A Dream Visitation Story

I’ve made a few videos about when people visit you in your dreams. People love them, and have so many experiences to share. I’ve heard countless stories about departed loved ones visiting in the dream state, for example. These incidences are very, very real for the dreamer and provide much-needed comfort and closure.

Today I want to share something really interesting that happened to me in the dream state recently. I don’t remember the dream, but when I woke up, my friend Dominic’s name was on my mind. We’d planned to meet up, but then the winter lockdown in LA happened. Dominic is a shaman, energy healer, and massage therapist. He is wonderful.

I checked my email that morning, and get this – Dominic wrote to me! Not only that, but he said I visited him in his dream that night. I told him about all of this shoulder pain I have, and described a radiating pain all down my neck and spine.

What is nuts (and amazing) about this is that I’d tripped while running the other day and actually got whiplash. I am also re-habbing an injured shoulder with physical therapy.

So that dream WAS a dream visitation – and we made plans to meet and do a trade.

Isn’t all of this so interesting? I love it!

Have you had dreams like that? If so, please share in the comments below on YouTube. It’s so cool to hear about what you guys experiencing in the dream state, too.

Thanks for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time!

All the Best,


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