House Clearing Techniques

I hope you are still hanging in there through this crisis we are all in. My son is on “spring break” this week and the energy in our home is so much lighter – because he’s thrilled he doesn’t have to do school work!

House Clearing Time!

On Tuesday, I emailed out this guided meditation to assist you with clearing your home. Since we are all home right now, making the space fresh and clear and nice to be in is essential to our overall wellbeing. Today, I’m sharing a very easy hands-on (i.e. not meditative) method to purify your home space.

Easy House Clearing Technique

When it comes to clearing your space, it helps to do things in a particular order. First things first, you want to clean your house. Purge the stuff you don’t use or need, and then do a thorough cleansing of your house. Open all the windows, do all your dusting, vacuuming, mopping, sweeping, and rearrange things if you would like. And then comes the witchy part: light up some sage, copal, frankincense, palo santo, or your favorite cleansing incense or herb.

Go into each room with this. Go down into the corners and along the floorboards. And then go up and around, where the ceiling and walls meet. Say out loud or in your mind, “I’m cleansing and clearing this space, and filling it with love and light.” As you do this, imagine you are imparting light into the space. Go into every room of the house, and let your intuition guide you! Spend extra time in the places you feel need more attention. If you feel like if a room has heavy energy, keep the windows open and usher that energy out of the windows, like you’re sweeping it out of your house.

After this, you can ring bells in every room in the house. Keep all the windows open, and place fresh flowers around the home.

It’s as simple as that! Done, and done.

Coconut Clearing

I’d love to share with you a story my friend Joy told me about a house clearing she did. She used a coconut, which is known for it’s powerful clearing qualities in indigenous cultures. She kicked it all around the floorboards of the entire home, letting it absorb all the negative energy in her house. She did the whole thing very thoroughly, and didn’t pay much attention to the fact that her little dog was following her around the entire time. When she finished, she went outside to get rid of the coconut (a must-do, as it absorbed all the negative energy). Her dog followed her, and promptly threw up! He absorbed some of that energy too, and his little body purged it out right away.

So, that said, if you do any kind of house clearing, know that you are likely kicking and stirring up energy that can be absorbed by pets and family members who are around. Just as you have to be out of the home when you’re fumigating, similar precautions should be taken with loved ones when you’re doing a full-on house clearing.

I hope that helps and inspires!

Thanks so much for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

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