Guided Meditation: House Clearing


This powerful and effective house clearing meditation will help you shift the energy of your home. Using a specific method that is taught in clairvoyant schools, you’ll be guided to ground your home and release all negative energy out from it. Then, together we bring in a beautiful, light energy to fill the entire space. You will definitely see and feel a difference after doing this!

This guided meditation will leave your house sparkling, fresh, clean and clear. It’s one of the most powerful space-clearing meditations you can do!

Many people think of house clearings as something that needs to be done physically. They work with a shaman or energy healer, or on their own. In a traditional house clearing, the person doing the work walks through the home with sage, palo santo, copal, or another smudging tool. Intention is the magic behind the work, and it is effective.

However, guided meditation is a powerful way to do a house clearing!

That’s by working on a purely energetic level. I have had incredible results doing this guided meditation. I added some special touches to the end of this practice, too. You will definitely feel an energy shift in your home after doing this. For more information on house clearings as a practice, here’s a link to vlogs I’ve made. This house clearing meditation also works on all kinds of spaces: offices, conference rooms, airplanes, ballrooms — you name it!

If you feel like the energy in your home is dull, heavy, or simply lackluster, a house clearing is in order. Of course, a clean, clutter-free home will hold less heavy energy than one that is dirty and filled with stuff. Objects hold energy, and too many messy objects can weigh down your home.

You can do an energetic house clearing before a physical cleaning and de-cluttering, or vice-versa. Both work in tandem with one another. But you will absolutely notice a shift after doing this particular house clearing meditation. People have reported feeling safe, sleeping more deeply, and simply loving their environment more after using this meditation.

I hope you like it – let me know how it goes!

Length: Approx. 10 mins


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