I’m sure you’ve heard of a house clearing! What I realized is that some are not aware of how helpful doing clearings can be. Just the way your home (or any space) feels great after it’s had an amazing cleaning, a house clearing can do wonders for your energy field and that of your abode.

Many energies of all kinds of different frequencies can get trapped into spaces. The energy of anger, frustration, grief, and the like can linger like a thick layer of dust on a shelf. Of course that energy affects us!

A simple house clearing can shift that vibration, making a space fresh and clean. More info in the video above.

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There are so many tools to help you tap into your intuition and read energy. You can use your own innate psychic abilities, or work with cards, astrology, and other powerful oracular systems. One of the most common tools is a pendulum, which reads energy according to the way in which it swings.

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I was honored to be featured in a recent Redfin post on 15 simple ways to create a positive and peaceful home in 2021. To read the article on the Redfin site, click here:


I’ve included the tips you can read it here, too:

15 Simple Ways to Create a Positive and Peaceful Home in 2021

After experiencing a year full of so much change, challenge, and uncertainty, many are looking to manifest positivity as we enter a new year. And one of the best ways to do this is by creating a peaceful home environment.

So to help you bring more positivity, peace, and zen to your home, we reached out to experts across the country – from Portland, OR to Salem, MA – for their best advice. From being more mindful of the energy in our homes to incorporating crystals and calming scents, here are 15 simple ways you can create a more peaceful home this year.


1. Begin the day by focusing on your heart until it feels relaxed and open. Then visualize light emanating from your heart with the intention of connecting every being, every inanimate object, the rooms, corners, floors, ceiling, and yard with this energy. You can play around with color in your home, such as blue light to calm anger, pink light to attract positivity, or green light for health and prosperity. – Sacred Transformations

2. Use crystals to harmonize your home. Place Black Tourmaline by your front door to protect and repel all negative energy. For your bedrooms you can use Red Jasper and Green Calcite to help your energy relax and feel grounded. At your work table place Citrine, Pyrite, or Green Aventurine to bring vibrations of prosperity, growth, abundance, and success in your career. Lastly, add Shungite near your laptop to protect and shield you from EMF. – Sugar, Be Crystal Clear

3. Minimize energetic clutter in your home by limiting items to only things that you love and bring you joy. Take a look around your home. If there are things that trigger negative feelings as you look around, extend gratitude to that item, and then release it – no matter how much it cost, who gave it to you, or the sense of obligation you attach. You’ll feel a significant increase in your sense of personal peace when you release the things that are no longer serving you or bringing your joy. – Brenda Winkle

4. It’s all about the energy and intent you set for your space. Simply setting the intention for a more peaceful home, the energy will shift naturally. It doesn’t have to require buying or rearranging furniture if you don’t want it to be. I love lighting candles, a fire, or some incense and setting the intention for the space to become more peaceful, the highest frequency possible and zen, and even more loving if you’d like. You’ll be amazed at how powerful this simple practice can be. – Crystal Heinemann

5. Diffusers can help create a more peaceful home. Set up a diffuser in your bedroom and in other areas where you spend most of your time. Great scents for relaxation include lavender, bergamot, vetiver, and chamomile. The sense of smell is one of the key ways to quickly calm your nervous system. – Heart Fire Healing


6. Self-care is key to creating a more peaceful home. Start by creating a space in your home that is just for you. A space where you can meditate, breathe, practice yoga, qi gong, state affirmations, or whatever you feel will bring you peace. Make it easy for yourself to take a minimum of 10-20 minutes out of your day to focus on self-care. Be sure to pick a place that can be dark when you need grounding and relaxation or bright when you need to feel uplifted. – Chi For Healing

7. Leave technology at the door. Encourage yourself and those who live with you to detach from their cell phones and social media in certain rooms of the house. Technology has become another layer of stressful distraction, and we need to take periods of digital detachment to properly observe ourselves and our experiences. Perhaps you can make the kitchen a phone-free space to ensure organic and distraction less connect. – Erin Doppelt

8. Find a quiet spot to surrender. Create a space with a comfy chair you can sink into to clear your mind and let go of your worries. This spot can include a pillow and blanket, a favorite crystal to hold, and be sure the space is free of clutter. Then settle into that comfy chair, hold your crystal while closing your eyes, reconnect your breath with your body to notice any tension, and then release stress with each exhale. – Jessica Roth, Jess Kay Crystals

9. Open up your living space and let the positive energy flow. A tight, crowded living space not only encroaches upon you physically, but also mentally and spiritually. So cast out the clutter, embrace wide-open spaces, keep flat surfaces clean and clear, and place objects that delight in your line of sight. These shifts help promote peace of mind, engage your focus in the moment, and create beauty and harmony. – Krishanti

10. Clear the energy in your home and fill it with love. Energy clearing is one of the most powerful ways to make your home feel more comfortable, bright, and beautiful. The simplest method is to use your voice to speak your intention and request. For example, saying phrases such as, “Please help make this home a sacred space for rest and nourishment, where I naturally let go and relax. – Isa Dona, Spiritual Healer & Transformation Coach

11. Learn Reiki. Reiki is an easy method of energy healing that you can use to calm your mind, heal injuries, and make yourself feel better whenever you want. Anyone can learn Reiki in just 2 days and then you can send yourself pure positive energy just by placing your hands on your body. You can also help heal your family and friends, your pets, and even your plants. – Healer Source


12. Be the sage and smudge. This is an ancient technique of clearing and lightening up not only one’s energy, but the energy of your environment. Simply light sage and wave the flame out gently, allowing the smoke from the burning of the sage plant to softly billow into the room. Stand at the center of the room and waft the smoke around yourself and the room with your hand; clearing your energy and the energy in the room. – Gwendolyn C. Natusch, M.Ed., MSW, The Center for Personal Evolution

13. To feel more supported in your space, try grounding it. Grounding is a common exercise for bringing your energy back into your body but you can do it for an energetically scattered home as well. Sprinkle some salt on your floors to connect to the element of Earth, and soak up any negative energy at the same time. Then just sweep or vacuum it up. For hard surfaces, you can follow up with a magical mopping by adding a few drops of an essential oil that brings you back to your body when you smell it. – HausWitch

14. Scent is a powerful way to calm and soothe. During these challenging times where many people are working and learning remotely, your home can retain odors you’d prefer not to have linger. Lighting a soy candle in your favorite scent or diffusing lavender essential oil or a refreshing citrus blend can make your home more relaxing and peaceful. – Jenn Aubert

15. Increase your home’s positive vibes by adding green plants or fresh flowers. Then pull open the blinds and let the light of the moon and the rays of the sun clear negativity and energize your home. Healing stones can also make any room vibrant and feel more zen. – Gabrielsen Healing Center

Originally published by Redfin

I hope you are still hanging in there through this crisis we are all in. My son is on “spring break” this week and the energy in our home is so much lighter – because he’s thrilled he doesn’t have to do school work!

House Clearing Time!

On Tuesday, I emailed out this guided meditation to assist you with clearing your home. Since we are all home right now, making the space fresh and clear and nice to be in is essential to our overall wellbeing. Today, I’m sharing a very easy hands-on (i.e. not meditative) method to purify your home space.

Easy House Clearing Technique

When it comes to clearing your space, it helps to do things in a particular order. First things first, you want to clean your house. Purge the stuff you don’t use or need, and then do a thorough cleansing of your house. Open all the windows, do all your dusting, vacuuming, mopping, sweeping, and rearrange things if you would like. And then comes the witchy part: light up some sage, copal, frankincense, palo santo, or your favorite cleansing incense or herb.

Go into each room with this. Go down into the corners and along the floorboards. And then go up and around, where the ceiling and walls meet. Say out loud or in your mind, “I’m cleansing and clearing this space, and filling it with love and light.” As you do this, imagine you are imparting light into the space. Go into every room of the house, and let your intuition guide you! Spend extra time in the places you feel need more attention. If you feel like if a room has heavy energy, keep the windows open and usher that energy out of the windows, like you’re sweeping it out of your house.

After this, you can ring bells in every room in the house. Keep all the windows open, and place fresh flowers around the home.

It’s as simple as that! Done, and done.

Coconut Clearing

I’d love to share with you a story my friend Joy told me about a house clearing she did. She used a coconut, which is known for it’s powerful clearing qualities in indigenous cultures. She kicked it all around the floorboards of the entire home, letting it absorb all the negative energy in her house. She did the whole thing very thoroughly, and didn’t pay much attention to the fact that her little dog was following her around the entire time. When she finished, she went outside to get rid of the coconut (a must-do, as it absorbed all the negative energy). Her dog followed her, and promptly threw up! He absorbed some of that energy too, and his little body purged it out right away.

So, that said, if you do any kind of house clearing, know that you are likely kicking and stirring up energy that can be absorbed by pets and family members who are around. Just as you have to be out of the home when you’re fumigating, similar precautions should be taken with loved ones when you’re doing a full-on house clearing.

I hope that helps and inspires!

Thanks so much for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

This week I’m here with a fun, simple, and easy technique to stop negative thoughts. We all have them! And we can all work to eradicate them, if we so choose.

It Works!

This is based on a clairvoyant technique that moves energy. Basically, when you are in a clairvoyant reading, and you see a negative picture representing an unwanted or low-vibrational cycle or pattern, you explode it. That means you clairvoyantly (in your mind’s eye) blow it up. Then you clear it out, and that creates space for fresh positive energy to flow!

Yes, You CAN Try this at Home.

When you’re going about your day, washing dishes, working, or doing whatever, and a negative thought comes up, just explode it! You can get a grasp on it by associating it with a tangible feeling, a color, or sense, like brown sticky energy, for example. And then, explode it, blow it up, throw into a violet flame, pop it up like popcorn, shoot it up into outer space or down into the core of the earth. Let your creativity and imagination guide you on this!

Once you eradicate it, immediately think of something different. And that’s that!

The more you dissolve this negative energy, the softer it will be, and it will lessen in its intensity. Eventually, you won’t have it come up at all anymore.

The reason why negative thoughts tend to go on and on like a runaway train is that we chew on them like gum and dwell on them, letting them stew and grow. By actively eradicating them, you can transform and heal them, and free up space to think of more positive and creative things!

I hope this helps! Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

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