Have you ever had a paranormal experience?

A lot of people drawn to psychic/intuitive work have had a paranormal experience that showed them life is really not what we think it is. That there is SO much more to the universe than we can possibly comprehend.

(If you have had one of these experiences, please do share in the comments on YouTube. I would LOVE to know all about it!!!!)

It’s so easy to go about life in a “regular” way, doing things the way society wants us to. So we can have, say, one paranormal experience, push the memory out of our minds, and move on. Or, we can become interested in the mystical world, read up on things, and learn as a hobby. The third option is my personal favorite, though. That’s having this experience lead us down a path that opens our eyes to the mysteries of the universe and changes our lives for the better.

The thing about the paranormal is this: the more we focus on it, the more it becomes normal. Not extraordinary, but ordinary. Our job is to notice. If we have our blinders on, are locked up in our phones, etc, it will just pass us by! And that can happen so easily!

I do this psychic work daily. I am also a wife and mother and I have a cat. Sometimes the magic isn’t as sparkling with all the things going on in life! I recently met with a psychic friend who inspired me. She invited her guides, and signs and snychronicities from them and elsewhere, into her life. She LIVES in the flow these days. Instead of Googling for an answer, she will just look around her, and it will appear. It’s amazing how she has managed to do this. And we all can. It just starts with the intention to do so.

And the best place to start…in the universe of courses and meditations at Krishanti.com! Have you tried one yet? If so, please leave a kind review – this feature is relatively new and will help immensely. Thank you!

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

If you like traveling to places with beautiful earth and spiritual energy, Tahiti is one of the most magnificent places I’ve ever been to.

It’s different from the energy of popular sites like Sedona, New Mexico, and Mt. Shasta.

The energy of Tahiti is overwhelming (in a good way). It’s all-encompassing. Primal. Just being in that part of the world grounds you, the earth energy there is so powerful! There are vortexes everywhere.

The way I can tell there’s a vortex is that my throat chakra feels different. It’s like an opening feeling. The throat chakra is all about channeling and intuition, and speaking your truth. Vortex energy just activates our power centers and facilitates awakenings. There were vortexes at the waterfalls, vortexes at the beach, the water garden, everywhere!

I was so moved by the energy of Tahiti that I did a deep dive into Tahitian spirituality. The foundation of Tahitian spirituality is the concept of Mana. Mana is energy. And mana is in everything. Spiritualism is huge in Tahitian culture; the veil is quite thin there. I read so many stories about spirits in Tahiti!

This lush paradise was untouched until a little over 200 years ago, when Captain Cook found the islands. Sadly, after they discovered Tahiti, they sent in the missionaries. The idea was, “These people are really nice, they will let us do whatever we want!” And they then took Tahiti away from the Tahitians and made it French.

The missionaries told Tahitians that their sacred spiritual practices were satanic. Instead of worshipping/practicing at their sacred stone marae (temples) they built churches. Women had to put shirts on. Tattooing, which is sacred, was made obsolete. If anyone was found practicing their traditional spirituality, they were literally ostracized – kicked out. Which, for Tahitians, is the worst possible punishment.

Tahiti now is a blend of French and Polynesian culture. Tattooing has come back, which is beautiful to see. And on a positive note, I think many of us are realizing that connecting with the earth is the best way to live. Tahitians lived off the land and farmed the sea for thousands of years, and lived very holistically that way. Modernity has brought us great things – like the ability to fly to Tahiti – but in the end, our connection to the earth is everything.

What are your thoughts on all of this? How about missionaries telling people that their beliefs are wrong? Do you think that’s an invasion of a basic human right? And how about vortexes!?!

Please share in the comments!

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

Have you ever seen that movie Groundhog Day? The exact same day repeats itself over and over and over again.

Guess what? This is actually the way the universe teaches US important lessons we came here to learn in this lifetime! If we don’t figure it out the first time, it will get served up to us again and again, like Groundhog Day, until we finally master the lesson and escape that part of the matrix.

How can you tell if the universe is sending you a “Groundhog Day” lesson? You’ll know. It’ll be that “Oh God, not this again” energy that you thought you had finally gotten away from. It’s the same thing happening over and over again. The same type of person. The same sort of situation. The same type of energy. The funniest thing is when you notice it’s the EXACT same type of behavior, but with a new person. Or the EXACT same type of situation, only delivered in a new way. It’s amazing and quite interesting how that works.

The good news is that the work you have to do to escape this cycle is always good for you. It may feel like an ordeal when the same crap keeps happening (boy have I been there), but the work to extricate yourself is incredibly empowering.

And it can be as simple as you saying “Oh HELL no, I am not letting yet another person treat me like that.”

When you take a stance and are firmly rooted in what is really good for you, what makes you feel good and what makes your life one that is joyful, a life you absolutely love, that energy dissipates.

Have you noticed this happening in your life? Did it stop? If so, how did you change it? If not, what is the pattern that keeps happening? What do you think you need to do for it to finally stop? Please share in the comments!

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

This video is focused on spiritual growth and improving yourself in this lifetime.

There is a huge emphasis in America on manifesting and getting things. But few material objects and even experiences will make a difference if you’re not in alignment with your deepest inner self.

Psychic work can help with this in the most amazing way. Why? Because it bypasses traditional language and gets to the energetic CORE of what is longing to be transformed within. When we move beyond the “tell me my future” aspect and allow clairvoyance to transform the self, breakthroughs happen.

There’s a great quote from James DeKorne’s iChing: “As long as we draw breath in this spacetime dimension, our lives and work are incomplete.” The ultimate achievement in lifetime of transformative work on oneself is enlightenment and (hopefully) release from samsara.

So much more on all of this in the video above, so please watch. And let us know in the comments – have you had incredible spiritual breakthroughs or transformations? What do you think about the material focus of manifesting, vs. the true ideal of personal growth?

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

This week’s topic is not my favorite subject in the intuitive realm. In fact, it’s my least favorite! I’m talking about spirits (ghosts). Some people are fascinated by the topic. I, for one, am not.

Spirits/ghosts have a presence that is intrusive and pushy. Angels and guides are waaaay more sensitive. They work with you when you ask and do not mess with you when you are busy trying to live your life. Yes, they will intervene at moments, but they do not harass you. That is not their style.

Spirits, on the other hand, do not care. They will do anything to try and get your attention. They can violate your space and boundaries, especially when the veil is thin and they have not gone to the light.

And why are some spirits still hanging around the earth realm? There are many reasons. Sometimes they were confused when they died and don’t know where they are or that they are dead. Other times, they have unfinished business they can’t let go of. They weren’t ready to die, and they desperately need to say or do a few things.

If you are sensitive, it’s as if they can tell you can see/hear them. And so they do everything to get your attention, even if you have no idea who they are and you are not a medium and have no desire to listen to what they have to say. The worst thing is, some of them just won’t leave. They try and attach (not good). So you have to actually stop everything you are doing, and do a spirit releasement ceremony to get them to leave. I’ve had to do this! It’s extremely time consuming, but sometimes it’s the only option if you wish to regain your peace.

If spirits are bothering you, these tips can help get them out of your field and out of your environment:

1. Level 1 – Basic

Light some sage, palo santo, or copal to create a sacred space. Bring in flowers and beautiful music or singing bowls/bells to clear the vibration of the space you are in. Pray to all of the angels and guides and ask them to help the spirit cross over. Politely ask the spirit or spirits to go to the light. Plan on spending 30-60 minutes on this.

2. Level 2 – Intermediate

Create a sacred space (above). Meditate to ground yourself. Then, fill your aura with light. Spend some time on this  – 15 mins minimum on the light work alone. Then, imagine you are going on a field trip to the proverbial gates of heaven, where all of the angels are. Whatever religion you are – it doesn’t matter. Imagine you are escorting this spirt with angels and loved ones through the gates of heaven. Make sure it feels all the love and light and see it disappear. Plan on spending 60 mins to 3 hours on this. It may take more than one try.

3. Level 3 – Advanced

Just go to a professional. There are mediums who specialize in spirit releasement. This is a unique talent. I put this in the advanced category because here you are just not messing around. You are going to drop some serious cash (please just don’t believe anyone who charges you thousands). However, when the situation is dire and/or you just are not having luck, this is an advanced situation and you need professional help. I have had to do this at times, and it was well worth it.

There is so much more to the world of energy than we are aware of, and unfortunately psychic work is kind of like opening Pandora’s Box. But this world can be navigated with proper care and attention.

Have you had experienced spirits around? Were you able to release them? Please share in the comments on YouTube! Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

I’ve made a few videos about when people visit you in your dreams. People love them, and have so many experiences to share. I’ve heard countless stories about departed loved ones visiting in the dream state, for example. These incidences are very, very real for the dreamer and provide much-needed comfort and closure.

Today I want to share something really interesting that happened to me in the dream state recently. I don’t remember the dream, but when I woke up, my friend Dominic’s name was on my mind. We’d planned to meet up, but then the winter lockdown in LA happened. Dominic is a shaman, energy healer, and massage therapist. He is wonderful.

I checked my email that morning, and get this – Dominic wrote to me! Not only that, but he said I visited him in his dream that night. I told him about all of this shoulder pain I have, and described a radiating pain all down my neck and spine.

What is nuts (and amazing) about this is that I’d tripped while running the other day and actually got whiplash. I am also re-habbing an injured shoulder with physical therapy.

So that dream WAS a dream visitation – and we made plans to meet and do a trade.

Isn’t all of this so interesting? I love it!

Have you had dreams like that? If so, please share in the comments below on YouTube. It’s so cool to hear about what you guys experiencing in the dream state, too.

Thanks for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time!

All the Best,


A few years ago, I made a video about people showing up in dreams. The idea came up because a few clients at the time had been sharing experiences where they had very REAL dream interactions with people. Some were still alive, and some had departed.

That video got so many views I was blown away. People continue to watch it and comment on it, asking for help interpreting dreams and sharing their experiences. I am not a dream interpreter, but I do know some things about what our consciousness does in the dream state.

We are all made of energy; we are spirits inhabiting a physical body. As souls, we are continuously traveling in and out of our bodies. And we do a lot of work in the dream state! Some of this work is basic subconscious processing. And some of the work involves very real meetings and interactions with others while in the dream state!

So, in this video above, I chat about meeting people in your dreams and how to tell the difference between a “visitation” dream and just a regular “processing” dream.

If you are watching this video on YouTube, please share in the comments. I really want to hear about your experiences with visiting with people in the dream state. Thank you!

This week’s message is a little more out there than usual! It’s about gnomes and the fairy folk, and whether or not they are “real.”

I have never seen a gnome, elf, or fairy in person, but I would love to. I got the idea for this topic because I did a session with someone who had seen gnomes as a child.

Fun fact: I LOVE gnomes, I have the classic gnome book by Rien Poortvliet, I used to make gnome t-shirts and onesies for babies, and my son was an adorable gnome baby for his second Halloween, chubby cheeks, pointy red hat, and all.

When I exclaimed in delight over her gnome sighting, the readee corrected me, and said they were mean and scary! She remembered that they didn’t like her, and she ran away. I tuned in psychically, and what I saw was that the gnomes themselves were terrified. Here was this human coming into their territory — so they made themselves look angry in order to scare her off. They didn’t know if she was going to come back with an adult or an evil kid who would throw rocks at them, stab them, or capture them and keep them in captivity. So they disappeared after that, and she never saw them there again.

I hoped that seeing this would help her trust that it wasn’t personal, and that gnomes are not, traditionally speaking, mean creatures.

I loved the whole exchange, because I strongly feel that the more we keep an open mind, the better. Everything has a spirit, and everything is energy. There are spirits in the trees and spirits in the water. Why wouldn’t there also be elementals and nature spirits, fairies and elves as well?

And of course they would live far out in nature, away from us, because we are a destructive warlike race. And it would be second nature for a human to see a fairy, tell a friend, capture it, and dissect it, just to prove it’s real. We like to capture things and put them in cages for our amusement.

The magical creatures are smart enough to avoid us, and we, in turn, pretend they do not exist.

The further we go back in our lineage, the more likely we are to hear stories of our ancestors seeing them. I love fairytales and myths and fables, because in all of these ancient traditions, there are vivid stories about the little people and the fairy folk. Why did these tales originate? They came from somewhere! And they are so prevalent!

Have you seen magical creatures in this lifetime? Or do you have stories about your ancestors seeing them? If so, please share in the comments below if you are watching on YouTube!

Thanks so much for reading and watching!

When you are on the spiritual path and working on healing yourself, one of the best things you can do is forgive those who have hurt you. Not so the other person feels better, but so you are released from the pain that was created and the damage that was done to you.

Forgiving Bullies

Many of us sensitive people have been hurt by bullies. It’s a trigger issue for me, because I’ve been bullied. I know how painful and horrible it is. Bullies are scary. When you’re in a home or work environment where you can’t easily escape, it’s a matter of life and death. So the forgiveness of bullies is an extra powerful exercise for spiritual growth.

How can you possibly forgive a horrible, mean person like a bully?

Escape First

Obviously, getting away from (or stopping) a bully is the top priority. Earlier this year, my son told me an older boy at his school was bullying him, and recruited 3 other little boys to the cause. I immediately called the principal, who nipped it in the bud. In some cases, though, bullies won’t stop. The only recourse is to get far away from them. Once you’ve escaped, you can begin to heal the damage that was done to you.

How to Heal

The most gentle way of dealing with the fallout from bullies is to understand what happened to them and why they behave that way. Understanding is like a soothing balm on a wound, and it immediately reduces inflammation and starts the healing process.

Some bullies are just downright evil people. Everything is not all roses out there, and some humans actually delight in torturing other people. Others have psychological disorders for which there is no cure. If you can understand that they are sick, as are the evil people, you can release them with compassion and forgiveness because they know not what they do. They are ill.

Other bullies were abused as children or adults, and feel threatened by you and your light. They are acting out because they’re in pain. Their self-esteem is so low that they thrive on taking others down.

The Writing Process

There are other reasons people bully, of course. One of the most profound and powerful ways you can heal AND boost your intuitive skills is to journal. Write out why the person acts the way they do. Create it like a story. Chances are, you will be more accurate than you could ever begin to believe. And this writing process is very healing. You will hit on powerful truths.

You can then write “I release you, and I forgive you. You will not longer hurt me” or something to that effect. And if you want to make a ceremony out of it, burn the story about the person, and burn your note of forgiveness. Do this when the moon is waning, and you will have a powerful releasing process.

The act of forgiveness of a bully is serious work. And it’s important, because it releases you from being a victim. When you forgive, you lock in your true power. You are safe and protected. And that means you have the power to advocate for others who are being bullied. Together we can overcome this on a global scale.

I hope that makes sense and helps. If you have been or are being bullied, my heart goes out to you. Thanks so much for reading and watching.

I have found over the years that there’s an ideal mindset to follow when you’re doing psychic and spiritual work. It’s basically being skeptical, but open and willing to learn, and curious about everything.

Too Much Skepticism = Bad News

Being too skeptical closes you off to everything! The people who think anything psychic is fake, or the work of Satan, end up shutting themselves off to the magic and wonder of this realm. Skeptical people tend to ridicule believers, too. Those of us who are sensitive have a very hard time with that. Some of us are afraid to shine our light for fear of being burned at the stake. This is not an unfounded fear.

Too Much Blind Belief = Bad News

If you are too extra with the woo-woo, that can be bad, too! Walking around with your head in the clouds, being too airy-fairy and over the top, can leave you ungrounded. It can also lead you to believe people, concepts, and ideas that may not be in your best interest to follow. You might open yourself up to corruption, like the people drinking the Kool-aid to get on the Mothership.

The Middle of the Road

I firmly believe the best path is to take everything and study it before fully believing it. Read the books. Listen to the meditations. Watch the videos. And then, decide for yourself: is this true for me?

I come across so many different concepts in this psychic work. Some resonate with me, and some don’t. For example, I discovered the iChing when a friend did readings with it. She did some for me, and I was intrigued. Eventually, I got the iChing book she used, and another…and then more. I continue to do readings for myself, and find them to be insightful and accurate. You see, using cards and clairvoyance for yourself can be tricky. Your own “stuff” tends to get in the way. But the iChing is different, and can be very clear. So I use it more often now, because I find it to be very helpful.

A lot of this boils down to plain old trial and error. If something really resonates with you, then it’s meant for you. Remember that people in authority and power are invested in your believing them. They will say whatever they need to say to be heard, even if they’re not authentic. Questioning leads you to your power. And being skeptical, but curious, is a wonderful state that allows you freedom, but protects your safety and sanity.

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