One of my favorite topics in the Intuitive Realm, as I like to call this magical space of psychic development and spiritual and personal growth, is reincarnation. As an Art History major who grew up on fairy tales and mythology, nothing excites me more than learning about who, what, when, where, and how people were in other incarnations. And one thing that is very fascinating is this:

Your Past Lives aren’t always Chronological.

To make it more complicated, though, there are a lot of cases where people really do remember their most chronologically recent past life. One of my favorite books about this is called Children who Remember Previous Lives by Dr. Ian Stevenson. His research reveals the most fascinating information about children remembering the life just before,in chronological “earth-years” order.

This Little Girl remembered her Children!

One story that really impacted me was that of a little girl in India who swore she was a mother and that she had left her children behind when she died and desperately needed to get back to them. She was distraught! Dr. Stevenson’s team interviewed her, brought her to the village she described, and helped her reunite with her family from that most recent lifetime. This little girl knew facts there was no way she could have known, and everyone was blown away by how it all worked out. And – get this – his book is chock full of true real life stories like this.

One Little Boy had been a Fighter Pilot.

Another story, which actually made it on the news, was about a little boy who swore he had died in WW2 in Japan. His parents became concerned because 1) he had terrible nightmares about dying in a plane crash and 2) he obsessively drew pictures of WWII fighter jets with extreme details that a child his age could not have had any way of knowing. He kept saying that he had been a fighter pilot and that his plane crashed over Iwo Jima. His parents, baffled, sought help from Carol Bowman, a renowned past life therapist, who helped immensely. In the end, all of the pieces clicked together with overwhelming evidence. 

To further the idea that past lives can be chronological, in some cultures, when someone dies, they make a mark on the body with red paint, often at the back of the neck or some inconspicuous place. Then, whenever someone new is born, they will examine the body for birthmarks in that same place. That helps them to know it’s the soul of that person born into a new body. 🙂 

There is Nothing Hard and True about How it All Works.

All that said, from my personal experience doing past life readings and regressions, there are many people who don’t want to come back at all, or don’t come back for quite a long time in earth years. Think about it: we are all here now, but we do not all remember lifetimes in the decades leading up to our current incarnation.

When I read for people, lifetimes come up that are from thousands of years ago, not the just the 1900’s. What is that all about, then? This is a very important consideration, too: the world was much less populated prior to now. Where are all these souls coming from?

In reading people, I’ve learned that some of us have time outs where we don’t come back for hundreds of years. Some of us may not have been here for thousands of years, and the first thing that comes up in a past life reading is ancient Babylon or Sumeria.

Some people come from other planets and galaxies, too. They’re like field biologists, not from here. They often feel weird here, as if they don’t quite fit in. It can be quite painful and lonely for them to experience life here.

Reincarnation and Your Karma.

Real time, outside of our 3-dimensional reality, isn’t the way it is here on earth. We haven’t figured it out (although I am sure some have and just haven’t told the general populace!). 

Whether you last incarnated in the 1960’s or 2000 years ago, chronologically speaking, it could be that that life 2000 years ago is the one that is impacting this one now, and your lessons and karma in this life are tied to THAT lifetime. When people ask me “Where and when were some of my past lifetimes?” the info that comes in can be random…Ireland in the 1800s, Southeast Asia in 80 BC, it goes all over the place and the order doesn’t seem important. It’s not chronological. There is a charge, a certain energy, or unfinished business when it comes to your karma. It’s as if, in some instances, your life right before this isn’t impacting you as much right now, and what you need to work on in this life is the karma you never finished way from back when.

Patterns Keep Happening until You Heal the Karma.

Oftentimes when people ask about how they knew people in this lifetime, in other lifetimes, there seems to be a similar sort of pattern that happens throughout the years; very similar interactions. Meaning, if you’re having complications in a relationship with someone now, chances are, you had similar complications with them in a past lifetime. And think about it; some people might not have been able to be in another life with you, so they’re here now, and you can both complete unfinished business with each other and heal that karma.

This was a long post!! I just find it so fascinating I could talk about it all day long. If there are questions you have on this topic, send me an emailand I’ll work on covering it in a new video/post. 

Thank you so much for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

I’m so excited to talk about this week’s topic with you! It’s an important concept. And it’s this: you may be creating limitations for yourself with what you feel like you deserve to have and experience.

In many cases, we think we want something, but when it comes down to it, we can’t allow ourselves to have it.

The Havingness Gauge 

In clairvoyance, we work with what is called a “havingness gauge.” The gauge shows how much you can allow yourself to have or experience something. It goes from 0 to 100, and more often than not, when I’m working with people to clear blocks, their gauge is rarely at the 100% mark. Many times it’s hovering down at 40% or less. Why? Because they’re creating limitations for themselves!

That said, here are some steps to get in the mode of creating the things and experiences you’d love to have.

Step 1: Know that You’re Creating Limitations

Just KNOW that for whatever reason, you may be deciding not to let yourself have or experience things. All you have to do here is acknowledge it and realize it – that’s it! 

Step 2: Let Yourself Dream

Knowing that you’re probably limiting yourself, now just push yourself to think more about what you want in life. Take your time on this and don’t rush it, but be diligent in letting your desires spring forth. And document them. Employ your imagination! Go wild and let it percolate while taking notes on a daily basis, for as long as you’d like. This is a magical, alchemical process. Enjoy it!!

Step 3: Ask for More

In your mediations or daily affirmations or statements to all that is, ask the universe to bring you more! Many manifesting rituals involve asking for what you want, or for whatever is for your highest good. What the universe may bring you can be very different than what you have in mind – but it can also be unbelievably amazing. Better, in fact, than you could have imagined. Really and truly!

Step 4: Give, Give, Give

Definitely make sure that you are able to give. Give freely! Give of yourself, give of your time, your possessions, give things away, give love! Give to people, plants, animals.  When you give, you open up space to receive. And giving is so much fun!

Step 5: Receive

Now that you are giving, be open to receive, too! Often we don’t let good things come into our lives. We can’t accept gifts or generous gestures from other people. If you are giving, however, you must be open to receive, because it will come back to you and you want to keep that flow open. It creates a beautiful balance! And keeping the balance of giving and receiving is important when it comes to creating what you want in life.

Can You Handle How Good it Can Be?

I recently watched Queer Eye on Netflix because my friend said it was happy and heartwarming. And she was right! One episode in particular got me emotional. These sisters who had a barbecue stand were getting a makeover. One of them had such bad teeth that she could never really smile – and she had such a fun, bright personality!

The team brought her to a dentist to get her teeth fixed, and one of them held her hand throughout the procedure. When it was over, she looked in the mirror and was shocked. And then she just started sobbing. As did I!!!! She looked beautiful! It was so overwhelming. Can you imagine how that feels? To finally have something you never thought you could have? To be able to smile openly and feely, to laugh out loud, and to be beautiful, after feeling embarrassed for all these years….it was one of the most touching things I’ve ever seen. 

That is how good things can be if you relax and allow!

We tend to grab onto things and hold on and need life to be a certain way. That tightness creates a restriction in the flow of energy, though. When we operate on a frequency of peace and harmony and joy…good things will start coming in more and more. And little by little, your life as you know it will change. It can and does work!

Thank you for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

So I haven’t talked about this much, but I made a spiritual pilgrimage to Italy last year to visit Rome and Florence. While I was there, I roamed all though the Vatican and went to the Wednesday audience with Pope Francis, or, as they lovingly call him in Rome, Papa Francesco. That day, he delivered an interesting talk about the commandment that says…


We have all heard of that one, right? And it’s pretty obvious, like, duh, of course I’m not going to kill anyone! I remember thinking that when I first learned about that commandment as a kid.

But Papa Francesco put a spin on it that I honestly hadn’t heard before (it’s not like I’m Catholic or anything so I don’t know if they talk about this in regular church). He said it’s not just about killing someone. He said “Thou Shalt not Kill” also applies to putting people down, belittling them, or making them feel bad about themselves. Intentionally hurting another person in any way is breaking that commandment because, by doing that, you’re crushing their soul. That means…

Bullying is a BonaFide Sin.

I have been bullied over the years by family, and in the workplace – horribly so. If you have a job where you are bullied like I was in a few different scenarios, I feel your pain. That royally sucks because it’s your livelihood! The whole thing is really shocking. And, sadly, it’s rampant. 

Doris Day got it Right…

The beautiful and talented Doris Day died this year, and one of her most famous quotes that circulated around was “I never met an animal I didn’t like, and I can’t say the same thing about people.”

But back to Rome! When the pope was talking about this, I totally had an a-ha moment, like OH! THAT’s what that commandment is about!  We shouldn’t be assholes to each other and putting people down and bullying them and being mean, because that is a form of violence. The soul is a beautiful vibrant energy, and repeated attacks and put-downs can crush someone’s spirit. I mean, abusing kids can ruin their lives. For example…

A Lifetime of Repairing the Self-Esteem

I was raised by my mom and Nana, who was spiritual, but also talked shit about everyone all the time. She was very hard on me, much to my detriment. Of course there was some good, and I have spent a lot of time on forgiveness for the bad, but the way she treated me damaged my self-esteem to the point where this is one of the things I will be working on for my entire life. 

The good new about that is, hey! I have something to work on and keep busy with. And, once I figure it out, I can share it with you guys. Every cloud has a silver lining, right?

It’s a Beautiful World (or it CAN be)

If we can all think about treating each other with respect, and work to see the spirit in someone and honor that and be peaceful and kind, much goodness can come about as a result.

Circling back to that commandment, I’ve noticed that even spiritual people can be critical, unkind, and cruel. Maybe it’s because those of us who turn towards spirituality have the most work to do. But we have to watch ourselves and stay true to the path. When the negativity comes up, as it often does, the best avenue to follow is to take a look at it and ask why you are being triggered by others, as opposed to just reveling in your anger and annoyance. 

We should be behaving better. We should be kinder to each other! Let’s love each other and serve as role models for one another. We don’t have to be Polly Perfect little pleasers. We can have fun and laugh and be naughty! We just don’t have to crush people’s souls!

If someone you know starts with garbage critical talk, try and change the subject. Steer it towards the beauty in other people and the good things people are doing. The more we focus on that, the more it becomes our reality, and it will have a domino effect. You can create your own beautiful paradise in life. It IS possible!

Thanks so much for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

I can’t believe it’s July already! Can you?! This week’s chat is all about when you’re doing readings and/or learning how to access and tap into your own psychic and intuitive abilities. It’s a bit of a tricky subject, but here goes:

You Can’t Rely on the Person You’re Reading to Validate what You’re Getting!

And you can’t rely on them to tell you if what you are getting is accurate or not! It’s human nature to want validation, but seeking it can actually stop you from forging ahead in your psychic space.

If you want to do readings professionally for others, it’s crucial to have a practice period. Practice on a lot of people for free, and choose people who will encourage you to keep going with where you are going. Because there is no pay, there should be little to no expectation for you to be on point and to perform for them. They will know you’re practicing, which gives you a free pass to explore what comes through.


Paid Readings = Expectations

When you get into doing paid readings for people, there are a lot of expectations. You are expected to give answers, to be in a service role, to help them, to facilitate healing for them, and to be simpatico with them. That creates a whole other dynamic to the reading situation. If you are not well-versed and have not had the much-needed training period, it’s going to be hard for you to let go and let the wacky intuitive side flow.


Unpaid “Training” Readings = Freedom to Let it Flow

To be honest with you, being psychic isn’t about being practical. We can apply it to practical things and everyday life, but that’s not what it is at it’s very core. At the core, being psychic is about being wild and liberated and free and exploring the multiverse, talking to guides, aliens, angels, and God. It’s about all of that and more. It’s beautiful and wonderful. If you can take as much time as possible to let that inform you as you are practicing, there’s no telling what you’ll discover. The beauty and magic of it is indescribable. However, applying it to the physical world really hedges that in. People need you to give them concrete answers to questions like “Should I leave my husband, move here or there, leave my job,” etc.

If you let yourself get confident in your training period, when you do work with people for a monetary exchange, you will then be able to say “This what I am getting, and I know there is truth to it.” And eventually, you can guide them and help them to be more in tuned with this sacred, magical, intuitive realm.


Don’t Ask for Validation!

I know it’s hard, but during your practice readings, try not to ask the other person too often if what you are saying makes sense. Now, this is different than if you’re playing with your friends. Supportive buddies will totally help you and will love to tell you when they “get” what you are saying. With unpaid practice readings, though, try to just barrel through it. Your client may not understand what you are saying or connect the dots until maybe 2 weeks or a year after the session!I

The thing is, your client may not even be fully present for the reading, and therefore might not get what you are saying. So just because they say something doesn’t make sense doesn’t mean you are not onto something totally accurate and truthful!

Trust yourself, and keep practicing, and you will get there. I promise. 

Thank you so much for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

This week’s video is about an interesting concept that is a little bit sad: can we ever really, truly, and completely heal from childhood wounds and trauma?

Doing intuitive work puts me in the trenches with people, which helps me to understand more about the human condition and what we all struggle and suffer with. And I’m here to tell you…

Emotional Wounds can be Healed – to an Extent

To an extent, you absolutely can heal a great deal of childhood wounds. You can do trauma work, energy healing, traditional therapy, hypnotherapy, and all kinds of other things to heal that wounded inner child. However, no matter how much work you do, those wounds are always going to be there. They set up this foundation for your life. To erase or dramatically heal to the extent where it doesn’t impact you at all would be akin to changing your entire personality.

My Traumatic Childhood

I came into this world as a miracle baby. My mother had cancer when she was pregnant with me. The doctors wanted her to abort, but she refused. After I was born, her cancer went into remission for 10 years, and came back when I was 10. Between the ages of 10 and 15, I watched her slowly die. I accompanied her to chemo treatments, combed her hair as it fell out of her head, and emptied her bag when she could no longer go to the bathroom. While I did have good memories, these childhood memories were extremely traumatic and deeply painful. When my mom died, it was not all roses after that, either. Life was hard, filled to the brim with the standard trials and tribulations that we all go through. 

My childhood created in me this fear that is always there, sort of like static in the background. I meditate and channel every day, and every day the guides tell me to let go of fear, release fear, there is nothing to be afraid of. I am working on it, and am making progress, but am I going to be this person who never went through this? No!Your Wounds Make You the Wonderful Person You Are

Those of us who were abused as kids, grew up with money issues, witnessed parents struggling and fighting, or whatever the case may be – nobody gets off scot free – have a unique advantage, though. Because sometimes undergoing difficult circumstances as a child makes us more compassionate caring adults. We are different from other people. This is not a bad thing.

Are We Really Here to be Happy?!?

In the spiritual world, there is such an emphasis on being happy. Many teach that the whole point of being here is to be happy. They say that you don’t have to struggle, and all you need to do is embrace love and release fear. However, if you are afraid to love because of past trauma that you experienced, it’s going to be difficult to burst your heart open and start loving and just being happy happy happy all the time.

If you are working to heal past trauma, know that it may take your entire lifetime. You may make certain strides and get to a certain level, then have setbacks. Your trauma is a part of who you are and makes you who you are. It’s great to work with it and heal it, but it will never completely go away. It’s a part of you.

Maybe We are Here to Heal Instead.

The reason you’re here might not be to be happy. Maybe you’re here to heal yourself, to evolve past your traumas and to be gentle with yourself. Then, perhaps, you can take what you have learned and share it with others. By being kind and present, you can hold the space for others in the struggle. 

There is no panacea for childhood trauma. While you can lesson it and work with it, you are not going to automatically erase it. It will always be there. 

Whatever you are going through or have gone through, remember to be gentle and patient with yourself and treat yourself like you are your own beautiful child who you are helping to live in this world. That way, you will be an enlightened person on the path of evolution.

I know that was a very heavy topic, so thank you for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

If you’ve ever found yourself thinking about someone too much, or maybe even obsessing a little about them, you are not alone. It’s a common thing that a lot of people go through, and I’ve seen it happen time and time again in my practice as an intuitive.

While it’s perfectly normal to have these experiences every now and then, it can be really difficult to cope when you find your thoughts all-encompassing, or when the person you’re thinking about is not returning your affections. When that happens, it’s a cue for you to dig deeper, focus on yourself, and heal/resolve what comes up. Oftentimes, the best thing you can do to stop the cycle of thinking about someone is to repair your self-esteem.

In fact, when I first started doing readings professionally, I had so many people coming to me with this issue that I created a program called Get Him Off Your Mind, which is basically a bootcamp to wash someone out of your system. So, again, if you are experiencing this, you are NOT alone!

Ultimately, if you work on increasing your self-worth and pulling your energy back from the other person and the perceived rejection or non-return of your attention and affection, you will be able to break the cycle.

Obsessing about someone who doesn’t return the favor doesn’t feel good. It can leave you quite angsty, with feelings of longing and rejection: feeling like you don’t have value and you don’t have worth.

In order to turn that energy around, you have to be able to feed yourself. Think about how awesome you are, what a catch you are, how amazing you are. How not being with you or noticing you is ultimately their loss. While that is easier said than done, it helps to know that, for most people, the root of these issues stem from the past; childhood events and traumas, emotion-filled experiences that cause you to feel insecure.

If you feel these issues are too much to handle or too big for you to cope with and heal on your own, by all means, work with an intuitive, a hypnotherapist, an energy healer or a traditional therapist – anyone who you trust to help you with raising your self esteem and clearing past traumas. And for the record, traumas don’t have to be one big major event; a series of little events cause trauma as well. So if, for example, you were raised by a verbally abusive person who crushed your self-worth on a steady and regular basis, that absolutely counts as a trauma and is just as damaging as one major traumatic event would be, if not more.

Aside from working with a professional to help heal and repair your self-esteem, here are some other things you can do:

  • Practice affirmations: Look in the mirror and say “You’re gorgeous/handsome. A catch! What an amazing, wonderful, awesome person you are!”
  • Write out your positive traits and read them before bed  – re-program your self-esteem at bedtime
  • Clear your closet of old, shabby, outdated or dull items and start curating your wardrobe with items that make you look and feel your best
  • Do fun and entertaining physical exercise and bodywork
  • Eat to nourish your body
  • Treat yourself well and groom yourself. Your body is a temple, so treat it like one!
  • Learn how to do new things, get out of your comfort zone, go to new places, and treat yourself to new experiences.
  • Do the things that are on your bucket list. Make a bucket list if you don’t have one, and then get right to it!
  • Constantly re-affirm that you are amazing and awesome. Build yourself up!

Know that it is going to take time, especially if you have become so used to thinking about that person. Your thoughts are like cravings – if you can wait, they will pass, sort of like when you go on a diet. Eventually you will get better and better at conquering those cravings, and you will be OK.

And as a side note, it might help to know that you may not get the closure you’re seeking. The dignity of an explanation as to why someone stopped calling or texting or returning your affections is something not a lot of people get from the object of their desires. If this has happened to you, you can try to do some journaling and write it all out for yourself and release it, rip it up, burn it up throw it away to get all of that energy out of your system.

Then, put your attention back on yourself and raise yourself up!

If you’re looking for further resources, I created a program called Reinvent Your Self-Image to help with this too; it’s like a makeover from the inside out, with energy healings and practices and techniques to help you shift your energy and create a new outer image to match the truth of your spirit, your inner self.

Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

Hello and Happy New Year!

If you didn’t rush into 2019 with open arms and a great big list of empowering resolutions, no matter. You’ve still got Chinese New Year next month (February 5, 2019, to be exact). For the past couple of years, it’s taken me a while to adjust to a new year, namely because my son’s winter break is thrrrrreeeeeeeee weeks long. So my new year begins with the Lunar calendar, which also feels a bit more magical and spiritual. Bring on the Year of the Pig. Baa Ram Ewe!

Wherever you are in your New Year beginnings, there’s one thing we all could use a little help with: healing karmic contracts and agreements with other people. And so in the video above, I cover a couple of very simple and powerful techniques to help you do just that. The concepts – breaking agreement sticks and burning up karmic contracts – were handed down to me by a powerful clairvoyant energy healer I worked with a while ago, and they are quite refreshing and effective. So here’s the way it works:

Technique #1:
Breaking Agreement Sticks

Meditate and get yourself into a very quiet, calm place. This free meditation I made will help you transition into a great mental and energetic state for deeper healing work.

Next, imagine you are going up into a higher plane of consciousness, and with that person in mind, create a bunch of agreement sticks that represent what you have agreed to go through with this person, and break them. Then imagine you have a huge flaming bonfire and throw the broken sticks into the flames and see them burn up. Try using the violet flame, which breaks up energy at a very fundamental, core level. Let it all go, be done, and say “I release you with unconditional love and forgiveness.”

Technique #2:
Breaking Karmic or Soul Contracts

While in a deep meditative/intuitive state, you can also imagine there is a contract – a scroll, a paper, or let your imagination lead you to whatever you’d like to see with this. And then just burn it up with a violet flame, and say “Our karma is done, I release it, I release myself, and I am letting this go.”

Yes, these are blissfully simple techniques. But one of the tricks to making them more effective is to be in a deeply relaxed state first, so you can bypass your analytical mind and let your spirit run the show. The methods seem like imagination, but they do have an effect and it does work. I’ve seen it happen first hand!

Everything in the physical first exists on an energetic plane, so if you go into meditation with something that is bothering you, you can shift and move the energy around and release it in the energetic realms, so that it can be released down in the emotional/physical realms as well.

There are many ways to heal and work on releasing uncomfortable scenarios and situations. Having an arsenal of different techniques that help, especially when you are up against something that is extremely difficult, will only behoove you.

I hope this helps! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

Before we get into the difference between being psychic and telepathing, I have an announcement to make: my new website is live and ready for you to play on!  I hope you find it easier to navigate – from booking sessions to downloading meditations and workshops, it’s all there in a new and improved format. So check it out!

And now, more fun stuff – telepathy vs. psychic-ness. Most people tend to lump it all into one category, but there is a huge difference! When you are being telepathic, you are simply reading another person’s mind. While that might be interesting (and should be done only with permission because otherwise you are majorly invading someone’s privacy), it won’t get you very far if you are seeking the truth, because you’re stuck in that person’s thoughts, which are likely a mishmash of all sorts of hopes, fears, lists of things to do, and a few wayward assumptions about this and that.

When you’re being truly psychic, or clairvoyant if you’re a visual person, you’re not going to rely on another person’s mind or ego to deliver information to you. Instead, you’re focusing on energy and tapping in to a higher force that informs much more clearly.

Here’s an example of how this all works. When I first started doing readings professionally, I used tarot cards. When a person would be really emotional about an issue and then pull cards, the spread would often reflect exactly what they were worried about, but not offer a solution – the cards were straight up just telepathing. It would be pretty obvious to me when this would happen, and I would put the cards back, have the person clear their mind, and then re-shuffle and pull a new spread, which would always be different.

In a psychic space where I’m not using cards, I’ve learned to be very neutral, and set the readee’s energy aside in order to get a clear and truly psychic answer. We are very powerful, and if we’re not careful, our minds can sway the energy that someone is reading. While it’s fascinating to see that this can be done, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the person is powerful enough to sway the actual way something will turn out – only the energy as it is being read. That’s complicated, right? So it’s best to just be neutral, to not telepath, and rely on other forms of psychic intel instead, like clairvoyance, clairaudience, or instant knowing.

The cases where telepathing can be fun and useful most commonly arise in situations where you want to be in sync with family and friends and help with their needs and desires. For instance, children are naturally telepathic. All you have to do is think about ice cream or candy or toys really loudly in your mind, and they will instantly speak up in response. I’ve tried this with my son, Ivan, many a time and it really works. With others, just intuitively knowing and sensing how they are feeling or what they need is a form of telepathy that can better serve you in helping them.

It’s important to remember that telepathy is very natural. Animals do it all the time; in fact, I remember with my cat Coco, all I had to do was THINK about opening a can of tuna and she’d be right there in the kitchen in an instant. Psychic abilities are natural, too – they just take a bit more practice, primarily to get to that neutral place where you can really tap into the purest form of truth.

I hope that all makes sense. Thanks for reading and watching, and for checking out the new site! It took quite a while to get here, including tons of energy work to get my self-esteem to the place where I don’t despise my photographs. Thanks to the gifted photographer Emily Sandifer, and my dear friend Kristi, who held the space for us, it all went incredibly well.

And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

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