It was challenging to disclose to people the fact that I had learned how to do readings and had gotten pretty good at it. Why? Because I feared being ridiculed. To this day, I don’t call myself a psychic and I cringe when people use that label. It has so many negative connotations!

Another thing that is challenging within society is that the majority of people don’t believe everyone has psychic abilities. They’ll ask you to PROVE to them that you’re psychic by telling them some fact about themselves. But that’s not really fun at all. What would be more fun and enlightening is to show skeptics just how psychic THEY THEMSELVES can be. Therein lies the magic!!

What it’s REALLY Like Being Psychic

Before readings, I meditate for quite a while. I also shift my energy and vibration in order to be able to be of the best possible service. I turn down brain chatter and raise my consciousness to a very high state that I probably couldn’t be in in everyday life. I turn it on, and when I’m done, I turn it off. I don’t leave myself open in that psychic state all of the time. It would be too overwhelming.

People who are born psychic might be getting psychic information all of the time. I don’t know, because I was trained to turn mine on and off at will. The late great Sylvia Browne was on all the time. She had her spirit guide Francine, who told her everything she needed to know about things at all times. How amazing is that? Everyone is unique, as is the way they use their abilities.

Everyday Life…

As someone who learned how to activate my psychic abilities, I am not reading random people or trying to be psychic in everyday life. I am just being me. Yes, I will get hits and insights from time to time, especially when it comes to bad vibes I need to avoid. But I am not trying to read everything in my environment.

Just Because You’re Tuned In Doesn’t Mean You Don’t Make Mistakes.

Does that mean I make mistakes? Absolutely! Being psychic doesn’t mean you don’t make poor choices or run into problems you could have avoided had you tuned in and done a read on it. That’s called being human! Being able to be psychic doesn’t mean you can avoid certain circumstances. Life is not going to be a breeze because you know everything in advance.

There is another thing to consider regarding being psychic and running energy. It’s that being in that state for too long of a period of time can weak havoc on your system! You might be very spacey and ungrounded. You may also find that running too much energy in your body fries your nervous system. There is so much to consider regarding all of this…and I’ve only scratched the surface!

There is a critical key to becoming psychic and being successful at it that I don’t think a lot of people are aware of. In fact, it’s so basic that it’s often overlooked. But if you can get good at this, your psychic abilities will grow by leaps and bounds. What is it, you ask?


Your ability to hold a focus, to stay focused, and to not let ANYTHING else distract you is an absolute must in psychic readings.

Think of movies where characters tap into extraordinary abilities: a Jedi in training, the Karate Kid, one of the X Men, or any other superhero. In order to access their powers, they all have to FOCUS. Focus is key! The mind is very powerful, and when it holds a focus, it is capable of incredible feats.

In fact, these powerful warriors can’t harness their powers if they’re not focused. The same goes for you in your psychic development quests.

This is How it Works.

When you first start out doing clairvoyant readings on actual people, you are sitting there in front of the person you’re reading with your eyes closed. Why do you start out with your eyes closed? It’s so you are not distracted by your reader’s appearance, the expressions on their face, or anything that would distract you at all. Think of how quickly we judge people based on how they look. Keeping your eyes closed helps keep you focused. You just have to get over looking odd. 😉

As the reading progresses, you begin to see more and more clairvoyant pictures and colors. Your task is to focus on each picture and describe what you see. Each image shifts and morphs into another image. This process, especially in the beginning, takes time. All the while, the person you’re reading is sitting there waiting for you to convey another message. Talk about pressure!

Your job is to continue to hold a focus, even if it takes 2 whole minutes for an image to come up.

While you are focusing, you’re not thinking about anything else. You can’t worry about whether or not what you are getting makes sense. Or if the person is unhappy with your reading. You must not even interpret the pictures you are receiving! Why is that? Because once you get into interpreting things, it breaks the flow. You’re allowing another part of your brain to activate, the part that analyzes and tries to make logical sense of things.

Psychic Intel, at it’s Best, Is NOT Logical!

The more nonsensical and “out there” the pictures you are getting are, the better. Psychic pictures don’t have to make sense. That’s not the point! At least not in the beginning. Again, your job is to focus – and that’s it.

So many times in readings, the person you are reading will have a strong idea of what they want to hear. So much so that they can influence you by questioning what you’re seeing and trying to make you feel that you’re wrong. That’s why, especially when you’re starting out, it’s best if the person you’re reading stays absolutely quiet, and very open to what comes through.

A sense of wonder, patience, and focus reveals the most pure form of psychic information there is. And as a seeker of the truth, that’s exactly what you want to be tapping into!

Focus. It’s everything!

Hi There!

This is a very unsettling time indeed! As an empathic person, I waver daily between feeling OK to feeling totally stressed out. That’s why this week I’m bringing you a video about how to stay centered and grounded in challenging times. Believe you me, I am putting these tips into practice myself!!

But first, if you didn’t get them, earlier this week and last week I sent out some resources to help. Just click on the links below to access them via Dropbox:

Brand new FREE energy healing meditation
FREE Psychic Protection for Empaths and Sensitive People audio course

I am writing this at the dining table while my 8-year old son reads his Beverly Cleary book with the timer set for 20 minutes. So instead of a lengthy email, I’ll just quickly summarize what’s in the video above:

1. Try to meditate more often if possible, and if you can’t, remember to connect with your breath throughout the day.
2. Break out the essential oils! They are so grounding and healing. Make sprays and use your diffusers, or create your own diffuser by simmering a big pot of water and a few drops of essential oil on the stove.
3. Call on the angels! I am wearing my Archangel Michael pendant today. They are so powerful and helpful!
4. Get fresh air and go outside if you can (while being vigilant about social distancing)
5. Hug a tree, or sit under a tree…they are sentient beings who are very healing and grounding!

Thank you so much for reading and watching. We will get through this!!! If you could use extra help, I’m still able to do readings and energy healings, and am adding weekend hours back into the schedule for now if weekdays are too challenging. So just reach out – I’m here! 😉



This week’s video is about relationships, and the ever-so-common pitfall that many of my clients run into. That’s right…it’s another Get Him Off Your Mindtopic! The subject is so prevalent that I created a program called Get Him Off Your Mind in 28 Daysto help women cope with just this issue. Women from all over the world – powerful, educated, intelligent women – are going through this, so if it’s happened or is happening to you, you’re not alone. 

Today I have a tip that will help nip the need to get someone off your mind in the bud at the very get-go.

Breaking Patterns

I have a client who is very pretty and is a wonderful, loving, spiritual person. Yet she has a pattern of dating guys who treat her like dirt. It happens so much that she knows it’s a pattern and is dedicated to working on herself to heal this. It has definitely impacted her self-esteem, which is what she is focused on repairing. We were talking about yet another guy who let her down and the negative impact it had on her life.

She remembered that when she first met him, she had a bad feeling in her gut. She wasn’t sure if it was a fear based on her past patterns, or really her intuition, but it turned out to be her intuition after all. In that conversation, we came to the conclusion that the only way to break this pattern (other than, of course, inner work), is to get a crystal clear idea of who the guy is at the very get-go. Before there’s too much interest, and before things get off the ground. 

No More Rose Colored Glasses.

I have another client, a successful, beautiful entrepreneur and young grandmother. She had gotten engaged to a guy who made her very happy. Until she had a serious illness. He disappeared on her, and after some other troubling issues, she booked a session with me to get the real scoop on who he was and if he would change. In this session, it was revealed that he is basically a Peter Pan type of guy who will never grow up and wants to live in Never-Never Land forever. NOT the kind of guy she wants to be married to. She broke off the engagement. 

While it is so wonderful to just fall in love, it helps to see things very clearly before your emotions jump on board and get you all caught up with someone. That means taking off those beautiful rose-colored glasses and looking at things very clearly and analytically. It’s not very fun, but it is practical and can save you from a lot of pain down the line.

Trust Your Gut and Make a List of Pros and Cons!

Most people show you their best selves in the beginning of a relationship. That’s where you can get swept away! So before any of your emotions are on the line, get a clear sense of who this person is. What’s his status? What is he about? Make a list of pros and cons and HIGHLIGHT THE RED FLAGS! They won’t go away; in fact, they will likely get worse as time goes by. 

You’re intuitive. We all are! The key here is to not get caught up in the fairy tale. It will save you so much heartache in the end. Think about it! Let’s say you’re dating this person you had some serious qualms about in the beginning. Two years go by…and then you break up. You take two or three more years to work on yourself and heal, and BAM, that’s five years of your life that flew by!

Don’t sacrifice what you really need just because he is a guy who likes you. Put yourself first by being strong, not getting swept away, and seeing who he is very clearly. And above all, don’t compromise!!

As you know, all physical matter is comprised of energy. We ourselves are energy condensed into solid matter. So although we see each other as separate beings, in the world of energy, these separations are not so cut and dry.

Bonds and Cords of Attachment

When we are closely connected to another person, a resonant bond often forms, enabling us to be more in synch with one another. Essentially, our vibrations sort of match up, whether we intend them to or not. Oftentimes, cords of attachment also develop between us. These are energy cords or threads that connect us to each other. This can be both positive and negative, depending on our relationship with the other person.

Romantic Cords

What I have discovered over the years is that when we are romantically interested in someone, whether or not they reciprocate, we can form cords of attachment between each other. These cords keep us thinking about the other person too much. Cords of attachment tie us to each other. They also keep the other person in our energy field even when they are not good for us and they don’t need to be there.

Cord Cutting

A common practice in energy work is called cord cutting, in which an energy practitioner will pull out or cut the cords that tie one person to another. When this is done, the person working with the healer will feel a sense of relief. And do you want to know something funny? When I have suggested cord cutting in sessions with clients who are not well-versed in energy techniques, they totally know what I am talking about and are crystal clear about whether or not they’re ready for those cords to be cut.

Something very fascinating also happens quite frequently when cords are cut. Time and time again, when I have been in session with someone and I help them to detach, cut cords and break away from that other person, that other person very often senses what is happening on an energy level. The minute we get off the phone, the other person texts, emails, calls or reaches out in one way or another. They sense it!

Real-Life Examples

One of my favorite examples of this happened with one of my psychic development students a few years ago. She was interested in a semi-famous athlete and confessed that she was too wrapped up in him because she was more interested in him than he was in her. Immediately after we did the cord cutting session, he texted her. We were tickled and amazed!

Another example of how powerful cord-cutting can be came from someone who took my Get Him Off Your Mind in 28 Days program to help her detach from her non-marriage-minded boyfriend. She worked the course step by step, and followed my cord cutting meditation. Her efforts paid off, and really pulled all of her energy back to herself, where it belongs. She then went on a trip to Italy without him. And get this!! He ended up following her there and proposed!!! Because she pulled back completely both physically and energetically, he had an a-ha moment.

I wish every story was that happy! But this is how powerful this kind of energy work can be. And even if that great happily ever after thing doesn’t happen, you are pulling your own power back to yourself, grounding into your own energy and you are not thinking about that person to your detriment anymore. That is how cord cutting works at its absolute best.

For more info on the Get Him Off Your Mind program, click here.

Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

Have you noticed how much information is in front of us on a daily basis? We’re constantly bombarded by news, advertisements, and other messaging and imagery. In fact, so much information (and energy) is put in front of us that we sometimes resort to ways of managing it that we’re not even fully aware of. One of these ways is by thinking about a particular romantic interest, to the extent where everything else fades to the background. Thoughts of that person take prevalence. This can be fun at first, but can turn detrimental when the other person isn’t good for you, or isn’t reciprocating.

Yes – this week I’m bringing you another Get Him Off Your Mind video! As you know, this is a program I created for women who are experiencing this situation. Over the years, it’s been the #1 topic women have come to me seeking advice on. The issue is so prevalent that I knew there had to be a way to help, and Get Him Off Your Mind does just that. It gently guides you through getting him out of your system, so you can reclaim your life, and get your energy back.

It’s all about Being Busy.

One of the most important things you can do if you’re in the throes of this type of scenario is to get yourself as BUSY AS POSSIBLE. When you have time for your mind to wander, it is going to naturally run over to him. Those thoughts divert your focus from your own life, though, and this weakens you. What’s healthy for you is to bring your energy back to yourself. When you’re thinking about him a lot, your energy is going to him and hitting a wall because he is not giving you what you need. Your attention is as scattered as it would be if you were watching Netflix, talking on the phone, cleaning the house, eating, listening to music, and scrolling through your Instagram and Twitter feeds while working, fielding emails, DM’s, and text messages all at once.

The best thing you can do to bring your errant thoughts about him back to yourself and your own life is to throw yourself into something that forces you to focus 100%. This way, you concentrate on that and nothing but that. This is going to save you and start to break the cycle once and for all. 

At first it won’t be that easy, but as you continue, you will get better, and soon he is going to be a distant memory.

Multi-Tasking is the Norm – but Focus is the Key

I know how easy it is to multi-task. I was joking about watching Netflix while doing a million other things, but the truth is, many of us actually do that. And while it does scatter your energy, if watching TV while running on the treadmill while listening to music holds your focus and stops you from thinking about him for 45 minutes, then that is what you need to do!

This year I started training in Jiu Jitsu. I love it because it requires me to be fully ground and present. As with being in the psychic space, I literally can’t think of anything but Jiu Jitsu when I’m doing it, or else I a) won’t be able to do it right and B) I will likely get injured. 

So if you can find something to do that requires all of your energy, do it! See how long you can focus on it. You will soon notice that your thoughts of him diminish dramatically as you hold the focus on other activities. First it’ll be 20 minutes, then an hour, then 4 hours, and eventually you won’t think of him at all. 

Call in the Forces!

Another thing that will be helpful is to reach out to your friends and family for support and let them help you to think about other things. Get involved! Listen to what they have to say! Get out and do things together! Take a weekend trip, go do something fun. Call in the forces! This reminds you that you have a life and fun things to do. As an added bonus, this will naturally help raise your self-esteem because for a lot of you going though this, I know your self-esteem has really taken a hit. I address that and help you with it in the program as well. 

Being busy helps immensely! It’s simple, I know, but when you do it right, it’s like this magical thing happens, and he starts to fade to the background. Sometimes it’s the most basic things that get us through the tough times. And I know this is a difficult situation to be in. I truly hope this helps! And for for more info on the Get Him Off Your Mind program, click here.

Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

This week I’m continuing the thread I’ve been talking about lately, which is when you’re obsessing about someone and you can’t get them off your mind. This issue is so prevalent among women in particular in modern-day society that I created a solution called Get Him Off Your Mind to help. This 28-day program includes powerful, life-affirming energy healing techniques as well as practical everyday assistance to help you recover and get your energy and power back. If you’d like to heal from this NOW, Get Him Off Your Mind provides immediate relief.

Don’t Give Your Power Away!

Today’s chat and video is all about your personal power. To be blunt, you lose that power when you are investing in someone who is not giving you what you’re looking for or what you need.

When you are really wrapped up with someone to the point where you’re thinking about them all through the day and night, a part of your life force energy actually leaves you. It drains out of your biofield/body/aura and goes out and sits with that other person. What that does to YOU is that it robs you of your power because you are not fully grounded, centered, in your body, and engaged in your own life. 

I know that’s a sobering thought! Another thing that this does to you is it makes it hard for you to manifest and create good things for yourself (like the type of relationship you really desire) because you are not present. 

The Lights are on but Nobody’s Home

I can’t stress it enough: when you are thinking about someone constantly, your energy is literally with that person. That’s how strong energy is! You are also feeding a negative pattern of your energy being out there hitting a wall, as the other person is not reciprocating with love. This ends up harming your self-esteem. Your energy is basically going nowhere.

When you sit back and realize how detrimental this is to you, whether or not you take the Get Him Off Your Mind program, you can start to bring your energy back. You will remember who you are and what you’re here in this life to focus on.

3 Easy Tips to Call Your Energy Back

Your energy belongs with you, in your body and your own energy field – not with anyone else. Once you know how to call it back to you, things will get much easier. To that end, here are 3 basic ways to get started doing just that:

1. Meditate! 

Put your attention and focus on your heart space and center yourself there. Imagine there is a magnet in your heart, and that magnet is pulling your energy back from the other person. Just keep calling it back and calling it back, letting that powerful magnet pull your energy into you, and watch as the light of your heart chakra gets brighter and brighter. Affirm how much you love yourself and your life and let your beautiful spirit and heart radiate love to your body and your mind.

2. Stop yourself.

The minute you start to think about him, crush that thought immediately. With repeated effort, this will reprogram both your conscious and subconscious minds. Just look at your hands or feet, look around the room, focus on your work, get into something that is good for you. Start a project that’s creative. Talk to other people – that will take a lot of your energy, because you need to be present with them. As much as you can, focus on other projects and activities. Eventually, what you focus on will be where your energy goes, and you will re-direct it from that other person and into something much more productive.

3. Use a Talisman.

This is sort of piggybacking on the other 2 tips, but wear something like a bracelet, ring, mala beads, or magical talisman. Every time you think of that person, tap the object and ground yourself by holding onto it and thinking thoughts that remind you of why the person isn’t good for you. You can also think of a negative trait that the other person has. If you don’t want to think negative things, just think about how good it is for you to focus on yourself and your life instead. With practice, this, too, will reprogram your mind.

You do Have the Power to Stop!

Remember: no matter how powerful the connection is with this other person, you do have the power to stop. Sometimes you might let yourself slip into thoughts about them because it’s fun or it helps you to focus on that person vs. other painful issues in your life. But when all of this stops being fun, simply call your power back. Get centered and grounded so that you can manifest and ultimately, when you are ready, bring in someone who is good for you.

If you are grappling with this, know you’re not alone. It’s very prevalent and that’s why I created this program– so people would have a solution!

I hope that helps. Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

This week I’m continuing the discussion about how to get someone off your mind when you’re really obsessed. Meaning, you can’t stop thinking about him, it consumes your every waking moment, and you know it’s not healthy and it’s not good for you. But for some reason, you just can’t break the cycle.

It’s a Pandemic!

When I learned how to be psychic and to do readings over a decade ago, I had no idea what people would predominately be coming to me to talk about. My first official job in this field was in a popular healing center in Los Angeles. And this was the #1 thing that women grappled with – how to stop obsessing about the men in their lives. Woman of all ages, all ethnic backgrounds, and from all walks of life would come in for sessions seeking clarity and advice regarding men, and how to detach from them.

Because the dilemma was so prevalent, I started thinking about deeper ways in which I could help. Many of the techniques I use in clairvoyant readings are actually energy healing tools. So I gathered all of my resources and created a program called Get Him Off Your Mind that’s chock full of tips, tools, and powerful healing exercises to help women through that process. 

Focus on His Flaws

One of the more basic things I cover in the course is to focus on his inherent flaws. When we fall into the cycle of obsessing, we tend to see the guy through a one-dimensional lens or filter. We only think about how much we want him and how attracted we are to him. All of our focus goes to imagining how awesome he is. When we don’t hear from him, we think he’s off doing amazing things. We want to marry the guy but we don’t even know the subtle intricacies of what he is really like.

We are so powerful!! We build up this beautifully charged image of what we would like the guy to be based on what he shows us in the initial stages. To see things more realistically, it helps us a great deal to focus on his flaws. We are more able to calm down, neutralize the image we built up of him, and detach.

A Super Easy Exercise

If you happen to be in this situation, i.e. you know it’s not good for you but you just can’t stop, first of all know you’re not alone. Many, many people go through this, so don’t get down on yourself – just get him off your mind! Here are some easy ways to diminish his influence in your energy field:

  • Actively look for his flaws and be realistic! Don’t settle or make excuses.
  • Make a list of pros and cons, and work really hard on those cons!
  • Imagine what his flaws are (and your intuition will kick in here, so trust yourself)
  • Ask your friends to help you think of his flaws – friends are great at this!

The point with this simple exercise is to be able to see the guy for who he really is, and not who you want him to be. We tend to charge up this image of who we would LOVE the man to be, but it’s not real. We are creating and plugging into an avatar of the guy, something that’s not necessarily realistic, and then fantasize about that, setting ourselves up for a letdown in the end.

It’s a basic exercise, but it does help. And ultimately, the goal is to free up our energy so that we can focus on ourselves, our health, careers, and our life in general.

For more info on the program, which will be released in early 2020, check out

Did you know that personal objects are filled with energy? Metals, plastics, and fabrics all absorb the energies emanated by the person who uses and wears them. Therefore, when you’re in the process of breaking up with or detaching from someone and you want to be completely free, it’s important to get rid of or clear objects associated with that person. 

Get Him Off Your Mind

I’ve been making a lot of videos about this lately, focusing on the Get Him Off Your Mind program that I created for women who are going though this and need assistance. It’s very common! And I have to extend my apologies to all the men out there who need this. It happens to guys, too, but because my primary experience has been with helping women, that’s what I’m best able to speak to.

Objects Hold Energy!

Let’s say you’ve ended it with someone and you’re trying to get him off your mind. But he gave you a piece of jewelry, and every time you look at it, you’re reminded of him, and you feel angry, hurt, or upset. Or, perhaps you have a dress you wore on a memorable date with him. Every time you put it on, the energy you emanated while you were with him reminds you of the good times you’re no longer having with him. This actually pulls your energy down!

Perhaps you lived with him, and now he’s gone. But there in your living room is the recliner that he sat in every night. He’s no longer there, but that recliner is chock full of his energy! It’s all over it, seeping into it, and it’s like his little shadow is there in your environment.

Clean & Clear

In each of these cases, the best thing you can do is to either get rid of or clear these objects. It’s easier to clear items like jewelry, because you can give them a sea salt bath or set them out in the sun to reset their vibrations. But for larger items like heavily used furniture, donating them is the best option. You’ll notice that your space feels lighter and more vibrant after you do so. And you can take it a step further and do an entire house clearing after this, too, removing all unwanted energy from your environment.

For some, there will be a massive level of purging. I’m talking clearing out energy that’s been around for 20-30 years or so. If this is the case for you, tackling it in little steps or stages will be the best way forward. If there are certain items you know you need to get rid of but you can’t bring yourself to let go of, try letting someone else be the guardian of them for a while. 

For many years, my friend Rebecca and I would exchange special items of clothing that we loved but didn’t wear anymore. That way, we felt safe…if we wanted it back, we knew how to get it. In most cases, it never came to that, and we were able to eventually let those things go. 

It’s All about Your Comfort Level.

The purging process is really about your level of comfort and what will be best for you at the present moment. You can be a revolutionary if you want: get rid of everything you wore when you were with that person! Re-vamp your entire closet, re-do your whole social media, and change your entire music library. Eliminate everything that you remember about that other person as well as yourself when you were with him! Or, you can just gently release a few token items that you know will lighten you up.  

Whatever method you choose to follow, know that by taking these steps, you will evolve and grow a new part of yourself separate from that person. 

The key is to remember that everything is energy, and that items hold energy. When you cleanse them or let them go, you are also freeing yourself of the energy that tied you to that person. 

I hope this helps! For more information on Get Him off Your Mind, click here:

That’s all for this week! Thanks so much for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

I have something to share with you that might surprise you: one of the major reasons people book sessions with me and other intuitives is to get the closure that another person won’t give them. 

In fact, this situation has been so prevalent over the years that I created an entire immersive program to help people heal from it. It’s called Get Him Off Your Mind,and I developed it solely for women who are caught up in this common situation of obsessing over a guy and having a hard time getting him out of their system. I have to apologize to the men out there who are having this issue as well. I know you go through it too, but the majority of people who seek advice from me are women, so I catered the program to this particular situation/dynamic.

OMG Ghosting…Really?

Clients tell me time and time again that guys just fall off the face of the planet, ghost, disappear, and never call or text again. This happens after one date, 3 months of dating, and longer than that. It happens across the spectrum with different age groups. As an intuitive empath, I’m devastated by the fact that after having an intense, passionate encounter or relationship with someone, someone can just disappear. I’ve seen how difficult it can be for clients to be on the receiving, or rather non-receiving, end of this. 

He just…Can’t.

I will say that in most cases, these men just don’t want to have a conversation. It’s easier to disappear than to talk, let you down, see you get angry or know they made you cry. Sad but true. 

A woman’s typical first reaction is to try to get that the man to communicate and say something, to just be honest, upfront, to communicate. Especially if the woman is spiritually evolved and knows how to “talk it out.” 

A lot of women want to write, too. They can easily craft long letters and text messages about things and send them to the men who are acting up. The majority of the time, though, that doesn’t get them what they need. Their lengthy messages will garner a non-response, or a B.S. response that doesn’t answer anything. 

2 Ways to Heal from Being Ghosted

With that in mind, here are 2 ways to help you get closure when the guy won’t give it to you:

TIP 1:

Go ahead and write out everything you’re feeling! Get everything out of your system. Write every day for a week, purge it all, and do NOT send it to the guy. You will likely not get a response! When you are through with everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, go ahead and burn it all up and release it. Get witchy and do a sacred ceremony, releasing that energy when the moon is waning. This is the perfect planetary time to get things out of your life once and for all.  

You will feel a difference…at least you are able to DO SOMETHING! There is great power and magic in ceremonial practices like this. Release the pain, let go of the burden, and most importantly, release his hold over you. 

TIP 2:

Listen to the free grounding and centering meditation on my website. It’s amazing, and I do it before every session. Next, while you are still in that mediative space, call in the spirit of the other person and have a conversation with him. Say everything you need to say. Get it all out!  This is an energetic exchange, and doing the grounding mediation first primes you to enter into the intuitive realm. 

What is important to do after this is to say “I forgive you, I release you, and I thank you for leaving my life, with love and gratitude. Our karmic agreement is done.”

Then, you can imagine you’re breaking agreement sticks that bound you together, and burn them in the violet flame that transmutes and heals all energy. 

These may seem like simple techniques, but they are indeed very powerful. You will notice a difference! He might just contact you out of the blue after this, so be prepared, and be strong.

And for more information on the Get Him off Your Mind program, click here. 

That’s all for this week! Thanks so much for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

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