Over the years, I’ve stumbled upon a HUGE issue that’s come up for women on the path of spiritual evolution and healing: the “missing father” issue. And ladies, it’s a big one, deep and filled with tons of pain. I don’t want to leave you men out on this, too, so if you feel this pertains to you, come on in and join the conversation!

What is this “Missing Father” Issue?

What I mean by the “missing father” issue is that many of us who are working on healing ourselves have discovered that our dads weren’t really around, or if they were, they were totally distant.

This first came onto my radar when I was chatting with a group of fellow readers many years ago. I mentioned not having my father around, and they ALL chimed in and said it had been the same with them.

More recently, an intuitive friend was in a healing circle and one of the participants said she was trying to heal the part of her that was in pain because her father had been emotionally distant. The other participants realized that their fathers had been the same way! This friend told me she can’t even remember having had a conversation with her father. In my case, my mom divorced my dad and sent him away. Still, I grew up without him, and growing up without a father can really influence how you feel about and interact with men, as well as how you run your own idea of what masculine energy is.

Some people are lucky and have wonderful, attentive, nurturing fathers, but for those of us who didn’t, here are a few tips for healing the trauma this can cause.

Tip #1: Practice Forgiveness

The age-old practice of forgiveness is very helpful in this case. Many of our fathers are or were distant simply because they were not raised to bond with their kids and were not shown that behavior from their own dads. Some guys don’t even know how to talk or communicate! They just don’t know how to connect with their emotions. So how could they be present when the idea of it is completely foreign to them?

Whether your father is still alive or not, you can write a letter of forgiveness and then tear it up or burn it to release that energy. You can also meditate on the energy of forgiveness and soften your heart. In forgiving him, try to extend that compassion out and forgive the whole male archetype. It’s painful to be neglected, but if we don’t work on healing that pain, we can take it and project it onto the guys we are trying to date or marry or live with. So just meditate, think about what his life might have been like, and work on understanding why he is the way he is, releasing judgment and embracing acceptance.

Tip #2: Rewrite Your Past

This technique involves deep inner work, but it’s very therapeutic and it does have a lasting healing effect. One of my favorite guided meditations on rewriting your past is by Orin and Sanaya Roman. Click here for the linkand scroll down for the Age Regression, Rewriting your Past meditation. It works!

Tip #3:  Work to Balance your Masculine and Feminine Energy

By creating a nice balance between your masculine and feminine energies, you can repair the part of you that is missing or hurt because your father neglected you. As women, we tend to rely on and run our feminine energy and then run what we THINK is masculine energy. But that can be way off, because without a male role model to show us how a healthy and whole man is, we just don’t really know what we’re doing! On top of that,  we might be upset or wary or not trusting of men. There is a lot of hate out there directed at men, all those white men making all these terrible rules that are hurting people! However, the only way to heal is to transform that hatred and mistrust that we feel, and to create a healthy balance between our male and female energies.

At the time I made this video, I couldn’t think of the healing I was trying to reference that would help you do this. But I found it! There is a whole chapter on this in Debra Lynne Katz’s book Freeing the Genie Within. It’s in Chapter 12 of this book, starting on page 163, and reading it and following the exercises she introduces will help!  

You can also go to an energy healer or traditional chinese medicine practitioner and ask them to help you balance your masculine and feminine energies. We are these two halves! We all have the yin and yang within us, and when that energy is running optimally, we can reach a wonderful state of equilibrium.


We CAN Heal from This!

Thinking about it, talking about it, and addressing it will all help. And then we can train future generations, babies, boys, and young men, how to be present and nurturing. All we have to do is treat them warmly, encourage them to talk, and not make them be this typical closed off strong non-emotional warrior man society thinks they are supposed to be. We can encourage them to embrace their feminine sides so they can be fully present emotionally for everyone in their lives. 

Thanks for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

Many of us who are on the path of intuitive development and spiritual growth have questions about why we are here and what our purpose is. It’s a very common query in readings, too, and if you’re delving into exploring the psychic arts, it absolutely will come up for both you and the people you are working with. However, I have a couple of thoughts on fate and destiny in psychic readings I think are important to talk about.

Can You Read Someone’s Fate – and Should You?

There are ways to figure out what a person’s deal is here on earth, and there are ways to see what kinds of challenges lie ahead for them in life. When tapping into this, though, you must proceed with utmost caution, because you do not want to give somebody information that will devastate them or freak them out. I mean, you could, just by the power of suggestion, give them reason to panic or feel like they are screwed – and then they’ll go and manifest that!

As the giver of a reading, you hold the proverbial fairy wand, and you can help the person you are working with to see the light and to keep going when they feel lost and afraid. As a reader, you have so much power with the information you can convey, and you do not want to give anyone information that is going to devastate them, or, conversely, give them false hope. 🙁

The Future – Even if it Seems like Fate – Is Never Set in Stone

It is very hard to predict the future. In fact, you could be thinking you’re reading someone’s fate or destiny, and make a prediction of gloom and doom (or of something ridiculously wonderful) that is not going to happen or can change as that person changes. And so you must be very careful about this! It’s much more empowering, when talking about destiny and fate, to think in terms of what people are here for, what they are here to learn, and what would be ideal for them to explore and focus on.

Knowing and looking at potential future information can be dangerous. Both wonderfully positive and terribly negative intel about the future can confuse people immensely and cause them to act in different ways than they might if you did not convey this information to them. If you are brave and doing readings only for yourself, that’s one thing. I would advise you not to do it for anyone but yourself. It’s like a code of conduct kind of thing.

In sum, keep it positive, focus on the present moment, and stick to that! Here’s what we know you have been through, let’s help you with where you want to go and get through this thing called life. 

Do You Believe in Fate or Destiny?

Do you think we have fate and destiny? I mean I know with an astrology chart it’s there, in your past, like a map or chart for your life. But do you believe the rest of your life is scripted as well?

I believe there are no right or wrong answers….and from my decade plus experience exploring the psychic arts, I’ve learned that the less you think you know, the better you will be at doing this work. Being open to new experiences is what makes magic happen!

Thanks so much for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

Have you ever had a prophetic dream? Something so intense that you woke up remembering it…and then it came true? A lot of people have them. It either happens once or twice in their lives, or they regularly have dreams that come true. The phenomena of prophetic dreams, however, is a lot like deja vu; we don’t typically know how to control it, but it’s definitely cool and fascinating when it happens!

What is it about Prophetic Dreams?

Sporadic instances of prophetic dreams are typically instances where your psyche or your consciousness roams out into the future, sees or experiences something charged with energy (typically prophetic dreams are warnings of negative life events), and then reports back so you’re prepared.

The problem with these dreams, though, is lack of control. How do you make them work for you instead of happening to you?

Tip #1: Try Passionflower.

There is something about passionflower that boosts your psychic abilities. When I took it regularly, I had many prophetic dreams. They were happening so often I didn’t keep track! Try it for yourself and let me know if it works for you.

Tip # 2: Do what Remote Viewers Do and…

Write a directive to yourself before bed! For example, you can say “I am going to dream about something useful that will help me in my life tonight.” The sky is the limit as to how you can direct yourself prior to going into your dream state! You can ask for a prophetic dream to warn you about danger, and then you won’t have to worry about anything until you have a bad dream. Or you can direct yourself to have prophetic dreams about wonderful and exciting things that will be coming up for you. Remote viewers will write down something like “Before I wake up, at x time, I am going to find out about Target #xyz.” Then they will go to sleep, wake up, remember the dream, write it down, and add it to their target summary report. Many fascinating details can come through in the dream state!

With practice, you can turn prophetic dreaming from a one-time, once in a while occurrence into an intuitive tool that you can use regularly to help you navigate your way through life!

Thanks for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

One of the biggest issues people face when learning how to be more psychic is that of reading for themselves. Whether you’re a seasoned intuitive with years of readings under your belt, or a newbie just learning to tune in, reading for yourself can indeed be extremely challenging. Your emotional state and/or desire for a specific outcome can absolutely stand in the way of you receiving clean and clear intel. That said, though…
Reading for Yourself is Not Impossible!

Although it can be difficult, reading for yourself is not impossible. Here are a couple of tips to help you get a handle on things.

Tip #1: Calm Down and Detach

Before you sit down to do a reading for yourself, take a few nice deep breaths and detach as much as possible from the situation you’re looking into, and from your own emotions and hopes and fears about potential outcomes. This may seem hard to do, but you can do it by just stilling your mind and meditating for a while, ideally 20-30 mins, before tuning in.  

Whatever method you are using, cards, i ching, runes, or your own psychic-ness, go deep into your system and then write down what you are picking up and what the divinations are telling you from a neutral place. Have no expectations. Try to think about it as if it’s not even your life or your issue. The more detached you are, the easier it will be. If you are dead set, you might make the divinations show you info you want to see as opposed to info that is accurate.

Tip #2: Embrace Trial & Error

In order to be excellent at reading for yourself, you may take as many as 5-10 years of dedicated tuning in and checking in, recording what you get, and seeing what life brings you so that you really know your blind spots.

For example, I’ve had people book sessions with such a strong desire to find out if the person they are dating is going to be “the one” that they at times sway the outcome of the reading. You can do this when reading for yourself, too, but once you get to know how you operate, you’ll be able to tell whether you are accurately tuning in to the truth of a situation, or letting your ego take over and just telling you what you really want to hear.

Tip #3 Cross-Check with Different Divinatory Systems 

A great way to read for yourself with accuracy is to cross-check your intel with different divinatory systems. Whether you use tarot cards, oracle cards, runes, the iching, pendulums, muscle testing, or your own clairs, cross-checking your answers with a few different systems is a great way to see a clear picture for yourself. It’s really fun to practice this, record what you get, and then see what happens, going back and cross-referencing things until you understand what you were getting and why. Then with future readings, it just gets easier and easier.

Remember to give yourself plenty of breathing room with this and to let it be fun! Your dedication will absolutely pay off, because once you get the hang of reading for yourself you’ll have another amazing tool for guidance in your life. It really is priceless.

Thanks for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

I can’t believe it’s July already! Can you?! This week’s chat is all about when you’re doing readings and/or learning how to access and tap into your own psychic and intuitive abilities. It’s a bit of a tricky subject, but here goes:

You Can’t Rely on the Person You’re Reading to Validate what You’re Getting!

And you can’t rely on them to tell you if what you are getting is accurate or not! It’s human nature to want validation, but seeking it can actually stop you from forging ahead in your psychic space.

If you want to do readings professionally for others, it’s crucial to have a practice period. Practice on a lot of people for free, and choose people who will encourage you to keep going with where you are going. Because there is no pay, there should be little to no expectation for you to be on point and to perform for them. They will know you’re practicing, which gives you a free pass to explore what comes through.


Paid Readings = Expectations

When you get into doing paid readings for people, there are a lot of expectations. You are expected to give answers, to be in a service role, to help them, to facilitate healing for them, and to be simpatico with them. That creates a whole other dynamic to the reading situation. If you are not well-versed and have not had the much-needed training period, it’s going to be hard for you to let go and let the wacky intuitive side flow.


Unpaid “Training” Readings = Freedom to Let it Flow

To be honest with you, being psychic isn’t about being practical. We can apply it to practical things and everyday life, but that’s not what it is at it’s very core. At the core, being psychic is about being wild and liberated and free and exploring the multiverse, talking to guides, aliens, angels, and God. It’s about all of that and more. It’s beautiful and wonderful. If you can take as much time as possible to let that inform you as you are practicing, there’s no telling what you’ll discover. The beauty and magic of it is indescribable. However, applying it to the physical world really hedges that in. People need you to give them concrete answers to questions like “Should I leave my husband, move here or there, leave my job,” etc.

If you let yourself get confident in your training period, when you do work with people for a monetary exchange, you will then be able to say “This what I am getting, and I know there is truth to it.” And eventually, you can guide them and help them to be more in tuned with this sacred, magical, intuitive realm.


Don’t Ask for Validation!

I know it’s hard, but during your practice readings, try not to ask the other person too often if what you are saying makes sense. Now, this is different than if you’re playing with your friends. Supportive buddies will totally help you and will love to tell you when they “get” what you are saying. With unpaid practice readings, though, try to just barrel through it. Your client may not understand what you are saying or connect the dots until maybe 2 weeks or a year after the session!I

The thing is, your client may not even be fully present for the reading, and therefore might not get what you are saying. So just because they say something doesn’t make sense doesn’t mean you are not onto something totally accurate and truthful!

Trust yourself, and keep practicing, and you will get there. I promise. 

Thank you so much for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

This week I wanted to share an observation that I’ve noticed: it seems that there is a massive surge of energy when someone is born and when someone dies.

It’s so incredibly fascinating and powerful. Have you heard or experienced what I’m talking about?

Batten Down the Hatches for Hurricane Ivan!

I first noticed this when when my son Ivan was born. Everything went haywire!  My cat Aloysius was going bananas, meowing like crazy at all hours. He definitely sensed something was up, as most animals do. But then our electronics went on the fritz, too. Many things broke, but what I remember most was that we had a nice coffee maker that made coffee and espresso. I’d had it for years, and it just went caput. We had to get a new one stat, right before hurricane Ivan made landfall. 😉

The Oven Went with Her…

My dear friend’s mom died last year after struggles with dementia and health issues. Right after she passed on, the stove/oven that had been in the house for over 50 years broke. She died, and the oven went with her. This was particularly poignant because she was the mother, the grounding force of that homestead, and the kitchen was the hub of her home. The oven breaking was very symbolic of her departure.

A few other electronic things went wrong, too, though. I swear that house is alive! One circuit shorted and could have started a blazing fire under my friend’s bed (!)  but it didn’t. The guy who came to repair it said it was a miracle she survived. I think angels and/or her mom were looking out for her there, don’t you?

Spirits Work with Electronics.

Another example of this is with spirits. They are very strong and pushy, and that’s why I am not fond of mediumship. For example, a family member died suddenly last year. I was at the gym the next morning, and my iPod started and stopped more than 10 times. I just KNEW it was her. My iPod had never fritzed out like that before, and it never did again. I feel like what happened there was that her spirit had vacated the body, was shocked, and was here with me (bc she knew I have “the sight”) as well as with her family. I could feel her going back and forth. Thank God the angels came and lifted her up into the higher realms…I felt that, too, and was relieved and grateful. 

Spirits really do mess with electronics. So if you think a spirit is trying to communicate with you, pay attention to lights going out, strange things happening with your circuitry, and radio waves. They will monkey with all kinds of electronic things to get your attention. I can’t explain why, but the energy of the soul impacts electronics. Go figure!

I just wanted to share this fascinating subject with you. There are so many things we don’t know about, but it’s great fun to talk about them and pay attention and notice. And in closing, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

This week’s video is about an interesting concept that is a little bit sad: can we ever really, truly, and completely heal from childhood wounds and trauma?

Doing intuitive work puts me in the trenches with people, which helps me to understand more about the human condition and what we all struggle and suffer with. And I’m here to tell you…

Emotional Wounds can be Healed – to an Extent

To an extent, you absolutely can heal a great deal of childhood wounds. You can do trauma work, energy healing, traditional therapy, hypnotherapy, and all kinds of other things to heal that wounded inner child. However, no matter how much work you do, those wounds are always going to be there. They set up this foundation for your life. To erase or dramatically heal to the extent where it doesn’t impact you at all would be akin to changing your entire personality.

My Traumatic Childhood

I came into this world as a miracle baby. My mother had cancer when she was pregnant with me. The doctors wanted her to abort, but she refused. After I was born, her cancer went into remission for 10 years, and came back when I was 10. Between the ages of 10 and 15, I watched her slowly die. I accompanied her to chemo treatments, combed her hair as it fell out of her head, and emptied her bag when she could no longer go to the bathroom. While I did have good memories, these childhood memories were extremely traumatic and deeply painful. When my mom died, it was not all roses after that, either. Life was hard, filled to the brim with the standard trials and tribulations that we all go through. 

My childhood created in me this fear that is always there, sort of like static in the background. I meditate and channel every day, and every day the guides tell me to let go of fear, release fear, there is nothing to be afraid of. I am working on it, and am making progress, but am I going to be this person who never went through this? No!Your Wounds Make You the Wonderful Person You Are

Those of us who were abused as kids, grew up with money issues, witnessed parents struggling and fighting, or whatever the case may be – nobody gets off scot free – have a unique advantage, though. Because sometimes undergoing difficult circumstances as a child makes us more compassionate caring adults. We are different from other people. This is not a bad thing.

Are We Really Here to be Happy?!?

In the spiritual world, there is such an emphasis on being happy. Many teach that the whole point of being here is to be happy. They say that you don’t have to struggle, and all you need to do is embrace love and release fear. However, if you are afraid to love because of past trauma that you experienced, it’s going to be difficult to burst your heart open and start loving and just being happy happy happy all the time.

If you are working to heal past trauma, know that it may take your entire lifetime. You may make certain strides and get to a certain level, then have setbacks. Your trauma is a part of who you are and makes you who you are. It’s great to work with it and heal it, but it will never completely go away. It’s a part of you.

Maybe We are Here to Heal Instead.

The reason you’re here might not be to be happy. Maybe you’re here to heal yourself, to evolve past your traumas and to be gentle with yourself. Then, perhaps, you can take what you have learned and share it with others. By being kind and present, you can hold the space for others in the struggle. 

There is no panacea for childhood trauma. While you can lesson it and work with it, you are not going to automatically erase it. It will always be there. 

Whatever you are going through or have gone through, remember to be gentle and patient with yourself and treat yourself like you are your own beautiful child who you are helping to live in this world. That way, you will be an enlightened person on the path of evolution.

I know that was a very heavy topic, so thank you for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

Have you ever heard the concept of people going through trials that test their faith or strength? I remember that used to be prevalent a while ago, but I haven’t heard it come up much lately in this era of instant gratification and manifesting as a cure-all to every woe.

No matter how much we know and how good and pure we are, many of us still struggle. And that goes for all of us, including light workers and those on the spiritual path – people just like you and me.Mother Teresa Struggled Too, Ya Know

There tends to be a common belief out there that those who are spiritual and do light work and energy healings don’t go through things, that they can handle everything and they don’t struggle. People were shocked when Jerry Hicks and Wayne Dyer died of cancer. The thing is, those of us walking the higher path do face a lot of trials. I mean, remember when it came out that Mother Teresa had some major struggles and moments of extreme doubt? And she’s a saint now! Come to think of it, many of the saints struggled immensely while here on earth. I mean, look what Christ went through! Jesus Christ!

Just because you can raise the dead, cure cancer, give anyone any answer in the world, talk to god, and see angels, doesn’t mean you get a free pass that makes you exempt from struggling. For those of us on the path of spiritual growth, it’s not all roses all the time. There are plenty of thorns, too.


If you are struggling deeply, please know that this is normal. Release any thoughts of guilt or shame, or the feeling that you should be able to fix yourself or solve this.

Just because you have all the tools available to humankind doesn’t mean you don’t go through things! I just really want to dispel the myth that you shouldn’t have to go through stuff or suffer. That brings shame, which adds more bad energy to what is happening.

Everyone who is here on the planet is going through stuff. We struggle, we overcome, we have good cycles and bad cycles. If we were superhuman and perfect, we probably would not need to incarnate here. It’s a normal part of the path.

There is Plenty of Help, both Here and on the Other Side.

The good news is, there is plenty of help out there if you are on this path. Follow your favorite teachers, read their books, work with them, listen to their meditations. Get healings and energy work. Find new teachers when you’ve mastered the teachings of old ones. Cycle back to ones you loved in the past. Don’t limit yourself! 

Ask for your guides and angels and god and higher power and the entire universe to bring you the help you need and help you get through cycle of darkness and pain to get to the other side. There is no reason you have to be strong all by yourself. These higher-level beings offer a great amount of solace and hope in times of darkness. 

I have worked with wonderful people who feel that they have been pushed to what they feel is the very end. They’re on the phone with me sobbing, saying I can’t handle one more thing, and they don’t want to be here anymore. And wouldn’t you know, by some miracle or another, they feel better the next day. Eventually, a new cycle begins, and they’re OK. They’ve made it through to the other side.

If you are struggling, just know that you are NOT alone!

Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

So many people who are searching for true, lasting, meaningful love come to me for sessions to find out what they are doing to create blocks and repeat negative patterns. While everyone is different, one common thread I have found is that a lot of what’s going on has to do with scarcity thinking.

What Does Scarcity Thinking Mean?

In a nutshell, it means they are afraid they are going to have to settle for less. This fear manifests in a myriad of questions:

“Is the guy you see me with going to be shorter than I want?”

“Am I going to even be attracted to my future husband?”

“Is he at least somewhat good looking?” 

And these questions are all speaking to the same fundamental core issue, which is,

“Please tell me I don’t have to settle for an ogre.”

Of course I get that fear! But that fear, unfortunately, can stop the flow of things happening in your love life. It indicates that you feel you’re not going to be able to have someone come in who is right for you, who you want to have in your life. And it stops the flow when you are looking around the world like “Oh no, I am so not going to get what I want.” Imagine taking that energy with you when you’re shopping for clothes or shoes or makeup! That’s no fun at all! Whereas when you’re excited and hopeful and you know you’re going to score…you generally do.A Core Question: What do you feel you deserve to have?

If you have a sneaking suspicion that you might be aligning with scarcity thinking, don’t worry! Just be real with yourself, and explore how you feel. Get deep into the emotion of it and the energy behind it. Don’t be afraid to feel it. And be honest! If you think there is no one out there for you, say it. Write it down. If you worry that you’re too old to find love, write that down. If you’re afraid you’ve never had good luck and you never will, acknowledge that, too. 

Once you get it all out, purge it! Send it down your grounding cord and release it. Meditate and clairvoyantly see pictures that represent that fear, and then blow them up and watch that energy dissipate. Of course, you can also work with an energy healer or intuitive or therapist to help you heal and release this energy.

Are You Willing to Accept Love when it Arrives?

Another issue that often comes up around blocks to love is that of sending away good potentials. For example, when you see someone who might be suitable for you, you find reasons not to like that person and you stop anything from developing. Maybe you are still caught up with another unsuitable person, or you look for reasons not to like the person that is here for you right now.

A great way to work with this is to practice being open to love coming through in many different ways, shapes, and forms. No, you do not have to settle, but you do need to be open to a myriad of different people as potential partners. Different ethnicities, ages, etc. There are billions of people on the planet! Start to look for the beauty in others! Look into their eyes and see their spirit and you will find so many more wonderful people you could be in partnership with.

And Last but Not Least…Manifesting Time!

Sometimes we are so used to living on auto pilot that we forget what powerful manifestors we are. You really can get what you want in life. Once you see that you can create circumstance and experiences and things in other areas of your life, you can apply it to love and watch beautiful transformations take place. Start easy! Make a manifesting list, a vision board, and start to make that happen. Keep it simple! Try to remember that it can be as easy as making a grocery list: you just go to the store and get all the things on your list. You created a fridge full of food! You can do the same with manifesting other things in life, including love. Why not?!

Finally, as I always say, once you know you have a block or pattern, you can release it! There is so much reason to have hope. Really and truly.

Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

As I’ve been discussing recently, a lot of people approach the psychic realm with a sense of trepidation and fear. They are afraid something they don’t want to know is going to come up, or that they’re going to get devastating news that will make them feel hopeless and powerless. That said, though….


Readers Don’t Want a Bad Reading, Either!

The majority of those of us who are doing readings and energy healings really want to help people move in a positive direction. We are all about delivering empowering information and providing healing assistance, helping seekers release negative energy and blocks so that they can transform and grow. When people are afraid of us, or afraid we have the power to deliver bad news, it creates another layer of negative energy we have to work to dissolve. It’s like cutting through the clouds with a ray of sunlight. We can do it…but sometimes the fear is so strong it creates a block to the healing flow. 

To make all of this a bit easier, I’ve put together a short and sweet list that will help you prepare for a reading so you can get the best possible outcome.


How to Prepare for a Reading:

1. Do your due diligence and make sure you know what the person you are reading with is about. You want to like the person and feel safe with them. Do you get a good vibe? What are the person’s reviews like? What does the person’s energy seem like to you? Some readers are abrasive, others are gentle and caring. This is an energy exchange, so it’s very important that you like the person and feel safe with them!

2. Make a list of the things you want to cover, and be clear in your questions. Don’t make them vague. Be concise, and ask them in empowering ways. Not “What is going to happen to me?” but more like “What can I do to make the change I desire come about?” See the video above for more examples. 🙂

3. Take 10 mins before your reading to meditate, drink water, and ask your guides and angels to help you get the highest, most empowering clarity from your session. Ask for clarity, hope, and help. Your intention will make a difference!

4. A reading is not going to go well if you are afraid of the reader. Be open and trust that this person is not doing readings to scare people and make them feel bad. They are there to help you in the best way possible. 

5. Don’t go into a reading in panic mode! That energy will affect the session. It creates ripples of fear and static and can get in the way of clear intel coming through. If you wait, breathe, relax, calm your vibration down, and get determined, the energy will be smoother. It will be easier for the reader, and you will get a lot more clarity.

Remember, be super clear and determined to get the best insight possible, and you will have an amazing experience!

Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

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