Are You Too Hard on Yourself?

Are you too hard on yourself?

Whether you regularly push yourself to your limit and beyond, beat yourself up for perceived shortcomings, or simply don’t value your worth, if you’re too hard on yourself, it’s time to focus on self-love.

Many of us were raised by parents who demonstrated “tough love” to get us to comply. Others feel like we need to push ourselves and to work HARD just to earn our seat at the table. Whatever the reason, at some point, we will need a break.

What I’m seeing in clients, friends, and family, is that we can only push hard for so long. After a while, the body or our general consciousness will rebel. I’m seeing clients forced to stop everything – even work – because their body is just demanding a break. I mean, let us not forget the enormity of the stress we have collectively endured over the past 3 years. It’s time for some deep collective relaxation and recovery.

We all have playful spirits at the core. Our souls want to enjoy life, to experience the good things, to breathe deeply and be in a state of balance.

If you’re going full throttle on life, it’s silly to try and stop everything all at once. What’s really easy, though, is to take a little more time each day. To think about what you love, and do that, even if it’s just for 10 minutes a day to start. Make a habit of giving yourself time to rest and recover as a very deep and powerful form of self-love. Your mind, body, and spirit will thank you!

Do you feel like you push yourself too hard? Have you very been literally forced to slow down? Please share in the comments!

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

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