If you like traveling to places with beautiful earth and spiritual energy, Tahiti is one of the most magnificent places I’ve ever been to.

It’s different from the energy of popular sites like Sedona, New Mexico, and Mt. Shasta.

The energy of Tahiti is overwhelming (in a good way). It’s all-encompassing. Primal. Just being in that part of the world grounds you, the earth energy there is so powerful! There are vortexes everywhere.

The way I can tell there’s a vortex is that my throat chakra feels different. It’s like an opening feeling. The throat chakra is all about channeling and intuition, and speaking your truth. Vortex energy just activates our power centers and facilitates awakenings. There were vortexes at the waterfalls, vortexes at the beach, the water garden, everywhere!

I was so moved by the energy of Tahiti that I did a deep dive into Tahitian spirituality. The foundation of Tahitian spirituality is the concept of Mana. Mana is energy. And mana is in everything. Spiritualism is huge in Tahitian culture; the veil is quite thin there. I read so many stories about spirits in Tahiti!

This lush paradise was untouched until a little over 200 years ago, when Captain Cook found the islands. Sadly, after they discovered Tahiti, they sent in the missionaries. The idea was, “These people are really nice, they will let us do whatever we want!” And they then took Tahiti away from the Tahitians and made it French.

The missionaries told Tahitians that their sacred spiritual practices were satanic. Instead of worshipping/practicing at their sacred stone marae (temples) they built churches. Women had to put shirts on. Tattooing, which is sacred, was made obsolete. If anyone was found practicing their traditional spirituality, they were literally ostracized – kicked out. Which, for Tahitians, is the worst possible punishment.

Tahiti now is a blend of French and Polynesian culture. Tattooing has come back, which is beautiful to see. And on a positive note, I think many of us are realizing that connecting with the earth is the best way to live. Tahitians lived off the land and farmed the sea for thousands of years, and lived very holistically that way. Modernity has brought us great things – like the ability to fly to Tahiti – but in the end, our connection to the earth is everything.

What are your thoughts on all of this? How about missionaries telling people that their beliefs are wrong? Do you think that’s an invasion of a basic human right? And how about vortexes!?!

Please share in the comments!

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

Technology is wonderful and amazing, but is it training us to be in a perpetual state of distraction?

Focus is critical when it comes to developing psychic and intuitive abilities. And technology has the capacity to stand in the way of that. It can create the exact opposite of focus.

Phones, laptops, iPads, all the devices out there are incredible, and help so much with connecting us to one another. However, when these devices are over-used, they can pull us in a million directions. All the bells and whistles and notifications make us scattered, as if we have ADD. It’s hard to be present, to practice mindfulness, and to listen to that small, still voice when tech is running the show.

When we are ungrounded and scattered, we can’t hear our intuition very well. It’s hard to be fully present. Even if we think we’re at peace, the next notification that comes through drives us to grab whatever device to see who and what needs our attention.

To really deepen into your intuition and psychic ability, a state of calm, quiet peacefulness is the best place to be in. If you feel like technology is distracting in any way, the best solution is to silence notifications and create windows of complete detachment from phones and computers. I mean, there’s a reason why we talk about disconnecting for a while – but how about making a regular practice of it?

Have you created more peace in your life by withdrawing from technology and just disconnecting for a while? How did it feel? Pleas share in the comments!

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

There are so many pathways to increase self-love, but one of the greatest is forgiveness. And not just of other people! Forgiving yourself is a HUGE undertaking that will open the flow of unconditional self-love.

Forgiveness is not easy. When people flippantly say “forgive and forget” it can trivialize the issue and make it even harder to work through. What I’ve seen over the years is that forgiveness really is a deep process that is all about YOU. When you forgive people who have done terrible things to you, you detach from the energy exchange. You free yourself. Forget about them – this is about you. Forgiveness is not condoning, it’s just understanding and releasing.

Many of us have shame about things we did or didn’t do, and it’s important to forgive ourselves, too. We didn’t know then what we did now. We are human. We make mistakes. It’s a part of the process. Some things we may not be able to forgive ourselves for are the very lessons we needed to learn! Earth is a school, first and foremost. It’s all about trial and error.

The energy of non-forgiveness creates a congestion in the heart center, which blocks the flow of love that can come in and go out. Who needs that!?!

Have you experienced more freedom in forgiving others? How about forgiving yourself? Please share!

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

Have you ever scrolled through Instagram, TikTok, or Facebook and suddenly gotten triggered by someone blatantly bragging about something (or everything)? In all transparency, this happens to me at times, and I when it does, I know I need to stop, regroup, and focus on my own energy. It’s an invitation for me to work on my own self-love.

When you compare yourself to others, which is a natural thing that happens, it can quickly turn detrimental if you are not careful. The most insidious part of this is that the people who are showing off their best lives (and sometimes their bare butts – go figure!) are, in all truth, not as happy as they appear to be. It’s all a facade.

In real life, too, people are generally careful not to show how much they’re truly struggling. It’s not until you really know the whoollllle entire story do you see the reality of their life experience. You’re comparing yourself against something that appears to be real, but isn’t. Crazy, right? Sneaky! That’s why it helps to use your intuition!

Please check out the video above for more on this! Do you ever get confused by what people are putting out there on social media? Have you felt better when you decided to stop comparing yourself to others? Please share!

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

Are you too hard on yourself?

Whether you regularly push yourself to your limit and beyond, beat yourself up for perceived shortcomings, or simply don’t value your worth, if you’re too hard on yourself, it’s time to focus on self-love.

Many of us were raised by parents who demonstrated “tough love” to get us to comply. Others feel like we need to push ourselves and to work HARD just to earn our seat at the table. Whatever the reason, at some point, we will need a break.

What I’m seeing in clients, friends, and family, is that we can only push hard for so long. After a while, the body or our general consciousness will rebel. I’m seeing clients forced to stop everything – even work – because their body is just demanding a break. I mean, let us not forget the enormity of the stress we have collectively endured over the past 3 years. It’s time for some deep collective relaxation and recovery.

We all have playful spirits at the core. Our souls want to enjoy life, to experience the good things, to breathe deeply and be in a state of balance.

If you’re going full throttle on life, it’s silly to try and stop everything all at once. What’s really easy, though, is to take a little more time each day. To think about what you love, and do that, even if it’s just for 10 minutes a day to start. Make a habit of giving yourself time to rest and recover as a very deep and powerful form of self-love. Your mind, body, and spirit will thank you!

Do you feel like you push yourself too hard? Have you very been literally forced to slow down? Please share in the comments!

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

Have you ever seen that movie Groundhog Day? The exact same day repeats itself over and over and over again.

Guess what? This is actually the way the universe teaches US important lessons we came here to learn in this lifetime! If we don’t figure it out the first time, it will get served up to us again and again, like Groundhog Day, until we finally master the lesson and escape that part of the matrix.

How can you tell if the universe is sending you a “Groundhog Day” lesson? You’ll know. It’ll be that “Oh God, not this again” energy that you thought you had finally gotten away from. It’s the same thing happening over and over again. The same type of person. The same sort of situation. The same type of energy. The funniest thing is when you notice it’s the EXACT same type of behavior, but with a new person. Or the EXACT same type of situation, only delivered in a new way. It’s amazing and quite interesting how that works.

The good news is that the work you have to do to escape this cycle is always good for you. It may feel like an ordeal when the same crap keeps happening (boy have I been there), but the work to extricate yourself is incredibly empowering.

And it can be as simple as you saying “Oh HELL no, I am not letting yet another person treat me like that.”

When you take a stance and are firmly rooted in what is really good for you, what makes you feel good and what makes your life one that is joyful, a life you absolutely love, that energy dissipates.

Have you noticed this happening in your life? Did it stop? If so, how did you change it? If not, what is the pattern that keeps happening? What do you think you need to do for it to finally stop? Please share in the comments!

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

We are all psychic and intuitive. Some people are born with their psychic abilities wide open, which causes general confusion and the false belief that not everyone is born with it. We all have it. But to really fully develop these abilities, there are 3 requirements: discipline, focus, and dedication.

Sounds pretty simple, right? You don’t have to go to some faraway mountaintop to get the sacred flower for the gifts. You just need those 3 things. But most people don’t, or won’t, do what it takes to get to that all-in level. It’s much easier to just be in the “normal” world and deal with things that way…which is fine! However, if you’d like to go the distance, see how far your psychic abilities can take you, and perhaps do this professionally, let’s break it down:


Professional athletes train every day. If they didn’t, they’d be off their game! They’re disciplined. This is what they do. The same applies to the development of your psychic, intuitive, and energy healing abilities. Discipline in this area involves daily meditation, study, practice, and recording of your observations and impressions.


We live in a world that makes it challenging to focus. But when it comes to intuition, psychic-ness and energy healing, focus is the place where the magic happens. I’m talking focus to the exclusion of everything else. The moment focus is lost, you drop out of that space and back into the regular world. To keep up with the sports metaphor, players who are not focused during a game will not make the goal. Focus is vital. It’s a muscle that gets stronger over time.


Many people have trouble with dedication to psychic and spiritual work. It takes an enormous amount of time and effort, without quick payoffs. In this on-demand world we live in, that is a major deterrent for many people! I have dear friends who love this world, but won’t take the time to do the work. It’s easier for them to just go through life the regular way. This is understandable! You can be interested in this and not go all in. But when you truly wish to immerse yourself in this world, it will be a part of your life until the end.

Without discipline, focus, and dedication, you will not fully be in that psychic/intuitive/energy healing zone. Sometimes we go through periods of pulling back, and that’s perfectly fine. And it must be said that this is clearly not for everyone – we are all here for different reasons and have different areas to focus on. If you are longing to make this your life and possibly career, these 3 things are all you need.

What are your thoughts on this? I mean, in reviewing it, I’m thinking most people don’t believe it’s possible to be psychic because they won’t do what it takes to get there! I’d love to know what you think; please share in the comments!

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

The other day, someone asked me what the end point of psychic work is. I thought it was a great question and aimed to tackle it here.

Psychic work is not about proving that you can see the unknown and foretell the future. It’s fun to get cool psychic hits, but the real point of this goes much deeper. Psychic work, when applied correctly, helps with evolution, healing, and transformation. Woo-woo? It most certainly is not.

More and more people are turning to psychic work to focus on their own spiritual growth and to create major shifts in their lives. When in the intuitive/psychic zone, deeper levels of consciousness can be reached. And the best intuitives are not only intermediaries, but also help clients tap into their own psychic-ness, thus empowering them to have their own direct experiences with the work.

The days of asking fortune tellers to predict a far-off future are fading away as the true power of psychic work is gaining traction. When in this zone, you can go into energy systems, seeing chakras, auras, and the physical body. You can see root causes of trauma, cycles and patterns and then ultimately help clear those root causes away with energy work. A part of this shift involves psychic work and energy work going hand-in-hand. This means seeing and feeling a block or obstacle, and then helping to clear that energy away. It works!

When negative/constricting energy is cleared, new levels of consciousness can be reached. And the more obstacles that are overcome, the more people are able to deepen into their own power, embodying the truth of who they are at the soul level, and having experiences that make life better and more enjoyable.

Have you ever had a more transformational psychic healing experience? How did things change after that? Please share in the comments!

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

Are there things in your life, situations, or people that you’re not happy with any longer? And yet, for one reason or another, you tolerate them? If you’re noticing that you’re unhappy with how you tolerate it all, this is an invitation to work on your practice of self-love.

We are always creating things in our life. We create beliefs in concepts and ideas. We buy things. We allow people into our lives. We participate in jobs and other activities.

As life goes on, we change and evolve. In many cases, when we are on the spiritual path, we transform aspects of ourselves and are different today than we were 10 years ago. If we are still holding on to creations that no longer serve us, though, it’s a sign we aren’t in alignment with that powerful concept we all need to work on – self-love.

When we are really in the flow of self-love, we have our absolute best interests in mind. We don’t let ourselves go to jobs where we are bullied and mistreated. We don’t wear clothes that are shabby or stained. We don’t hang on to old junk that we don’t need.

Sometimes when it’s hard to understand exactly how to love the self, an easy action step is to just start releasing the old things that are no longer in alignment with who we are now. That starts a movement, an action plan, that gets us closer to a state of self-acceptance and self-love.

Creating space is a universal concept that works wonders energetically. If we do this with the intention of bringing in more things that reflect our compassion and love for the self, miraculous changes can take place.

Have you ever experienced the need to release certain things or people from your life? How did things change after that? Please share in the comments!

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

One of the easiest ways to spot a need for self-love is by gauging the amount of negative self-talk that’s going on within. If you find yourself saying negative things or admonishing yourself in any way, this is a habit you can focus on eliminating while simultaneously boosting your capacity for self-love.

This is a long and rambling video – my apologies! The real advice starts around the 2.30 mark. The general idea here is to align with your higher self, and then make a habit of immediately striking down every negative thought you have about yourself for 30 days. It takes about 30 days to break a habit, so this will be effective!

Self-love is something we all need to cultivate, as it ebbs and flows. Just be gentle with yourself, don’t fault yourself for your perceived shortcomings (including the NEED to work on self-love) and you will turn this around.

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

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