The Fine Art of Being Psychic vs. Giving Advice 

As we collectively grow and evolve, more and more of us are tuning in to our natural and innate psychic and intuitive abilities. Having a deeper perception of the seen and unseen world around us helps us navigate our way through the uncharted waters of our lives; to heal, transform, and evolve in different ways and on different levels.

It takes practice to be clear and intuitive – to separate out our powerful desires and thought processes from what is truly psychic information. That’s why clairvoyance is such a great entry point for learning to activate your intuition. When you’re using your clairvoyance, you are solely relying on images and pictures that provide information to inform you. And pure clairvoyance comes in the form of colors and imagery that oftentimes do not make logical sense.

If you are learning to be more psychic, it’s very important to be able to differentiate between pure and clear clairvoyant imagery and general advice-giving. In the video above, I chit chat a bit about this. The most effective case in point that I can illustrate is a student I once had who desperately wanted to be psychic in order to help people. He kept getting in his own way, though. He would start out seeing great clairvoyant imagery, but because he wasn’t willing to let go and let it flow, he would stop himself, start asking the readee questions, and then just start doling out regular old advice.

Anyone can give advice.

It takes courage to be purely clairvoyant and to allow that intuitive information, as out-there and wacky as it may seem, to provide otherworldly guidance. It’s not logical because it exists beyond the bounds of logic – which is what makes it so special.

Basically, being truly psychic is about NOT using your analytical mind. It’s about NOT being logical, as hard as that can be. The breakdown is very simple:

Analytical Mind/Advice-Giving Information:

Focuses on problem-solving
Appears as a thought or belief: “I think you should…” etc

Clairvoyant/Intuitive Information:

Appears in the form of colors and images
Doesn’t seem to make logical sense, but if you let the images flow, it creates a set of pictures that informs

We are trained to think clearly, to be logical, rational, sensible and practical. And that’s fine. It keeps us safe, for the most part. But adding clairvoyance into the mix can really inform in a very wonderful and magical way. Using a combination of the two in your everyday life can help. If you want to be purely psychic, however, the best way to let that information flow is to pause the analytical mind and let the intuitive process flow without constriction. It takes practice, but it can be done!

Thanks for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

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