Comparing Yourself to Others [Self-Love]

Have you ever scrolled through Instagram, TikTok, or Facebook and suddenly gotten triggered by someone blatantly bragging about something (or everything)? In all transparency, this happens to me at times, and I when it does, I know I need to stop, regroup, and focus on my own energy. It’s an invitation for me to work on my own self-love.

When you compare yourself to others, which is a natural thing that happens, it can quickly turn detrimental if you are not careful. The most insidious part of this is that the people who are showing off their best lives (and sometimes their bare butts – go figure!) are, in all truth, not as happy as they appear to be. It’s all a facade.

In real life, too, people are generally careful not to show how much they’re truly struggling. It’s not until you really know the whoollllle entire story do you see the reality of their life experience. You’re comparing yourself against something that appears to be real, but isn’t. Crazy, right? Sneaky! That’s why it helps to use your intuition!

Please check out the video above for more on this! Do you ever get confused by what people are putting out there on social media? Have you felt better when you decided to stop comparing yourself to others? Please share!

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

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