Where does the Soul go After Life?

This week’s video came as a recent request from Ebonee. It’s such an important topic, one we all likely wonder about at some point in another during our lives. In Western culture, a sort of apprehension surrounds death. However, it’s such a natural process that if we removed the fear element, we might see that it is in fact a very beautiful process.

In some cases, the soul goes straight into the epic light we have all heard about time and time again. In other cases, though, the spirit/soul stays on the earth plane a while. This is either because the spirit doesn’t know that the body is over, (confusion) or because it wants to hang around for a little bit.

It’s important to know that time is irrelevant in other realms outside of this dimension. A soul that doesn’t go straight into the light isn’t aware of the passage of time. At some point or another, a transition will take place, and the soul will move upwards and onwards.

I don’t have a map of the afterlife like a map of Disneyland, but it would be interesting to know all of what exists over there. I believe it could be so vast as to be incomprehensible to us in our human state of mind.

For the time being, we can put bits and pieces together, do our own astral traveling and cartography, and trust that no matter what happens, we will always be OK.

Have you or someone you love had a near-death experience? If so, please share them in the comments on YouTube!

Thanks so much for reaching and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

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