Fate, Destiny, & Free Will

I ponder the concept of fate and destiny quite a bit. When it comes to manifesting, we are always told that we as humans are SO powerful. That our minds create our realities. So why are we not always living the lives of our dreams?

The short answer? Fate and destiny! We all have karma. We are not necessarily here to be our best, happiest Instagram-worthy selves. We are here to learn and grow.

While contemplating this the other day, I was shown the image of life as a river. There are some big huge rocks in that river, representing fate and destiny. These are things you can’t change that will happen in your life no matter what.

As you go down that river heading towards fate, you can take a couple of different streams. Let’s say one stream is calm and happy. You relax, have a good time, and then get pushed out into that fate. It makes an epic big splash, but because you were pretty relaxed up to that point, it’s a shock, and it takes you some time to heal, but that’s a part of your path. There is a reason for this.

Let’s say you go down a different stream, one that’s exciting and stressful and hectic and sometimes fun. You head smack into that boulder of fate and WHAM! It throws you for a loop. It takes you a much longer time to heal, but that’s a part of your path, too.

Fate is always going to be there. It’s the choices you make along the path that give you some semblance of control.

One of the most important things we can control, the only thing we can control, when it comes to the things we can’t change, is our reaction to them.

Truly, one of the most profound and simple things to do when confronted by fate is to relax and allow grace to guide you.

We all have to deal with fate and destiny! It’s a part of life. But by monitoring how we feel, by being flexible, and shifting our mindset, we can thrive in the aftermath of these big things outside of our control.

Have you had things in your life that you KNEW were fate and destiny? How did you cope? How did it change you? Put it in the comments below if you are watching on YouTube.

Thank you so much for reading and watching. See you next time

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