Tips for Staying Centered and Grounded in Challenging Times

Hi There!

This is a very unsettling time indeed! As an empathic person, I waver daily between feeling OK to feeling totally stressed out. That’s why this week I’m bringing you a video about how to stay centered and grounded in challenging times. Believe you me, I am putting these tips into practice myself!!

But first, if you didn’t get them, earlier this week and last week I sent out some resources to help. Just click on the links below to access them via Dropbox:

Brand new FREE energy healing meditation
FREE Psychic Protection for Empaths and Sensitive People audio course

I am writing this at the dining table while my 8-year old son reads his Beverly Cleary book with the timer set for 20 minutes. So instead of a lengthy email, I’ll just quickly summarize what’s in the video above:

1. Try to meditate more often if possible, and if you can’t, remember to connect with your breath throughout the day.
2. Break out the essential oils! They are so grounding and healing. Make sprays and use your diffusers, or create your own diffuser by simmering a big pot of water and a few drops of essential oil on the stove.
3. Call on the angels! I am wearing my Archangel Michael pendant today. They are so powerful and helpful!
4. Get fresh air and go outside if you can (while being vigilant about social distancing)
5. Hug a tree, or sit under a tree…they are sentient beings who are very healing and grounding!

Thank you so much for reading and watching. We will get through this!!! If you could use extra help, I’m still able to do readings and energy healings, and am adding weekend hours back into the schedule for now if weekdays are too challenging. So just reach out – I’m here! 😉



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