People Showing Up In Your Dreams (Part 2)

A few years ago, I made a video about people showing up in dreams. The idea came up because a few clients at the time had been sharing experiences where they had very REAL dream interactions with people. Some were still alive, and some had departed.

That video got so many views I was blown away. People continue to watch it and comment on it, asking for help interpreting dreams and sharing their experiences. I am not a dream interpreter, but I do know some things about what our consciousness does in the dream state.

We are all made of energy; we are spirits inhabiting a physical body. As souls, we are continuously traveling in and out of our bodies. And we do a lot of work in the dream state! Some of this work is basic subconscious processing. And some of the work involves very real meetings and interactions with others while in the dream state!

So, in this video above, I chat about meeting people in your dreams and how to tell the difference between a “visitation” dream and just a regular “processing” dream.

If you are watching this video on YouTube, please share in the comments. I really want to hear about your experiences with visiting with people in the dream state. Thank you!

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