Many people have been having trouble generating and maintaining positivity, especially in the face of the never-ending trials and tribulations of life. To make matters worse, some spiritual teachings expose an almost toxic level of positivity, which isn’t realistic.

Here’s a summary of topics covered in the video above. You can just jump to whatever section interests you!


00:00 Intro

1:01 The energy shift; backsliding into old habits

2:01 Achieving equilibirum

2:33 Changing your internal dialogue

3:40 Upgrade how you treat yourself

5:16 The People in Your Life

6:25 An easy way to tell if someone brings you down

9:03 No toxic positivity

9:21 An energetic technique to stop negative thoughts

10:59 Remember what you love (gratitude)

12:21 Positivity 100% of the time isn’t realistic; it’s natural to feel bad

What are your thoughts on maintaining that balance between grounded positivity and too much negativity? Please share in the comments on YouTube!

Everybody understands the notion of trusting your gut. But sometimes powerful emotions can confuse us. We go all in on at the casino and lose everything. Or we’re so fearful that we act out of fear, assuming it’s our gut. Here is a blissfully easy exercise to learn how to trust your own unique gut feelings.


00:00 Intro

00:34 The gut feeling is a FORCE

00:50 Impulsive energies get in the way of trusting your gut

1:07 Example

3:25 Do you have gut feeling stories? Please share!

3:55 How to know your own gut feelings: Start here

5:22 Details on how to do this exercise

5:45 How does your intuition present to you?

7:02 Tune into your intuitive notions

8:21 Rate of accuracy re. your gut and financial decisions

10:00 Why documentation is important

If you have an experience with trusting (or not trusting) your gut that you’d like to share, please leave a comment on YouTube!

We all know about the power of positive thinking, but how do you actually get there? Here are 3 energetic techniques that can help eradicate negative thoughts that won’t go away.


00:00 Intro

1:01 For many of us, thinking positively is a struggle

1:58 IMPORTANT: Negative thoughts HURT YOU

3:17 Recap – you don’t want to hurt yourself

3:53 Tip #1: Visual reminder or cue to stop the thoughts

5:01 How do you deal with negative thoughts? Please share!

6:15 Tip #2: Energetic technique to clear the thoughts

7:32 Summary of Tip # 28:49

Tip #3: The safe escape technique

11:17 The surprising reason you may think negatively

11:39 Negative thoughts as a defense mechanism – truth

13:35 Be patient – this all takes time

If you have an experience with stopping negative thoughts that you’d like to share, please leave a comment on YouTube!

Would you like to ask me questions that I answer on YouTube? The format would be that I read your letter (we will give you a different name for privacy) on camera and provide insight from experience and/or intuition. No full on psychic readings here, just insight. Email me if you are interested.

The topic of this video is about connecting with your guides. As much as we know they are real, it’s still good to revisit who they are, how they communicate with us, how they help us, and why. I think about this topic quite frequently as I am always aware of their presence and assistance. Until I forget now and again, as many of us do! Then it’s back to remembering they are here, even if we can’t see them with our physical eyes.

Here’s a quick summary:

00:00 Intro

1:11 Get comfortable with energies you can’t see

1:56 Lower vs. higher dimensions

3:04 Newly deceased loved ones are not spirit guides

4:24 How these guides are available to us logistically speaking

6:32 The #1 BEST WAY to connect with guides

8:01 Easy routine you can try right away

10:36 Summary of Step 1 to connect with guides

10:48 Step #2: How to connect with your guides

13:50 Step #3: Types of guidance your guides will give you

15:37 Easy way your guides give you messages

If you have an experience with your guides that you’d like to share, please leave a comment on YouTube!

De-Mystifying Telepathy

00:00 Intro

00:26 Telepathy: all sentient beings have it

00:58 Be careful around telepathy for this reason

1:38 How telepathy works

1:59 Nail salon telepathy story time

2:30 An east telepathic exercise to try

4:20 Beware! Dangers of dark telepathy

5:15 Dark telepathy story time

5:59 Texting can help develop telepathy

7:01 Did you try these exercises? How did it go?

Obsessed with Someone? Don’t Do This!

They really can sense and feel your energy and if they are not ready, they will have to push you away.

💫Get Him Off Your Mind in 28 Days will help: 💫


00:00 Intro

00:40 The initial connection

1:10 The other person feels your energy 

2:11 If they’re not ready, they push your energy away

4:16 Is it a soulmate connection?

4:45 Sometimes soulmates meet, but don’t stay together

5:19 Do whatever it takes to pull your energy back

5:49 Share your thoughts/experiences!

Do you think eating meat lowers your vibration? It’s a VERY charged topic! I made a video on this a few years ago that’s been getting more comments recently. One viewer’s deeply beautiful and insightful remarks really caught my attention and prompted a re-visit of the topic.

We are all physically different!  Whether or not eating meat is a crime and/or is not so bad to do, this subject gets people upset. Some have gotten sick on a vegan diet. Others get sick eating meat. Let’s just do what’s best for our own bodies and not judge…although does anyone think fast food is healthy for your vibes?

If you have thoughts on this you’d like to share, please join the comments on YouTube.

And if you’d like to to address any particular topics, please let me know!

Thanks so much for being here!

What happens when your gut feelings and intuition are so certain that something’s going to happen…and then it turns out you were flat out wrong? Todays’ video was inspired by a viewer who wrote in to ask about exactly this. I explain what may have happened in the video above.  If you’ve experienced a case like this you’d like to share, please join the comments on YouTube. And if you’d like to to address any particular topics, please let me know! Thanks so much for being here!

This week’s topic is not my favorite subject in the intuitive realm. In fact, it’s my least favorite! I’m talking about spirits (ghosts). Some people are fascinated by the topic. I, for one, am not.

Spirits/ghosts have a presence that is intrusive and pushy. Angels and guides are waaaay more sensitive. They work with you when you ask and do not mess with you when you are busy trying to live your life. Yes, they will intervene at moments, but they do not harass you. That is not their style.

Spirits, on the other hand, do not care. They will do anything to try and get your attention. They can violate your space and boundaries, especially when the veil is thin and they have not gone to the light.

And why are some spirits still hanging around the earth realm? There are many reasons. Sometimes they were confused when they died and don’t know where they are or that they are dead. Other times, they have unfinished business they can’t let go of. They weren’t ready to die, and they desperately need to say or do a few things.

If you are sensitive, it’s as if they can tell you can see/hear them. And so they do everything to get your attention, even if you have no idea who they are and you are not a medium and have no desire to listen to what they have to say. The worst thing is, some of them just won’t leave. They try and attach (not good). So you have to actually stop everything you are doing, and do a spirit releasement ceremony to get them to leave. I’ve had to do this! It’s extremely time consuming, but sometimes it’s the only option if you wish to regain your peace.

If spirits are bothering you, these tips can help get them out of your field and out of your environment:

1. Level 1 – Basic

Light some sage, palo santo, or copal to create a sacred space. Bring in flowers and beautiful music or singing bowls/bells to clear the vibration of the space you are in. Pray to all of the angels and guides and ask them to help the spirit cross over. Politely ask the spirit or spirits to go to the light. Plan on spending 30-60 minutes on this.

2. Level 2 – Intermediate

Create a sacred space (above). Meditate to ground yourself. Then, fill your aura with light. Spend some time on this  – 15 mins minimum on the light work alone. Then, imagine you are going on a field trip to the proverbial gates of heaven, where all of the angels are. Whatever religion you are – it doesn’t matter. Imagine you are escorting this spirt with angels and loved ones through the gates of heaven. Make sure it feels all the love and light and see it disappear. Plan on spending 60 mins to 3 hours on this. It may take more than one try.

3. Level 3 – Advanced

Just go to a professional. There are mediums who specialize in spirit releasement. This is a unique talent. I put this in the advanced category because here you are just not messing around. You are going to drop some serious cash (please just don’t believe anyone who charges you thousands). However, when the situation is dire and/or you just are not having luck, this is an advanced situation and you need professional help. I have had to do this at times, and it was well worth it.

There is so much more to the world of energy than we are aware of, and unfortunately psychic work is kind of like opening Pandora’s Box. But this world can be navigated with proper care and attention.

Have you had experienced spirits around? Were you able to release them? Please share in the comments on YouTube! Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

If you’re looking to connect with spirit guides and angels for guidance and protection, try adding cherubs to the mix!

I’ve been channeling high-level beings and ascended masters for a while now, and recently I had a beautiful experience with cherubs. Clairvoyantly, they look just like you’d imagine! They are adorable, chubby baby-like beings with wings. But they are super high-frequency and VERY powerful.

To bring cherubic energy into your life, just intend it. Ask cherubs to appear. Read about them, look at images of them, and meditate on them. Listen to beautiful music and fill yourself with light. They will come.

If you have had an experience with angels or cherubs in particular, let us know in the comments on YouTube!

Thanks so much for reaching and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

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