Clairvoyant energy healing is not as widely popular as Reiki and other forms of energy work. But it is extremely powerful and highly effective when done correctly.

The big question here is, if you are seriously ill, would you spend the time getting Clairvoyant healing as a form of treatment? Or would you look for a more proven type of energy healing? Clairvoyant healing is incredible at healing emotional issues and clearing energies.

With more studies in the years to come, it could prove itself to be a top healing modality. But until that time comes, I’d recommend Clairvoyance for emotional/basic energy clearing and healing, and another healing method like Bengston for a complete healing of the physical body.

00:00 Intro

2:05 What energy treatment to do if you’re seriously ill?💰

3:58 How to use intuition to decide what is good for you

‘5:26 How Clairvoyant Healing works

7:32 Can Clairvoyant energy HEAL the physical body?

10:08 Clairvoyant healing really clears emotional energy

12:08 Clairvoyant healing work is easy because of THIS

16:49 My opinion on Clairvoyant energy healing when you are quite sick

18:41 Absolute beginners with Clairvoyant healing are very powerful

Let’s talk about boundaries!

If you are interested in this topic and you are highly sensitive, you may actually be a healer. Now, healers are not all necessarily shamans or doctors. They are teachers, mothers, janitors, hairdressers, artists and architects. Healers come from all walks of life. And the way they heal is all different, too. People can heal through words of encouragement, by creating art that inspires, by providing beautiful haircuts, etc.

If you are sensitive and boundaries are an issue, here’s one viable reason why it’s hard to keep people in check. Because you have healing abilities and you genuinely want to help others, whether or not you advertise that, people sense it. And they become attracted to you because of what they feel you can give, what medicine you have for them.

If people are taking advantage and not listening to you when you are stating your boundaries, the universe may throw a lot of those cases at you. Consider them opportunities to get better. You’ll get to one level, get comfortable there, and then move up to the next level. Finally, once the work is solidified, you won’t have to think about boundaries, because they will feel so natural to you.

The solar plexus chakra is one of the biggest places where people come in and get your energy. I was known for doing great chakra clearings, but you can strengthen your solar plexus now with my channeled chakra cleansing meditation. It will help clear out all your chakras, including your solar plexus, and then energize it with brilliant light.

How are you doing with protecting your boundaries? Have people taken advantage? What did you do? Please share in the comments on YouTube!

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

Did you know you can do a space clearing really quickly?

Usually, big official space clearings take time. To do a completely thorough clearing, you’ll want the place physically clean and uncluttered. Then, the energetic clearing process itself can take a while as you walk though each room and address each corner, the baseboards, ceilings, behind the doors, in the closets, cupboards, etc.

But you can quickly clear a room or space you want to feel at home in, and comfortable in, like you belong, in as little as 5-10 minutes. When you clear that space, it will become more habitable for you.

Why Clear a Room?

Some spaces attract and hold energy really well. If it’s energy that is incongruent with your own, it will be hard to occupy that space – unless you clear it! Common places where clearings are useful are any space you’re going to make a presentation in (own that room!), a courtroom, a classroom, a fitness studio, or a store/shop space.

How to do a Quick Clearing

All you have to do is this:

  • Envision 4 columns of light running to the core of the earth and up to the heavens in each of the 4 corners of the room.
  • Then imagine one big column going down to the core of the earth and up to the heavens in the center.
  • Connect them all with lines of light into the center columns.
  • Then command any conflicting energy to drain out through these columns.
  • Next, fill that space with light.

To claim the space for yourself, imagine you are writing your name on the walls, a photo or big portrait of yourself in the room, then fluff aura out and expand it so it’s taking up the space.

It might be fun to try not clearing one day, and then clearing the next to see what the difference is.

I made a really nice, 10 minute house clearing meditation that helps with this: check it out!

Try this easy clearing method out and let me know what you think! When you try this, what spaces are you going to clear?  Please share in the comments!

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

Are there things in your life, situations, or people that you’re not happy with any longer? And yet, for one reason or another, you tolerate them? If you’re noticing that you’re unhappy with how you tolerate it all, this is an invitation to work on your practice of self-love.

We are always creating things in our life. We create beliefs in concepts and ideas. We buy things. We allow people into our lives. We participate in jobs and other activities.

As life goes on, we change and evolve. In many cases, when we are on the spiritual path, we transform aspects of ourselves and are different today than we were 10 years ago. If we are still holding on to creations that no longer serve us, though, it’s a sign we aren’t in alignment with that powerful concept we all need to work on – self-love.

When we are really in the flow of self-love, we have our absolute best interests in mind. We don’t let ourselves go to jobs where we are bullied and mistreated. We don’t wear clothes that are shabby or stained. We don’t hang on to old junk that we don’t need.

Sometimes when it’s hard to understand exactly how to love the self, an easy action step is to just start releasing the old things that are no longer in alignment with who we are now. That starts a movement, an action plan, that gets us closer to a state of self-acceptance and self-love.

Creating space is a universal concept that works wonders energetically. If we do this with the intention of bringing in more things that reflect our compassion and love for the self, miraculous changes can take place.

Have you ever experienced the need to release certain things or people from your life? How did things change after that? Please share in the comments!

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

This week’s topic is not my favorite subject in the intuitive realm. In fact, it’s my least favorite! I’m talking about spirits (ghosts). Some people are fascinated by the topic. I, for one, am not.

Spirits/ghosts have a presence that is intrusive and pushy. Angels and guides are waaaay more sensitive. They work with you when you ask and do not mess with you when you are busy trying to live your life. Yes, they will intervene at moments, but they do not harass you. That is not their style.

Spirits, on the other hand, do not care. They will do anything to try and get your attention. They can violate your space and boundaries, especially when the veil is thin and they have not gone to the light.

And why are some spirits still hanging around the earth realm? There are many reasons. Sometimes they were confused when they died and don’t know where they are or that they are dead. Other times, they have unfinished business they can’t let go of. They weren’t ready to die, and they desperately need to say or do a few things.

If you are sensitive, it’s as if they can tell you can see/hear them. And so they do everything to get your attention, even if you have no idea who they are and you are not a medium and have no desire to listen to what they have to say. The worst thing is, some of them just won’t leave. They try and attach (not good). So you have to actually stop everything you are doing, and do a spirit releasement ceremony to get them to leave. I’ve had to do this! It’s extremely time consuming, but sometimes it’s the only option if you wish to regain your peace.

If spirits are bothering you, these tips can help get them out of your field and out of your environment:

1. Level 1 – Basic

Light some sage, palo santo, or copal to create a sacred space. Bring in flowers and beautiful music or singing bowls/bells to clear the vibration of the space you are in. Pray to all of the angels and guides and ask them to help the spirit cross over. Politely ask the spirit or spirits to go to the light. Plan on spending 30-60 minutes on this.

2. Level 2 – Intermediate

Create a sacred space (above). Meditate to ground yourself. Then, fill your aura with light. Spend some time on this  – 15 mins minimum on the light work alone. Then, imagine you are going on a field trip to the proverbial gates of heaven, where all of the angels are. Whatever religion you are – it doesn’t matter. Imagine you are escorting this spirt with angels and loved ones through the gates of heaven. Make sure it feels all the love and light and see it disappear. Plan on spending 60 mins to 3 hours on this. It may take more than one try.

3. Level 3 – Advanced

Just go to a professional. There are mediums who specialize in spirit releasement. This is a unique talent. I put this in the advanced category because here you are just not messing around. You are going to drop some serious cash (please just don’t believe anyone who charges you thousands). However, when the situation is dire and/or you just are not having luck, this is an advanced situation and you need professional help. I have had to do this at times, and it was well worth it.

There is so much more to the world of energy than we are aware of, and unfortunately psychic work is kind of like opening Pandora’s Box. But this world can be navigated with proper care and attention.

Have you had experienced spirits around? Were you able to release them? Please share in the comments on YouTube! Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

I’m here today with Obi-Juan (pun intended), my friend’s highly sensitive dog. I had to hold him in the video because he was crying for her! The only way he stopped crying was if I picked him up. I felt their mutual (intense) anxiety before she left, and luckily realized it was not my own. The energy dissipated, I held Obi-Juan to soothe him, and here we are.

It’s not easy being sensitive. It’s actually really HARD! Sensitive people are affected by so many different energies – from other people, places, and just free-floating vibes. If we don’t know how sensitive we are, we can easily get tricked into thinking we are just having ridiculous mood swings or unprovoked anxiety attacks. That we are not OK.

If you are reading or watching this and you suspect you are highly sensitive, you’re halfway there to managing as a sensitive person. We don’t really “do” the world the way non-sensitives do. We need to work to distinguish our own energy from that of other people and places. We also need to know how to care for ourselves in order to manage our sensitivities.

Here are some basic tips that will help:

1. Spend. Time. Alone.

It’s vital that you spend time alone as a sensitive person! Get to know your own energy. Notice the ebb and flow of your emotions – alone, in a safe and comfortable space. Pay attention to how you feel when you wake up in the morning, and how your emotions feel to you. The more you understand your own baseline energy, and the way your emotions flow, the more easily you will be able to recognize when your energy is being compromised by other people or places.

2. Notice when your emotions and energies change

Pay attention to when your emotions shift. Notice what comes on quickly for no apparent reason. What changed in your environment? Did you just interact with a particular person or group of people? Are you in a new space? Try and identify any external factors that could have contributed to the shift.

3. Clear energy that isn’t yours

Most sensitive will tell you the easiest way to clear unwanted vibes or emotions that are not their own is to LEAVE! And then clear the energy. There are tons of ways to do clearings using energy healing modalities. I also have a free grounding meditation on my website that will help: You can also do basic things. Taking a walk outside will naturally ground you. Many sensitives swear by water – being in or near a lake or stream, ocean, waterfall, shower, or sea salt bath. Eating a light snack or meal will help, as will drinking water.

Once you get to a place where you can recognize certain energies that provoke an emotional response are in fact not yours, you’ll feel relief. And you will be OK!

Have you felt other people’s energies? How long did it take you to discover you are highly sensitive? And what techniques do you use to clear unwanted energy? Please share in the comments on YouTube!

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time!

The chakras are power points within your body that lock in and circulate energies. When they’re healthy and strong, these energies can empower you. When they are off balance or blocked, these energies can create major problems in your life.

While you can work with a professional to get your chakras cleared, something truly magical and empowering happens when you do it on your own. And you can! It’s not that difficult – you just need to focus and apply the techniques I introduce in this video.

The crown chakra can be envisioned as an actual crown, or a thousand-petaled lotus. I’ve worked with many crown chakras over the years and have never had a case where the crown chakra is actually completely blocked. What usually needs to happen is it can be opened a little, perhaps energized, so the channel of light that runs from the crown to the higher realms is just more bright.

When the crown chakra is not functioning optimally, you won’t feel a strong connection to source. Nor will you feel confident in your own vibration/body/energy field.

When the crown chakra is clear and healthy, you will have faith in source. You will trust that you are being guided at all times. And you will feel confident and at home in your body.

Whenever you feel off, dejected, or depleted, do a little work with your crown chakra. It will energize you and hook you up with the divine source of all.

Thank you so much for reading and watching. See you next time!

The chakras are power points within your body that lock in and circulate energies. When they’re healthy and strong, these energies can empower you. When they are off balance or blocked, these energies can create major problems in your life.

While you can work with a professional to get your chakras cleared, something truly magical and empowering happens when you do it on your own. And you can! It’s not that difficult – you just need to focus and apply the techniques I introduce in this video.

The sixth chakra, or third eye center, is the home of your intuition. I haven’t often found bona fide blocks in the third eye chakra, to be honest. The most common issue I see is it being sleepy or dusty, not “lived in” enough. When the third eye center is off, that’s what will happen – you’ll need to dust of your intuitive faculties. You might find yourself too reliant on what your brain thinks. Or you will listen to the advice of other people instead of your own inner guidance.

When the third eye center is clear and balanced, you will trust your intuition implicitly. You won’t even have to make a forced or concerted effort – you will just be in the flow.

The 3 main techniques I cover in the video are as follows:

1. The “draining” technique to open the valves of your chakras and release negative energy out
2. The clairvoyant technique for clearing and balancing your chakras
3. The angelic/spirit guided technique, in which your angels and guides clear and balance out your chakras for you

Try the techniques I mention in the video above, and let me know how it goes in the comments on YouTube!

The chakras are power points within your body that lock in and circulate energies. When they’re healthy and strong, these energies can empower you. When they are off balance or blocked, these energies can create major problems in your life.

While you can work with a professional to get your chakras cleared, something truly magical and empowering happens when you do it on your own. And you can! It’s not that difficult – you just need to focus and apply the techniques I introduce in this video.

The fifth chakra is all about your voice and how you express yourself to the world. It’s not just verbal expression – this is physical expression too. How you relate your truth to everyone. When this chakra is not in balance, you will find people having a hard time understanding you, or what you are trying to get across. You might be blocked in your creative expression in some way or another. And you will have a hard time hearing internal intuitive guidance, because the heart chakra syncs up with your clairaudient channels.

When your fifth chakra is balanced, you will feel a flow and harmony in your communications. Your words will get across clearly, and you will find self-expression to be a breeze. You will easily hear your guides and trust your own inner voice.

The 3 main techniques I cover in the video are as follows:

1. The “draining” technique to open the valves of your chakras and release negative energy out
2. The clairvoyant technique for clearing and balancing your chakras
3. The angelic/spirit guided technique, in which your angels and guides clear and balance out your chakras for you

Try the techniques I mention in the video above, and let me know how it goes in the comments on YouTube!

The most powerful and magical healings can take place when you focus in and concentrate on the chakras.

The chakras are power points within your body that lock in and circulate energies. When they’re healthy and strong, these energies can empower you. When they are off balance or blocked, these energies can create major problems in your life.

While you can work with a professional to get your chakras cleared, something truly empowering happens when you do it on your own. And you can! It’s not that difficult – you just need to focus and apply the techniques I introduce in this video.

This week’s chakra is the heart chakra. In my personal experience, it is one of the most powerful chakras of all. The heart center actually generates healing energy on its own. As you know, the heart center is all about your ability to give and receive love. When I do chakra readings, I often see the heart chakra as a big huge playground where everyone the client loves is frolicking around. And sometimes people from old relationships lurk in the background, showing up as painful blocks to the flow of love. Clearing the heart chakra is so much fun because you can really feel it in an instant. A palpable and tangible heat gets generated here. Pretty amazing!

The 3 main techniques I cover in the video are as follows:

1. The “draining” technique to open the valves of your chakras and release negative energy out
2. The clairvoyant technique for clearing and balancing your chakras
3. The angelic/spirit guided technique, in which your angels and guides clear and balance out your chakras for you

Try the techniques I mention in the video above, and let me know how it goes in the comments on YouTube!

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