If you’re looking to connect with spirit guides and angels for guidance and protection, try adding cherubs to the mix!

I’ve been channeling high-level beings and ascended masters for a while now, and recently I had a beautiful experience with cherubs. Clairvoyantly, they look just like you’d imagine! They are adorable, chubby baby-like beings with wings. But they are super high-frequency and VERY powerful.

To bring cherubic energy into your life, just intend it. Ask cherubs to appear. Read about them, look at images of them, and meditate on them. Listen to beautiful music and fill yourself with light. They will come.

If you have had an experience with angels or cherubs in particular, let us know in the comments on YouTube!

Thanks so much for reaching and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying “The eyes are the window to the soul.” How true it is!

If you’d like to work on amplifying your intuition and reading others, make a practice of looking into their eyes.The eyes really do reveal a great deal. My stepmom, for example, can easily tell if children in our family are going to be mischievous or not. How? By the naughty little sparkle she sees in their eyes!

Observing the eyes can also give you valuable warnings about people. I once turned a would-be client away because I saw something in her eyes that was downright scary. My intuition took over and BAM! I said I couldn’t do the session even before I could censor myself.

One of the most valuable things you can learn from observing the eyes is whether or not someone is lying about something big. There is such a thing as “lying eyes.” It’s as if the light is obscured in these eyes. This isn’t cute little toddler naughty mischief; this is quite unpleasant.

Learning to read others is a priceless skill that can save you so much time and energy. That’s why I created a video course called “Psychic Development: How to Read People.” It walks you through very grounded, practical ways of getting a read on the people in your life (not doing readings FOR them, but getting a read on them for yourself). Click here to get it.

Have you ever had a strong feeling – good or bad – about someone just by their eyes? Please come over and tell us in the comments on YouTube!

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time!

Well this has been quite a year, hasn’t it? Today’s video, on how to cope mentally and emotionally, is the first in a 3-part series on coping during extremely stressful times.

Taking care of your mental and emotional health is critical to your survival! I hear consistently how much stress people are under these days. Many are collectively experiencing panic attacks, depression, anxiety, and an overall sense of foreboding.

With that in mind, here are some basic tips to help steer yourself towards healthy mental and emotional habits during times like this:

1. Focus on the fact that we are living in extremely stressful times, and that this can trigger issues from the past. This will help you not chastise yourself, and realize it’s normal to have fear and low-level (or extreme) depression. It’s crazy times! It’s OK to not be happy 24/7!

2. Learn something new to occupy your mind and give yourself something to look forward to; it could be a job skill, or learning how to do something you’ve always wanted to do.

3. Read good books and watch some of the good shows out there! This will shift your focus and distract yourself – and it’s OK to do so in times like these!

4. Talk it out! Get professional support if you need to. Talk to friends, unload, communicate. This releases tension and stress and helps you to bond and connect, which is therapeutic. The connection with other human beings is so vital to our mental and emotional wellbeing!

5. Sit with your emotions and feel them, and let yourself be OK with them. Don’t squash or repress them. Find ways to cope by occupying yourself, but also be understanding of yourself for feeling negative emotions during times like this.

6. Don’t force yourself to feel better if you don’t! If you can’t get out of bed, ask a friend to call or text you to check in on you. Let loved ones know you need their ongoing support.

7. If it’s really bad, and you’re experiencing an unbearable crush of uncomfortable emotions, get professional help! Get a prescription if you need to! There are times when we need extra support, and this would be one of them.

8. Meditate! It’s so therapeutic and healing. Guided meditations have a purpose; they can help you release anxiety, re-balance your chakras, heal wounds from the past, and more. Guided meditation can treat so many issues in a beautiful, calming, soothing way.

Are there special things that you are doing to cope mentally and emotionally during these trying times? If so, leave them in the comments below the video!

Thanks so much for reading and watching.

This week I’m bringing you another psychic development-related video. This topic is not covered enough in psychic development circles! Some people are able to avoid it, but highly sensitive people like me have to pay close attention to our energy so that we can get through it unscathed. And its…


Yes, it happens. Doing too many readings all the time, without substantial breaks, can be very dangerous. Psychic work is not for the faint of heart. It can really harm you psychologically, energetically, and physically. Case in point: one of my friends who is very psychic and loves energy work, etc. was excited about this new energy that she was working with in her healing sessions. She felt it so strongly and her hands would get super hot and tingly. Fun fact: your hands get hot when you do energy work! It’s pretty cool. 🙂

But what isn’t cool is what happened next. She started to get sick. She went to the doctors, who of course couldn’t find anything wrong. Because she had had a very serious illness and tons of surgery before, she was worried that the illness had come back. However, test results didn’t show anything, although her entire body was in terrible pain. She finally learned that the energy she was running through her was so strong it burned her central nervous system. She stopped doing energy work altogether, it was that bad. She’s finally starting to recover.

Energetic Debris

I’ve talked about this before, but another thing that can happen when you do a lot of readings is that you can get energy attachments from others. It’s not like anyone means for that to happen, but at times, heeby-jeebys and other things can latch on to you if your system is weak in any way. It’s sort of like lice spreading. A lot of care and maintenance has to be done at all times, in fact, in order to stay strong and clear.

Some People ARE Cut out for this Work!

There are some people that this doesn’t happen to. I’ve met a few! They are very rooted, earthy, grounded, and centered. They also create VERY STRONG boundaries, which I have learned to have over the years.

For example, I don’t see clients face to face anymore because I inadvertently feel the pain they’re feeling due to the fact that I’m extremely empathic. That’s my achilles heel. Grounded, powerhouse healers almost have it built into their system where this doesn’t happen.

The Medical Medium

Because I learned how to be psychic, I can turn it on and off at will, and I advise clients and students to do same. Anthony William, the Medical Medium, was psychic for as long as he can remember. He is able to see through the bodies people like an x-ray and diagnose what is going on with them with the help of his guides. However, it’s so intense for him that he has to wear dark sunglasses and have an escort with him on airplanes! Why? Because the energy is so overpowering that’s he’s almost blinded and can’t function. 🙁

While being psychic can be fun, you don’t want to have it to the point where it compromises your ability to be “normal” in everyday life.

If you are interested in developing your own natural psychic and intuitive abilities, I certainly don’t mean to deter you! However, it’s a skill set that comes with a lot of requirements if you want to stay clean and light. And if you’re interested in doing sessions professionally, it is vital to have as much knowledge as possible before you go in. You will be glad you did!!!

This week I’m continuing the Archangel discussion with Archangel Raphael.

Archangel Raphael 

Archangel Raphael rules the East and the element of air. When you do the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram (a powerful form of psychic protection), you start your sacred circle in the east by first summoning Archangel Raphael. Moving clockwise, next is Michael in the south, Gabriel in the west, and Uriel in the north.

I told this story in a video a few years ago, but it’s so spine-tinglingly good I want to recap it for you. I was traveling home to LA from Denver and the plane hit a TON of really strong turbulence. I starting calling Archangel Raphael, because he rules the air. I chanted his name very loudly inside my head and asked him to help. And a miracle happened right away – I realized we were not going to die right then and there! 😂

When the turbulence subsided, I reached into the seat pocket in front of me to read the in-flight magazine and pulled out a piece of paper. It turned out to be the boarding pass of the person from the previous flight. I gasped when I saw that her name was ANGEL, and she had flown from La Guardia, which means “to guard” in Italian. Talk about angel signs and synchronicity. I was floored!

That’s how powerful angels are, and how amazing it is when you call on them. They are undeniably real and their power is incredibly strong. If you ask for them to help you sincerely, they will come through.

How to Call on Angels

There are different ways you can bring angels into your life. You can call on them, as I did on the plane. You can also invoke them in a more magical ritual. Because I haven’t done a lot of magical ritual work to intentionally summon angels, I’m not going to teach it, obviously. But I have a great book I love called The Kabbalah & Magic of Angels by Migene Gonzalez-Whippler. Click on the link and it will take you right to the Amazon page where you can buy it. Migene discusses angels at great length in the book, and what I decided to do in this archangel series is to read to you the angelic associations she covers.

Migene Gonzalez-Whippler’s Notes on Archangel Raphael

Page 181, The Kabbalah and Magic of Angels

“Rules the Second Heaven, Raquie; the Eighth sphere of the Tree of Life, Hod; and Mercury. Raphael’s name means “God has healed.” His kabbalistic number is eight. His planetary color is orange. As ruler of the air element, Raphael’s colors are yellow and violet, but these colors are not used when he is invoked. Raphael is known as the angel who stands in the sun. His ascribed day is Wednesday at 1am, 8am, 3pm, and 10pm. He rules the zodiac signs of Gemini and Virgo. Raphael rules the intellect, studies, teachers, papers, contracts, books, communications, correspondence, medicine, doctors, and nurses.

The caduceus is one of his symbols, as he is known as the divine physician. The illnesses he rules are epilepsy, meningitis, all nervous or mental ailments, and illnesses affecting the respiratory system, the nervous system, the arms, the mouth, the tongue, the pancreas, the gall bladder, the intestines, and the thyroid.

His flowers and plants are the magnolia, lily of the valley, forget me not, lavender, parsley, elm tree, marjoram, mandrake, and all ferns. Among his fruits are oranges and almonds. His incenses are sandalwood, storax, gum arabic, and clove. His stones are carnelians, all the agates (especially lace agates), fire opals, celestites, aquamarines, and amazonites. The animals he rules are foxes, jackals, mules, giraffes, monkeys, parrots, and all flying insects, especially butterflies. His metals are quicksilver, silver, and aluminum.”

I love all those associations! If you read the book, she talks about ways you can use them to call on the angels. A simple thing you can do is light sandalwood incense, place an orange candle next to a lavender flower and a fire opal on an altar, and say a prayer to Archangel Raphael to help you. On a Wednesday!

All you need to do is start calling the angels, and they will come.

Thanks so much for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

I hope you are still hanging in there through this crisis we are all in. My son is on “spring break” this week and the energy in our home is so much lighter – because he’s thrilled he doesn’t have to do school work!

House Clearing Time!

On Tuesday, I emailed out this guided meditation to assist you with clearing your home. Since we are all home right now, making the space fresh and clear and nice to be in is essential to our overall wellbeing. Today, I’m sharing a very easy hands-on (i.e. not meditative) method to purify your home space.

Easy House Clearing Technique

When it comes to clearing your space, it helps to do things in a particular order. First things first, you want to clean your house. Purge the stuff you don’t use or need, and then do a thorough cleansing of your house. Open all the windows, do all your dusting, vacuuming, mopping, sweeping, and rearrange things if you would like. And then comes the witchy part: light up some sage, copal, frankincense, palo santo, or your favorite cleansing incense or herb.

Go into each room with this. Go down into the corners and along the floorboards. And then go up and around, where the ceiling and walls meet. Say out loud or in your mind, “I’m cleansing and clearing this space, and filling it with love and light.” As you do this, imagine you are imparting light into the space. Go into every room of the house, and let your intuition guide you! Spend extra time in the places you feel need more attention. If you feel like if a room has heavy energy, keep the windows open and usher that energy out of the windows, like you’re sweeping it out of your house.

After this, you can ring bells in every room in the house. Keep all the windows open, and place fresh flowers around the home.

It’s as simple as that! Done, and done.

Coconut Clearing

I’d love to share with you a story my friend Joy told me about a house clearing she did. She used a coconut, which is known for it’s powerful clearing qualities in indigenous cultures. She kicked it all around the floorboards of the entire home, letting it absorb all the negative energy in her house. She did the whole thing very thoroughly, and didn’t pay much attention to the fact that her little dog was following her around the entire time. When she finished, she went outside to get rid of the coconut (a must-do, as it absorbed all the negative energy). Her dog followed her, and promptly threw up! He absorbed some of that energy too, and his little body purged it out right away.

So, that said, if you do any kind of house clearing, know that you are likely kicking and stirring up energy that can be absorbed by pets and family members who are around. Just as you have to be out of the home when you’re fumigating, similar precautions should be taken with loved ones when you’re doing a full-on house clearing.

I hope that helps and inspires!

Thanks so much for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

It was challenging to disclose to people the fact that I had learned how to do readings and had gotten pretty good at it. Why? Because I feared being ridiculed. To this day, I don’t call myself a psychic and I cringe when people use that label. It has so many negative connotations!

Another thing that is challenging within society is that the majority of people don’t believe everyone has psychic abilities. They’ll ask you to PROVE to them that you’re psychic by telling them some fact about themselves. But that’s not really fun at all. What would be more fun and enlightening is to show skeptics just how psychic THEY THEMSELVES can be. Therein lies the magic!!

What it’s REALLY Like Being Psychic

Before readings, I meditate for quite a while. I also shift my energy and vibration in order to be able to be of the best possible service. I turn down brain chatter and raise my consciousness to a very high state that I probably couldn’t be in in everyday life. I turn it on, and when I’m done, I turn it off. I don’t leave myself open in that psychic state all of the time. It would be too overwhelming.

People who are born psychic might be getting psychic information all of the time. I don’t know, because I was trained to turn mine on and off at will. The late great Sylvia Browne was on all the time. She had her spirit guide Francine, who told her everything she needed to know about things at all times. How amazing is that? Everyone is unique, as is the way they use their abilities.

Everyday Life…

As someone who learned how to activate my psychic abilities, I am not reading random people or trying to be psychic in everyday life. I am just being me. Yes, I will get hits and insights from time to time, especially when it comes to bad vibes I need to avoid. But I am not trying to read everything in my environment.

Just Because You’re Tuned In Doesn’t Mean You Don’t Make Mistakes.

Does that mean I make mistakes? Absolutely! Being psychic doesn’t mean you don’t make poor choices or run into problems you could have avoided had you tuned in and done a read on it. That’s called being human! Being able to be psychic doesn’t mean you can avoid certain circumstances. Life is not going to be a breeze because you know everything in advance.

There is another thing to consider regarding being psychic and running energy. It’s that being in that state for too long of a period of time can weak havoc on your system! You might be very spacey and ungrounded. You may also find that running too much energy in your body fries your nervous system. There is so much to consider regarding all of this…and I’ve only scratched the surface!

There is a critical key to becoming psychic and being successful at it that I don’t think a lot of people are aware of. In fact, it’s so basic that it’s often overlooked. But if you can get good at this, your psychic abilities will grow by leaps and bounds. What is it, you ask?


Your ability to hold a focus, to stay focused, and to not let ANYTHING else distract you is an absolute must in psychic readings.

Think of movies where characters tap into extraordinary abilities: a Jedi in training, the Karate Kid, one of the X Men, or any other superhero. In order to access their powers, they all have to FOCUS. Focus is key! The mind is very powerful, and when it holds a focus, it is capable of incredible feats.

In fact, these powerful warriors can’t harness their powers if they’re not focused. The same goes for you in your psychic development quests.

This is How it Works.

When you first start out doing clairvoyant readings on actual people, you are sitting there in front of the person you’re reading with your eyes closed. Why do you start out with your eyes closed? It’s so you are not distracted by your reader’s appearance, the expressions on their face, or anything that would distract you at all. Think of how quickly we judge people based on how they look. Keeping your eyes closed helps keep you focused. You just have to get over looking odd. 😉

As the reading progresses, you begin to see more and more clairvoyant pictures and colors. Your task is to focus on each picture and describe what you see. Each image shifts and morphs into another image. This process, especially in the beginning, takes time. All the while, the person you’re reading is sitting there waiting for you to convey another message. Talk about pressure!

Your job is to continue to hold a focus, even if it takes 2 whole minutes for an image to come up.

While you are focusing, you’re not thinking about anything else. You can’t worry about whether or not what you are getting makes sense. Or if the person is unhappy with your reading. You must not even interpret the pictures you are receiving! Why is that? Because once you get into interpreting things, it breaks the flow. You’re allowing another part of your brain to activate, the part that analyzes and tries to make logical sense of things.

Psychic Intel, at it’s Best, Is NOT Logical!

The more nonsensical and “out there” the pictures you are getting are, the better. Psychic pictures don’t have to make sense. That’s not the point! At least not in the beginning. Again, your job is to focus – and that’s it.

So many times in readings, the person you are reading will have a strong idea of what they want to hear. So much so that they can influence you by questioning what you’re seeing and trying to make you feel that you’re wrong. That’s why, especially when you’re starting out, it’s best if the person you’re reading stays absolutely quiet, and very open to what comes through.

A sense of wonder, patience, and focus reveals the most pure form of psychic information there is. And as a seeker of the truth, that’s exactly what you want to be tapping into!

Focus. It’s everything!

Hi There!

This is a very unsettling time indeed! As an empathic person, I waver daily between feeling OK to feeling totally stressed out. That’s why this week I’m bringing you a video about how to stay centered and grounded in challenging times. Believe you me, I am putting these tips into practice myself!!

But first, if you didn’t get them, earlier this week and last week I sent out some resources to help. Just click on the links below to access them via Dropbox:

Brand new FREE energy healing meditation
FREE Psychic Protection for Empaths and Sensitive People audio course

I am writing this at the dining table while my 8-year old son reads his Beverly Cleary book with the timer set for 20 minutes. So instead of a lengthy email, I’ll just quickly summarize what’s in the video above:

1. Try to meditate more often if possible, and if you can’t, remember to connect with your breath throughout the day.
2. Break out the essential oils! They are so grounding and healing. Make sprays and use your diffusers, or create your own diffuser by simmering a big pot of water and a few drops of essential oil on the stove.
3. Call on the angels! I am wearing my Archangel Michael pendant today. They are so powerful and helpful!
4. Get fresh air and go outside if you can (while being vigilant about social distancing)
5. Hug a tree, or sit under a tree…they are sentient beings who are very healing and grounding!

Thank you so much for reading and watching. We will get through this!!! If you could use extra help, I’m still able to do readings and energy healings, and am adding weekend hours back into the schedule for now if weekdays are too challenging. So just reach out – I’m here! 😉



As you know, all physical matter is comprised of energy. We ourselves are energy condensed into solid matter. So although we see each other as separate beings, in the world of energy, these separations are not so cut and dry.

Bonds and Cords of Attachment

When we are closely connected to another person, a resonant bond often forms, enabling us to be more in synch with one another. Essentially, our vibrations sort of match up, whether we intend them to or not. Oftentimes, cords of attachment also develop between us. These are energy cords or threads that connect us to each other. This can be both positive and negative, depending on our relationship with the other person.

Romantic Cords

What I have discovered over the years is that when we are romantically interested in someone, whether or not they reciprocate, we can form cords of attachment between each other. These cords keep us thinking about the other person too much. Cords of attachment tie us to each other. They also keep the other person in our energy field even when they are not good for us and they don’t need to be there.

Cord Cutting

A common practice in energy work is called cord cutting, in which an energy practitioner will pull out or cut the cords that tie one person to another. When this is done, the person working with the healer will feel a sense of relief. And do you want to know something funny? When I have suggested cord cutting in sessions with clients who are not well-versed in energy techniques, they totally know what I am talking about and are crystal clear about whether or not they’re ready for those cords to be cut.

Something very fascinating also happens quite frequently when cords are cut. Time and time again, when I have been in session with someone and I help them to detach, cut cords and break away from that other person, that other person very often senses what is happening on an energy level. The minute we get off the phone, the other person texts, emails, calls or reaches out in one way or another. They sense it!

Real-Life Examples

One of my favorite examples of this happened with one of my psychic development students a few years ago. She was interested in a semi-famous athlete and confessed that she was too wrapped up in him because she was more interested in him than he was in her. Immediately after we did the cord cutting session, he texted her. We were tickled and amazed!

Another example of how powerful cord-cutting can be came from someone who took my Get Him Off Your Mind in 28 Days program to help her detach from her non-marriage-minded boyfriend. She worked the course step by step, and followed my cord cutting meditation. Her efforts paid off, and really pulled all of her energy back to herself, where it belongs. She then went on a trip to Italy without him. And get this!! He ended up following her there and proposed!!! Because she pulled back completely both physically and energetically, he had an a-ha moment.

I wish every story was that happy! But this is how powerful this kind of energy work can be. And even if that great happily ever after thing doesn’t happen, you are pulling your own power back to yourself, grounding into your own energy and you are not thinking about that person to your detriment anymore. That is how cord cutting works at its absolute best.

For more info on the Get Him Off Your Mind program, click here.

Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

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