The Difference between Telepathy and Being Psychic

Before we get into the difference between being psychic and telepathing, I have an announcement to make: my new website is live and ready for you to play on!  I hope you find it easier to navigate – from booking sessions to downloading meditations and workshops, it’s all there in a new and improved format. So check it out!

And now, more fun stuff – telepathy vs. psychic-ness. Most people tend to lump it all into one category, but there is a huge difference! When you are being telepathic, you are simply reading another person’s mind. While that might be interesting (and should be done only with permission because otherwise you are majorly invading someone’s privacy), it won’t get you very far if you are seeking the truth, because you’re stuck in that person’s thoughts, which are likely a mishmash of all sorts of hopes, fears, lists of things to do, and a few wayward assumptions about this and that.

When you’re being truly psychic, or clairvoyant if you’re a visual person, you’re not going to rely on another person’s mind or ego to deliver information to you. Instead, you’re focusing on energy and tapping in to a higher force that informs much more clearly.

Here’s an example of how this all works. When I first started doing readings professionally, I used tarot cards. When a person would be really emotional about an issue and then pull cards, the spread would often reflect exactly what they were worried about, but not offer a solution – the cards were straight up just telepathing. It would be pretty obvious to me when this would happen, and I would put the cards back, have the person clear their mind, and then re-shuffle and pull a new spread, which would always be different.

In a psychic space where I’m not using cards, I’ve learned to be very neutral, and set the readee’s energy aside in order to get a clear and truly psychic answer. We are very powerful, and if we’re not careful, our minds can sway the energy that someone is reading. While it’s fascinating to see that this can be done, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the person is powerful enough to sway the actual way something will turn out – only the energy as it is being read. That’s complicated, right? So it’s best to just be neutral, to not telepath, and rely on other forms of psychic intel instead, like clairvoyance, clairaudience, or instant knowing.

The cases where telepathing can be fun and useful most commonly arise in situations where you want to be in sync with family and friends and help with their needs and desires. For instance, children are naturally telepathic. All you have to do is think about ice cream or candy or toys really loudly in your mind, and they will instantly speak up in response. I’ve tried this with my son, Ivan, many a time and it really works. With others, just intuitively knowing and sensing how they are feeling or what they need is a form of telepathy that can better serve you in helping them.

It’s important to remember that telepathy is very natural. Animals do it all the time; in fact, I remember with my cat Coco, all I had to do was THINK about opening a can of tuna and she’d be right there in the kitchen in an instant. Psychic abilities are natural, too – they just take a bit more practice, primarily to get to that neutral place where you can really tap into the purest form of truth.

I hope that all makes sense. Thanks for reading and watching, and for checking out the new site! It took quite a while to get here, including tons of energy work to get my self-esteem to the place where I don’t despise my photographs. Thanks to the gifted photographer Emily Sandifer, and my dear friend Kristi, who held the space for us, it all went incredibly well.

And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

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