departure of someone you love. While it’s easy to understand that they’re in a better place, in limitless form, we still have to forge ahead in the physical realm without them.

That’s why it’s so reassuring to see signs from the other side, and know that they’re still with us, and able to communicate, in spirit.

A very common form of spirit communication that I have noticed over the past few years is through the appearance of BIRDS.

In the video above, I chat about several cases in which birds appeared as a specific sign from loved ones, including one story in which the spirit told me she’d give her loved ones a sign in the form of a bird with blue feathers…and they noticed exactly that type of bird the very next day.

Since the beginning of time, humans have communicated with the spirits of nature in order to obtain information from the unseen world, and the appearance of birds today is just a continuation of that lineage.

While I have pondered a lot about just HOW it’s possible and WHY, I don’t have a specific answer…but I can assume that birds represent the free spirit. I am sure physics has something to do with the how of it too, and in the coming weeks I’ll share with you a download I received about angels manifesting into our dimension through the n-manifold and Euclidian space.

If you have lost a loved one, simply ask for a sign to give you hope and reassurance, and it will appear. If you need more than one, ask for more than one. Allow yourself to be surprised. There is no limit to the amount of support that is available. And from what I’ve noticed in my channeling work, hope and reassurance are two things that the higher forces and beings of light are VERY good at delivering.

Our loved ones who are no longer in physical form are really not all that far away…and these beautiful signs provide comfort in times of need.

Thanks for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

I am so excited to talk about today’s video, because I just came back from a conference in Las Vegas, where I not only got to spend time with fellow clairvoyants and energy healers, but also chatted with Bill Bengston’s wife, Margaret, who works with him and co-facilitates the workshops. Bill created an energy healing methodology that cures cancer and has been tested in hundreds of controlled laboratory experiments. For more info, check out http://www.bengstonresearch.com.

As I explain in the video above, the major component to getting the “Bengston” energy running is to make a list of 20 things that you want. I had a very hard time doing this when I purchased the audio course, but got over that hurdle when I took the in-person training earlier this year.

It was there that I discovered I was not alone – LOTS of people had problems creating this list. And the whole thing got me thinking about manifesting, which is the topic of today’s video.

Essentially, a very important piece of the manifesting puzzle is this:

Do you REALLY want what you THINK you want?

If you intend to manifest something, and are working on it, but don’t really want it, you will have a hard time creating it. In fact, it might be virtually impossible.

When we’re focusing on what we intend to create, we have to be mindful of the following energies that block us from manifesting things and creating new realities:

1. Groupthink. 

Because we’re human, we resonate with each other. Therefore, we might unintentionally desire things we don’t really want, because everyone else wants that, too. Do you want to get married because all your friends and family members are married, or do you really desire freedom? Do you want a house because that’s what everyone says you’re supposed to want, or would you rather have a low-maintenance place so you can travel?

2. How is your life going to change when you get what you want – and are you ready for that?

Often, the things we really desire involve a dramatic change in lifestyle. Are you ready for that? To give up the struggle you’re so used to, to operate under an entirely different set of circumstances, to just change completely to the point where your life looks nothing like it used to? This is an important consideration and not one to be overlooked!

3. Havingness.

Havingness is a concept taught in clairvoyant training programs. You may think or feel that you want something, but your ability to allow yourself to actually HAVE it is not quite there. By working with a “Havingness gauge,” you can heal and adjust what you are allowing yourself to have, therefore allowing in more of what you want.

4. The people in your life.

Do the people in your life want you to change, and most importantly, will they allow you to change in order to manifest what you want? You are resonating with them! If they’re stuck in a certain place, it may be more comfortable for you to stay in the same place and not create dramatic shifts in lifestyle that may distance you from comfortable familiarity.

Manifesting can be as simple as making a grocery list and as complex as charting an entire new course for your life. By investigating what you really want, and looking into the 4 factors listed above, you’ll be able to disentangle from things that are holding you back, while gently releasing the blocks that are standing in the way of creating a life you love.

Thanks for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!🙂

We’re all familiar with the idea of psychic protection, which keeps you safe from bad juju and negativity in all of its different forms.

Over the years, out of sheer necessity, I’ve studied, and put to good use, many different psychic protection rituals and techniques.

So I was thrilled when a viewer asked me to talk a little bit more about the topic, including how to stop people’s negative thoughts.

The thing is, while you can’t change what someone is thinking, you CAN protect yourself so that their thought vibrations don’t affect you as much. And eventually, there is a strong likelihood that they will stop being negative about you and turn their attention elsewhere.

With all of the hands-on research I’ve done, from Kabbalistic rituals, to prayers, to clairvoyant healing methods, I have found one technique that helps more than anything, and it’s this:

The best form of protection is to have your light so bright that it deflects negativity.

While the other techniques I’ve done are amazing and powerful, and I still love them, I’ve noticed a shift that’s taken place, especially since I began working with the Ascended Masters and bringing through the light of the higher realms.

Here is, verbatim, a transmission I received when I asked about the topic above:

“In the presence of those who would seek to destroy you, you must shine a radiance brighter than the sun from your core. The SOLAR LIGHT.

Let that light shine out and with each breath you take, breathe in more light.

Allow the angels to surround you, and picture yourself surrounded by friends, angelic presences of protection.

Talk to the angels of protection, the cloaks, and ask them to deflect negativity and to transmute that energy the other person is reflecting.

In this bubble of light, with the angels around you and your light shining from your core, you will not feel the darkness of others. You will float along in your own biosphere, happy, feeling good, feeling safe and secure and confident in WHO YOU ARE.

This is of the utmost importance.”

It’s not always easy to stay positive and bright, but it’s certainly worth the effort. And another really great side effect is that when you shine bright, others around you will begin to resonate with that brightness. And then their light will spread to others…and it creates a radiant domino effect that has lasting results.

You can protect yourself at work, at home, while driving, and/or in any situation where you feel it’s necessary. Or, you can just practice breathing in this solar light throughout your day, so it just becomes a part of your consciousness and your vibrational field. I mean, ultimately, that’s the best way to do it…so you’re ALWAYS shining bright. And then, when you need it, call in the cloaking angels to keep you extra safe. 🙂

Thanks for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!:)

People often (very often, in fact!) ask me how they can connect with, and hear, their spirit guides. We all have them…but until we get off and running, it can be hard to establish a link where we feel like we’re in the zone with our guides.

So that’s what this video/message is all about.

First things first, if you really want to hook up with your guides on the regular, the easiest way to do it is to sit down at the same time every day and meditate with the intent to dial in and connect with them. They will expect you just as you expect them, in that same space you co-create with them…and that’s where the magic happens. You can do mediations to help you connect (I have one here). Or, you can do any kind of meditation you feel guided to do, and set the intention to open the space for them to come through and communicate with you. With time and repeated effort, they will absolutely show up and start talking to you.

Other than that, here are some basic ways you can communicate with (and hear) your guides:

1. Set the intention to be receptive to them – and be OPEN to their help and guidance
2. Watch, look, and listen at all times (be aware and present!)
3. Use your imagination and pretend until you realize you’re not pretending anymore!

The thing about intuition, psychic awareness, and guides, is that your imagination plays a big part of it. That’s the part of you that wants to believe, that is aware that the analytical mind and ego are limited, and that’s the part of you where extra-sensory perception thrives.

Other than when you’re meditating, here are some common ways guides will try and get through to you:

  • Media – music – your devices that you’re streaming music on, or the radio. They can send you signs through music, songs that encourage you and help you and/or even provide just what you need at that time
  • Birds – flocks of birds, little birds, hummingbirds, you name it
  • License plates with numbers and messages
  • Clocks with angel numbers like your 4:44, 5:55, and 11:11
  • Messages delivered to you OUT OF THE BLUE through other people
  • Books that jump out at you, or paragraphs/sentences with the perfect advice for you (bibliomancy)

Whether you’re just starting out, or you feel like you had a connection but you can’t hear them anymore, simply ask for things that will give you hope, or show you that you’re going in the right direction, and your guides will give you intel in a myriad of ways…not just limited to what I listed above.

One thing I know for sure is that guides DO exist, and that they come forward for any person who asks for their input in a session. We all have these helpers around us…and if we want to hear and feel them more, we can, and undoubtedly will, if we pay attention and are open and receptive to the ways in which they appear and communicate.

Thanks for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!🙂

If there’s one thing I’ve seen time and time again in sessions with people, it’s this: the moment you realize you’ve fallen into a not-so-great pattern, you have the opportunity to shift and change it.

This is one of those places in your life where fate meets free will, and it’s basically an invitation for spiritual growth. The most prominent area I see these shifts taking place in is regarding romantic relationships and love.

I’m talking about this from first-hand experience with thousands of clients from all walks of life, people who come to me when they’re fed up with something that just KEEPS HAPPENING, and they are ready to figure out 1) why and 2) how to make it stop.

The core essence of a pattern typically surfaces in the form of a situation that repeats again and again like Groundhog Day, resulting in a negative feeling that you are imprinted with. You can meet 5 or 10 different people, and in the end have that same feeling. It’s as if you’ve grounded into it, and it’s now your LIFE. But the good news is, it’s really just a pattern, something you do have control over and can break so that it doesn’t happen again.

The causes of these patterns vary from person to person. They can sprout up because of a limiting belief, early programming, past life issues, and/or general run-of-the mill fear.

While every situation is unique, here are some core techniques to help you break patterns that you know don’t serve you any longer:

  • Change your mindset
  • Reprogram your subconscious mind re. your value and worth
  • Re-train your brain to think predominately constructive thoughts
  • Expect good things!
  • Become aware of your fears, and gently set them aside, acknowledging that while they do exist, they do not need to run the show
  • Learn to love yourself thoroughly and completely
  • Love everyone in your life; focus on their positive aspects
  • and, finally…trust that everything is going to be okay!

In doing the work, you will find that you can easily melt away a lot of fear and create harmony and circumstances that are more in alignment with what you really want.

Circumstances shift and unfold all the time, and often healing takes place on different levels and in many layers. But one of the most important things to remember is that when you’re doing transformative work on yourself, the work itself is soothing and healing. It’s a win-win!

The root of romantic issues is related to love; receiving love and giving love, in peace and balance. As spirits having an earthly incarnation, we all want to be loved and understood. It is our birthright. And so, again, if you realize there is a pattern taking place where the balance is off, that’s a soul calling for you to heal it. You can…and you will. I promise.

Thanks for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!🙂

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