How to Cleanse Your Tarot and Oracle Cards

The other day I revisited my Albano-Waite tarot deck after a loooong break. I used to use these cards often, but have been studying the iChing instead of cards more intensely for the past few years.

I got out my favorite deck, purchased in a beautiful little fairytale village in the Loire Valley in France, and did a reading. The read was off and the cards felt heavy. I didn’t resonate with what they were saying.

So I switched to my other version of the same deck – shiny and newer. Same cards. And the cards felt light and happy and the reading was accurate.

Have you ever noticed this happening with your tarot and oracle cards? After a lot of use, cards can get heavy with energy and become super flat and un-magical.

There’s an easy solution, though – cleansing them. It takes a while, but basically, you can envision each card surrounded by white light, and then purify each card with sage, palo santo, frankincense and copal, or any other purifying smoke you like.  You can even set the cards outside under clear quartz crystals in sunlight or moonlight! Just don’t let them sit in the sun too long or get wet at night.

Next time your cards feel off, try this – and let me know how it goes!

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